

Chapter 406 Leaving the world in the book

When several people were in a stalemate, Renekton coughed lightly, attracted everyone's attention and said:

"Ahem, do you want to listen to my advice?"

"The most suitable places to collect life spans are the relatively chaotic sea and the southern continent. However, the Church of Storms on the sea is now a bit violent. The southern continent, which is divided by warlords and colonized by various parties, is relatively safe."

"If this ascetic monk goes there, he can still get help from the True Creator Church over there, which should be your best choice."

Snowman shook his head and explained in a calm voice:

"I will not take away other people's lives for no reason. Stealing other people's life span is an evil act and is detested by the Lord."

"O believer of false gods, then you can just stay in this book world and let it rot and stink!"

Shatasi taunted rather irritably.

Snowman lowered his head and didn't pay attention to Xiatasi's words. He spoke in a quiet prayer-like tone:

"The Lord is merciful and great. He created everything and is the source of all greatness."

"Humph! He is just a false god who stole the power of the storm!"

Xiatasi's voice became thicker, and there were signs of lightning jumping on her black hair.

"Xiatasi, calm down, calm down~"

Mobet quickly stepped forward to persuade Shatas, while Longzell, who was standing next to Snowman, pulled away from the ascetic monk who was still praying silently.

Forsi and Audrey looked at each other in confusion. For a moment, they couldn't tell whether the relationship between these people was good or bad.

Renekton shook his head slightly, looked at Snowman and said:

"Your Lord should need some help now. He is short of manpower, and there are many believers of evil gods who need to be cleaned up. Most of them are Extraordinaries of alien paths who indulge their desires."

Snowman looked at Renekton calmly. After a long while, when Renekton was wondering whether he needed a notarization, he turned his attention to Mobet and said in a calm voice:

"I don't use the means to steal other people's lives."

"I don't know how to do it either. This is a method only available to Sequence 1 Worms of Time, but the old man must have a way."

Mobet patted Snowman on the shoulder and said with a relaxed smile on his face.

Leonard's eyes swept over Shatas, who had calmed down, and finally fell on Mobet, and he spoke the old voice of Pales:

"I will give you a magical item, but you'd better not leave the sight of your master. It may attract Amon's clone due to the aggregation effect."

Renekton, who was standing aside, spoke out his plan:

"I will arrange for him to follow Sasril. After all, he is a third-age person, and it is difficult to integrate with other people."

Snowman's eyes fell on Renekton and Leonard, pursed his lips, and finally said nothing. Maybe the Lord has really returned, or is about to return.

While thinking, he made a prayer gesture again and prayed devoutly to the ancient sun god.

Renekton looked around, then walked towards the dark blue door full of mysterious patterns:

"Let's leave first. After I transform the world in this book, you can come back and have some fun."

"Don't worry, there will no longer be a place like Honesty Hall."

"Judging from your tone, Mr. White Tower, you are not sincere when you say this."

Audrey lifted the hem of her skirt and said in a pleasant voice.

Backlund, in the restaurant of Tulip Manor.

A mysterious door formed by dark blue light suddenly opened, and Renekton, Klein and others walked out of it one after another. After moving his body a little, Renekton walked to his previous seat and sat down. He reached out and touched the coffee cup in front of him. As expected, it had cooled down.

"The flow of time in the book world and reality is the same."

Klein said without any ups and downs in his tone. This was his intuition as a diviner.

"What a dreamlike experience, especially the lobby"

Forsi sighed and suddenly fell silent. She looked at Klein hesitantly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he didn't react.

"Haha" Renekton couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted to him, he chuckled and said:

"Miss Magician, you are actually pretty good at controlling your inner thoughts, at least much better than the two gentlemen next to me."

While speaking, he rubbed his fingers casually, creating dots of blazing white and golden light.

These light spots fell into the coffee cups on the table in front of them. The cold coffee instantly heated up, and wisps of pale mist floated up.

Leonard regained control of his body. He leaned casually on the side of the sofa and casually brought the topic to Renekton and their respective code names:

"I'm curious, why do you use Tarot cards as your code name? Why doesn't anyone choose the Emperor card? Is it because it doesn't sound good enough?"

Test whether there is a Rogue Black Emperor among us? Even if you knew, you wouldn't be able to find any of us.

