

Chapter 281 Wheel of Fortune Card

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Chapter 281 Wheel of Fortune Card

On the Golden Dream, Renekton's inspiration was suddenly touched as he just returned to the cabin.

A purple halo flashed in his eyes, and he caught an unclear silver-gray figure that flashed in front of him.

An envelope sealed with fire paint was placed in front of Renekton, and fell as the silver-gray figure disappeared.

Renekton reached out to catch the envelope, and his instinct told him that it should be the Wheel of Fortune card sent by Bernadette.

He didn't open the envelope in a hurry, and kept his gaze on the place where the messenger disappeared just now. The purple halo in his eyes was covered with a grayish white.

He looked forward calmly, his eyes seemed to have penetrated time, and he saw the true appearance of the messenger who just sent him the letter.

It was a strange creature that looked a bit like a centaur. Its lower body had six legs, and its upper body looked like a headless man. Its body was covered with silver-gray hair, which was close to the skin and seemed to be plated with a layer of hair. Metallic color.

Is this what a speedster really looks like? The creatures in the spirit world are really weirder than the last. Muttering in his mind, Renekton quickly returned to his room with the envelope in hand.

He couldn't wait to open the envelope. In addition to a piece of folded letter paper, there was also a tarot card, a tarot card without the corresponding image of Russell, and a line of small words "Wheel of Fortune" in the upper left corner.

"As the only Major Arcana card without a character, I thought Russell would force himself to cosplay."

Renekton looked at the Wheel of Fortune card in his hand and glanced slightly at his mouth. He felt a little disappointed when he didn't see Russell's new image.

But this is probably the reason why he feels free to hand over this blasphemous card to Bernadette. If it is a witch or moon card, he can collect the witch card if there is a chance. Such good things must be displayed.

Although the Wheel of Fortune card does not have the image of Russell like other blasphemous cards, it is very rich in appearance. There is a three-layered Wheel of Fortune hanging in the blue sky. The Wheel of Fortune is also surrounded by jackals, Sword, lion and snake.

There is a winged animal in each of the four corners of the card, which coincides with the four symbols representing fire, water, wind and earth on the wheel of fortune.

Renekton held the Wheel of Fortune card in his right hand, and gently brushed the card with his left hand. There was an illusory breaking sound in his ears, and the seal that Bernadette had placed on the card was lifted by him.

Lines of ancient Fusac words appeared on the card, completely presenting the potion formulas and rituals from Destiny Path Sequence 0 to Sequence .

Renekton ignored the previous potion formulas and rituals, and his eyes fell directly on the final sequence 0:

  Sequence 0: Wheel of Fortune

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to the incarnation of destiny, which can affect the entire world, allowing all behaviors of all living beings except gods to be determined by itself.

Ritual: Find the right opportunity in the torrent of destiny.

".Digitalize the entire world and turn the entire world into a dice-throwing Monopoly game?"

Renekton suddenly thought of the probability dice held by the School of Life. The style of that dice had great potential in this regard.

I don't know if the Demon of Knowledge, who holds the power of knowledge and civilization, can digitize the entire world. Well, there is a high probability that it can. The principle of the sage's robe is to copy information and record status. After a certain period of time, Resetting that information, since it can be copied, can most likely be modified.

After pondering for a while in his mind, he reached out his hand again and brushed the surface of the Wheel of Fortune card. A faint layer of starlight filled the air, then quickly disappeared, adding a new layer of seal to the Wheel of Fortune card.

The long-term aggregation effect would most likely attract high-sequence things along this path. He could not guarantee that the person attracted would be an existence like Ourolyus who would not have any ill intentions toward him.

Putting away the Wheel of Fortune card, he picked up the letter paper placed on the table aside, unfolded it and read:

The Suicide Ship was recruiting crew members. Except for the immortal king Agaritu, all the crew members on the Suicide Ship died.

I noticed the arrival of the Hidden Sage, also in the direction of the Sea of ​​White Whale, not too far from the sea area where Vice Admiral Iceberg fought with the Immortal King.

I saw a ship, an empty ship!

That is the Flesh Tree number of the Blood Admiral!

The sea is a place controlled by the Church of Storms. Try not to conflict with them at sea. They have an absolute advantage.

  A pirate king told me that the sea is a place controlled by the Church of Storms. It always feels a little strange. However, everyone on the Death Ship died except Agaritu? This was not quite right. The two sides of the fight at that time left some room and did not get that intense.

Renekton muttered, shaking the letter paper with his hand, and a flame burst out from it, quickly burning the paper.

Then, his figure sitting on the chair quickly faded and disappeared, entering the spiritual world and roaming deep into the spiritual world.

Port Bansi, outside the Church of Storms.

