

Life continued on as normal for Geraldus, well normal by his standards. He continued conducting his experiments within the confines of his lab while the screams of his patients kept his family at bay. However, today on his way to the dungeon, he met someone he didn't expect near dungeon door.

It was his mother. Or at least, his mother from this world.

"Mother... why are you-"

"Why do you do it?"

Geraldus was surprised to hear his mother speak to him for the first time in five years. The last time they spoke, she talked about how she loved him no matter what. Obviously that was a lie.

"Do what? I do many different things."

Upon hearing his answer, Geraldus saw tears leak out of his mother's eyes before she fell onto her knees and cried uncontrollably. It was as if she couldn't believe what was happening right in front of her.

In truth, Geraldus never tried to explain his fascination with alchemy to his family nor his dream of immortality.

They didn't experience the same pains he did... the cold chill of death and the feeling of nothingness. No, they were too ignorant to actually understand the horrible yet profound truth of life.

They only care about their family name, honour and prestige, whatever those were supposed to mean. They aren't aware that give or take a couple years, decades or even centuries, everything they had done would mean nothing.

Geraldus didn't care wether they understood the cold truth or not. As long as they didn't stand in his way, he shall not bring upon them physical harm.

As Geraldus ignored his mother and went to enter the dungeon, the sound of a grumble from behind him, grabbed his attention. He knew that the sound could have only been made by one person.

"What is it?"

When Geraldus turned to face his mother, she in turn faced up towards him. The makeup on her face ruined by her tears, giving her an almost ghostly appearance. Only four words came out of her mouth.

"You're not my son..."

Geraldus only gazed at her, but he didn't respond.

He knew that he had been cruel.

He knew that he had broken his mother's heart.

He knew that he had been causing unnecessary pain to those who were suppose to love him.

However, he also knew that this was a necessary step in his path to immortality. He knew that 'love' would only be a burden to him in the future, perhaps it may even dissuade him from pursuing immortality. [NO! I must not die again... never die again... not again...].

As the memories of the painful feeling of death once again surged through his mind, Geraldus inadvertently gritted his teeth behind his lips. However, it seemed that today had more surprises in store for him.

He heard footsteps behind him, when he and his mother turned to the source of the noise, they both saw Addellian. She had a smirk on her face, which was completely unlike her usual face of disgust whenever she saw Geraldus.

Her smirk seemed to have grown wider when she opened her mouth.

"Geraldus... there's someone who wants to meet you. They demand your presence at our front courtyard... now."

Geraldus' eyebrows raised upon hearing what his sister had to say. Someone who wanted to meet him? Who? And why? Geraldus knew the only way to answer these question was to comply. On the other hand, Addellian continued on.

"He's not just anyone... he's a member of the royal family! Maximillian Vasilas himself! Although he is without a title, he is still of royal blood! Whatever his reason for seeing you I just hope that it's not go-"


Geraldus while surprised that a member of the royal family wished to see him, also saw no point in letting her ramble on, so he decided to interrupt her.

"I see. I'll be heading there now."

When his sister heard his reply, the best way to describe it was that her smile 'froze.'During her dumbstruck gaze, her eyes lay across her mother who she somehow didn't notice when taunting Geraldus. Perhaps her got too swept up by the moment to care about her mother. Either way Geraldus didn't care.

As Addellian went to support her mother, she shot Geraldus a fierce glare.

"What did you do you her!"

In response, Geraldus could only shrug.

"You should ask her that question. I just wanted to return to my lab... speaking of which... Marrionette!"

"I am here my Lord"

"Wha! What the! When did she get here!?"

Once again, Geraldus shrugged. He nodded to Marrionette to let her do the explaining.

"This one has mastered the art of erasing her existence. Only those with trained senses may see me when I lurk in the background."

Addellian gulped when she heard Marrionette's explanation. After all, it was somewhat of an implied threat. As if to say that Marrionette could have snuck into the snobbish noble girl's bedroom in the midst of night and kill her without raising any alarms.

With this in mind, Geraldus gave Marrionette another order.

"Stay by my side while I deal Maximillian."

"Understood my lord."

Without even giving his mother and sister a second glance, Geraldus left them both behind.

At the courtyard, Geraldus saw two figures, one seemed to be male with black hair while the other seemed to be female with red hair. Although, Geraldus couldn't see properly, it seemed that the two were arguing.

Whatever they were doing, they concluded it before Geraldus approached them, with the red-head crossing her arms and walking away defiantly. The black-haired boy on the other hand, turned to face Geraldus direction and waited with both hands in his pockets.