As his thoughts floated around, Klein expressionlessly picked up the coffee cup in front of him and held it in his hand. Although he never felt cold because of the sun brooch, it was also because of this that he had a large amount of heat in his body. drain.

I have to really warm up my body as soon as possible, otherwise I will probably freeze to death when I take off the sun brooch.

"As a fan of occult science, isn't it normal to use tarot cards as code names?"

Audrey's expression and tone were just right.

Leonard looked at Audrey suspiciously. Am I wrong? No, she is an extraordinary person in the audience channel and is best at figuring out other people's thoughts. This may just be her deliberate performance.

Renekton's inspiration was suddenly touched. He turned his head to look at the light door that had not yet disappeared, and said with a chuckle:

"Someone's out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man wearing an extremely simple white robe walked out of the world in the book.

He has a lot of wrinkles on his face but is not old. He has short brown hair. His shoulders, arms, calves and feet are all exposed and covered with various old scars. He is the ascetic monk Snowman.

As soon as he appeared, his movements suddenly stiffened, and his face aged at a speed visible to the naked eye.


An illusory bell suddenly rang, echoing in everyone's ears, as if time had stopped under this sound.

The flames in the nearby fireplace no longer danced. The ascetic monk Snowman, who was aging rapidly and almost dying, suddenly stopped aging.

Boom~ Another melodious bell rang.

The ancient mottled clock above Leonard's head rotated counterclockwise, and the mysterious symbols symbolizing time on it shone with a blurred light.

Snowman's face suddenly began to grow against time, and the gray and dry hair turned back to a healthy brown. The age spots, dull pigments and wrinkles on his face were quickly fading away, as were his forearms, shoulders, and calves. The exposed yellow skin in places is also recovering rapidly.

so amazing! This is simply a miracle! Is this the ability that angels have? They can easily change a person's life and condition. Audrey watched the changes in Snowman and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Forsi held his cheeks with both hands, and was thinking a little absent-mindedly. What I saw today has allowed me to write several novels, including stories between nobles and elves in the Fourth Age, adventures of a knight and a giant, and In the wonderful spiritual world, inspiration suddenly comes endlessly.

Stealing time and lifespan, the thief is really weird in the later stages. If I meet Amon head-on, will he directly enter the place above the gray fog through me, or directly steal the Source Castle?

While his thoughts were diverging, a flash of thought suddenly flashed through Klein's mind. The old man in Leonard's body can easily steal other people's thoughts, and he can definitely achieve the effect of reading minds through this. I have completely mastered my mental activities tonight. Klein's identity was exposed in front of Him!

(End of this chapter)


Chapter 407 Mother Card

I only realize this now because the corresponding thoughts were directly stolen? Will He tell Leonard? Klein's heart beat faster involuntarily. He turned his head slightly and looked at Leonard, whose body was controlled by the Thief Path Angel.

As everyone's thoughts floated, Snowman had basically returned to his previous appearance, but his brown hair was stained with gray and there were more wrinkles on his face.

"You still have twenty years to live. Even if you are promoted to demigod in the future, you will not be able to increase it unless you become an angel."

Pales's old voice came from Leonard's mouth.

Then he reached forward and made a grabbing and pulling motion, and he took out a picture frame about half a meter long.

The back of the frame is facing up, and there is nothing special about it.

"Do not face the front of this frame toward anyone, nor yourself."

"When using it, pour spirituality into it, point the front of the frame at a living object, and hold it for more than half a minute, and it will take effect."

Pales briefly explained a few words and then fell silent. Leonard looked around as if suddenly awakened. After noticing the dark picture frame in Snowman's hand, he subconsciously moved away from that direction.

South Continent West Balam, near the Pas Valley.

The figures of Renekton and Snowman were quickly outlined in a house glowing with dim light. Before that, he had already sent Klein, Audrey, and Forsi back to their respective residences.

This is a study room. Opposite the desk, Saslier, wearing a gorgeous jet black robe, raised his eyes and stared at Renekton and Snowman. His eyes stayed more on Snowman and the painting in his hand. on the box.

After a brief moment of silence, Saslier sighed, raised his right hand slightly and pulled out an illusory shadow curtain, covering the frame in Snowman's hand.

"This is something left by Amon. Try not to use it, as it may be noticed by Him, and its negative effects are also very strong."

"Just stay with me for the time being. It's already the fifth era now, and it should take you a lot of time to adapt."