After Klein led Daniz and others to join Captain Ireland in the Church of Storms, the two parties exchanged information, quickly unified their opinions, and rushed to the White Agate.

When they were about to reach the telegraph office, they met a middle-aged man holding a lantern.

  He was wearing a dark blue bishop's robe embroidered with storm symbols, his head lowered, his face pale, his breathing a little short, and his steps staggering, as if he was seriously injured.

"Bishop Miller?" As the captain, Ireland recognized the other party after a moment of concentration, and blurted out in surprise.

The middle-aged man raised his head, raised the lantern in his hand and looked at Ireland who spoke:

"Are you Ireland?" "Yes, Mr. Bishop, I saw Jace died. What happened here?"

Ireland did not walk over directly, but stayed where he was and asked.

During this process, Klein and Daniz moved their bodies without leaving a trace, lowering their presence in front of the Bishop of the Church of Storms.

"The injuries on his body appear to have been inflicted by people from the Church of Storms."

Bugs Bunny, who had been following Klein's feet, looked at the man whom Captain Ireland called the Bishop for a while, and then suddenly said something.

"Huh? It could... be a magical animal?"

Ireland looked at Bugs Bunny in surprise, who suddenly spoke, and then looked at Gehrman Sparrow.


Klein responded expressionlessly.

While speaking, he took out a gold coin from his pocket and whispered the divination sentence:

  "He had bad intentions."

Zheng! The gold coin was thrown away by him and fell quickly, landing in Klein's palm.

Head up, it means yes!

Bishop Miller looked straight at this scene, and a dark red light suddenly appeared in his gray-brown eyes.

With a whine, the strong wind blew out of his body, holding up his dark blue priest's robe.

Click click click click!

  The branches of nearby street trees were blown off by the strong wind and flew into the air.

Bugs Bunny thrust his branch cane into the ground with a fierce force, stabilizing his body that was almost blown away by the strong wind.

But the hat it was wearing was blown away by the strong wind, and was caught by Klein who retreated.

Donna, Denton and others behind it did not have this ability. They were thrown several meters away and fell to the ground, feeling pain all over their bodies.

Only Clevis and his fellow bodyguards, who were in better physical condition, stumbled to the ground and rolled several times.

Captain Ireland, who was facing Bishop Miller, made very flexible and continuous backward and rolling movements, avoiding the oncoming wind pressure.

Klein and Daniz, who were relatively powerful, did not resist forcefully. They followed the trend and floated like kites while maintaining their balance.

puff! puff! Chi!

  Thick, emerald green vines full of barbs broke out of the ground and headed straight towards Bishop Miller, who was whipping up a strong wind.


A muffled sound came from his nose, and invisible sharp wind blades shot out, cutting all the vines that attacked him.

The whirlwind surrounding him consciously moved his body a certain distance to avoid subsequent vine attacks.

The violent wind he stirred up had subsided for a moment, and the surrounding fog had been blown away, revealing six figures hidden under the fog.

They were all wearing black cloaks and had lost their heads. There was even gurgling blood on their necks. They looked like they had just been decapitated not long ago.


  They growl like wild beasts ready to go.


  Sharp invisible wind blades cut through the air and attacked Bugs Bunny, who was holding branches and manipulating vines.

Bugs Bunny immediately kicked his legs and ran back, turning into a blurry gray figure, avoiding all the wind blades.

The next moment, a crazy, terrifying hunger emerged. Everyone felt as if they were being targeted by some extremely terrifying and vicious monster, and they would be skinned and eaten at any time.

Daniz's eyes shrank, and he knew that Gehrman Sparrow was no longer hiding himself.

Klein continuously used paper man substitutes to close the distance between himself and Bishop Miller. The human leather gloves on his left hand squirmed and grew dark golden scales.

Klein's pupils then dimmed, or if they were erected, his eyes reflected Bishop Miller in dark blue robes.

The next moment, the bishop who was releasing the wind blade to chase Bugs Bunny suddenly tilted his head back and his body froze.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 282 I feel like I can't even beat a rabbit!

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Chapter 282 I feel like I can't even beat a rabbit!

  The dark red light in Bishop Miller's eyes was chaotic and full of madness for a moment, and his skin simultaneously became smooth and colorful, like the skin of some kind of sea creature.

A low, screaming sound came from his mouth, and a series of greasy, disgusting tentacles came out from under the dark blue robe.

It seems that Bishop Miller's original mental state was not very good, and he was even affected by pollution. Under the "madness" of the psychiatrist, he directly lost control!

  The next moment, thick thorns quickly broke through the ground and became entangled with the slippery tentacles on Bishop Miller's body.

