
Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Author: Angry Squirrel
Ongoing · 13.3M Views
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A great story... till it was lisenced 😑 A great experience... till it was dropped A great masterpiece... till we couldn't find a place to read it. A memory at the back of our heads... till you guys decided to bring it back


Hey there, I'm the translator of Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich from Chapter 172 onwards. Hope you all enjoy! If you guys have any questions, ask me here! This novel is going to temporarily start out at 5 chapters/week for a release rate. If you'd like to help change that, I'm in dire need of editors, so please apply! Editors mostly need to help me check consistency of various vocabulary terms for this novel, in addition to ****** sure to catch any of my grammar/spelling/flow errors.


Website : qidian china Views : 1.98 million Rating : 8.5(830) Chapters : 854 Status : completed Word count : 3.17 million author rank : lv4


If you haven't read this novel before, then you miss one incredibly good novel. The story really got a lot of unexpected twist and the plot is amazing. World building is unlike what other does, no info dumping, no filler chapter. The story for you who likes a witty, smart, and aweaome MC, with some laugh inbetween, and imense fight at the center.


this needs a comedy tag. before this was dropped several months ago by another tl'er it was a really entertaining novel. the main story took a bit to pick up but you didnt get the feeling that you were reading useless fillers like in some other novels. this is a really nice silly/amusing novel to try out and if they dont pick it up then allow the former tl'er to start it again... or, you know... invite them to join you.


Not the typical combat novel you'd expect when you see Crazy Lich in the title. But then again he's not your typical MC. Sure he's brilliant and technically evil, but he's funny too and enjoys the small things in life. Add in a power system laced with sarcasm, some truly well developed characters, a thoroughly designed world, some political intrigue and you got the makings of a great story. If you just want to see an evil lich throwing armies of undead minions at it's enemies, this is the wrong novel for you. This story is not a continuous reiteration of stereotypical fight scenes. No, there is actual development and sometimes you even have to think and reflect to make sense of it all.


After careful consideration, and reviewing every on of the 100+ web novel I’ve read until this point, I have to call this my favorite novel of all time. The characters have actual personality. The power system is well defined enough for reference, but he entire plot revolves more around personal growth than strength. The main character is interesting, real, and flawed enough to feel like a real, relatable person. However, the supporting characters are all equally fleshed out and interesting. The story is filled with amazing plot twists, but none of them are forced or unessisary. And most of all, the story flips between actions being perceived as important, to being seen as stupid, back to being seen as genius. The world building is the best I’ve ever seen, and it’s populated with the best characters I’ve ever read. On top of that, the conflict and goals are well defined and consistent. I rarely rate novels, but this story is too good for its current low popularity on here. Read it!


The reason why I think this is the best novel in Qidian is : - This one has a lot of twist. You can't ever predict it - This one can make you cry like a child (damn ninja cutting onion), but it can also make you laugh like a crazy girl 😂 - The author is simply genius (The world building and character development make you wonder what kind of brain that our godly author has 😳) - Each chapter is not some useless filler like any other novel. It build the novel like a brick and cement. Sometimes you will laugh out loud, sometimes you will laugh while crying - Roland. Yep. He is the reason this novel is superb. Praise Master Angry squirrel for creating him. The MC is not your average crazy lich. He has a lot of identity and his past can make you cry. His anger, his grief and misery, his love for his people and all of his imperfect personality make you fall in love with him. The more you read each chapter, the more you fall for him. Even the villain, cannon fodder, mob chara, family, friends (the gentleman 😂), and all of the girl who fall in love with him has a really good character setting. They has reason and not you 2D chara. Basically, I Love all of them (correction : I love this novel as much as I Love Overlord) - B**feng (His name is one of the 7 taboos in this world. Ehm. Don't ask me why i love this trouble maker gentlemen 😅) Well, if you find this novel is tempting enough for you, just read it. Don't wait any longer or you will find yourself like me. Regretting why i didn't read it sooner 😣😉 P.S : I am not a gentleman just because i support B**feng 😇


This is one of the best novels I’ve ever read and I was incredibly heartbroken to see it dropped by the original translators. If you guys are really bringing it back then I really have no words besides thank you, you’ve added a brilliant silver lining to my otherwise crappy day.


I read up to chapter 8, and then I couldn't handle it anymore. This novel is boring and chaotic, without a clear direction in plot. It tries to be funny, but fails. All in all, there's just too much going on. Too much info dump, unclear plot direction, not as funny as the author thinks. This is just my 2 cents. Give it a read anyway. Maybe you'll like it?


Reveal spoiler


This novel is basically what I was hoping Overlord would be: a scheming protagonist who's willing to get his hands dirty in the face of overwhelming odds, with wacky subordinates and extremely dangerous enemies working behind the scenes. He's not a boring invincible hero/villain, his friends and subordinates aren't slavishly loyal to him, and many of the antagonists are quite capable in their own right. Mind, there's a lot more comedy and less dramatic irony, but that really works in this novel's favor. The only real problem is that the chapter organization can be a bit loose, which can make it a little hard to follow during the first 30 or so chapters. Keep with it though, and your in for a real treat.




Ask anyone and they will tell you about how funny this story is but there is so much more to it than humour. The author constructs a world that seems real, everyone has their own motivations almost no one is just a side character. You understand these characters, you feel sad for them and sometimes you see yourself in these characters. This story has brought me many times to the verge of tears, sometimes it’s for a side character that gets rarely mentioned in the story. It is so much more than just funny characters and interesting events. This story isn’t aimless, there’s a goal to be had and we follow this journey as if we’re the ones taking it. Read it, you will not regret it


Reveal spoiler


I could only read a couple of chapters before I dropped the novel. I couldn't help but find it very childish and boring. The plot is simply boring


I always read translater name wrong Djejejwwjwjwjsqkqkqajjsdjsjssjsossbskwondjsidjjddiodjdhdjodjdjskwijehsjdidhieiddkdidjdidhdidjddjdjjxjsihsjsdjduwinbsudjdihsasssaasassfuckjsjjsjwjjejdbdkdjdhdndjdjxxnd


Info, info, more info, more detailed info. Thoughts, more thoughts, more detailed thoughts. Random persons information, more random persons information, more detailed random persons information. Another novel that doesn't know how to differentiate between thoughts and speech, and this one is even worse, mixed in with thoughts - telepathic speech. Also hard to tell who is saying what, a lot of the time. And seriously the amount of exposition is insane. If you are a person that cares about every side character and every goddamn country and wants to know the 9 generations of that passerby's family tree and what socks he is wearing before he goes to sleep, well this is just the novel for you. ~Seriously so much pointless explanations that are so goddamn long. The power levels are confusing, His power level is confusing. The stats values are confusing. The whole ranking system is confusing. How Reyne level up (everything from class to sword, to etc) is a complete mess. If you like stories that are padded with extra extra of pointless information, where you have 0 idea who is speaking or if they are speaking or thinking or having a conversation via telepathy or if its the narration, where power levels make no sense, where the best story is in the past, Well then this is just the story for you.


A poorly designed world that runs on gags, the characters seem like they are pulled out of a book at the 400th chapter, which incidentally they actually might be. The system is awesome however it is hardly ever used and in the first 30 ish chapters nothing good happens other than watching a grown man be hilariously petty in an evil sense, it's fun but it isn't special, and unless the system is brought out more or he starts a new story/adventure as his OP self the novel just isn't great yet.


Fantastic and hilarious. Reading a chapter every day helps brighten my mood. It's probably the main reason I'm still on this site. The antics of the characters are silly yet charming, and there is a surprising depth in their designs and schemes.