Saslier said in a calm voice, looking away from Snowman, as if he had anticipated everything.

"Yes, His Highness Dark Angel!"

There is something sacred about Snowman's words, like a pilgrim.

Renekton tilted his head slightly, looking at Snowman's reaction, he couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart. It seems that Sasriel, the "Vice Lord of Heaven", had a very special status in the past, because he could directly represent the ancient sun. God's will?

Snowman walked behind Saslier with a solemn and solemn feeling, and stood quietly aside. He lowered his head and seemed to have started praying again.

Saslier's eyes fell on the map of the Southern Continent opposite him, which occupied half of the wall. His voice was so calm that no emotion could be heard and he said:

"Where do you plan to start and intervene in the disputes in the Southern Continent?"

Renekton turned around and looked at the map behind him. With his eyes wandering, he took two steps forward and pointed to the Pas Valley area:

"The Pas Valley is a high-quality coffee bean producing area. It is relatively wealthy compared to other areas and has a mature economic system. It is currently in the middle of a battle between Intis and Loen, but the Church of Knowledge has also intervened in the dispute here. ."

"This will inevitably attract followers of Storm and Sun. The Church of Knowledge is not strong enough to compete head-on with so many forces, and they may not be willing to participate. God and the Church of God are not completely equivalent."

Sasril sighed in silence, paused, and then said:

"I will ask Leo Master to help you contact the local forces in West Balam. You can choose to help them take back their land, or provide some necessary assistance. This is the most reasonable way to intervene."

"Leo Master?" Renekton was confused. He had some impressions of this name. He seemed to be an Aurora Saint who was trapped in the ruins of the God War. "He is the Black Saint and the person in charge of the Aurora Order's mission in West Balan."

Saslier nodded slightly and explained. As he spoke, he tapped his right hand gently on the table, making a thumping sound.

After a moment, a thick layer of shadow gushes out from the corners and cracks of the room, quickly gathering into a mass, flooding like water, squirming and twisting in mid-air to form a silhouette.

He is a man with a weather-beaten face. He has deep wrinkles on his forehead, corners of his eyes, and around his mouth, but his hair is black and shiny, without a single silver strand, and there is a trace of madness in his deep brown eyes.

"Your Highness!" As soon as Leomaster's figure solidified, he turned sideways and bowed to Saslier.

"You guys communicate, I'll deal with the problems of those primitive moon believers."

Sasril nodded lightly, and after a brief exchange, his figure suddenly turned into darkness, and left the room with Snowman behind him.

Renekton turned his head to look at the Black Saint in front of him, and said in confusion:

"Believer of the original moon?"

Leomaster sighed and nodded, with a tired look in his crazy eyes. He walked towards the window and said:

"Recently, a lunatic who claimed to be a member of the Great Mother appeared in West Balang. He should be an ancient alchemist and is very hostile to all external forces in the southern continent."

"Aside from the demigod's strength, the most terrifying thing about him is the pollution from the original moon. He can actively transfer this pollution to the surrounding things, whether they are living or dead things."

"The level of this kind of pollution is extremely high. If ordinary extraordinary people are contaminated, they will either lose control and become monsters that only know how to reproduce, or they will directly degenerate into minions of the evil god. Only His Highness the Dark Angel can remove it."

The beloved of the Great Mother? Has the Corruption of the World by the Fallen Mother Goddess reached this point?

As his thoughts floated around, Renekton's inspiration suddenly struck him. His eyes instantly became extremely dark, lost focus, and became a blur, like the sea before a storm.

A vague picture emerged in his mind. It was a tarot card. The card showed a plump woman with bare breasts, leaning on a thick tree trunk, holding a baby in her arms, surrounded by There are many small animals, looking full of life.

This woman has long curly chestnut hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, thin lips, and facial features slightly similar to Bernadette. There is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, like a loving mother watching. own children.

In the upper left corner of this card is written a line of words "Sequence 0: Mother"!

Renekton suddenly came back to his senses, and a stabbing sensation hit his head, making it difficult for him to even recall the content of the blasphemous card he had just seen.

Something is wrong, this is my spiritual intuition warning myself not to think about the mother card!

"What's wrong?" Leomaster looked at Renekton with some confusion and asked in a confused voice.

Renekton calmed down for a while, then shook his head gently and said:

"It's okay. Suddenly my spirituality was touched and I predicted some scenes."