There was a layer of ink-like darkness spreading on its greasy, disgusting tentacles.

The barbs on the thorns pierced into the tentacles and continuously released nerve-paralyzing toxins.

  Seeing this scene, Klein narrowed his eyes slightly. Bugs Bunny had more combat experience than he expected. He was even quite skilled in fighting.

Muttering something in his mind, he immediately switched to the soul driven by squirming hunger.

The glove on his left hand was dyed with a layer of gold, his expression became majestic, and his eyes were fixed on Bishop Miller who was constantly entangled with thorns in front of him and around him.

His pupils lit up instantly, flashing like lightning.

The next moment, Bishop Miller screamed. Some of the tentacles that were pulling against the thorns directly tore off the thick thorns, while others were torn apart by the thorns, spilling a black-green viscous liquid that sizzled when it fell to the ground. sound.

His spirit was pierced, and indescribable extreme pain arose in his mind. The wind blades that had formed around him instantly dissipated into nothingness.


  The surrounding ground was broken through again, and this time what appeared was no longer thorns, but a piranha with its scarlet mouth open, revealing its bloody fangs.

Like hungry beasts, they bit Bishop Miller's head, body and the slippery tentacles under his feet.

Klein seized the opportunity, took two steps forward, leaned back slightly, opened his arms, and made a gesture of embracing the sun.

Suddenly, the surroundings became brighter, the air seemed to heat up instantly, and the strong wind stopped instantly.

Immediately, a magnificent and pure pillar of blazing light descended from the sky and enveloped Bishop Miller.

The piranha flowers summoned by Bugs Bunny through the wooden stick in his hand showed signs of withering, but they still bit Bishop Miller, but they felt a little powerless.

Bishop Miller's body, tightly bitten by the piranha, began to evaporate, first the skin, then the tentacles, and finally the flesh.

  When the brilliant beam of light summoned by Klein disappeared, there were only some dry and yellow vines and thorns and a pool of monsters made of bones and flesh, whose aura was extremely weak!

  "He's not dead yet. The vitality of those who are out of control is so tenacious. If it were me, he would have turned into a roast rabbit!"

Bugs Bunny on the side glanced at his mouth and muttered softly.

Klein nodded slightly, maintaining Gehrman Sparrow's cold tone and said:

"Go and help them."

After telling Bugs Bunny, Klein took a few steps forward and stopped next to Bishop Miller's remains. He squatted down slightly, leaned forward, and pressed his left hand with a squirming hunger on the pool of flesh.

A crack opened silently in the palm of his left hand, and two rows of illusory, white teeth grew out of it, frantically devouring the remaining flesh and soul of Bishop Miller.

Bugs Bunny shuddered when he saw this scene. He suddenly felt that Klein transformed into Gehrman Sparrow was a bit scary.

It hurriedly ran towards Daniz with its wooden staff. Two of the headless bodies had already fallen down, and they were all burned into blackened charcoal.

Bugs Bunny kicked his legs hard, leaving a medium-deep mark on the ground. His entire body turned into a stream of gray light and quickly struck a headless body close to Donna and the Denton siblings.

Under the horrified gazes of Cleeves and others, it kicked its legs hard on the chest of the headless body, kicked it several meters away, and threw it to the ground.

It then stretched out a paw, took out a handful of plant seeds from the black cloth bag slung over its body, and sprinkled them out.

As soon as these seeds fell to the ground, they began to grow wildly, growing into strange and thick vines, which seemed to have mutated from many different types of plants.

These vines quickly wrapped around the headless body that it kicked out.

Then it relied on similar operations to pull or kick the other three headless bodies together.

The vines on the ground twisted and twisted quickly, twisting them into a ball.

Daniz was dumbfounded as he watched Bugs Bunny smoothly operate this fat rabbit. Is this so powerful? Why do I feel like I can't even beat a rabbit!

  cough! He cleared his throat and stood up straight.

He raised his right hand slightly, and the red fire quickly condensed on his palm, quickly condensing into a spear wrapped in blazing white flames.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze locked on the headless body tied together by vines, and he suddenly threw the blazing white spear in his hand.


  The sound of flames rising and exploding was heard.

He condensed the flame spears one after another and threw them out. Each spear was stably inserted into the headless bodies, exploding their skin and flesh, causing a series of flames to burst out. Then he raised his hands and pushed them forward, forming red fire crows in front of him.

Daniz manipulated these flame crows to crash into the headless bodies from different angles, making it impossible for them to break out of the envelope of flames.

Klein, who had finished eating for his squirming hunger, came back. He glanced at Daniz, who had sweat dripping from his forehead, then looked away and stepped forward easily.

His right hand quietly reached into the inside of the coat, touched the sun brooch, and poured spirituality into it.

