

Chapter 341 Mysterious Reappearance

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Chapter 341 Mysterious Reappearance

After probably understanding the reason why Vaje Veer was able to briefly become the Lord of Sunya Sea, Renekton stopped paying attention to this issue and instead said:

"There is no need to spread His name, now is not the time."

"I need your help to establish a new channel across the Raging Sea between Feneport in the northern continent and West Balam in the southern continent. This involves the subsequent spread of faith and possible wars."

"The Furious Sea?"

"New channel?"


The three heads of Vaje Veer asked questions one by one, and then it explained:

"I have been sealed under the sea for too long."

"Without my protection, the Nagas also fell into silence."

"We haven't had time to re-collect all kinds of information from the outside world."

Renekton nodded slightly. This was what he had expected. He had already thought about how to solve the problem. Iceberg Zhongzhong would be a good teacher.

Early in the morning, inside a warehouse in Bayam dock area.

This is the warehouse that Klein asked Daniz to prepare before because of the Poseidon incident, but because he received the help of the red light, it was not used at the time.

"Why are you so curious about me summoning the messenger?"

Klein asked, looking at the man and rabbit following him in confusion.

Renekton looked around casually and said with undisguised curiosity in his tone:

"I'm very curious about how those guys in the spirit world will compete for this only spot after you send out the recruitment information for the messenger."

"I'm just looking for a messenger."

It's not high-paying recruitment.

Klein regained Gehrman Sparrow's cold expression and said in an indifferent tone.

At this time, Bugs Bunny gently pulled Renekton's trouser legs. He stopped and curiously looked down at his fattened rabbit.

Seeing his boss looking at him, Bugs Bunny said with a furry face and a serious voice:

"Boss, are Gehrman Sparrow and Klein really the same person?"

Klein heard Bugs Bunny's words behind him and wanted to turn around and explain to him about the role of the Faceless Man. As soon as he made a move, he heard Bugs Bunny's subsequent words.

"Is he schizophrenic? Do you want to imitate the ability of a psychiatrist to treat him?"

"Need not!"

"I'm very good!"

Klein tightened his expressionless face and responded with a cold voice.

Language is an art, and this rabbit obviously has no artistic talent in this area. If Daniz could endure Bugs Bunny for so long, he would probably not be able to defeat him, otherwise he would have turned it into rabbit meat, half steamed and half braised.

Renekton suppressed his laughter and explained to Bugs Bunny:

"He is a faceless person, and the thing about faceless people is that they can be anyone."

"What would happen if the rabbit drank the Faceless Man's potion?"

Bugs Bunny asked very curiously.

Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly, thought seriously for a moment, and then responded:

"They can be rabbits of any kind, but they can only be rabbits. The faceless man's shape-shifting ability does not reach the point of changing races."

"But once you reach high-sequence, you won't have this problem anymore."

"Why?" Klein asked this question first.

He maintained his personality and didn't say too many words. He only stopped briefly and was ready to listen to the other party's answer. He is also very curious about the diviner's ability to access high sequences.

Renekton thought of the marionette city that appeared in the original work, and said with a slight sigh:

"They will directly turn the creature they like into their own marionette. The marionette is equal to themselves, just like Amon creates clones through parasitism."

"How scary!" Bugs Bunny imagined the scene in his mind, and he felt that his ears stood up quickly.

It is indeed a bit weird and scary. No wonder they are adjacent paths. Diviners and thieves do have something in common in some aspects. Klein thought deeply and sighed in his heart.

Because he thought of the Marionette City, Renekton recalled the information about the Kingdom of Night. His inspiration suddenly touched him, and he immediately stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in the void in front of him.

A piece of lightless darkness was pulled out of nothingness by him, and like a night, it quickly covered the area where the warehouse was located.

The surrounding light dimmed instantly, and the rustling sound that originally sounded due to the sea breeze blowing the leaves also fell silent, too quiet.

"Is this?" Klein's eyes fell on Renekton, his voice slightly curious.

When Renekton made the grabbing and pulling action just now, his inspiration was triggered.

Seeing that the surrounding environment suddenly became dim and silent, he had a strange feeling, as if an invisible layer of cover appeared around him, making the place private and safe.

"The mysterious reappearance, 'Land of Night', I just recalled the information about the Kingdom of Night, and I used the corresponding mysterious reappearance based on my feelings."

As he spoke, purple light flowed in his eyes, quickly summarizing the ability and strength of this mysterious reappearance.