"I probably know what happened to the beloved of the Great Mother."

"Oh?" Leomaster looked at Renekton with interest, waiting for his next words.

"A card of blasphemy, a card of blasphemy that is polluted. I will discuss this matter with the people of the Earth Church. They are the ones who are most anxious about things that pollute this channel."

Leo Master nodded lightly without comment, and then began to explain the current situation in West Balam to Renekton.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 408 Luca Brewster

The next morning, Renekton put on the attire of a modern scholar, wearing a pair of decorative brass-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and holding a book bound with parchment in his hand, walking in Pas On the streets of Impas City across the river valley.

This is the area occupied by the local warlord Mesanyes, and is also a local force supported by the Church of Knowledge and some of the Spiritual Orders led by Gangplank Eggers.

Because of the existence of the Church of Knowledge, the indigenous residents here are obviously more educated than people in other places. In addition to Dutan, most of them also master some of the more commonly used words in Rune and Intis. There won't be much of a communication barrier.

In the sky, a crow with shiny black feathers circled and landed on Renekton's shoulder. The pedestrians around him didn't seem to see this scene at all, and not a single curious look was cast towards him.

Crow Anu put his head next to Renekton's ear and asked softly:

"Boss, where did that fat rabbit go? I haven't seen it for a long time."

"I sent him to the Nature Church on the Harvest Plain to deliver a message for me. I also asked him how to play the role of Harvest Priest. The potion he took has not been digested at all."

Renekton answered casually and suddenly stopped.

In front of him, in a place that looked like an open square, an old man wearing a plain white robe with brass threads was giving a lecture to children and young people who were sitting neatly in several rows around him.

Most of the people attending the class were young people between the ages of 10 and 20, and there were also some people who were approaching or already middle-aged. Judging from their clothing, they were not from very wealthy families.

There are children from poor families in the middle and lower classes, as well as middle-aged people who want to learn some knowledge so that they can find a better job. This venue looks a bit sloppy, more like the bishop is taking time out for children who are willing to learn. Make up classes and gradually attract more people.

I always felt that this style of painting was inconsistent with the Southern Continent. Renekton sighed in his heart and walked aside silently.

Without waiting for too long, the Bishop of the Knowledge Church announced the end of today's class. Everyone who was still listening quietly to the class almost trotted away. It seemed that there were still very important things to do.

"They still need to go to work, or go home to help their parents share part of the labor. It is not easy to spare some time to listen to my lectures."

A somewhat old but unusually gentle voice sounded.

Renekton looked sideways, and saw that the Bishop of the Church of Knowledge had already walked over with the teaching materials he had compiled. His hair was completely white and neatly combed, and he had an impressive pair of gray-green eyes, which were more beautiful than the others. As a bishop, Renekton felt that he was more like a kind but somewhat serious professor in the university.

"Good morning, Bishop Brewster."

Renekton chuckled and greeted the other party.

The other party is the clergyman responsible for West Balam affairs of the Knowledge Church. He is also a demigod and a bishop of the Knowledge Church.

"Good morning, Mr. Tynes, I have received the oracle and will cooperate with you in some actions in West Balam."

Luca Brewster smiled gently, his tone did not fluctuate much, and it had a business-like feel.

Without waiting for Renekton to ask questions, he continued speaking on his own:

"There was another split within the Spiritual Religion. Under the leadership of the saint named Prak Eggers, some of them advocated the development of the Southern Continent, strengthening themselves, and gradually getting rid of the colonial situation."

"This is where we initially tried to cooperate, and the results were pretty good. Ordinary people here no longer reject foreign beliefs as before, and most of them acquiesce in the spread of knowledge."

Renekton nodded slightly. He had already learned these things from Mr. Plunk. After thinking for a moment, he turned to ask:

"In addition to the official forces of Loen and Intis, are there any other local forces involved in the Pas Valley area?"

Luca Brewster chuckled and said:

"There is a force behind every warlord here. Intis and Roen are just the two most conspicuous and fiercely competing parties."

"In addition to them, the Highland Resistance Army, the 'Royal Faction' and the 'Artificial Death Faction' in the Spiritual Religion have all interfered with the situation here."

"There are also the believers of the original moon. Under the leadership of that crazy evil god's family, they exclude all forces and are also excluded by all forces."