Golden illusory flames ignited out of thin air in the red in front of them. These flames exuded the majestic and pervasive breath of the sun, and they were dense and continuous.

Those headless corpses were like hot oil encountering a flame, quickly melting under the golden flame exuding the pure and sacred breath of the sun.

They fell to the ground, screaming and twitching, and were soon burned into a pool of dried, solidified blood.

Phew~ Solved. Gehrman Sparrow is really strong. Even when facing the captain, he has the ability to compete. Danitz glanced at Klein and sighed silently in his heart.

Then, he saw Gehrman Sparrow glance at him coldly.

The expression on Daniz's face condensed, and he turned his neck stiffly, pretending to be nonchalant.

Deep in the spiritual world, in front of a magnificent and vast building.

Renekton stood here quietly, looking at the building carefully. This was his first time coming to the library in person.

Its architectural style is less like a library and more like an ancient palace built in the spiritual world. To be more precise, it is a palace complex.

Because it looks like it is made up of many tall buildings of different styles cleverly put together.

This place seemed to be different from when it first started. It was more magnificent and more alive than it was then. Muttering in his heart, Renekton stepped towards the door of the library.

The first thing that caught his eye was a plague doctor wearing a beak-shaped mask, holding a cane, and wearing a dark robe.

The beak mask it wears on its head flashes with green fluorescence, adding a bit of eerie and alive atmosphere to it.

Behind are the holy unicorn, the balrog surrounded by flames, and the beautiful and cold snow girl.

  Are these placed at the entrance to add a scary atmosphere to the library? .Thoughts flashed through his mind. Renekton had already passed the gate area where the statue was.

As soon as he entered the library, he saw a thin old man wearing lemon yellow robes and a long white beard.

The other party was flipping through a book attentively. Judging from the cover, it looked like a newly compiled book. The title above was directly "Discussion on Prophecy", which was very modern in the style of the intellectual church.

"Good evening, Mr. Venetan."

Renekton stepped forward and greeted the other party in a familiar manner.

Only then did Huang Guangweinitan look away from the book, looked at Renekton, nodded with a smile and said:

"The statues placed at the door are meant to be seen by the spiritual creatures coming and going, not only to receive feedback from them, but also to help them spread the information and stories."

Renekton was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the other party would answer the thought that flashed through his mind when he entered the door just now. It felt like the Hall of Honesty.

He chuckled and nodded, quickly gathering all the divergent thoughts in his mind.

This is not too difficult for him, but in normal times, he prefers to maintain a state of random thinking and random thoughts. An overly rational state will always make him feel that he is not human enough.

"You seem to have questions that you want me to answer."

Venitan smiled kindly and mentioned.

Renekton nodded slightly. He did have some questions. The yellow light was a symbol of the astrological field, and he was a very suitable person to ask.

Renekton pondered for a moment, then said after careful consideration:

"When I was promoted to prophet, I glimpsed some destiny. I saw some of my own future. All the tributaries of destiny eventually went in the same direction and merged into a larger destiny that I couldn't see clearly."

"My gut tells me this is not a normal situation."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 283 Separation of identity and "mother"

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Chapter 283 Separation of identity and "mother"

Yellow Light Venetan's expression suddenly became serious. He looked up at the top of Renekton's head, his eyes gradually became deep and distant, as if he was sizing up something, peeping at something, thinking about something.

  After a moment, his eyes became clear again. Under Renekton's expectant gaze, Venitan shook his head gently:

  "I didn't see the abnormality you mentioned, and my divination also had no results."

"But fate can be concealed. Compared with my divination, what you see is more credible."

Having said this, He paused for a moment, as if he was considering his words, and then continued after a moment:

"Do you know the Dragon of Fantasy? The descriptions of him in many books include this sentence: The future he declares will definitely be staged and become a reality."

"Your doubts may be similar. There is something of high enough status that affects your destiny. No matter what changes you make, you will eventually move towards the future you have prepared for."

Renekton stared at the yellow light Venitan in front of him. He intuitively thought that the other party seemed to know something, but he was not prepared to tell him.

Without stopping for more, he saluted and thanked the other party, and then walked deeper into the library.

Soon, he came to the rest area where Mr. Huang often stayed. No spiritual creatures other than Qiguang dared to come here, and it seemed very empty.

As soon as Renekton arrived, he saw groups of gray, green, light blue and dark black lights floating around Mr. Huang, condensing into light groups of different sizes.

"Although these characteristics are not high in sequence, they are in sufficient quantity. Together they can easily encounter saints from the Rose School under the influence of the aggregation effect, and the church will disperse them."

Mr. Huang's voice echoed in Renekton's ears.

