
Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Author: Angry Squirrel
Ongoing · 13.3M Views
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The MC is likeable and with a lot of potential. But the narrative of the story is slow as it adds a lot of unnecessary background or terms that ends up being quite irrelevant for the main story... You will find yourself skipping through the paragraphs a lot, only to find 3 lines of dialogue, thoughts of the MC and the rest being narrated as past happening on the story. So 70% of the interaction of the characters is just skipped by the story. The humour is repetitive, focused on the secondary characters making fun or despising the MC. Mainly around labeling the MC as homosexual or his depravity. Similar to Omniscient reader viewpoint, but the misunderstanding are created by the sec characters and not the MC itself. Action and fight scenes due to what i mentioned first, are just a passerby text and you will find yourself saying.. "Oh, that was it?". They are short, without detail and as i said narrated as past events. Overall, it's a good story without a good aspect to grab that isn't the world building.


This is one of the best stories I have ever read. The world is inventive and alive, and the characters are constantly a happy surprise. Everyone has a role to play, and it's beautiful.


Was gonna Start Reading this novel till I saw that it costs about 20-22 ss every goddamn chapter , heeell no I won’t be paying that much even if it could save a life . P.s what greedy ass mofos you guys are dealing with , I pitty you💪🏻💪🏻 Stay strong , a day will come when we readers over through the authors .


Cette histoire mériterait d'être plus en avant car elle est vraiment très intéressante et pleine de rebondissements inattendus. J'ai commencé à la lire en me disant que c'était une petite histoire drôle mais sans un contenu très profond mais plus j'ai progressé dans l'histoire et plus je me suis rendu compte qu'elle devenait profonde tout en restant amusante. Je la conseille vraiment car on se prend à apprécier les personnages et à pas mal rire ;)


This novel is really awesome if say it to myself its very hilarious Story well it kinda hard to understand the story at first with a big plot twist really big one and how the author mix the Level like element with cultivation in it maybe that just because this is my first chinese novel... wait isnt that the reason it easy to understand for newbie in chinese novel but sadly not many ppl vote for this novel i hope that ppl who read this vote the novel not just read and leave so PLEASE VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!


This novel has great characters and is full of comedy. The humour comes from the diverse cast of gentlemen(perverts) and their weird schenanigans in a massive world full of schemes and plots where there is no right or wrong. The story is one where the protagonist alone can do nothing to stop the end of the world(from a prophecy), which is why he travels around in order to find comrades that can help him in preventing that tragedy. All in all I think back on this book with mixed feelings, because I really enjoyed the journey but there were a lot of really clear problems which I didn't like. Pros: No one can rescue the world alone. The protagonist creates religions and revives countries and creates alliances in order to involve as many people as possible so that he can achieve his goal. This builds a very atmosphere for this story. The world building is very detailed and unique. Many common fantasy tropes/cliches are used with a new flair. Many times there comes a new reveal that changes the entire understanding of what we read for the whole time.(Example: Yongye at the start) There aren't many moments like that, but when something really hype happens it really hits different. Estradas fight was really crazy when it happened. Cons: The second half of this book is a lot worse than the first. At the start we had many fun and amusing gentlemen together with a good story, but later this fantastic cast of characters were completely relegated to the background for the greater story and lost relevance. Annie from the start is a great example. At the start Roland helps her to take over Sulfur Mountain City and then she only appears once in the story at around chapter 200 and then only gets mentioned a few times and doesn't even appear anymore. Another of the problems is that Roland in his monologes starts repeating himself more and more the more one read. Something cool is happening and he talks about his powerlessness and how he needs reliable comrades to help him for the 305th time. The same is for information. The ending for me also seems kinda rushed and weird and doesn't bring an end to many of the characters and their arcs which left me personally unsatisfied with mixed feelings.


I won't write much, just that this is my favourite novel of all time.I loved it and it set a high bar for everything I read after if.


I give this a perfect score for far surpassing all my expectations. The very end seems a bit rushed, but the vast majority of the story is some of the best content I've ever come across in any medium.


