

Vincent, one of the leading biologist in the world, and the secret reason for the extinction of a few species as well as one or two pandemics, is suddenly comforted with quite a big problem. Thrown into a bloodthirsty magic world, he is forced to compete with other reincarnated individuals.

I_refuse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


The room was plain, jet functional. A simple wooden bed, a desk and a chair, as well as a small barred window.

The only source of light were small holes similliar to the main dome, located in the celling, leading to the illumination being spotted. The air was refreshing borderline cold. It was similar to the room his brother provided.

Without hesitation Vincent sat himself on the chair and leaned his body back. He treaterd it as he owned it.

Typh crooked her eyebrows, her lips raised into a mischievous smile.

"You know, they could hear something?"

He only watched her. 'What is she getting at?' Vincent studied her face for cloues jet only got more confused.

In a hushed tone, he began speaking of his plan.

"I must agree with what the round kid said, it is too simple. I guess they will spice the challenge up later on, although I have no idea how."

At this point Typh pressed her lips together, barley holding her laughter back.

"You know," she nudged his arm with her fist. "That was not quite where I was cumming from."

First her lips forming a wide grin, then she kept laughing, rolling on her bed.

Vincent leaned back, shaking his head like a drama protagonist. Jet on his lips formed a small smile.

'Why must all be so complicated, can people not just say what they mean. At least she is in a better mood than when I last saw her.'

"So what were you getting at."

Typh let her limbs sprawl on the bed, her head was on the side, her green eyes watching Vincent with focus. She wore her usual line clothes, although she had them dyed in yellow and blue. A strange combination.

"So what I was getting at, is that we should share our field of expertise and train to fight together. I am confident I can pass a single person assignment, but this may require team play. Whatever it is, lets work in tandem."

She stopped for a moment, then came to a realisation.

"I am good at beating the crap out of people, and I have the light attribute." She held on for a second deciding the wording. "And a bloodline, although not fully awakened."

Vincent nodded. So she was a melee fighter, maybe a battle mage. His brother told him that ardours training could also raise the mana and mana could strengthen the body. This strange cast of people only ever learned their spells to upgrade their tier, increasing their upper limit for mana capacety and multiplying the regeneration.

"I am able to perceive mana in a radius of ten meter, and I have one useful offence metal spell. It is best used ranged, but can also be employed midrange. My second spell can also be quite powerful, when we have time to prepare. And it can heal."

She raised her hand, and immediately spoke.

"You are able to perceive mana, how. Ore are you speaking about aura, coz I can feel it at least twenty meters away."

He shook his head and threw a small pebble at ther. "Can you feel the aura of that?"

Typh gave him a strange look. "Its a rock, its not supposed to have aura" "But it has mana." Vincent spread his arms, waving them around the room. "EVERYTHING has mana. I am confident, although not certain, that even the vacuum has mana. And we are able to feel it, just how we are able to absorbe it to fule our spells."

"You mean you can see assasins through walls, and notice even the best traps." After seeing his confirmation she got even more frevent. "How? Teach me!"

Vincent put on a pained expression.

"I meditated, and one day after af few years, I felt it clearer and clearer."

Typh crooked her head.

"So simple? I will start right after we enter the academy."

He chose to remain silent.


"What are you doing, you could have blocked that."

Short red hair swirled through the air, as another sharp kick flew at Vincent. A single silver ring hung on her ankle, glittering in the light of the moon.

"I am running, and there is a good reason for it!"

Vincent did not even turn around to dodge another one of her attacks, he just kept springing circles around the dome, his stamina fuled by magic. In his hand, some bread he tugged away at breakfast, slowly morphing into a cluster of big red eggs.

'Damn the steel would kill her or cripple her and the slower projectiles are dodged with ease.'

The only reason he had jet to lose, was that his brother taught him well when it came to escaping.

"Just give up then!"

She once again pounced at Vincent, only this time, for the first time, he turned around. The red cluster in his hand moving, the things inside breaking free.

And then, six insects as big as hands moved towards Typh, trying to devour her.

She finally smiled. "So you do have some more tricks."

Her hands, skin, her entire body was set ablaze. Silver flames surged devouring the air around, as her bloodline activated. Green was replaced with light, as her eye changed its colour.

Mad greet glittered in Vincents eyes. 'If I could understand it, maybe take some of her blood, I could recreate a bloodline or even produce a better one.'

He almost hit himself. 'Why would I do that, she is my only friend. Have I gone so far down that I would murder her for a piece of replacable sample. There are hundered bloodliners in the world'

Vincent stared at his hands, they were red with blood. His whole body was covered in blood. Hands were pulling on his white lab coat, trying to drag him down. Trying to judge him in hell.

The insects did their best to get through thyphs defence, charring their blood red chitin black. Jet they could not reach her. She shot a cocky smile at vincent, but only saw him staring at the floor.

"It is my win!" The last three insects were clawing at her body, jet every wound was heald soon after.

As they died however Vincent slowly raised his head and snapped his finger.


The ring morphed into a coin and flew, accurately hitting Typhs righ soulder and pushing her back. It fell to the ground, flat. She saw it comin, jet the charred half dead creatures did not let here doge.

"AHHH thats so frustrating."

Jet Typh grinned, her blood boiling. "What were those things? Were they mana beasts?"

Vincent used a towel to clean his fingers, they were bloody from the ruptered eggs.

"Mana beasts would have ripped you apart. These were ancient insects. I designed them myself, taking inspiration from a few dna samples the found in amber. Though they do not have enough oxygen to breath nor are all their organs functional. They would die after a couple of minuets."

She looked at one of the corpses, now more resembling a pile of ash.

"So no giant army."

He nodded "For now."

"Also there is a problem with their brain, they are unable to make any decision aside from the command I input at the beginning. They lack critical thinking"

Both of them took a seat at one of the small chairs scattered in the room.

"Any more sparring would be useless, we are too different."

He was slightly tired.

"Hey am I, strange? You know my bloodline and personalety"She mumbled the last part. Typh sighted as she leaned back in the chair. Her legs were locked, her arms close by her body, as if she was cold.

Vincent crooked his head, "What are you talking about, I mean, the world is such a grand place what does it even matter? We are all flies."

He stumbled over his words trying to find the right way to express himself.

"If the moon were to crash down right now we would all die. That is how important we are."

Vincent looked back at Typh, his words did seem to cheer her up a little, judging by her raised mouth. Although he could not say it with certainty. The war on insects had begun as early as he was twelve, there was little time to socialize when one planned the extinction of a species. Well except his two shut in friends in university who helped with the plan.