During the conversation, the two approached the Church of Knowledge. The area used for prayer in the hall was not very large. The rest of the area was filled with bookshelves and rows of long tables and chairs, as if there were too many books. Pass the church. Luca Brewster on the side noticed Renekton looking around, he smiled casually and said:

"After getting the support of Mr. Plaque, many more people are willing to come here to study. The original remaining area of ​​the church is no longer enough, so I changed the layout here."

Renekton nodded lightly. As expected of the Church of Knowledge, if this kind of behavior was done in other churches, it would be completely disrespectful to the gods. The grumpy old man might just send the person to the court of justice.

The two casually found a seat and sat down. Renekton looked around and could indeed see many people reading quietly.

They all have at least two books in front of them, one of which is a dictionary that translates Dutan and other languages, and the other is the book they read.

Renekton looked at it for a while and then looked away. He pressed his right hand on "Grossell's Travels", lightly tapped the brown cover, and said thoughtfully:

"They are reading some books introducing the countries of the Northern Continent. Are they planning to go to the Northern Continent later?"

"They are members of the Chamber of Commerce established by Pluck Eggers. They are mainly engaged in trade between the northern and southern continents."

Luca Brewster nodded slightly and explained.

Renekton nodded clearly, and then changed the topic:

"To spread knowledge on a large scale, the church probably doesn't have enough manpower here, right?"

Luca Brewster nodded slightly, with a troubled look on his face. This was also what troubled him.

It is obviously unrealistic to send manpower from Lunberg, Maxi and other places. The Church of Knowledge has been short of manpower due to its own particularity. Sending too many people to the Southern Continent rashly will also cause conflicts between the Church of Storms and the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Some overreaction.

Renekton leaned back slightly, leaning against the back of the chair, and said with a slight smile on his lips:

"I can gather a group of Knowledge Rabbits. Although they are a little dazed, there is no problem in simply copying books, writing books, and repeating monotonous explanations of knowledge."

"The Rabbit of Knowledge?" Luca Brewster was slightly startled. Naturally, he had some understanding of this kind of spiritual creature that pursues knowledge.

After thinking for a moment, his voice became serious:

"There are also limitations in summoning spirit world creatures. Even if a weak spirit world creature like the Rabbit of Knowledge does not require much spirituality, it is not something that ordinary people can accomplish. Moreover, one person can only summon one spirit world creature at the same time."

"Are you planning to promote that new system in the Southern Continent now? This will make all forces focus their attention on us."

"It's a matter of time anyway, isn't it?"

"Moreover, this is a system of knowledge that belongs exclusively to us, and we don't mind spreading it to other sects."

Renekton responded with a chuckle.

Luca Brewster lowered his head when he heard this, his gray-green eyes flashed with silver. After a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"I will support your decision."

"You, I, plus the cooperating Pluk Eggers, are the three demigods. As long as no angel intervenes directly, there won't be much hindrance."

Renekton nodded slightly and did not dwell on this topic for too long, but instead asked for information about the Moss Ascetic Order.

Luca Brewster recalled a little and said directly:

"You can ask Mr. Pluck Eggers. He seems to have some cooperation with Moss Ascetic."

"I have met the assistant beside him before. He is most likely a member of the Moss Ascetic Order."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 409 Believers of the Great Mother

After communicating with Luca Brewster of the Church of Knowledge for a while, Renekton said goodbye and left.

He walked casually on the street, looking around curiously. This was his first time in the Southern Continent, and he was a little curious about the things and things here.

The skin color of people in the Southern Continent is generally a darker bronze color. Renekton looks extremely conspicuous when he walks here. At any time, there will be curious, malicious, or envious eyes falling on him.

From time to time, local residents would pass by carrying coffin-like vehicles on the street, and sometimes they would stop and invite Renekton to ride.

In the shops on both sides of the street, eyes would fall on Renekton from time to time, as if hoping that he could go in and make some purchases.

How has my spiritual intuition become so sensitive to the emotions contained in the eyes around me?


While he was deep in thought, he heard the loud cry of the crow Anu above his head.

Renekton looked up at the crow hovering in the sky, and followed its gaze to a middle-aged man who looked like a homeless man on the street corner ahead.

Renekton's eyes darkened slightly, and he saw some incongruous traces on the other party.

A middle-aged man with a strong body and seemingly normal intelligence. He does not look like someone who would become a homeless person. His spiritual body has an extremely old feeling, which is incompatible with this body.

