


Bernadette said nothing, only staring at the Tarot Club as if her point had already been proven. Hearing his comrade's shaky declaration, Alger could only pinch his temples, trying to push back the oncoming headache. 

Listening to the discussion, a thought hit Audrey with sickening clarity:

We're grasping at straws, aren't we?

Once the words appeared in her mind, she couldn't take them back. Miss Justice felt as if she was slowly falling into a bottomless pit, sinking even as she clawed at the walls, trying to escape. I don't understand. No, I don't want to understand. Just what is this...

Alger inspected the surroundings, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth, and answered Audrey's question in place of Zhou Mingrui.

"Are you Loenese?

"If you want to become a Beyonder, join the Churches of either the Evernight Goddess, the Lord of Storms, or the God of Steam and Machinery.

Right, this was before the Church of Steam lost most of its power in Loen, Hibbert thought to himself. The Harvest Church would be a better option nowadays… is it a coincidence, then, that a deacon of the Harvest Church - which gained influence only recently - "just so happens" to be a Tarot Club member? Could this development be the work of a secret organization?

"The majority of us will not meet a Beyonder our entire lives. This has caused churches, and even some clergies within some of the biggest churches, to suspect the same. While this is the case, I am certain to tell you that Beyonders still exist in courts, tribunals, and execution agencies. They are still fighting against the dangers that grow in the dark, only that their numbers are much fewer as compared to before and during the early days of the Iron Age."

Several high-level Beyonders smiled wryly. The Fifth Epoch was like the calm before the storm - but now, with the Original Creator's barrier fading and potions becoming easier to digest, the end was nigh. As the number of Beyonders skyrocketed, the world would continue to slide into chaos over the next decade or two, all leading up to that fateful year: 1368. The apocalypse that would take all the world's strength to overcome.

For that reason, Klein Moretti could absolutely not be allowed to lose control!

Of course, that's easier said than done. Will Auceptin sighed to himself as he took in the increasingly panicked aura of the Tarot Club.

Zhou Mingrui listened attentively, but he tried his best to present himself as paying little attention to Alger's words, much like how young kids listened to stories.

Mr. Hanged Man's expression suddenly became quite ugly. Very seriously, he said, "Can someone pinch me?"

Miss Justice gave a heavy nod and pinched the man's hand with a solemn expression. Despite her slim figure, her grip was strong enough to leave a bruise. Alger looked at the mark with a mournful expression.

"Hm." He shook his head. "I haven't woken up, and I still feel pain properly. Perhaps there's a Nightmare at work here."

H-He thinks it's a dream? He's gone into total denial?! the Tarot Club thought in alarm.

Mr. Hanged Man... Derrick frowned.

Relying on Klein's fragmented general knowledge of history, Zhou Mingrui knew clearly that the "Iron Age" referred to the current epoch, which was the Fifth Epoch that began 1349 years ago.

Alger frowned, mind slightly clearer after the pinch. Really, though, why choose someone with less general knowledge than even an average citizen? Mr. Fool wouldn't do such a thing unless it was as a last resort. Furthermore, Queen Mystic expressed such a blasphemous sentiment, yet neither the Angel of Death nor the Angel of Mercury attempted to correct or punish 'Her'? Even if they wish to stay out of our discussions, isn't this a bit extreme? If only 'They' could at least hint to the truth somehow... but a mere Sequence 4 such as myself shouldn't act too rashly. Then again, if this isn't the time for action, then what is? 

Meanwhile, Amanises studied the room in silence, veiled face giving away nothing.

We're nearing the end of this viewing, but they're still unwilling to admit the truth... Which is it that's too strong, I wonder: their faith or their denial? The veil shifted slightly. It may be time to step in.

Audrey silently listened to Alger finish his sentence before sighing.

"Mister, I know all about what you just said; I even know more than that, including the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punishers, and the Machinery Hivemind, but I don't want to lose my freedom."

What? The what? What about freedom? Benson's head spun. He could deeply understand Zhou Mingrui's confusion. It was bad enough during the discussions, but now even the viewing has become full of incomprehensible jargon!

Was freedom what you were so worried about? Caitlyn Hall lowered her head. You know we'd give you anything. Why do something so dangerous? Why not just ask us and trust in your family...

Alger gave a low-sounding laugh, and said vaguely, "You can't become a Beyonder without sacrifices. If you don't consider joining churches and accepting their given challenges, you can only seek the royal families and the few nobles with family histories of more than a thousand years. If not, you can rely on your luck to search for clandestine evil organizations."

