
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · Book&Literature
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251 Chs

Chapter 144 Seen Through By Qian Renxue

"Fourth Spirit Ability, *God Locking Ring*."

Thunder Spider Spirit Master Lei Dong activated his Fourth Spirit Ability, a bright blue light gushed from his arms, the eight long blue spider legs behind his back moved eight times. They spat out lightning which merged with the thunder on his arms, it formed a ring that was as thick as an arm and had a diameter of three metres.

Like Tang San's *Blue Silver Prison*, Lei Dong's Fourth Spirit Ring used Mental Power, which made it difficult for opponents at the same Rank to detect, dodge and resist with Spirit Power.

Thunder flashed, and the *God Locking Ring* appeared around Chen Feng, but before it had time to shrink and lock Chen Feng within itself, Chen Feng tore through the Lock's Mental Power and flew out of it.

"How is this possible?" Lei Dong's pupils constricted, his *God Locking Ring* had never failed.

Chen Feng turned his body halfway in the air, he slashed at the *God Locking Ring*, instantly shattering it, he then gave up attacking Yu Tianxin and charged towards Lei Dong.

Lei Dong moved his eight thunder spider legs behind him, they surged with blue light, the thunder gathered in front of him, it was like a shield, defending him.

Chen Feng revolved in the air and chopped twice at the thunder shield with *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*. The Thunder Spider's legs fractured, and Lei Dong was smashed out the Stage by this huge force.

"Third Spirit Ability, *Thundergod's Fury*."

The Third Spirit Ring on Yu Tianxin's body shone, the blue thunder and lightning entwined around his body and turned blue purple, the broken scales on his draconic arms were completely restored. *Thundergod's Fury* is a self-amplifying type Spirit Ability, it increases his thunder abilities and his various attributes by 100%.

"The Blue Lightning Tyrant is known as the number one Beast Spirit in the mainland. It is strong, but not strong enough." Chen Feng inwardly muttered, his figure drew an arc in the air, and his wings chopped at Yu Tianxin.

Yu Tianxin knew that even if he used *Thundergod's Fury*, he would be unable to block Chen Feng's slash. His Fourth Spirit Ring shone, causing blue and purple thunder to gather and turn into a blue dragon about one meter long.

"*Blue Divine Dragon Envoy*."

The little blue dragon flared its teeth and twisted its claws before turning into a stream of light and charged at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng kept flipping, twisting, and slashing one after another at the blue dragon. When he hit it for the fifth time, the blue dragon finally reached its limit and completely shattered.

This last move had used all of Yu Tianxin's remaining Spirit Power, leaving his face pale and body tired. He could not continue fighting. So, after crushing the dragon, Chen Feng did not continue attacking him but instead slashed at Yu Tianxin's Teammate, the Thunder Hawk Spirit Master Lei Tian and Thunder Lion Spirit Master Wu Hao.

Lei Tian and Wu Hao both blocked the first slash, but the second slash sent them flying away.

"Referee. We admit defeat!" Yu Tianxin yelled bitterly. After experiencing it personally, he felt how powerful Chen Feng was and understood why Feng Xiaotian's mood was so low after the Match.

The Contestants from both Teams stopped as the Referee announced: "In the Fourteenth Round of the Qualifiers, Shrek Academy vs. Thunder Academy, Shrek Academy wins!"



The audience cheered. The words, 'Shrek' resounded throughout the entire Arena.

"Brother Feng, I guess that most of our opponents from now on will choose to forfeit." Tang San smiled bitterly, even the strongest Godwind Academy and Thunderclap Academy were defeated one after another, which Academy still has the confidence to defeat Shrek?

"That's right. At least we will have more time to train now." Chen Feng nodded.

As the Match had finished, Tang San and the others left the Great Spirit Arena, while Chen Feng found Huo Miao in the Spectator stands. He planned to go to his courtyard and relax there.

As Tang San stated, most of their opponents will forfeit from now on. Chen Feng wants to take advantage of this time and try to craft the *Buddha's Fury Tang Lotus*.