You can create a temporary hidden realm that hides everything within a certain range.

The intensity is not too high, probably because there are not too few people who know the detailed information of the Kingdom of Darkness. It can cover an area within a radius of 50 meters centered on me, which takes about seconds.

"Mysterious reappearance?"

Klein maintained his character and just muttered softly.

Can we draw strength from history as long as we know the corresponding information? It should have to be something that really happened, and it's more like drawing strength from the corresponding knowledge.

Renekton chuckled and nodded, then he closed his eyes slightly and reached forward again, as if he was sensing something and grabbing something at the same time.

In just a moment, he grabbed a piece of crimson moonlight that seemed to be a substance, and concentrated it heavily in his hand.

Renekton's eyes became slightly focused, and he threw the crimson moonlight to Bugs Bunny aside.

In Bugs Bunny's shocked eyes, the crimson color quickly turned into a layer of green, pulling its body to begin to deform.

Its fluff turned into feathers with mysterious patterns, its drooping ears quickly disappeared, its crimson eyes seemed to be made of bronze, with layers of illusory doors hidden inside, and pale flames constantly burst out from its body.

"Ah~ Boss! Why did I turn into a strange bird?"

Bugs Bunny's panicked voice became hoarse, like the murmurs of the undead.

This is? Klein narrowed his eyes slightly and silently turned on his spiritual vision.

In his spiritual observation, there was nothing wrong with Bugs Bunny's disguise. It was as if he had really turned into a phoenix. What a powerful transformation spell. This is much stronger than my faceless man's ability. Even species can be directly transformed. Change.

Snap~ Renekton snapped his fingers, flapping his wings on the ground, but unable to fly, the figure of the phoenix twisted again, quickly changing into the original image of Bugs Bunny, a gray-haired lop-eared rabbit.

"Huh~ I'm so scared of the rabbit. I thought I was going to turn into a very ugly strange bird."

Bugs Bunny stretched out a paw and slapped his chest repeatedly, looking frightened.

Klein stretched out his right hand and rubbed his forehead, silently turned off his spiritual vision, and said in a low and cold voice:

"Is this also a mysterious reappearance?"

Renekton raised his head and glanced towards the sky, then quickly looked back, nodded slightly and chuckled:

"This one is called the 'False Harvest Goddess'."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 342 Miss Messenger

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Chapter 342 Miss Messenger

"Mysterious reappearance is the core extraordinary ability of this path in the occultist stage. It can draw power from the occult knowledge mastered to create magic or witchcraft. The fewer people know the corresponding occult knowledge, the less it will be spread. The more powerful this spell becomes."

"The power of mystics comes from mystical knowledge, so it is very dangerous. After all, the more secret the knowledge, the easier it is to touch some untouchable beings."

"For example, the Kingdom of Night was destroyed by the Night Goddess. The 'False Harvest Goddess' is just like its name. If it weren't for this layer of secrecy, do you think I would dare to use it?"

While speaking, Renekton casually looked around the dim and silent environment around him, then raised his right hand slightly and waved it gently, and the surrounding light and sound quickly returned to normal.

False harvest goddess? The former Giant Queen, now the Earth Mother? Is he fake? So where is the real Omi Bella? .If this mysterious reappearance is used openly, the Mother Goddess of the Earth will directly send down divine punishment!

The dangers in the secret-peeping path not only come from the Hidden Sage's pursuit of knowledge, but also from themselves. The dangers brought by their pursuit and understanding of mysterious knowledge. It is true that the more you know, the faster you will die!

After sighing silently in his heart, Klein withdrew his gaze and began to arrange the ritual of summoning the messenger.

He gently rubbed his fingers to create a few flames, lit the candles placed on the ground, and then dripped essential oils and hydrosol into the candle flames.

The entire warehouse was suddenly filled with the psychedelic fragrance of herbs and essential oils.

"I'm starting."

Klein tilted his head slightly and muttered in a low voice. Then, he took a step back and said in ancient Hermes:


"I call in my name:"

"A spirit that wanders in illusion, a friendly creature that can be driven, a unique being that is willing to be my messenger."


In the warehouse, a fierce wind suddenly sounded, causing Bugs Bunny's black cloak and his drooping ears to lift up and sway in the air.

The purple light in Renekton's eyes suddenly brightened, and his sight penetrated reality and turned to the spiritual world.

There, it seemed that the eternal traces were entrenched in the deepest part, and the seven pure and clear brilliance at the top were in chaos, and their positions were changing rapidly.

