

Hi. Name's Experiment #666 or, as my one friend calls me, Reese. Sorry about the weird names. I don't remember my real name, so I had said friend name me. Now, you might think this is the story of some average teenage girl, but you can think again. My life is by no means average and I'll tell you why.

You see, I was with my parents up until I was seven. That's when things started to change. People only just now could see the tiny horns growing on my head. Even two small masses of pitch black feathers sprouted on my back. At the time, nobody thought of it. I didn't know it, yet, but things were due to change.

When I was about twelve, I had myself a nice tail the color the feathers (which had turned to wings by that time). Tail had an upside-down, pointy heart at the tip of it. That was me and nobody objected. Everyone was used to it and Hell if anybody in my village was reporting it. That is, until I met Ms. Earle.

I was riding my bike alone one day. It was only supposed to be a quick trip to our local gas station, Casey's, to pick up some food requested in my household. About a quarter of the way there, I skidded the bike to a halt. Something wasn't right. A sense of déjà vu washed over me. When I looked to where the sense was, that's when I saw her.

Ms. Earle was staring at me, her sturdy hands holding her cane. Crows squawked above her house, some perched on the roof and others on the fence. It surprisingly wasn't very scary to watch. The crows, I mean. There were always rumors flying around that the woman was a crow breeder. I'm guessing that was the case. However, her staring... Those dull, beady, green eyes staring into my soul was just unexplainable. I needed to figure out what was going on.

Like what I assumed every normal kid would do, I went off my original path and stopped a few feet away from the fence door. "Hello, Ms. Earle. How are you doing today?" I politely greeted, having not wanted to set a bad reputation with her. Her eyes widened and she stumbled back a few inches, clearly taken aback. Luckily, she almost immediately regained her posture and cleared her throat.

"You truly are a hellspawn, aren't you, Wingate?" I shivered at her cold words. At that time, we had never interacted, so how did she know my name? I was never featured on newspapers and magazines unlike her, even if her fame was only in her generation.

Having not wanted any negativity drawn towards me, I gave her a firm nod and started to pedal again. While attempting to speed away, I heard the loud creaking sound of the gate opening. I looked back, panicking, only to have my bike get stuck in a pothole. This crazy lady was after me and now this?!

I felt a harsh grip on my shoulder. It was definite Ms. Earle, grandmother of a sweet girl and mother of a teacher's pet, wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted. Victory was going to be hers and there was nothing I could do to stop it, nothing to defend myself with when suddenly, I spat out a fireball. Nothing like this had ever happened before, but I assumed it was one of my body's defense mechanisms. Wise choice. That wasn't preventing this woman from screeching bloody murder, though.

I'm pretty sure the desperate calls she made for help got the attention of many of the villagers. A crowd began to form. One of the onlookers called the police. Not on her, but on me. One mistake and I was a threat to all society.

Soon, a small group of paparazzi arrived. Overwhelmed, I could only hiss at them as multiple flashed went off in my direction. There was even a news reporter! I collapsed onto the ground and hugged myself tightly. I apologized to my parents on repeat in my mind. Their little, sweet, devil daughter was too much for them to handle now. I could feel my mind slipping away from the thoughts of them being my parents. They were surely going to disown me. I wasn't their daughter anymore.

Hours passed. My old parents weren't even allowed to see me. I was too dangerous even in a straight jacket and dog muzzle. The government came for me. They were going to experiment on this newly discovered devil. An agent brutally shoved me into the helicopter. I slowly slipped out of consciousness and, when I woke up, I was certainly not in the home I remembered. This was my new home.

And now, here I am at age nineteen. About seven years since I was thrown into this strict dump of a lab. I'm just very fortunate they don't treat me any more strictly. After all, I haven't lost control in a long time. I'd say the last time was when I was sixteen, but that's unimportant. Point is, I'm Experiment #666 and this is my story.