"E-Evil organizations? No, wait, the royal family? Are they also involved in the mysticism world?" Benson rubbed his temples. "It makes sense for the king to be aware of such matters, but... how high up does this all go, anyway..."

"Sacrifices? What kind of sacrifices would it take?" Melissa asked tentatively. She was aware that her own situation was rather unique: not being an official Beyonder while still receiving a degree of support from a church. Most Beyonders couldn't enjoy such luxuries. Was Klein a victim of one of those sacrifices...?

"Oh, you know." Roselle waved a flippant hand. "Freedom, innocence, sanity, normalcy. Stuff like that."

Azik took pity on the girl and gave a serious explanation. "Life as a rogue Beyonder comes with many dangers. The lack of resources and connections offered by an organization can make advancing much harder, and you will often come into conflict with the law. On the other hand, becoming an official Beyonder under a church comes with many restrictions of movement, as well as the certainty of being monitored. As for evil organizations, well, I'm sure I don't have to explain why those are a bad idea. Each path offers its own perils."

I should know, since I've traversed them all over several lifetimes, the Death Consul added mentally.

"It seems like there's no good option, then. Why would anyone choose to become a Beyonder..." Melissa's voice trailed off. She felt that her decision to drink the Savant potion had been too hasty - too uninformed of the dangers that lurked within. Was my situation always this precarious?

"Everyone has their circumstances." Azik offered a gentle smile. "You, too, must have had your reasons for entering the mysticism world."

Melissa flinched, her throat going dry. She had told Benson that she'd become a Beyonder to improve her machinery skills, but this had only been a half-truth. She secretly harbored an additional motive: to investigate the circumstances of Klein's death. His occasional displays of strange behavior; suddenly ditching his professorship interview to start a mysterious, strangely well-paying job; and then, his abrupt demise; something about it all had bothered Melissa. She had tried to put it behind her, chalk it up to the general lack of closure she felt - until she was introduced to mysticism, and her old doubts came rushing back.

She'd spent days deliberating over her decision, but deep down, she'd always known what she was going to do. If there was any chance of finding answers, Melissa had to take it. 

Now she was getting what she wanted, and she felt more lost than ever. Avoiding Azik's gaze, she said nothing.

Alger was quick to analyze this interaction, cold sweat trickling down his forehead. So it's not that Mr. Fool's angels are completely unwilling to talk to us... if that's the case, why not step in when Queen Mystic made that - that suggestion too blasphemous to think about? Are 'They' avoiding subjects related to 'Him'? But why? His eyes darted around the room, from Azik and Will to Amanises, though he didn't dare to linger on any of 'Their' figures. What is it that they have in mind?

The suspicious silence had gotten to the point that even Emlyn could notice. Hm, how bizarre. To speak now, yet say nothing earlier - it's strange for the followers of an ancient god, who may even be old friends with Lilith 'Herself', to be so lax. Especially the angel who has followed Mr. Fool the longest, as well as 'His' most cherished angel! The Sanguine higher-ups would certainly never tolerate such disrespect! One mustn't slack off on their duties just because their superior is asleep! As a Sanguine, Emlyn was very experienced with such matters.

Audrey puffed her cheeks subconsciously and looked around in a fluster. After confirming that both the "mysterious man" and Audrey did not notice her tic, she pressed, "Are there no other solutions?"

Despite the mounting tension, the Hall family couldn't help but smile at Audrey's actions.

Alger sank into silence. About half a minute later, he turned around to look at the "mysterious man" who was watching the two of them in silence.

Please, we have enough awkward silence already! Don't make us watch more...! Danitz wanted to cry.

Realizing that Zhou Mingrui had no plans to make any comment, he looked back at Audrey and said with deliberation, "I have two sets of Sequence 9 Potion formulas."

Sequence 9? Zhou Mingrui muttered to himself.

...Even I had more mysticism knowledge than him... Audrey felt faint.

"He doesn't even know what a Sequence is? Typical of a human, I suppose." Emlyn shook his head, as if deeply disappointed, and ignored the root of the issue. Sigh, have the standards for a god's Blessed really dropped so low... Zhou Mingrui, you're shaming the rest of us messiahs who work hard every day! He sighed. Well, if he eventually becomes Mr. World, there must be hope for him yet.

A-Anyway, a Sanguine should maintain their grace, even under duress! That last thought seemed to sneak in out of nowhere.