The seven rays of pure light moved in unison very quickly. In just a blink of an eye, they passed by a huge figure wrapped in bandages and dripping with sticky corpse oil; they passed by a flat woman standing on a small boat with a curved bow and stern, with her upper body exposed. ; passed a tangled ball of string

The Pure Lights drove away all the spiritual creatures around them with a strong attitude, revealed themselves, and were ready to respond to Klein's ritual.

A headless figure suddenly appeared. She held two heads with blond hair and red eyes in each hand. She suddenly passed through the obstruction of the pure light and appeared in front of the spiritual world channel created by Klein through the ritual.

Before the pure light emerged from the spiritual world, she took the lead in responding to Klein's ritual.

"Oh~ little girl, how could you jump in line!"

The corners of Renekton's mouth twitched slightly, and he recognized the voice of "Yellow Light" Venitan.

The seven rays of pure light came very quickly and left very quickly. After the messenger lady responded to Klein's ceremony first, their figures turned into pure brilliance and disappeared.

Under the combination of the seven pure lights just now, the surrounding spiritual world area was completely cleaned up, and not a single spiritual world creature could remain in place.

It was inexplicably miserable. Qiguang made such a big noise, but was intercepted by the messenger lady. Renekton suppressed the laughter that kept rising in his heart, and glanced at the messenger lady who walked out of the spirit world.

A huge rag doll appeared in his field of vision. Its eyes were as red as blood. Its body was engraved with countless mysterious patterns and entangled with evil vines. Its skin did not have the luster that humans should have.


With a groan, crimson blood flowed out of Renekton's closed eyes.

I was careless. The effect of the Eye of Secrets was too strong. Even though the messenger lady had restrained her own characteristics, I still saw it. Renekton sighed helplessly in his heart, and then suppressed the stabbing pain coming from his head. The pain begins to meditate and restore one's own state.

Miss Messenger's four heads turned at the same time to look at Renekton, who had closed his eyes and meditated. She quickly looked back. Her four heads looked at Klein at the same time, and she spoke in turn:

"It's you." "In" "Summoning." "Me?"

Bugs Bunny, who was standing at Renekton's feet, glanced warily at the spiritual creature summoned by Klein, and then turned his attention to Renekton.

"Alas~" It sighed with some worry and helplessness.

Then he stretched out the paw without the cane and skillfully waved it rhythmically in mid-air, spreading out patches of emerald green light that contained a rich breath of life. Under the control of spirituality, these lights quickly disappeared into Renekton's eyes.

He felt that his stinging eyes suddenly became cold, and the constant stinging and dizziness in his head quickly subsided.

Bugs Bunny is so skilled in this move. How many times have they experienced similar things? .Is it any wonder that Bugs Bunny is on the Plowman path, just for the healing abilities of the Medic?

Klein cursed in his heart. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Renekton, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the spirit world creature he had summoned. He looked at the creature, nodded solemnly and said:


After a while, Renekton opened his eyes again. The purple light in his eyes had long disappeared. He wiped the blood on his face and looked at the messenger lady curiously:

Her body was slightly illusory and transparent, and she wore a complicated, gorgeous, dark and gloomy black dress. There were neat cuts on her neck, and her hands casually held four identical heads with blond hair and red eyes.

While Renekton was sizing up the messenger lady, the eyes of her four heads were also lingering on Renekton. After a moment, her four heads spoke in turn:

"伱是." "和" "Mahams." "The one who fights."

"Um yeah, you noticed that fight?"

Renekton asked in surprise. Even though she was in a bad state, Miss Messenger was still very concerned about the news about the Rose School of Thought.

The four heads held by Miss Messenger in both hands spoke one after another:

"Your" "battle." "It's affected." "The spiritual world."

"You want to" "Kill him." "You can cooperate with me."

Renekton raised his eyebrows slightly, not expecting Miss Messenger to have such an idea. He readily agreed:

"No problem. When I find a suitable opportunity to take action, I will let Gehrman Sparrow inform you."

Does my messenger have a grudge against the Rose School? Or do you simply have a grudge against that Maihams?

Just as Klein was thinking about it, he saw the four heads held by the messenger who had just signed a contract with him wink at him at the same time. Her figure quickly disappeared and retracted into the pale candlelight.

After watching the messenger lady return to the spirit world, Klein turned curiously, looked at Renekton and said:

"What did you just see?"