He nodded slightly, indicating that he had no objection to this method of handling it.

Then Mr. Huang waved his right hand gently, and the surrounding objects quickly scattered everywhere and disappeared.

He turned to look at Renekton and said admonishingly:

"Your plan for the Rose School has changed. Don't rely too much on prophecy. Divination is not omnipotent, and neither is prophecy."

"I've felt it." Renekton responded with a wry smile.

Mr. Huang nodded, did not talk about this topic again, and asked instead:

  "You want me to help you separate Renekton's identity?"

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, I need a completely independent clone to carry the characteristics of the reader path."

"But I don't know the saints or angels who pass by the audience, and I don't feel comfortable letting my heart go in front of them."

Mr. Huang nodded gently without comment:

"no problem."

"Although I cannot simulate the ability of a thief, I can amplify the gathering effect between extraordinary characteristics, which can also attract the characteristics in your body."

"But this will have some impact on you, and maybe you can find a trustworthy Thief Angel."

Is Pales being watched? Yes, he still has the last characteristic Amon needs to become a god, so it is natural for him to be watched by Storm and the others.

Renekton nodded slightly and chuckled:

  "It's not difficult. I know an angel who is on the path of the thief. He is quite friendly."

Mr. Huang stopped talking. He stretched out his right hand forward, and wisps of brass-colored light emerged and wandered around his hand, gradually converging into a slightly illusory ball of light.

"Relax your mind and don't resist."

He groaned, then pushed the palm of his right hand forward slightly, and the slightly illusory ball of light immediately sank into Renekton's head.

Renekton closed his eyes tightly and felt himself in a trance. Past memories kept reappearing in his mind, and the memories belonging to Renekton Soth became particularly clear.

It felt like something was gradually being peeled off from him. Renekton suddenly felt as if he had let go of a burden, and his heart became extraordinarily light.

Next to Renekton, a figure who looked exactly like him, wearing a light yellow trench coat, with slightly messy golden hair, and an obvious childlike look on his body slowly emerged, and quickly solidified.

"All right."

Mr. Huang glanced at the separated Renekton Soth, and whispered with an unknown meaning:

  "You are still him, but not entirely him. However, I have fulfilled my promise."


After Renekton opened his eyes, he looked at Mr. Huang suspiciously. The other man's face had no expression, looking a little indifferent and serious. He just glanced at him lightly and didn't say anything.

Renekton knew enough not to ask further questions. He turned around and looked at his independent clone, looking at it carefully.

Except for the childishness that has not completely faded away from his body, the other party is exactly the same as himself, even the clothes he wears are the same.

Renekton rubbed his chin with his right thumb, thought for a moment, then took off the glasses on his nose and handed them to the other party. After the other party took the glasses and put them on, he nodded with satisfaction, chuckled and said:

  "The identity of Renekton Soth will be returned to you. From today on, I will only be Al Tynes."

Renekton Soth, who had already put on his glasses, chuckled and nodded in response:

  "Good evening, Mr. Tynes."

"It's already a new year. I think I need to go back to Feneport first. It just so happens that Palles also needs some time to recover."

"No problem, do you want me to take you back?"

"I'm just an ordinary person now. If you don't want me to die from information pollution in the spiritual world when I walk out of this library, then give me a ride."

Renekton nodded slightly, turned around and politely expressed his thanks and farewell to Mr. Huang.

Then he reached out and grabbed his clone's shoulder. Starlight spread out, tightly surrounding their bodies, and then quickly faded into transparency, leaving the library and the depths of the spiritual world.

After roaming in the spirit world for quite some time, Renekton took his clone to the spirit world area corresponding to Madan.

In the second-floor garden belonging to Bugs Bunny on Baifeng Street in Madan City, two figures were quickly outlined.

Renekton reached out and pushed forward. Renekton Soth, who was wearing glasses on the bridge of his nose and still looked a little childish, staggered forward. His figure disappeared into a "door" and then hit the door downstairs.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the garden on the second floor of the house next to him. There was no one there anymore. The timid guy could hide so quickly. Wasn't he just going home?

  After muttering something under his breath, he reached out and rang the doorbell on the side.

jingle! jingle!

  Shortly after the doorbell rang, the door was opened from the inside. The person who opened the door was not the familiar housekeeper, but his mother Isabel.

Her long golden hair was pulled up high, and she was wearing a thick fur coat. The glasses on the bridge of her nose were rarely removed. Her light blue eyes seemed haggard, and there were obvious wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and forehead.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Renekton Soth standing outside the door. His eyes were filled with strong emotions.

The two were stunned for a moment. Renekton Soth came to his senses first and deliberately lowered his voice to make his voice sound more serious:

"Dear Ms. Isabel, I feel that I really need a warm hug now, instead of being left out in the cold wind outside the door!"