While Emlyn was in complete denial, committing himself to acting normally, Derrick was shocked at the culture difference regarding Beyonders. Although I've spent over a year in the outside world, this separation is still strange... He frowned thoughtfully. As customary in the City of Silver, he had received basic education about Beyonder matters growing up, including Sequences and the acting method. This bare minimum had been necessary to ensure the city's survival; knowledge of the supernatural was simply necessary when you fought against such threats every day.

In comparison, the outside world's separation of normal and Beyonder spheres had in turns confused and awed him. It must be a great privilege to be able to live peacefully, with no knowledge of such terrifying things. But as the apocalypse approaches, perhaps the whole world might become more and more similar to the Forsaken Land of the Gods, which took us so long to escape...

This thought was almost enough to paralyze him with fear. He bowed his head as if in prayer. No matter 'His' true nature, I'm sure Mr. Fool won't let such a thing happen.

"Really? Which two sets?" Audrey clearly knew what the Sequence 9 Potion formulas meant.

Alger leaned back slightly, and replied unhurriedly, "As you know, humanity can only depend on potions to become real Beyonders, while the names of potions come from the 'Blasphemy Slate.' After constant translations into Jotun, Elvish, ancient and modern Hermes, and ancient Feysac, they have undergone changes to match the day and age of that era. The essence is not in their names, but whether they portray the 'core characteristics' of the potions.

"Blasphemy Slate?" The Moretti and Hall families repeated this unfamiliar term, causing Roselle to scowl.

Potion names? Benson perked up, eager to distract himself from his confusion by analyzing something he somewhat understood. Then Spectator, Psychiatrist, and Savant - what Melissa is currently - should be potion names, right? For instance, having powers relating to the mental state is how the core characteristics of the Psychiatrist potion would manifest? he theorized, recalling his therapy session with Miss Audrey.

This isn't working. They're taking any chance they can get to distract themselves from the issue! Will Auceptin mocked the crowd silently. His eyes drilled into Amanises' back. If we want to accomplish anything, we'll need one more push. You know that, don't you?

...Alger did not pause and continued. "The second set of Sequence 9 Potions is called 'Spectator,' although I am not sure what it was called in the past. This set of potions enables you to have an exceptionally sharp mind with acute observational abilities. I believe you can understand by what 'spectator' means from watching operas and plays. Just like an audience, spectators judge the 'actors' in the secular world, catching a glimpse of the real thoughts of them through their emotions, conduct, and mantras."

…Just like an audience… Danitz's eyes glazed over with the memory of a gentle smile and a cross glinting in the sunlight. He blinked and shook himself. 

At this point, Alger emphasized, "You must remember, regardless of whether you are at an extravagant banquet or a crowded street, spectators can only be spectators forever."

These ominous words, issued as a warning, left a pit in the Hall family's stomachs. 

"Forever a spectator... even in their own life? Can that even be called living?" Hibbert muttered, face twisting. Audrey really chose such a path for herself...?

If Hibbert was looking for an answer, he didn't get one. The only response was Amanises tilting 'Her' head wordlessly, unnoticed by him.

Audrey's eyes shone as she listened, and spoke after a long while, "Why? Alright, this is a follow-up question. I-I think I have fallen in love with this feeling—of being a 'spectator.' How can I get this potion's formula? What can I use to trade with you for it?"

Oh, sweetheart. Caitlyn Hall could only look on as her daughter set down down the path of mysticism. Did you know what you were getting yourself into?

At any other time, Miss Justice might have been embarrassed at her past self; now she was chewing the inside of her cheek, embarrassment not even crossing her mind. Everyone could tell that this viewing was nearing its end, the tension nearing a boiling point. Sooner or later, she knew, something had to give. Something was about to-

"You said something interesting earlier."

Everyone froze in their seats as the fog seemed to turn several degrees colder. The voice that had spoken was melodic, calm, and incredibly serene, though nobody dared to look at its source: the Evernight Goddess had made 'Her' move.

Something is about to happen. Audrey's thought finished itself, unbidden.

Azik and Will Auceptin exchanged a grim look; the Tarot Club raised their heads; Bernadette leaned forward; Roselle sighed, sad to see his entertainment end; Susie stood at attention with intelligent eyes; the Halls and Morettis looked at each other in vexation, having no idea what was going on, while Danitz blinked, totally lost.

Amanises was the only one unbothered. 'She' casually reclined in 'Her' seat, exuding an air of elegance. The many stars stitched onto her veil seemed to swirl and form constellations as 'She' addressed the Tarot Club directly. "You want to believe in your god, don't you?"