Huo Miao would come to cheer and show her support for Chen Feng every day, so when she saw Chen Feng beckoning her, she was excited and ran out of the spectator stands, she ran to Chen Feng's side, and said with a smile: "Young Lord."

After more than half a year, Huo Miao's Spirit Power has reached Rank 18. This speed can be said to be very fast among Spirit Masters. This progress is mainly because of the Moon demon Spirit Grass. The residual medicinal power of the grass and her accumulated Spirit Power from over the years has helped her progress rapidly.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I want to go back, let's go together."

Huo Miao nodded excitedly and then led the way.

It has been more than half a year since Chen Feng obtained this courtyard from Tai Tan, but he has not been there more than a few times.

Soon after he obtained the courtyard, he left Heaven Dou City. After returning, he was busy with the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, and he did not have time to come over.

"Young Lord Feng, I have made sure to clean your room every day, do you want to stay there today?" Huo Miao asked.

"I will go back to the Academy later. I asked you to clean the Forge, have you cleaned it yet?" Chen Feng shook his head before asking.

"Yes, let me lead you there." Huo Miao answered while feeling slightly disappointed.

Following Huo Miao, he soon came to the Forge. The current Forge is just an empty room and needs to be refurbished. Fortunately, he has the tools to do so immediately.

"I have some work to do, I may be busy until the evening. Please prepare my afternoon meal and dinner." Chen Feng spoke, it will take around one to two hours to refurbish the Forge.

"Yeah." The disappointment on Huo Miao's face suddenly disappeared, nodding excitedly she left the Forge.

"This girl." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

Taking out the furnace, table and some forging tools from his Spirit Guidance Device, Chen Feng began to get busy, he was busy until the evening, he even ate his lunch and dinner in the Forge.

It was late at night and there was no one in the streets while he was walking back to the Academy.

Turning to a secluded alley, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and said faintly: "Your Excellency has been following me for so long, I believe it's time you come out."

When he emerged from his courtyard, he felt someone was following him.

As soon as his voice fell, a figure walked out of the shadows. Seeing this figure, Chen Feng's pupils constricted.

This figure is none other than Qian Renxue, and it is not a cross-dressing, disguised Qian Renxue, but a Qian Renxue who is wearing female clothing.

"Are you surprised?" Qian Renxue laughed playfully.

"What do you mean, your excellency?" Chen Feng asked pretending not to understand.

"Chen Feng, why are continuing to pretend even now, you know I have seen your External Spirit Bone before!" Qian Renxue exclaimed.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly, how could he have forgotten such an important matter.

"Ah! Xiao Xue'er, I have not seen you for two years, you are getting more and more beautiful." Chen Feng spoke with a smile, since he has been seen through, then there is no need for him to pretend any longer.

"If you dare to scream, I will kill you." Qian Renxue said angrily.

"There is no deep hatred between us, why do I need to shout and why will you kill me? As the Saint Maiden of Spirit Hall, you are not in Spirit Hall City. What are you doing here in Heaven Dou City?" Chen Feng asked.

He naturally knew why Qian Renxue was in Heaven Dou City, but it was not the time to expose Qian Renxue.

"I'm here to recruit you on behalf of Spirit Hall. If you agree to join Spirit Hall, I can grant you the position of Saint Son, and I can forget the grievances between us." Qian Renxue answered.

"Didn't I just hit you a few times, why do you remember that until now? Besides, I saved your life, is this how you repay me?" Chen Feng said.

"If you mention what happened again, then don't blame me for what I do!" Qian Renxue roared angrily. Every time she thought about it, she would feel a faint pain on her buttocks.

"Well, I won't talk about it, but I refuse to join Spirit Hall." Chen Feng stated.

For those who want to read ahead up to 18 Chapters, please go to:


For those who want to read 24 Chapters of my BTTH Fanfic, please go there as well.

Currently on Chapter 162



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