
Explaining The characters

Elly_West · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Bloodwolf's character details


Strength Physical/Magical-Powerful

Role in the battle- Assassin

Weapon of choice- Blood scythe, Hand guns, hand scythe

Ranking- 3rd in command

Power- She can change into 5 forms. Human,Small dog, Full wolf,Full Demon,and Half demon. Her Human form doesn't really do anything besides summon the blood scythe. Small dog form doesn't either. Full wolf looks like the wolf's in twilight. Her wolf has big golden eyes and blood red fur. Full demon is when her tattoos take over her fully. If she isn't careful in this form she could break her own mind and kill everything in sight, even the one she loves. This form is what she would transform into when put in a serious situation in this form she can use her weapons but they will be much more powerful then in half demon form. The scythes will grow twice the size and her guns will grow 2 times and will have a 50,000+ damage. Half demon is when she isn't taken over by her tattoos but is able to summon the hand scythe and guns. Her tattoos will be seen and her eyes will turn golden. Her outfit will also change when turned into this form.

First weapon- Blood scythe was explained is Elly's character details.

Second weapon- Hand scythe and guns

The hand scythe is like the blood scythe but doesn't need your opponents blood to summon. She uses her own blood in her arms to form this sharp blade. Her hand guns are also summoned from the blood in her arms. She must focus all her concentration in using these 2 weapons. She can also combine the 2 guns and make 1 big gun. Neither of these weapons will use any of her blood. Once she is gone using the weapons the blood will go back to normal with the same amount there was before