Warm tears streaked down Isabel's face, and she rushed forward and hugged Renekton Soth forcefully.

She wrapped her hands around it vigorously, as if she was afraid that what she was facing was just a dream, and she desperately wanted to prove that the child in her arms was real.

"Cough cough!"

"Ms. Isabelle, I can't breathe."

Isabel then reluctantly let go of her hand, holding Renekton's face with trembling hands, trying hard to remember every detail of his body in her mind.

After a moment, she hugged the son in front of her tightly again, and said in a hoarse and intermittent voice:

"You are finally back, my familiar child, my child, my real child, you are finally back"

"I thought I would never see you again."

In the garden on the second floor nearby, Renekton looked away and frowned slightly.

The reaction of my mother, Ms. Isabel, was not quite right. She seemed to have known for a long time that there was something wrong with my identity and that I was no longer the child she once was.

"Isabel is an excellent scholar. Although she is not keen on extraordinary power and is even a little repellent, this does not prevent her from becoming the favored one of our Lord."

Renekton suddenly turned around. Behind him, Mr. Huang appeared here at some unknown time.

He frowned slightly and said in a complicated tone:

"So...she has known for a long time that I am not her child?"

"Yes, in return for borrowing this identity, you need to return it to Renekton Soth when you no longer need it."

Mr. Huang nodded slightly.

Renekton's brows gradually furrowed. He turned his head slightly and carefully sensed the connection between himself and Renekton Soth.

Although the identities separated by the dreamweaver ability are independent individuals, there will still be some mystical connections between them.

Relying on this mystical connection, he determined that the clone with the identity of Renekton was still himself and had not been replaced by the spirit of the original Renekton Soth.

He turned his head in confusion and looked at Mr. Huang behind him, waiting for the other party's answer.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 284

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Chapter 284 Reply

  Mr. Huang's eyes penetrated the barriers of the walls and saw Renekton in the living room who was reliving parent-child time with his mother. A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"When you came to this body, you had already absorbed the remaining spirit of Renekton Soth. This is why you can obtain some of his memories and emotions."

"When you and I help you separate this identity, we strengthen his self-awareness. He is still a clone of you, but it can also be regarded as a continuation of Renekton Soth."

Renekton nodded slightly, this result was acceptable to him.

If his experience in this world was not enough to separate the second identity, he would not mind completely awakening the spirit of Renekton in the avatar, letting the part of his consciousness fall asleep, and leaving this avatar to accompany his family.

"I think I should go back to the Golden Dream."

Renekton sighed softly and frowned, his mood seemed a little depressed.

Many things have been planned from the beginning. I don't know what attitude the God of Knowledge maintains in it.

"You lose the anchor of stability that is your family, and you need more anchors to make up for it."

"The Church of Knowledge has always had the idea of ​​preaching in the Southern Continent. You can go to Luca Brewster. He is the cleric responsible for the affairs of West Balam in the Church of Knowledge. In West Balam, you can open up the situation more easily."

Mr. Huang's words reached Renekton's ears, and when he looked back, Mr. Huang's figure had disappeared.

Did you come here specifically to say these things to me when you left so quickly?

Renekton groaned, then stepped into the spirit world, and his figure quickly and transparently disappeared from the place.

In the dining room downstairs, Renekton Soth was sitting by the fireplace with his mother. He looked up as if aware. He had no extraordinary characteristics and could see nothing except the walls and ceiling. He had already left. ?

"what happened?"

Isabel looked at her child with a smile.

"It's okay. I'm in a hurry to get back. I haven't had dinner yet and I'm a little hungry."

Renekton Soth shook his head slightly and explained casually.

"Sally has gone back. Do you want to try your mother's craftsmanship?"

The expression on Renekton Soth's face froze for a second, then he quickly shook his head and said:

  "I'm suddenly not very hungry. Let me tell you about my adventures at sea!"

On the Golden Dream, Renekton's figure quietly emerged.

He glanced at the window next to him. The crow Anu flew to someone unknown and never appeared in the cabin.

He immediately walked to the desk, pulled up a chair and sat down. He picked up a letter left by the messenger on the table and unfolded it:

Good evening, Mr. Tynes:

  According to your instructions, I have contacted the inventor named Leppard and developed him into an Extraordinary person of the general path.

I don't have the opportunity to find and contact more inventors. The Witch Church has been taking very frequent actions in Backlund recently. They seem to be targeting the Aurora Society and looking for something. If this continues, I will have to consider leaving Backlund. Virtue.

In addition, I want to seek the recipe for the pain witch's potion from you. If I want to change my path and become a Iron-Blooded Knight, I must first become the pain witch.