He paused just as he opened his mouth. Thinking of his character as Gehrman Sparrow, he abruptly changed his words and restrained his tone.

Renekton heard the uneasiness in Klein's words, smiled lightly and replied:

"It's nothing, I just forgot to restrain my gaze and accidentally saw the true nature of the messenger lady."


Klein maintained his character and spoke with doubts in his tone.

Renekton curled his lips slightly and announced to Klein very solemnly:

"Congratulations~ You have an angel as your messenger. This is a treatment that ordinary gods do not have."

"Angel?" Klein murmured, feeling that this was a bit unreal.

The messenger lady who has a castle in the spiritual world turned out to be an angel. I thought she was just a demigod-level spiritual creature. When did I start using "just" to describe a demigod?

While Klein was pondering, Renekton continued:

"If she wasn't an angel, how could she overcome the clearing and obstruction of the Seven Lights and respond to your ritual first?"

Seven Lights, Klein felt that the spiritual world just now must have been chaotic and exciting. This guy must have followed here just to see this scene!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 343 Star Admiral

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Chapter 343 Star Admiral

Above the gray mist, there is a magnificent palace that seems to have remained unchanged forever.

Renekton was sitting on the high-backed chair that belonged to the White Tower. There were pieces of starlight scattered around him, reflecting the space above the gray fog like a bright galaxy.

His eyes were filled with rich purple light, and a piece of translucent amber was gently held in the palm of his left hand.

In this piece of amber, there is a rich shadow that flows like substance. The shadows are layered on top of each other, like a curtain. Deep in the shadow, there seems to be an eye full of corruption, filth, and abnormal power hidden.

The bright stars around him were scattered with rays of light, constantly dissolving the shadow wrapped in translucent amber in Renekton's hand. They were dissolved into the purest information, which was recorded and analyzed by Renekton with his voyeuristic eyes.

Klein sat quietly in the high-backed chair belonging to The Fool. He leveraged some of the power of the gray mist to help Renekton suppress the pollution in this drop of blood, making it easier for him to analyze it.

About a quarter of an hour later, the shadow Renekton was holding on to his left hand disappeared.

He retracted his left hand with a slight nostalgia, leaned back, and leaned against the back of the chair. The bright starlight surrounding him quickly dissipated, and the grand and ancient palace once again returned to its former tranquility.

Renekton closed his eyes slightly, digesting the occult knowledge he had just analyzed:

You can temporarily create a shadow field, combining the power of corruption, filth, mutation and other fields with the shadow to create a variety of monsters. You can also directly imbue the shadow with strange power to corrode those in the field. everything.

It smells a bit like the land abandoned by the gods, but it doesn't require the absolute condition of lightless darkness. Sasril's blood essence is very high, almost equivalent to the true creator.

"How was the harvest?"

Klein, who was sitting in the high-backed chair belonging to the Fool, saw Renekton open his eyes and asked in a calm tone.

"not bad."

"I even want to collect the blood of mythical creatures from every path. For occultists, any real and effective occult knowledge is our source of power."

Renekton leaned on the high-backed chair and said with some expectation in his voice.

Just think about it, this is somewhat unrealistic. Klein silently cursed in his heart.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and prepare to say something, deep red light suddenly flowed out of the boundless gray fog around him, spreading out like a tide.

A crimson star suddenly shone, and it continued to expand and contract.

Mr. Fool's business was quite busy. Renekton sighed a little, then stood up from his seat, preparing to say goodbye.

Klein, who was sitting at the top of the mottled long table, stared slightly. Isn't this the crimson star pointing at any member of the Tarot Club, newcomer?

While his thoughts were turning, he did not respond to Renekton's action, and his spirituality spread directly and touched the crimson star.

The crimson light suddenly expanded, then quickly retracted, condensing into a scene of real images and sounds.

Renekton turned to look at the picture behind him, his expression stiffened, and he saw his familiar figure in the picture.

"Captain!" Renekton opened his mouth slightly and murmured.

Hearing Renekton's soft murmur, Klein quickly reacted and asked casually:

"'Star Admiral' Cattleya?"

Renekton's gaze rested on the top of Cattleya's body, where there was a pair of ruthless, almost transparent eyes without eyelashes.

He looked carefully at the eyes that symbolized the hidden sage, and his brows gradually furrowed.

Relying on his familiarity with the Hidden Sage, he saw more through this layer of symbols. Something was wrong with the Hidden Sage. He seemed to have fallen into some kind of instinct, some kind of madness. Why do I feel like this? judge.