What? The Tarot Club had no idea how to react. Why had they been called out so suddenly? What was the point of such a question? Unable to discern the Evernight Goddess' true motive and unwilling to trick 'Her', all they could do was answer honestly.

"Of course we do." Derrick spoke up, voice solemn.

The crowd watched in dead silence, the weight of every long and dark night in the world pressing down on their chests as Amanises rested 'Her' head on 'Her' fist, like a ruler passing judgment from on high. After an excruciating pause, 'She' delivered 'Her' verdict:

"Then face the truth."

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Finally, the words registered in everybody's minds, and the Tarot Club felt their hearts stop beating in their chests.

...Those are... Queen Mystic's words from earlier? The club members sat completely frozen as the connection formed. This is-

Confirmation?! Bernadette tensed.

Here's where things get messy. Azik and Will closed their eyes, as if resigned. In such an atmosphere, not even Roselle could muster a smile.

What did 'She' just say?! After hearing those words, Alger grew as stiff as a board. That has to be a reference to what Queen Mystic said earlier, doesn't it?! The word choice is to purposeful! But if that's the case, the only thing that callback could be referencing is - is...! Even now, lightheaded with panic, he didn't dare to think something so blasphemous. There must be something we're missing, he told himself hysterically. I've witnessed Mr. Fool's power countless times! That certainly isn't fake! Zhou Mingrui, Mr. World, is merely 'His' servant! How could the god I've served for four years be - how could this be the solution to everything?! It can't! It's impossible! Nothing adds up!

Evernight 'Herself' spoke up...?! It was all Cattleya could do not to gasp, gripping at her skirt with clammy palms. Why is 'She' calling attention to Her Majesty's theory?! This can only be taken as a show of support! It's the only possible message that could be sent, but that - that couldn't possibly be the answer! What about Mr. Fool's accomplishments and this sefirah... what about Mr. World?! T-this doesn't explain anything at all, and yet...!

Even Emlyn caught onto this very obvious message and felt his face freeze as he processed its meaning. Queen Mystic was one thing, but this is something else entirely! The Evernight Goddess should have cooperated with Lilith during the world war; 'She' should know of the connection between Lilith and Mr. Fool very well! There's no reason for 'Her' to say such a thing, unless-! 

I... I had some questions about everything, but... Xio pressed a hand to her mouth. For that Mr. Fool who appeared in my dream and has angels under 'His' command to be... this? Doesn't this raise more questions than it answers? Could this really be the truth? 

Derrick couldn't hide his shock at Amanises' statement, staring ahead with open surprise. The Evernight Goddess 'Herself'... 'She' is Mr. Fool's ally, isn't 'She'? 'Then She' should have no reason to lie about this or slander Mr. Fool. Does that mean... Queen Mystic was right? But how could that be the case? 

...If 'She' has spoken, then that's the verdict...! Surprisingly, the Spectator Audrey was not thinking much at all. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut like she'd received a death knell. So then, that truth I've been avoiding, it's really...

The Halls sat quietly, narrowing their eyes at Zhou Mingrui's figure on screen. They shared, more or less, the same thought process. This theory has come up again? Now it's been suggested by not just a Pirate King, Queen Mystic, but a high-ranking Evernight Church member, Ma'am Arianna. But while Ma'am Arianna's power is undeniable, 'She' is still at the same level as Queen Mystic, yet ''Her' words are given far more weight by the Tarot Club... is 'She' really who 'She' claims to be? Still, for her to suggest such a thing - a secret organization of Beyonders led by a fraud? How in the world could something like that happen? It seems totally outlandish! Rather, isn't this blasphemy?

...What is that woman saying? This theory again, it's almost like... Melissa's concentration ground to a stop, chest aching painfully. She felt that if she continued down her current train of thought, she might discover something she didn't want to know. The thoughts simply refused to come, remaining an itch in the back of her skull.

Beside her, Benson put his head in his hands as if the pressure in the air was physically weighing down on him. He could feel the blood rushing in his skull, making it hard for him to focus. But... Zhou Mingrui...! What the hell are they saying?!

...What? Danitz thought, very simply.

Fors was the first to break the quiet, speaking without even realizing the words were leaving her mouth. "Y-You can't mean-" she blurted out, before slapping her hands over her mouth with a squeak. In her disbelief, the cowardly Miss Magician had inadvertently spoken up to a true god, and her mind was moving too fast to even register the fact. T-That theory... that stupid, impossible theory straight out of a novel - did the Evernight Goddess just confirm it?! Haha, absolutely not, right? ...Right?!