This novel is so good to be true, can't take my eyes away from this. It feels like heaven to read, I wanna read it so much. If this novel got some drive, then thanked God its still alive. This novel is so good to be true, can't take my eyes away from this. I need this novel like it's quite all right. I need this novel to warm my lonely nights. Just read this novel, cause I... say... Shameless Promotion: Check out my novel: Crowning Cruel Crow. Hahaha. https://m.webnovel.com/book/crowning-cruel-crow_18100192205265505


This should have been much better, but apparently it isn't just a crazy lick but a crazy author too.. It's enjoyable but I just couldn't keep reading due to bad writing.. I started reading for the fun of it and then when I started to get bored of the humor I was invested in the plot -even though the author changed some things about Ronald's previous lives and the world's supposed 'history'/future several times-... -too much useless info at the beginning of every chapter -sidtracking: in the midst of a fighting scene the author suddenly switches to useless info dumb or brings up sarcasm trying to be funny (which even if it's funny you don't laugh but get pissed off it because it's in the wrong place) -skipping and flashbacks: something important happened, or fight is at it's ending, or important plot points supposed to be revealed in conversation.. Then the author just skips it and goes on with his useless humor and info dumb, try to continue the plot -while your mind is still thinking about wtf the conclusion was- until a few chapters later or maybe even more .. -thought process and conversations mixed, something is supposedly internal thoughts suddenly commented on by other characters, and even wide range conversations with characters that has a way gets in the mix, and worse of all characters that aren't in the scene and shouldn't have wide range communication suddenly interject or enter the scene.. The author switches the POV too much and too suddenly, with no sense who is talking to who and who is on the scene.. And when this style is even mixed with sarcasm in the middle.. Ughh.. I just couldn't keep at it


Overall the story has an intriguing and though out plot. While the main characters background may seem overly complicated at first, the author does a good job of slowly filling in his past.


Good thing is this one is very entertaining, it's fun and thrilling at the same time, it's epic story background of game but not exactly and strictly followed the rules in the game But, the con is it is extremely expensive, sometimes i can't even buy a chapter for each day, and yes i am a f2p reader not that some sort of king oil


This novel is one of the best on the site and while the story takes a while to get properly started, the filler chapters don’t feel like filler.


I think we need to do something to get this lazy ass translator get back doing his job. if you read this let's we vote this **** at least until it reach rank 20th maybe.. Just maybe this imperfect translator would low down the cost of power stone..¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Best book 📚 ever made! The only problem is that the chapters suddenly stopped updating but if you're looking for a book unconventional which destroys your way of looking of life and pets you rebuild it- this is the book for you!


sigh.... all novels are now pay to read. my god.... 26 spirit stone a chapter. 17 stones, 22 stones, 15 stones.... 28 STONES.... ALL NOVELS ARE TURNING PAY TO READ. BAD AND INTRESSTING ONE. SIGH.................


Great book overall. For thsoe who liek a main character who scemes and shoots himself in the foot in hilarious fashion every so often as well as well thought out world build with realistic personalities for every major character you meet as well as those for the minor ones as well and just great overall plot.


Great novel... meh, phrase too overrated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Plot development and detailing is top notch where it doesn't stagnate and still interesting, even when it does stagnate there is comedy which is Gintama level comedy if not higher. Character development is also very detailed even for some minor characters or villains there is some good backstory, the description aren't that hard to understand and can be emphasized with. Seriously this novel is kinda like Gintama but better in some aspects. It also dives down somewhat if not a good deal into human values and societal structure which is a good way to interpret stuff you had vague understanding on, well somewhat. Interesting MC, funny, serious when he's supposed to be, he gets better the more you read. *note: umm... so there will be one support(maybe even main) character who will crack you up alot when he's mentioned so try not to laugh too hard. K bye, hope you like the novel


First 40 chapters was something i had to push through and i had dropped it once before, but after pushing through those 40, the novel became much better and is much much better than those ****ty harem fantasy novels that Japanese write and those repetitive stale cultivation novels that the Chinese write, its plot is so unpredictable that its enjoyable and mixes gag comedy very well with the serious and well thought out plot that the novel provides. Those who say the comedy is "bad" are those who don't appreciate gag comedy and those saying that they dropped it early on and gave it a bad rating and review were like me where they didn't have the patience to continue reading, so seriously, push through the first 40, heck actually push through the first 70 since that when it seriously starts going and i promise you it'll be worth it. Quick warning, those who have no tolerance for info dumps shouldn't read this novel as this whole novel can only be deeply enjoyed by liking info-dumps that are a massive part of each and every chapter.


One of the best novel I've read once you start reading it makes you craving for more. Nice story, interesting characters and a complete world.