While thinking, he heard Klein's questioning voice:

"Is this knowledge chasing people?"

Renekton came back to his senses, frowned slightly, and nodded solemnly:

"Yes, extraordinary people who embark on the path of the Secret Sage will inevitably be instilled with knowledge from the Hidden Sage."

"If you endure it, you will be able to directly obtain the corresponding knowledge. If you fail to endure it, you will directly lose control, go crazy and collapse." "Hidden Sage. Why do you do this?"

Klein asked thoughtfully.

He thought of Old Neil, who longed for the occult knowledge to resurrect his wife, but lost control because he could not bear the infusion of knowledge from the Hidden Sage.

What is the state of the Hidden Sage? Why do I feel that the hidden sage I came into contact with from Al and the hidden sage that other secret-peeping extraordinary people came into contact with are completely two extremes.

Seeing that Klein was deep in thought at this time, Renekton cleared his throat and warned:

"Ahem~ I think you might be able to help her first."

Klein came back to his senses, nodded, and then his spirituality spread, touching the crimson star that was constantly shrinking and expanding.

His spirituality surged suddenly and poured into the crimson star. Soon, he established a mysterious and solid connection with Cattleya, which was represented by the crimson star.

Cattleya's figure suddenly appeared in the palace, sitting on a high-backed chair in front of Renekton.

After a short silence, Cattleya gradually recovered. She looked at the palace blankly, her eyes looking at the figure shrouded in gray mist sitting leisurely at the top and the familiar figure to her side. Blurred figures lingered between them.

After a moment, she asked in an erratic tone:

"Is this the underworld?"

"You are not dead."

Klein responded with a chuckle.

After he saw the symbol of starlight stained by starlight appearing behind the high-backed chair where Cattleya was sitting, he turned his gaze to Renekton and asked in a calm voice:

"What is your understanding of the Hidden Sage?"

Seeing that Klein turned the question to him again, Renekton sat back on his high-backed chair, leaned back against the back of the chair, and muttered:

"He is activated by the uniqueness of the hermit, and is a certain incarnation of the knowledge and information of this world, but at certain times, He can also be equated with knowledge itself."

Sometimes. So, isn't He always controlled by the corresponding source? Is this why I feel that there are two extremes in His performance? This may not be the whole story. There may be some reasons that I don't know.

After thinking for a moment, Klein restrained his thoughts. In order to maintain his image as a "fool", he said another enigmatic sentence:

"Knowledge is a must."

A necessity? Is this a reminder from the beacon of destiny? Renekton narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt that maybe he should rethink the relationship between the hidden sage and the wilderness of knowledge. Perhaps, this uniqueness is not as simple as being activated by pollution.

Is the pursuit of knowledge a necessity? Why? Is this an act that the Hidden Sage has to do in order to maintain a certain state of his own? Cattleya also fell into deep thought because of Klein's words.

While Cattleya was deep in thought, Klein glanced at her casually and said in an indifferent and leisurely voice:

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"This should be the most basic etiquette."

Cattleya was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice:

"My name is Cattleya, and I also have the title of 'Admiral of the Stars'."

"Thank you very much for your help just now. If you need me to do anything, you can give me direct instructions as long as it is within my ability and does not violate my principles."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 344 Ms. "Hermit"

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Chapter 344 Ms. "Hermit"

Very sophisticated and experienced, he is worthy of being the "Star Admiral" whose reputation has been spreading on the sea for many years. Klein sighed in his heart.

Immediately, he leaned back on the chair gently, maintaining his leisurely posture, and said very casually:

"The reward for rescuing you will be paid by the White Tower."

Renekton, who was sitting on the side, was stunned for a moment. He instinctively looked at Klein at the top of the mottled long table, opened his mouth, and said in a sincere voice:

"Thank you for your help, respected Mr. Fool, I will pay equivalent compensation for this!"

As a theatergoer, I have to accompany you in the performance. I am like a melon farmer planting melons myself!

"'The Fool'?"

"I heard about your honorable name from Mr. Z of the Aurora Society."

Cattleya grasped the key points through the conversation between Renekton and Klein just now, and spoke carefully before speaking.

Then she turned her gaze to the blurry figure in front of her and said in a very sincere tone:

"Thank you very much for your help. I wonder what kind of compensation you need to pay for this? If possible, I am willing to pay it on your behalf."

