
Chapter 15: Mastery of the Geo Element

Farewell to what was called superior and subordinate, but was actually the relationship between father and daughter, the master and guest of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

Wang Daoyi walked towards the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the golden Geo Vision around his waist shining like a priceless gem, attracting the attention of passersby.

Although in Liyue, descendants of immortals and mortals coexist, and there are also exorcist sorcerers mingling in the market, seeming extraordinary everywhere.

But in reality, compared to the vast population of Liyue Harbor, very few people possess the Vision. The most well-known ones are the Ningguang and Kuqing among the Qixing Liyue, as well as the l the eccentric master of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

So when a stranger appeared with the Vision around his waist, it inevitably attracted the attention of the crowd.

Wang Daoyi didn't care about the curious gaze of passersby. For him, all his attention was now focused on communicating with the Vision.

Although he seemed indifferent on the surface, how could he not care in reality?

This was the Vision after all. In his previous life when he played games, he had often wondered what kind of person he would become if he obtained a Vision.

Through communicating with the Geo Vision, Wang Daoyi clearly sensed that there were numerous bright yellow light spots around him. He knew that this was one of the seven elements of the Teyvat world, constituting the continent's Geo Element.

Although he had just obtained the Geo Vision, Wang Daoyi naturally knew how to use it. In the mechanics of the game, Wang Daoyi had obtained the talent called Mastery of the Geo Element.

With just a thought, the bright yellow light spots quickly condensed in his palm, and a three-dimensional, prismatic rock crystal appeared in his palm. The rock crystal hovered in his palm and kept spinning, emitting a dazzling golden sheen reminiscent of gold and stone.

"So beautiful!"

"It's as shiny as Mora!"

"It's like a gem!"

Several children who had followed him out of curiosity exclaimed in amazement when they saw this magical scene.

The children's exclamation interrupted Wang Daoyi's thoughts, and he looked towards the source of the sound.

It was familiar faces, the children of the dock teahouse. As the new owner of the teahouse, Wang Daoyi was already familiar with these three children.

"It's you guys. Why aren't you playing pirate games at the dock today?"

Wang Daoyi casually waved his hand, and the crystallized rock element in his hand instantly dissipated, the beautiful gem bursting in his palm.

"Yesterday, Brother Baizhu told us that lotus seeds had matured in the pond in front of the Nobles' Court, so we went to the Nobles' Court to pick lotus seeds today!"

Little girl Lulu looked at the beautiful rock crystal dispersing and seemed somewhat disappointed.

"Big brother, are you the owner of the Vision? Was that your elemental power just now?"

The other two children, Afei and Xiaomeng, also looked at him curiously.

Wang Daoyi smiled and nodded, flipping his right hand to make another rock crystal appear and hover in his palm. Then, he glanced at the three children and, with a thought, the originally egg-sized rock crystal differentiated into three smaller crystals.

"Yes, that's right. This is my elemental power, the Geo element."

He handed the three crystals to the three children.

These three children were the children of dockworkers, playing at the dock every day. Wang Daoyi and their fathers were already acquainted.

"High concentration elemental power is very dangerous, so these three crystals can only last for one day, and you can only play with them for one day!"

Although the entire Teyvat is filled with the seven elements, high-concentration elemental power is harmful to ordinary people's bodies.

Although the rgeo element crystals Wang Daoyi gave to the three children couldn't be considered high concentration, they still dissipated after a day.

Of course, even if Wang Daoyi didn't restrict them, these crystals would continuously emit elemental power and would completely dissipate in a maximum of three days.

The three children took the crystals, completely ignoring Wang Daoyi's words that they could only play with them for one day. For them, being able to get these magical elemental crystals was already a happy thing.

After bidding farewell to the three children who happily went to the Nobles' Court to pick lotus seeds, Wang Daoyi continued on to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

Hmm, they weren't on the way anyway. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and the Nobles' Court are almost at opposite ends of Liyue. These three children only followed him because of their curiosity about the Vision.

Back at the Wanmin Restaurant, Master Mao seemed to be absent, while Xiangling was cleaning, and Guoba was also helping to tidy up the tables and chairs.

Wang Daoyi walked over, casually picked up a rag, and started to work.

The three of them... the two of them plus Guoba worked quickly, and in no time, a dozen tables were cleaned.

"Are we closing up so early today? "

"We don't have much ingredients left in the shop, so we won't be cooking today. Thanks for your help, Brother Daoyi. Come have some water. Have you finished your business?"

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xiangling poured a glass of water for Wang Daoyi.

Taking the glass, Wang Daoyi took a sip.

"It's done. Mr. Zhongli is versatile and easily resolved my doubts. Thanks to Xiangling's nut cakes too!" he said, showing Xiangling his Geo Vision. "Look, I also got the Vision!"

Blushing at the praise, Xiangling looked at the Visionin Wang Daoyi's hand with surprise.

"Brother Daoyi also got the Vision? This is the gods' recognition of us. Brother Daoyi must also have great dreams!"

Xiangling also had the Vision, which was of the Fire attribute. After deciding to take over as the head chef of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Xiangling clarified her own beliefs:

"No matter what ingredients I use, I must make super delicious dishes!"

Adhering to this belief, Xiangling gained the recognition of the gods and obtained her current Pyro Vision.

And after obtaining the Vision, she wholeheartedly and unreservedly adhered to this ideal, even though she often made dishes that could be described as "terrifying", her determination to continuously experiment with cooking never wavered.

"Yes, after I clarified my own ideals, this Vision appeared!"

"What is Brother Daoyi's dream then?"

Curiously looking at Wang Daoyi, Xiangling was eager to know what dreams her friend, who also loved cooking, had.

Wang Daoyi tightly held the Geo Vision.

"It's knowledge. I will continue to pursue new knowledge until the flame of my life extinguishes."

As Wang Daoyi spoke of his dream, the Geo Vision in his hand also emitted a dazzling light, as if echoing his words.

Xiangling also nodded in agreement, believing that Wang Daoyi's dream was worthy of recognition.

"Lu~" Guoba also felt that this was a great dream.

Hanging the Vision back around his waist, Wang Daoyi mentioned the dinner he would treat Zhongli and Hu Tao to in the evening.

"Hutao and Mr. Zhongli, no problem, leave it to me. Hutao loves boiled fish and shrimp dumplings, and Mr. Zhongli happens to have some leftover Guyun Stone Forest sea salt from before, so I'll let him try the taste of this time's pepper-salt tofu."

Hearing that Wang Daoyi would treat them to dinner, Xiangling generously patted her chest, indicating that there was no problem, and she would definitely take care of everyone.

"But Dad went to Qixue Manor to purchase goods. Dao Yi, you'll have to help me out tonight!"

Apart from being Liyue's retirement sanctuary, Qixue Manor also had Liyue's largest terraced fields and bamboo forests. The various agricultural products produced there had always been the best in Liyue, so Chef Mao had to personally go to Qixue Manor to purchase them every once in a while, or else these agricultural products would be snapped up by the other restaurants in Liyue.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Wang Daoyi readily agreed. He had helped Xiangling many times before when they were developing new dishes.

(End of Chapter)