
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · Book&Literature
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Chapter 60 The Second Stage Of Grandmaster’s Training

For those who want to read up to 18 Chapters ahead, please go to:



Zhu Zhuqing's third Spirit Ability is not the *Hell Decapitation* which was in the original novel, instead, it has changed and become *Hell Chasing Legs*. Compared to *Hell Decapitation*, *Hell Chasing Legs* is more practical and versatile.

"This is the Spirit Bone of the Ghost Chasing Leopard. It is its Right Leg Bone. Take and absorb it." Chen Feng took out the Spirit Bone he had just obtained.

"Spirit Bone!" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes lit up when she saw the Spirit Bone, but soon she thought of something, and refused: "Since I absorbed some of your Spirit Origin, you should absorb it."

"A Spirit Bone is not enough compensation, you can compensate me with something else-" Chen Feng paused.

"I can compensate you with what?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"You can compensate me with your body." Chen Feng smiled.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard him, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, she didn't know what to do.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore. Your Spirit Ability and this Spirit Bone come from the same Spirit Beast, together they can exert their greatest power. A 1000-year-old Spirit Bone is not only rare, but this Spirit Bone matches your attributes more than mine. Chen Feng commented.

"Thank you, I will make it up to you in the future." Zhu Zhuqing spoke with a huge blush.

"Hurry up and absorb it," Chen Feng instructed.

Zhu Zhuqing took the Spirit Bone, stuck it on her right leg, and began to absorb it.

Half an hour passed before the process was completed.

"How is the effect of the Spirit Bone?" Chen Feng asked.

"My Agility has increased by 50%, it also came with a Spirit Ability called **Wind Blade**." Zhu Zhuqing said excitedly, this time she has gained a lot.

"Let me see the effect of the **Wind Blade**." Chen Feng said.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at a big tree, which was more than 10m away from her. With a flick of her right leg, a **Wind Blade** as thin as a cicada's wings flew out.

The **Wind Blade** submerged in the trunk, it was as if it had no effect, but soon the upper part of the big tree fell, it was cut from the middle, the cut was smooth, neat, and radiant.

"How many **Wind Blade*s* can you fire at a time?" Chen Feng asked.

"I can fire three, but it consumes a lot of Spirit Power." Zhu Zhuqing answered.

"You have just used it for the first time, your proficiency is not high enough. If you practice with it, the consumption of Spirit Power should gradually decrease." Chen Feng said.

"Yeah." Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

"Now three and a half days have passed. We only need half a day to go back. We have one day left. In the spare time, let's practice *Hell God Tiger*" Chen Feng said.

"Okay, but if that happens again, we will never use this technique ever again." Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

The two looked at each other, they pressed their palms against each other and injected Spirit Power into each other's body, a burst of dark golden light burst out of their bodies after some time.

"Roar—" A roar came out from the light before a dark golden Giant Tiger was revealed, it was the *Hell God Tiger* which was created from the fusion of their Martial Spirits.

"We succeeded again." Chen Feng said the obvious.

"We need to wait a bit to see if what happened earlier happens again." Zhu Zhuqing reminded.

The light bloomed, before the *Hell God Tiger* disappeared, the figures of Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing reappeared.

"As I expected, it seems it only happens the first time we did it." Chen Feng stated,

"No, although it is little, I still absorbed your Spirit Power and Spirit Origin." Zhu Zhuqing frowned, she could feel her Spirit Power increase a bit, though she couldn't perceive her Spirit Origin increasing.

"It's just a little bit, it does not affect me." Chen Feng smiled.

"Then we shouldn't use it much." Zhu Zhuqing commented.

"The Martial Spirit Fusion Skill is also a Spirit Skill. If we don't practice it, how can we exert its greatest power?" Chen Feng asked.

"But—" Zhu Zhuqing was interrupted by Chen Feng before she finished speaking.

"It's nothing much, in the future, you will have to spend time with me to practice the *Hell God Tiger* several times every day, and I have a way to make up for the little bit of Spirit Origin that I lost, so don't worry. "Chen Feng said forcefully.

The next day, the two practiced their Martial Spirit Fusion Skill in the Star Dou Great Forest. Chen Feng exploded a Golden Ball from several Tiger Spirit Beasts, not only recovering his lost Spirit Origin but increasing it by a large margin as well.

On the evening of the last day of the vacation, Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing returned to Shrek Academy. Grandmaster came over to inquire about Zhu Zhuqing's third Spirit Ability. Zhu Zhuqing told him truthfully, but she did not mention her Spirit Bone. After all, no man is innocent, she must prepare some trump cards for herself, the fewer people who know about her Spirit Bone, the better.

The next morning, Grandmaster started the second stage of his training, Chen Feng also tagged along for the ride.

"I have been here for three months since I started teaching you, you have laid some foundations by now, but if you want to become an excellent Spirit Master, this is still far from enough."

"So, starting from today, we will begin the second stage of training. The Great Spirit Arena in Suotuo City will be where it is conducted. There is no time limit for this training. Only when you obtain a Silver Spirit Fighter badge will this training end."

"During this period, I will arrange for you to live in the Inn closest to the Spirit Arena, take care of everything yourself. If you have the ability, the income you obtain from the Spirit Arena should fund your expenses, Xiao Feng, you already have a Gold Spirit Fighter Badge, so you don't need to participate in this training." Grandmaster knew that Chen Feng's situation is special and that he is very strong. Hence, he knew that his training would not affect Chen Feng so he didn't force Chen Feng to participate in it.

"No, I will participate, but I will only have matches every 3 days. "Chen Feng spoke.

Grandmaster nodded, he then said to Tang San and others: "You will be limited to 1 vs 1's and Duo matches (2 vs 2). I will arrange for you to be entered into team battles soon."

"There are still some restrictions, however. You must remember. First, you must not reveal your name and appearance during the fight. You must wear a mask and use code names during matches. Second, you must not use Hidden Weapons, including Xiao San himself. Third, you must participate in two matches every day."

"Master, Rongrong, and I are Auxiliary Spirit Masters. Do we also have to get obtain the Silver Spirit Fighter Badge?" Oscar asked.

"You can choose to continue the previous training and wait for others to get the Silver Fighting Spirit badge." Grandmaster replied calmly.

"Master, I suddenly discovered how wise your decision to let us go to the Great Spirit Arena is, it increases our combat experience, forget what I just said," Oscar spoke after thinking about the matter some more.

Seeing Oscar's opinion change so quickly made everyone cover their mouth to stop their laughter.

"You must first give yourself a good code name, only then can you freely pair up and participate in Duo matches," Grandmaster ordered.

"Teacher, Brother Feng has already helped me, and Xiao Wu get code names last time. My code name is Thousand Hands Asura, and Xiao Wu's code name is Soft Bone Charming Rabbit. Our Duo is called the Three-Five combination." Tang San said.

"Xiao Feng is quite thoughtful," Grandmaster said unexpectedly.

"My code name is Evil Fire Phoenix." Ma Hongjun was the first to stand up and say his nickname.

"I think it's more appropriate to call you the Eve- Hard Phoenix." Oscar stretched out his hand onto Ma Hongjun's shoulder and smiled wretchedly.

"Then why don't you call yourself Big Sausage Uncle." Ma Hongjun patted Oscar.

"My code name will be Food God," Oscar said.

"Evil Eye White Tiger." Dai Mubai said.

"Seven Treasure Glass." Ning Rongrong said.

"Silent Nether Cat." Zhu Zhuqing said.

For those who want to read up to 18 Chapters ahead, please go to:


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