While thinking, he raised his hand and waved into the air, and then quickly followed the tramp's retreating figure.

Crow Anu glided directly from mid-air and landed on his shoulder.

"Boss, that man's soul seems to be dying, but his body is very healthy, as if his life has been extended infinitely at the moment of death."

"His body and soul are in perfect harmony, and there are no signs of evil spirits possessing him, which is interesting." Renekton pondered and quickened his pace.

When passing a corner, he casually dragged a piece of quiet night cover over himself, miraculously covering all traces and breath of himself.

He followed the strange homeless man neither quickly nor slowly, and followed him out of the city, watching as he walked towards the big river in the middle of the Pas Valley like a pilgrim.

"Boss, he seems to be going to commit suicide."

Crow Anu stood on Renekton's shoulder and said in a strange tone.

Renekton nodded slightly, and his figure suddenly blurred, faded and disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of the homeless man.

Before the other party could react, he flipped his wrist like magic and condensed a burning match.

The moment he saw the flame on the match, the homeless man fell into a hallucination.

Renekton gently rubbed his fingers, creating dots of starlight, which sank into the other person's head and affected his thoughts.

In the illusion, he had already arrived at the wide Pas River in the middle of the Pas Valley.

He ignored all the irrationality and prayed like a pilgrim:

"The great mother, the source of all things, the unique red moon, the symbol of life and beauty"

As he chanted, Renekton felt that the environment he created was affected by some unknown influence and began to evolve in an uncontrollable direction.

The homeless man prayed while stepping into the long river in front of him.

With his movements, the originally peaceful river began to undergo unknown changes, as if it was gradually coming to life and establishing contact with a certain great being.

Figures of people began to appear around them, and they also walked toward the Pas River like a pilgrim. They were either men or women, but without exception, they all had younger and stronger bodies and older souls.

The river water was filled with a strange green color, and distorted human faces were floating continuously. The river surface began to rise uncontrollably, as if the river was reproducing itself.

Zhi~ Renekton reached out and snuffed out the match in his hand, directly interrupting the uncontrollable illusion.

As the illusion ended, the homeless man in front of him suddenly woke up. He was at a loss for a moment, and then stared at Renekton with malicious eyes, just like a fanatic seeing a blasphemer.

"Who are you?" His voice was very hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Who are you, believer in knowledge?"

Renekton's tone was very soft, with a bewitching tone, and his words were mixed with subtle spirituality, disturbing the other person's thoughts and affecting their judgment.

The middle-aged homeless man in front of him was just an ordinary person. Although he was a little strange, he was still an ordinary person. He was completely unable to resist the temptation in Renekton's words. He only struggled for a moment and then said:

"I'm Ross."

".Disciples of the Great Mother."

"What are you doing?" Renekton continued to ask.

Ross' expression suddenly became extremely pious and fanatical, and he even resisted Renekton's influence on his spirit.

He looked towards the direction of the Pas River and said in a feverish voice:

"I'm returning to my mother's arms!"

"What are you doing returning to your mother's arms?"

Renekton continued to ask in a calm voice, but the spirituality in his words became stronger.

"Welcome the new student!"

"The Pas River is our mother river. It gives birth to the life of this land. We return here at the end of life and walk out of the river when life is born."

"He is the incarnation of the great mother who gives birth to everything on this continent. He is the unique red moon, a symbol of life and beauty."

Renekton's spirituality suddenly gave him a warning. His body suddenly became transparent and turned into a transparent statue made of bright starlight. It shattered instantly and turned into dots of starlight. He carried the crow Anu on his shoulders and moved away from the place.

A scalpel flashing with silvery white light suddenly appeared at Renekton's position.

"Huh? The response is very fast!"

"You can actually transform yourself into a starlight state? Are you one of those lunatics from the Moss Ascetic Order?"

"I really want to study the differences between the structures of extraordinary people on your path and ordinary people."

The homeless man in front of him suddenly seemed like a different person, his light green eyes flashed with morbid madness, and the blood vessels on his body protruded one by one, as if something was about to rush out.

Starlight gathered in mid-air, Renekton's figure emerged from the starlight, and a lavender glow appeared in his eyes.

Under the vision of the Secret Eye, he saw invisible thin threads spreading from the middle-aged man's body. They entangled his spirit and wrapped it into a white silkworm chrysalis.