A witch: Triss.

After reading the letter sent by Triss, Renekton chuckled:

"Hehe, he wants to get the magical item that can change his appearance that I promised before, but he can't ask directly."

Taking this piece of paper, he shook it twice, and the writing on it automatically disappeared.

Then he put the paper on the desk, picked up the round-belly pen beside it, and began to write a reply to Triss:

  Dear Miss Witch (cross out)

Good evening Mr. Future Hunter:

  The recipe for the Pain Witch is as follows:

  Main materials: the head of the flower-faced bat, the gallbladder of the two-tailed black snake;

  Auxiliary materials: 30 ml of flower-faced bat blood, 50 ml of seriously ill human blood, the tail tip of a two-tailed black snake, 10 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil;

  Ritual: Burn at the stake for a quarter of an hour without using a double and survive without going crazy.

Also, let me remind you that the role of the Pain Witch is to destroy the beauty that the other party wants to protect and make them suffer in extreme mental pain.

As for the magical items promised to you, I will have someone put them in the mail box at Leppard's house in the next two days. Just be careful and pick them up.

In addition, it is best not to buy materials at Backlund's gathering of extraordinary people. Maybe one or several of them are the lovers developed by the witch.

Finally, I wish you a happy life! Al Tynes.

After writing his reply to Triss, Renekton immediately prepared to summon his messenger.

Before he could make any move, a piece of light yellow paper fell from the spiritual world to reality, slowly floating down in front of him.

"Today is a day for receiving letters."

Renekton sighed softly, then raised his hand to deliver the reply letter to Triss to the spirit world, and at the same time said a reminder:

  "Give me another piece of paper."

"This letter is sent to Backlund, to the lady who asked you to send a letter."

Renekton raised his eyes slightly, his sight penetrated the barrier between reality and the spiritual world, and saw the book messenger with a cover made of gold, which took back the paper he handed over.

Then he spontaneously turned the pages of the book, and a brand new piece of light yellow paper fell from the spirit world.

Renekton reached out to catch the falling paper, put it aside, and first read the letter sent by the book messenger just now.

The first thing you see is a bunch of awkward words made up of characters that seem to have been forcibly pieced together, with some little bunny figures mixed in.

Renekton read the letter written by Bugs Bunny to himself without even guessing.

He recounted what he and Klein had seen on the Bansi Port, mainly how powerful it was in disposing of those headless corpses, which impressed the stupid pirate worth 3000 pounds.

The rest of the description basically describes how terrifying Gehrman Sparrow is. He thinks that Klein may have a schizophrenia problem. When fighting, he will show madness from time to time and have a terrifying sense of hunger, as if he wants to fight. It's like eating rabbit meat.

Only at the end does it ask questions about the telegraph office, and about the group of cultists who performed primitive rituals.

In the future, if Fors is asked to write an adventure novel based on Bugs Bunny, it will definitely become a popular children's book. Well, it is feasible.

It can be released in the Southern Continent and used as an enlightenment book for children there. If Bugs Bunny becomes a demigod or even an angel in the future, these will be its anchors.

Well, the Mistress of Desolation can't do it, she will turn into a female rabbit, but the Creator, well, I think too much. With its current digestion progress, I don't know how long it will take to become a druid!

  Shaking his head slightly, he picked up the pen and wrote a few words back to Bugs Bunny on the paper:

  "The situation in the telegraph office should have nothing to do with that group of cultists. Those cultists wouldn't have made me foresee the danger."

"The bloody sacrifice in Bansi Port comes from an evil god there, a weather warlock."

After Bugs Bunny's question was followed by two sentences of reply, Renekton put the letter aside. The messenger was still delivering the letter to me, so the synchronization of information would probably be a bit slow.

While thinking, he picked up the blank paper aside and began to write a letter to Pales:

Dear Mr. Palles, and Leonard, good evening!

  Mr. Pales, I don't know how your strength is recovering. I need your help with some things recently.

I don't know if you know anything about the book "Grossell's Travels". I just happened to read this book recently. There is a great nobleman from the Fourth Age in the book. He seems to be your direct descendant.

  There is a completely real world in this book, and those stories really happened in the world of the book. The people trapped in the world of the book should not have really died yet. I don't know what you think about this.

In addition, I want to buy a copy of the Dream Stealer's potion formula from you. I don't know what the price will be.

  Finally, I wish you a happy life and if you don't mind, please reply as soon as possible.

Your friend, Al Tynes.

After writing the letter to Pales, Renekton leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes and meditated for a while.