[So that one must be Maximillian eh? Granted it would be weird if the female was Maximillian...]

Since Geraldus seldom cared about politics, Geraldus didn't really know what to expect from Maximillian. However, despite having no expectations, Maximillian's appearance still surprised him.

He was a boy about Geraldus' age with a neat-tidy appearance. The surprising thing about him was how he looked neither ugly nor beautiful, as if he was the pinnacle of mediocracy. However, Maximillian's self-assured and sly smile told Geraldus otherwise.

And the first words to come out of Maximillian's mouth proved it.

"So you must be Geraldus! I've got to say you look at lot friendlier than the rumours let on! But..."

As Maximillian said this, his face slowly changed into a serious tone. The only thing that seemed to stay the same was his faint smug smile.

"I can see from your expression that you're a man of efficiency! So I'm not going to beat around the bush."

After Maximillian introduced himself, he shrugged slightly before continuing.

"I heard that daddy cut off your allowance."

Geraldus' eyebrows immediately raised when he heard that Maximillian knew about Geraldus' situation. Although, his father cut off his allowance a couple years ago to dissuade him from pursuing alchemy, Geraldus didn't think that his father would risk his reputation by revealing this to the public.

Was this done in spite because it failed?

It didn't take long for Maximillian to answer his question.

"And no, your father didn't reveal that your allowance was denied. Although I must agree, when you consider his options, denying your allowance at that time was the best move no? But that didn't stop you did it?"

As Maximillian continued, Geraldus felt a cold sweat drop from the back of his head. Maximillian's attitude, expression and personality were totally unlike that off a nine-year old child, even considering that he's royalty.

"How long do you think sending that girl to your right to sell potions at the blackmarket is going to keep your research afloat? Eventually you'll hit a roadblock where you're going to need to expand."

Geraldus eyes widened after he heard the first sentence. The second didn't even register as much into his mind. Apparently he wasn't the only one to have been surprised.

"How did you know that I was here?"

Even Marrionette was taken by surprise, her usual tone and method of talking was replaced with a completely normal one. As if she forgot how her own personality. [Who is this guy?] Although Geraldus already knew the answer, he felt that there were still many questions that need to be answered.

Amidst all this, Maximillian replied to Marrionette in a non-chalant shrug.

"Please don't compare with snobbish idiotic noble like his parents... no offence of course."

Geraldus could only click his tongue in response.

"None... taken..."

However, it seemed that Maximillian was not yet finished.

"Anyway I didn't come here just to antagonise you two. I'm seeking co-operation."


"Co-operation, alliance, shared interests call it whatever you want to call it."

Maximillian once again shrugged as he continued.

"You have a problem. Your funds are limited. Fortunately I have a way to secure you funds."

"And what's the catch?"

Geraldus honestly couldn't believe that a sly and confident boy like this would simply help out of the goodness of his heart. Geraldus felt it, he felt that they were similar in a way. Above all they both sought physical and long lasting benefits.

"It's not really a catch but rather a condition or a bind. You see I never said that I'm going to fund you, I just said that I found a way to secure your funding."

"And that is?"

"Continue doing what your already doing with your maid except this time you can leave all the troubles of trading to me. You're the supplier, I'm the dealer. Very simple concept no?"

Geraldus could not stop his eyebrows from raising. Although he had a question, Maximillian already answered before he could ask .

"The reason why having me as the dealer is preferable is actually because of two reasons. First is because of my connections, I can sell your goods at broader scale and a better price than you ever can... second... well it's because of your reputation..."

Maximillian sighed as he said this.

"Even for nobles who see slaves as nothing more than property... the amount of slaves you bought that 'suddenly disappear' is disturbing."

Geraldus could not stop his face from twisting when he heard this. Nobles were truly nothing more than hypocrites, they see slaves as livestock and yet there was still a line to cross? How ridiculous.

Geraldus only had one thing to say to Maximillian.

"And what do you think?"

"About what?"

"About the slaves that disappear."

Maximillian once again sighed when he heard this.

"I don't understand and I'm not going to pretend to understand why you throw away human life like garbage. Like I said... I'm well connected. I'm aware of the screams that go on in the castle dungeon... However, I'm also aware that twisted as it is, your experiments could lead to the betterment of humanity..."

"Betterment of humanity?"

Maximillian shrugged.

"You thought of it yourself already didn't you? That we are similar? That above all we both seek physical and long lasting benefits."

A smile grew on Geraldus' face. He finally met a noble who wasn't ignorant. Who had some foresight into the future and wasn't restrained by meaningless titles. With a genuine smile, he reached out his hand to the black-haired boy .

This could be the start of something beautiful.