A somewhat twisted and ferocious human face loomed over the silkworm chrysalis. It was like a possessed spirit, easily controlling the body.

These thin threads twisted into a thick vine and shot straight into the sky, vaguely connected to a crimson thing. Renekton immediately withdrew his gaze. The intuition of the master of prophecy prevented him from peeking more.

Renekton looked at the manipulated puppet in front of him expressionlessly, and pretended to sigh:

"It's really hard to accept being called a lunatic by a lunatic."

While speaking, he gently poked his finger, and a layer of shadow fell down like a curtain covering everything. The originally bright sunshine dimmed instantly, and even the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

Cold and indifferent eyes emerged from the shadows, and their cold gazes fell firmly on the puppet in the middle, as if all the secrets were hidden in these gazes.

Depravity and madness instantly filled the air, infecting everything around them in a real way.

The manipulated puppet opposite looked around casually, its eyes full of inquiry. If the situation was not inappropriate now, Renekton would have no doubt that he would dissect and study every eye growing out of the shadows around him.

Are these the mother's dependents? No wonder he is called a madman, it is indeed crazy. The way he turned this man into his own doll seemed to be to plant his own divine flesh and blood in this body, and he didn't know how many parts he divided himself into.

Even if you are a demigod, your divinity is limited. Once it exceeds the limit, you will instantly lose control and go crazy. Are you torturing yourself as an aggregation of insects from the Gou San family?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 410 Chance Encounter

As his thoughts floated around, Renekton saw that the blood vessels on the opponent's body were suddenly burst, and a pool of dark green and almost black liquid was sprayed everywhere, exuding a strong stench, like sewage in a stinking ditch.

Under his peeping eyes, Renekton directly saw through the nature of the sewage. They were simply bacteria and viruses that gathered together, multiplying and spreading at an incredible speed. In just a moment, they spread throughout the entire area.

As the blood vessels burst, the doll's body instantly became dry, as if all its own nutrients were used to supply these viruses.

He said in a low and hoarse voice:

"This is just a dispensable clone of mine. Just treat it as a meeting gift for you. I will give you a bigger gift next time we meet."


A blazing white spear with a golden red tail instantly pierced the opponent's body and exploded instantly, setting off a wave of red fire.

The high temperature carrying the fire wave scorched everything around it, and the black liquid composed of bacteria and viruses on the ground was instantly evaporated.

Renekton raised his body and waited for a moment, his brows gradually furrowed as it was not completely removed. How did he cultivate such vital bacteria?

As his thoughts floated, Renekton spread his hands with his palms facing down, creating pieces of bright starlight. These starlights instantly shone with pale golden light, spreading out layer by layer, carrying a strong aura of the sun and The power of purification gradually completely purifies the bacteria and viruses below.

After doing all this, his body twisted in mid-air and disappeared instantly.

On the ground three to four hundred meters away, a lavender eye suddenly appeared. The pupil was an illusory symbol composed of layers of doors. The eye twisted for a moment and turned into Renekton's figure.

These are the marks he has reserved before. As long as they are within a certain range, he can use these marks to teleport his position.

In mid-air, the crow Anu flew over with fluttering wings and landed on Renekton's shoulder as always.

"Boss, where should we go next?"

"Go to the river and have a look. I hope the river is not polluted yet, otherwise the plan will end prematurely before it even starts."

Renekton frowned slightly and replied, feeling vaguely that the situation was about to get out of control.

Crow Anu nodded humanely, and then said:

"That person just now was a bit scary, and he had a very annoying feeling."

"Hate it? Why?" Renekton turned his head slightly and glanced at the crow standing on his shoulder.

"He is a person who does not respect death. I instinctively hate him."

Crow Anu shook his head, as if he was not very clear about this issue.

On Longtail Island, the southernmost island of the Rhoside Islands, Renekton's prophet clone simulated the ability to mysteriously reappear "Cinderella" and changed his appearance, image and temperament, and appeared here.

He is following the traces of Yarina Sauron. This ageless witch was seriously injured by the lightning struck by the Lord of Storms last time. However, none of her fellow witches seemed to intend to care about her, or she was avoiding her. The Witch Church has been staying at sea during this time.

According to the revelation given by the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, the ageless witch should have been staying in the waters around Longtail Island and Dirinius Island during this period.