Even after stopping herself, Miss Magician's cut-off voice echoed through the fog, deafeningly loud in the noiseless vacuum. The only remaining sound was that of breathing, getting faster and faster as a few people began to hyperventilate. That and the viewing playing quietly in the background, quiet voices brokering a trade for Ghost Shark blood, going completely ignored. To the audience, it might as well have not been there at all.

"What do you mean?"

The Star's voice was deathly quiet. He looked at his goddess in wide-eyed silence, contradictory thoughts grinding against each other like faulty gears, before repeating his question. His voice was swallowed by the mist. "Ma'am Arianna, what... what do you mean?"

Amanises did not dignify that question with an answer.

That, in turn, was the only answer he needed. Leonard jerked in his seat as if he'd been struck; he felt bile rise in his throat, hot and acidic. It was becoming difficult to breathe around the intensity of his own heartbeat, rattling his lungs, filling his ears. Still, quietly, too quiet for anyone to hear, he spoke yet again:

"Klein... what did you do?"

Leonard's quiet plea seemed to be the last straw for several audience members. Many gritted their teeth as if they wanted to speak up, but there wasn't much they could do. They couldn't fight against this suggestion the same way they could have when it had been Queen Mystic suggesting it. Even those who didn't know the true identity of "Ma'am Arianna" could easily tell that 'She' was not one to disrespect in any way.

So when accepting 'Her' words wasn't an option, what were they supposed to do?


"That-" Alger's voice was incredibly rough. He cleared his throat. "Please forgive my insolence, but I couldn't possibly believe that theory without direct confirmation."

What theory? What theory?! What about Mr. Fool?! Danitz was growing more and more nervous.

"Just watch." These two simple words from Amanises were enough to force everyone to hold their tongues. What could they say against 'Her' - against a 'Her'? 

Watching the chaos, Azik could only sigh and try to smile reassuringly. "Everything will be alright. Please just keep watching for now."

S-So Mr. Fool's angels are finally speaking freely! Cattleya latched onto this fact like a desert wanderer rushing to an oasis. That must mean something, right?! 'They' are finally willing to defend their lord! Perhaps 'They' previously couldn't for some reason! Still, the Evernight Goddess, 'She'...! The green-faced Cattleya could only shake her head and focus on the viewing.

Now everyone turned to the screen with hungry eyes, Mr. Fool's believers searching for any sign that could disprove the idea too ridiculous to think about.

Even if it comes from the Evernight Goddess! thought most of the Tarot Club desperately, fists tightening like they expected to be struck down for heresy. E-Even so, I just can't accept it! It's just... it's just...! Please, let there be something to disprove this! Anything! 

"That was a real nasty wound you just pulled the Band-aid off of all at once," Roselle grumbled as everyone settled in.

"As for promises, I think that both you and I can feel rest assured under the witness of the mysterious sir."

Ugh...! It seemed like the viewing wouldn't be granting any respite.

It seems I was right. Bernadette bowed her head slightly. But there's no satisfaction in this. 

This sentence finally triggered a connection in Danitz's head, and before he could think, he let out a bark of nervous laughter. Mysterious sir? W-What?! Zhou Mingrui, Mr. Fool! No way, haha! There's no way Gehrman Sparrow would be tricked by a guy like this! He'd blow Zhou Mingrui's head open before the chump could get a word out! So! There's no way! Totally!

The mysterious sir... Zhou Mingrui? Him? The fog was beginning to clear from Benson and Melissa's minds, leaving them with nothing but the painful truth. Melissa grit her teeth so tightly her jaw ached. Have they been listening to me at all...?

There has to be something! Anything! If only we could see it! The Tarot Club felt themselves inching closer and closer towards losing control by the second. Mr. Fool, please give us some kind of sign...!

As he said this, he swept his eyes towards Zhou Mingrui who was sitting up straight at the Seat of Honor.

Not that kind of sign! the club screamed in their hearts.

"Sir, the fact that you brought us here shows that you have tremendous strength unimaginable to us. Neither one of us would dare violate a promise with you as witness."

"We... well, we shouldn't forget the possibility of a false descension vessel," Miss Judgment suggested after a pause.

"A-And Mr. World's role is still unexplained!" Miss Magician said shakily.