Renekton sat upright, chuckled and said:

"The reward is my ship's fare on the Future."

Future Ship. He has been on the Future Ship before, no wonder I feel familiar. Cattleya quickly screened each character in her mind, and soon, she locked on the target.

She considered her tone and said:

"Are you Al?"

Renekton nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"Long time no see, Captain!"

Cattleya's originally nervous mood relaxed a little, and then she asked curiously:

"How did you know that I encountered the Knowledge Chaser and asked Mr. Fool for help in time?"

Klein sat leisurely on the high-backed chair, but his eyes stayed on Renekton. He was prepared to direct the question directly to him when the other party couldn't answer the question.

The worst thing is that Mr. Fool has the authority over the ocean field. It is normal to know that you are a pirate general floating on the sea. Anyway, I have the Poseidon Scepter, so it is not impossible for me to perform corresponding miracles.

Renekton put his hands on the long bronze table in front of him and said with a slight sigh:

"This is just a coincidence. I happened to report something to Mr. Fool."

"Your astrological instrument was built by Emperor Russell. It can establish a certain connection with this place. This is the main reason why you can get help from Mr. Fool."

Astrology? An item made by the Emperor? So, Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man should have similar items around them back then. Is this why I was able to pull them above this gray fog?

The Emperor also has a certain connection with this gray fog and is it related to time travel? Could it be that Russell and I were both brought to this world by Source Castle? And Al was brought here by the Wilderness of Knowledge?

Klein's emotions surged uncontrollably, and thoughts kept floating in his mind, but under the cover of gray fog, all this was not obvious.

The items made by Emperor Russell can establish a certain connection with this! As her thoughts floated around, her eyes changed slightly as she looked at the 'Fool' at the top of the mottled long table.

Her first reaction was to tell the Queen of Mystery the news, which was the news she had been pursuing.

After a while, she regained control of her thoughts, and observed without trace for a week, focusing on the other empty seats. Finally, she respectfully and cautiously asked the figure at the top:

"Dear Mr. Fool, is there anyone else here?"

Klein calmed down his emotions and said in a calm voice:

"Some people like you, they have established a regular gathering, I am a witness."

Cattleya said without hesitation:

"Can I participate?"

Now that we have established contact with this "Fool", it is better to take the opportunity to learn more. The items made by Emperor Russell can have a certain connection with this place. The reason is definitely not simple. In fact, the Emperor once sat here. somewhere.

Klein leaned back slightly, leaned on the back of the chair, and said in a leisurely voice:


"No permission allowed, no disclosure."

"Okay!" Cattleya nodded lightly and responded without hesitation.

Renekton sat lazily on the high-backed chair, with his right hand on his chin, slightly distracted. With the character of a captain, when she leaves the gray fog, some of the information just now will appear in Bell within an hour. In Nader's hands, she spent the intervening hour struggling and considering her words.

Klein flexed his right hand and tapped the table lightly, making a thumping sound. A deck of tarot cards with the existing codes removed was materialized and floated on the long bronze table.

"They took the tarot cards as a codename and that's what's left."

"You can pick one."

That's why Mr. "Fool" just called Al "White Tower". Cattleya glanced at Renekton, paused for a moment on the tarot cards floating on the table, and then said directly:


Renekton immediately withdrew his right hand that was placed on the table, and the embodied tarot cards disappeared immediately. Under the cover of gray mist, he said with a calm posture and a calm voice:

"Backlund time, every Monday at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay." Cattleya nodded slightly and responded in a very solemn tone.

Seeing that Klein had plans to let Cattleya leave, Renekton immediately sat up straight, leaned forward slightly and said:

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Ms. Hermit~"

As soon as he finished speaking, a crimson light rose up, and Cattleya's figure suddenly disappeared above the gray mist.

Renekton leaned on the back of the chair again and resumed his lazy posture. He turned his head to look at the figure of the top leader, Klein, shrouded in gray mist and said:

"The captain of the Future has appeared. When do you plan to go to sea?"

"Or, it's easier to pray to the goddess of the night."

"My identity in the church is already a dead man."

Klein responded in a calm voice.

Renekton nodded slightly, without revealing Klein's thoughts, and instead said:

"There is a passage to the God's Abandoned Land at the ruins of the God's War."

"If the time is right, I can go to that sea area with you."

The ruins of the War of Gods have a passage leading to the Land Abandoned by Gods. In other words, there is no way to enter or leave the Land Abandoned by Gods through normal means. No wonder, the thousand years of exploration in Silver City have yielded no results.

