

Vincent, one of the leading biologist in the world, and the secret reason for the extinction of a few species as well as one or two pandemics, is suddenly comforted with quite a big problem. Thrown into a bloodthirsty magic world, he is forced to compete with other reincarnated individuals.

I_refuse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Vincent placed the bowl on the stone table. A few meters away from the red haired girl.

"Hello." He raise his hand slowly, but let it slump down again midway. Holding it up required to much energy.

"What happened with you, you look terrible." She leaned back on her chair, already finished with her meal.

He was too tired to explain, and instead used his energy to move his spoon.

An awkward silence decedent.

"Hey, where are you from, you do not seem to live here?"

In the end Vincent decided to break the ice, his voice awkward and barely audible.

"My father, the asshole that he is, decided it was appropriate to send me here, so I could learn something."

She slumped back in her chair, and cursed towards the celling. 'As if the ceiling ever did anything to her.'

"It is so damn boring, nothing to do all day. Did he hope me to become a monk or what?"

Vincent shrugged his shoulder's. "My condolences."

He had never been particularly good with small children. They never seemed to understand his humour, and he could not understand them in general. Not that he was good with any type of person.


There was no snow falling down the dark sky, a strange sight to Vincent.

He sauntered through the garden, enjoining the not so cold winter evening. A wide grin was eched on his face, free of any bruses. He was proud of himself.

Not because he had been able to finish his first construction of the circle, it would take at least another half a year of optimization to even function, nor that he had beaten his brother in their sparring match, because he didn't.

No he was simply happy because he could still walk upright and with a smile on his face after the training today. It felt strange, so rewarding after finally beating an obstacle that seemed insurmountable.

It had taken him a great deal of practice to tolerate the almost constant overdraft of his mana – at one day, he had even slept in the training hall.

The cafeteria was almost empty when he arrived, it had become a habit of his.

"You know drugs ruin your health."

The red haired girl said slowly. She had dark shadows under her eyes.

Vincent glanced at her, instead of the boyish clothes she usually wore, her current outfit did not fit her personality.

A disorganised and untidy white dress, foreign to him.

"But why would I do drugs?" he spread his arms. "Life is exiting enough."

He gave her a look of scepticism.

"You told me your previous world had ascended with religion, how do you even know what drugs are?"

She raised her middle finger.

"I thought everyone in your world was a lot smarter and knowledgable than here, why did they not stop taking drugs either."

Vincent took a small moment to think about all those people that demanded him to developed a cure so that they could save those darn blood sucking mosquito after he made all the effort to have them extinguished.

"Well maybe not everyone was particularly smart."

He turned his head away slightly. Vincent could still see her, just not with his eyes. Sadly his mana perception only allowed him the see the rugh shape of a person, nothing more.

"Well it is useless to banter."

Her head slumped on the table. It was unusual. She never shied away from any argument.

"What is up with you, you are acting strange."

She heaved a dramatic sight.

"MY father, after throwing me all the way here, now demands me to come back because stupid politics. Jet as I was enjoing talking to someone in a similar situation." She have him a small glance, it had been good for both of them to find someone in a similar situation.

Vincent's eyebrow twitched, on the one side he wanted to help her, on the other side, politics.

"You don't need to do anything, no you most certainty can't do anything. Even of you were a relative to Arminius himself, there would be no way for me to stay here. " She shivered a little

"Expecially if you were a relative of Arminius, he would just rally the second legion and march streight to egipt, raising the current dinasty."

Instead of correcting her about his brother, he was silent for a moment then walked over to the small girl, patted her on the back and strided towards to the door, his clothes fluttering in the non existing wind. Dramatically.

"You can do it, I more or less believe in you."

Suddenly she perked up, in a hurry.

"My name's Tryphaena…"She mumbled the last part.

"Damn just call me Typh or something."

He turned around, his left eye twitching.

"Sure, thou shall call me…. Vincent." He made a small bow.