The prophet's clone took the ticket he had just bought and boarded a passenger ship to Tyrinhos Island, which is the first island south of the Rhoad Islands. The boat ride takes about 10 hours. In fact, the distance between the two islands is not too far, but Because it is close to the violent sea, it has been affected to a certain extent, resulting in a more tortuous route.

He did not intend to find the other party too eagerly. Witches are also good at divination and have high inspiration, especially when the other party is a Sequence 3 immortal witch. Sometimes letting nature take its course is more efficient than actively pursuing it.

On the deck of the passenger ship, he glanced casually and saw two acquaintances at the bow of the ship. He curled his lips and leaned over there.

Phoenix was wearing a black trench coat and was slightly slim. Next to him stood a lady with dark golden eyes and long fiery red hair. She was wearing a light red dress and a wide brown cloak. .

Before the prophet's clone even got close, the two people on the bow of the boat had already looked sideways as if they had a premonition.

Seeing the two people's eyes falling on him, he gently rubbed his fingers to remove the spell effect on his body, revealing his original appearance. After maintaining it for a while, he simulated the spell effect again and changed. The appearance before.

"Long time no see, Mr. Phoenix. Also, aren't you supposed to be in the Southern Continent? Are you traveling in the name of a mission?" While speaking, he looked directly at Thea, and his tone sounded like he had discovered the classmate. A classmate who deserts in class.

Thea twitched her lips and showed an insincere smile. The spirituality in her body spread and formed an invisible spiritual wall around her. Then she calmly said:

"How could I, as a proper church member, do such a thing?"

"I'm tracking down the new 'Crimson Queen' who appeared on the sea. She is a believer in the original moon. She is most likely a Witch King!"

Renekton nodded thoughtfully and stared at Thea's face for a long time.

Thea very cooperatively lifted a strand of hair that was blown to her forehead by the sea breeze, and said in a lazy voice:

"What are you looking at? Who did you meet who looks like me?"

Thea's casual words touched the inspiration of the prophet's clone. It was not a coincidence that I met Thea. She can help me track down the ageless witch.

The prophet's intuition made him very sure of his guess. He nodded slightly and said with a chuckle:

"I did meet one. I'm chasing her. She calls herself Yarina Sauron."

"I remember you never mentioned your last name. Is she your sister? Well, the age doesn't match up. Is she an elder in the family?"

The smile on Thea's face suddenly cooled down, and her voice became colder and she said:

"Chasing her? She has been a demigod-level witch a long time ago. Are you sure you are chasing her and not going to die?"

The prophet clone nodded slightly, not paying attention to Thea's words, and continued:

"To be precise, she is now an immortal witch. However, she was struck by the Storm Lord before. Although she did not die, her current condition is not much better."

"Let's talk in another place. Witches are very good at divination and have high spiritual intuition. Too strong malice may make her aware of it."

Phoenix, who had been standing silently, suddenly spoke up.

Hearing "us" in Phoenix's mouth, the prophet's clone's eyes lingered meaningfully on him and Thea, turned around with a chuckle, and walked towards the cabin of the passenger ship.

Above the gray mist, inside the ancient and magnificent palace.

Rays of crimson light suddenly rose up and degenerated into slightly blurry figures, scattered on both sides of the mottled long table.

Renekton leaned back slightly and looked sideways at the seat belonging to Azik to his left. A blurry figure was sitting leisurely on the high-backed chair.

The "hermit" Cattleya across from the mottled long table also immediately cast her gaze on Azik's position. After seeing that figure also appeared today, she breathed a sigh of relief.

He is also here today, and with the last exchange, it won't be too presumptuous for me to ask Him for a deal on the blood of mythical creatures today.

As her thoughts floated around, she heard "Justice" Audrey's usual brisk and cheerful voice:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

After Audrey said hello, everyone also said hello to "The Fool" at the top of the mottled long table, followed by Audrey, Forsi, and Cattleya each presented a few pages of Russell's diary.

Klein didn't read the diary for too long. After a while, he made the materialized diary in his hand disappear. Then he leaned back against the back of the chair and said in a calm tone:

"You can start."

"Hermit" Cattleya looked around. She didn't intend to speak immediately. It would be too eager to do so.

"The Hanged Man" Alger looked around and saw that no one spoke first, he chuckled and said:

"I need the recipe for the 'Ocean Singer' potion."

(End of this chapter)