Klein's figure shrouded in gray mist had a slightly more solemn expression. He frowned slightly and looked at Renekton:

"Are you planning to go to the Land Abandoned by Gods?"

"What's there?"

He felt that it was impossible for Renekton's character to suddenly want to go to the Forsaken Land. It was more likely that there was something attractive to him there.

Klein's question made Renekton subconsciously think of Amon wandering in the God-Forsaken Land, and he blurted out:

"There are many ammons."

"." Klein was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer the question.

After a short silence, Renekton continued what he just said:

"I plan to go to the Land Abandoned by the Gods to look for some high-sequence characteristics of the Mystic and Universal Paths, and collect some beliefs along the way to prepare for possible needs in the future."

"Silver City?" Klein first thought of Silver City, which is also the only human city-state he knows that is still struggling to survive in the land abandoned by the gods.

Renekton shook his head slightly, then said in a deep voice:

"I have discussed this issue with Sasril. In the Land Abandoned by the Gods, in addition to the Silver City, there are several other gathering places for humans. Some are under the protection of the true Creator, and some are traveling in the deep darkness."

"The True Creator? Protecting the survivors of the God-Forsaken Land?"

Klein felt a little weird. This was completely different from the image of the evil god in his impression.

Even though he already knows that the true creator is the remnant of the ancient sun god who once led the rise of mankind in this world, he has gone crazy and is closer to the evil spirit of the ancient sun god.

Renekton leaned on the back of his chair, rubbing the edge of the long mottled table with his right hand, and said with emotion in his voice:

"Although He is crazy, as long as he is not an Extraordinary of the secret prayer path, as long as you don't take the initiative to approach him and listen to his voice, there won't be much danger."

"Even the Aurora Society, their crazy behavior is mostly to allow the true Creator to break through the seal left by the Seven Gods in the God-Forsaken Land and come to reality. Other than that, they are no different from other churches."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 345 Divination and Angelweed

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Chapter 345 Divination and Angelweed

Klein fell silent briefly. He could accept Renekton's statement, but he could not ignore the tragedies Aurora would cause outside the God-Forsaken Land, nor could he ignore the true Creator who led all of this.


Seeing that Klein fell silent, Renekton reached out and tapped the edge of the table in front of him twice. Seeing that Klein's attention was attracted to him, Renekton chuckled softly:

"You don't need to pay too much attention to this. Each of us looks at the problem from a different perspective. There is nothing wrong with sticking to your own ideas."

"We can be hostile to the Aurora Society because of the tragedies it has caused to welcome the coming of the true Creator, or we can choose to cooperate with Him because of some necessary trade-offs."

"Necessary trade-offs?" Klein murmured softly. His inspiration suddenly touched him. He looked at Renekton and muttered:

"You Extraordinaries of the Reader Path all seem to like to use this rational attitude to look at problems."

"I'm just an occultist now."

Renekton corrected him aloud, then chuckled:

"However, after being a reader for so long, I have more or less retained some habits."

"As for some similar habits among readers, this is largely due to the influence of acting and potions, that is, the influence from the top of the sequence on the same pathway."

As soon as the words came out, Renekton himself was stunned for a moment, and then he pursed his lips and raised his head. He probably knew why the God of Knowledge was so good at taking sides.

After a brief silence, Renekton changed the topic:

"I will sacrifice a scale to you, and you will try to see if you can use it to lock onto the returning Dragon of Fantasy."

"Yes. But there is a high probability that it will not work. He must have taken corresponding precautions."

Klein said after considering it, but he did not refuse Renekton's attempt. He was also very interested in the Dragon of Fantasy. Through this gray fog, even the former ancient god should not be able to do anything to me.

There was a crimson wave of light rising around him, and Renekton felt his eyes dazzled as he returned to Byam's hotel.

He quickly got up from the sofa and rummaged around the room to find candles, essential oils and other ritual materials. In the absence of spiritual materials, he directly used his own spirituality to create bright stars, which were condensed into pieces of transparent amber. replace.

Quickly preparing a simple sacrificial ceremony, he gently rubbed his fingers to create a few red flames, lit the candle in front of him, then took a step back and began to recite the incantation:

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

"Your faithful servant begs your gaze;

I pray that you will accept his offering;

I pray that you will open the gates of your kingdom. "


In the ancient palace above the gray fog, a crimson light suddenly rose. As the light faded, Renekton's figure appeared here again.