"Yes... exactly!" Ma'am Hermit nodded so rapidly her glasses almost fell off. "There are just too many things left unexplained! There's no way Zhou Mingrui could... could be-"

"There's no way Zhou Mingrui could be anything." Melissa's words, quiet and shaky but with an undeniable edge of anger, cut through the din. She stood from her seat, her voice rising sharply as she spoke. "Because he's dead. He can't be a vessel, he can't be your god - nothing. He's a corpse in a box six feet underground. What's the point of talking about this?!"

Azik put a gentle hand on her shoulder. She shook it off, quivering. 

"Miss Moretti..." Leonard whispered hoarsely. Only seeing her reaction did he notice his own uncontrollable shaking. There was a growing hollowness in his chest, accommodating something he had already accepted as the truth deep down, and he couldn't bring himself to say another word. His mind was blank.

Melissa stood trembling in place for a moment, eyes shining with something between grief and rage. Only when an extremely haggard Benson gently tugged on her arm did she seem to snap out of her daze and fall back into her seat unceremoniously. She stared ahead with a numb expression before wiping her face, not responding when Benson squeezed her hand.

"It's impossible," she muttered. "Why won't they listen? It's impossible. Why won't they listen..."

I don't know what's going on either...! Benson suppressed the urge to cry.

"That's right!" Audrey's eyes sparkled and agreed with excitement.

"There's..." Alger spoke so quietly that his voice, usually calm and level, was almost unrecognizable. "There must be some other explanation."

Mr. Hanged Man... I don't think there is. Audrey said nothing.

From her perspective, the mysterious gentleman who had unimaginable abilities was definitely an "authoritative" witness.

...Wait a second. Danitz's face froze. If what they're saying is right, there's no way Gehrman Sparrow wouldn't know about it... but if he did know, this is exactly the kind of trick he would pull on me, isn't it?! Dogshit! The pirate's internal monologue became a long series of swears.

How could I or the guy opposite me dare trick him!

"You've got to me kidding me." Emlyn shook his head, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. He was even paler than usual. "This has - it's got to be some kind of joke-"

"Does it look like we're playing a joke?" Will Auceptin asked mildly. The Angel of Mercury had finally spoken.

"I - Lord Mercury, you're Mr. Fool's angel!" Cattleya struggled to keep calm. "Shouldn't you say something about this? Mr. Fool is being blasphemed against!"

Will shrugged. "Why should I do anything?"

"But..." Fors' breath hitched. "But not doing anything would suggest..."

"Honestly. How many times do you need the same thing told to you? A three year-old only has so much patience, you know." The Snake of Fate huffed. "Keep watching."

The Tarot Club had been told three times already. They looked as if they were awaiting their imminent execution, bodies tense, fists clenched, expressions drawn with poorly concealed desperation. The lofty Tarot Club had been reduced to a crowd of pallid, panicked faces.

...Huh? It really seems like... Alfred Hall had no idea how to react. He had never faced a situation like this before: a mysterious cult, a typically active but now absentee god, and heretical angels? It was all incredibly unusual. Is that Zhou Mingrui really the leader of this organization? A normal person, leading the Tarot Club? Is this what the evidence leads to?

Audrey half-turned her body and looked at Zhou Mingrui earnestly.

The present Miss Justice could only watch on helplessly, the opposite of her past self in almost every way. Mr. World... Mr. Fool... was reality right in front of us all along?

"Sir, please be the witness of our trade."

At that moment, she then realized that she was all too impolite, having forgotten all along to ask a particular question. She asked hurriedly, "Sir, how should we address you?"

The Tarot Club sucked in a collective breath. Though logically they knew the situation was well past saving, this seemed like one last chance to rectify things. If Zhou Mingrui simply provided a different name - any other name - this whole problem would be solved, and they could go back to the drawing board and move on. Forget this had ever happened. A clean slate. This was their last hope!

Please...! Please don't say that name!

Alger nodded slightly, and echoed the same question in a serious manner, "Sir, how should we address you?"

"No way," Fors mumbled under her breath. "There's just no way...!"

Klein... Leonard closed his eyes.

Zhou Mingrui was taken aback. He gently rapped his fingers on the bronze table. The contents of the earlier divination flashed across his mind suddenly.

Fate, huh? Will Auceptin smiled bitterly. How laughable.

He leaned back, withdrew his right hand, and crossed his ten fingers, placing them below his chin. He gave the duo a faint smile.

Everyone in the theater suppressed an inexplicable shiver. It felt like something incredibly important had just begun.

"You can address me as…"

Upon saying this, he paused for a moment. He said amiably and calmly, "The Fool."

Silently, the fog began to churn.