He looked directly at the top of the mottled long table, looking at the blurry figure shrouded in gray mist.

A gray-white scale was quietly suspended in the air, rotating slowly, revealing different strange symbols on its front and rear sides.

Klein stared at the gray scales quietly, feeling something carefully. After a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"He did take certain precautions. This scale seems to be connected to the entire spiritual world, rather than a single individual."

Renekton nodded lightly without being too surprised and said:

"Unexpectedly, at least, this scale is more likely to be his own scales, rather than other dragons, or items made in imitation."

After a moment, Klein reached out and held the gray-white scale, closed his eyes, and chanted softly:

"The location of the Dragon of Utopia."

After repeating this seven times, he quickly fell into a deep sleep through meditation.

In the dream, Klein quickly woke up. He saw himself appearing on a deep and dark sea. Every drop of water around him was like a light and shadow, blurred and dreamy. Is this the collective subconscious sea? Is it the so-called spiritual world? Klein's expression was slightly dazed by the surrounding environment. Even if this was just a scene he saw through dream divination, the stacked and alternating consciousnesses in the sea of ​​collective subconscious also inevitably caused turmoil in his mind.

The consciousness in every mind is making certain exchanges with the sea of ​​collective subconscious. Extraordinary people who are not good at the spiritual field will have trouble moving here. Even if they are not careful, their minds will be polluted by the various subconscious minds accumulated here.

"The mentality of curiosity and knowledge is an inevitable personality tendency of every reader."

A voice that went straight into his soul suddenly resounded in Klein's mind. His spirituality was surging like an agitated beast, and he was alert, as if he would break away from the state of dream divination at any time.

In his astonished gaze, a huge figure emerged from the depths of the illusive and profound sea:

It is a slender lizard-like monster, with a body shape like a hill, its body is covered with huge gray-white stone-like scales, and its eyes are pale golden and vertical.

The "Dragon of Fantasy" Angerweide is actually hidden in the depths of the collective subconscious sea, waiting for my divination. Doesn't it say that all the ancient gods are crazy? Why does He look so sane?

Angelweed's pale gold vertical eyes were empty, but he was looking in the direction of Klein very naturally, as if he had already seen him.

Klein felt as if he could see human surprise and joy in the other party's huge, cold eyes?

While Klein was thinking in surprise, Angelweed waved the gray wings behind him slightly, and a storm suddenly stirred up in the spiritual world around him, and all kinds of extreme emotions quickly grew and spread.

After doing all this, Angelweed said as if talking to himself:

"It seems that the favored one of the Dragon of Wisdom does not have much respect and trust in him. He did not choose to give my scales to the Dragon of Wisdom."

Dragon of Wisdom? Does this refer to the God of Knowledge? This righteous god turned out to be a giant dragon, or a dragon with a title. In the second era, he might have been one of the followers of this fantasy dragon.

It's really the audience's style. It was a trial from the beginning. Probably, no matter what choice Al made and whose hands the scale fell into, this former ancient god had corresponding preparations and choices.

"I don't feel any malice, and I can't trace the source of this peek. This shows that you have a high status, or have secret authority."

"Are you the 'Fool' who has become active recently?"

Angelweed's words, which seemed to be asking questions to himself, interrupted Klein's contemplation, and he glanced at the huge dragon in surprise.

He can detect my divination, but he can't trace it back to me, let alone affect me. Don't be careless, this may just be His performance, but how does He know that I am a "fool"? Just a guess? Or did Al communicate with Him in the spiritual world?

Should I say something? I always feel passive when listening to Him.

No, I'm just divination. As expected of an angel in the audience's path, can people be guided unknowingly even if their words are not affected by extraordinary powers? .Thinking of this, Klein quickly gathered his thoughts, stopped thinking about His words, and quietly became a bystander.

Angelweed's voice did not pause because of Klein's thoughts. It was more like he was talking to himself on this sea of ​​collective subconscious:

"Sequence 0 is not the top of the sequence path. When I was the 'Dragon of Imagination', I experienced a higher level of pollution. It came from deep underground and is extremely dangerous!"

"While Antigonus and Zaratul are still alive, you can still call yourself the 'Fool'. It should be related to the thing called the 'Origin Castle' by the Demon Wolf King, just like the ancient Sun God Just like the 'sea of ​​chaos' that can control the depths of the earth."

"There is no direct conflict between us. Perhaps we can try to cooperate?"

(End of this chapter)