It wasn't until his spirituality was touched that he opened his eyes and looked at the paper on which he had just written a reply to Bugs Bunny. All the previous content disappeared, and new lines of words emerged:

  "Weather Warlock? Is this a storm path? Or a hunter? What is the sequence?"

"Do you have any ideas about the situation in the telegraph office? Could it be a manifestation of the pollution from the City of Disaster?"

It seemed that this question was asked by Klein. Lake muttered in his mind, then picked up his pen and started to reply:

  "It's the same as the characteristics above the gray mist, but it's sequence two."

"I don't know the situation in the telegraph office. I just felt a sense of crisis there when I made the prediction for Bugs Bunny, so I reminded him. However, I think you can trust your intuition."

The intuition of the beacon of destiny is almost equivalent to the fact that the weather warlock in Banxi Port may have been contaminated by the City of Disaster a long time ago, and he is even a trait controlled and activated by the City of Disaster.

After pondering for a while, Renekton leaned back in his chair, tilted his head slightly, cleared his mind, and stopped thinking about these things. Anyway, there is no conflict between the City of Disaster and me.

He casually picked up the letter written to Pales and threw the paper into the spirit world.

The golden book messenger quickly passed by, recycled the paper, and wandered towards Backlund.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 285 The Casino of Destiny

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Chapter 285 The Casino of Destiny

In the North District of Backlund, there are layers of dreams.

Leonard, wearing a white shirt, a black vest, and a pair of red gloves, wanders among many dreams, comes into contact with the owners of the dreams, creates some accidents, and turns dreams into nightmares, playing the role of a real nightmare.

He was very skillful in snatching the cake from a child in his dream and eating the cake in front of the child.

The next moment, the dream suddenly began to shake violently, sometimes transparent, sometimes dark, and somewhat erratic.

"Are you about to wake up? Sure enough, it is easier to act out a child's dream. Just grabbing some snacks and cakes can cause such a big reaction."

Leonard muttered to himself, then turned around, wrapped himself in spirituality, and quickly escaped from this dream.

After he left this dream, he emerged in a deep black space, surrounded by illusory balls of light, large and small, sometimes dense and sometimes sparse.

Behind him, there was a somewhat transparent illusory ball of light, which flashed erratically for a few times, and then shattered with a snap.

Leonard closed his eyes slightly and felt the digestion progress of the nightmare potion in his body. The corners of his mouth slowly raised in a small arc.

Pales' somewhat old voice suddenly echoed in his ears:

"You received a letter from that strange book"

"Hmm weird books?"

Leonard didn't realize what the strange books were for a moment.

After a moment of silence, he controlled the body transformed by his consciousness to fly towards the place he rented. The messenger who only threw out a piece of paper every time he was summoned?

  His consciousness returned to his body, and Leonard, who was leaning on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes. As soon as he raised his hand, he felt a piece of paper slipping from his hand.

Huh~ He took a long breath, and relying on his familiarity with the furnishings in the room, he walked straight to the switch of the gas wall lamp and pulled the switch close to the wall.

The next moment, some dim lights came on in the room. Leonard was a little uncomfortable with the sudden strong light and squinted his eyes slightly.

When his eyes adjusted to the light in the room, he looked at the letter in his hand and walked back to the sofa to sit down.

"Oh, dear old Mr. Palles. And Leonard, am I some kind of gift?"

After only reading the beginning of the letter, Leonard curled his lips disdainfully and muttered to himself.

Then he leaned lazily on the sofa and continued reading.

  Soon he finished reading the letter, which was not long, and glanced aside the letter. His expression remained unchanged as he chatted with the old man in his body:

  "Grossell's Travels. A completely real old man from the world in the book. Is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. You have been in the Church of the Night for so long, haven't you checked the records about the eight ancient gods?"

Pales still had his usual tone, but his voice was slightly hesitant.

Leonard unconsciously touched his nose with his right hand, and then changed the topic:

"Um, do you think what he said is true? A descendant of you, a descendant who survived from the Fourth Age, is he still a saint, or even an angel?"

"It's impossible. Most of the characteristics of this path are in Amon. There are only a few demigods, and they were all promoted in the fifth era."

"If you were trapped in his so-called book world, it would be possible to survive from the Fourth Age to the present."

Pales responded with a somewhat helpless and sighing tone.

"What exactly is the world in the book?"

Leonard frowned slightly and asked curiously.

Then he tilted his head slightly, as if listening to something.

"Hmph~, if you had read more information and files in the Church of the Night, you wouldn't have such an ignorant problem."

"You should be familiar with the name Dragon of Fantasy."

"That Dragon King, one of the eight ancient gods?"

Leonard interjected curiously and asked.

"Don't interrupt me, can't you even understand this politeness?"

Leonard immediately closed his mouth and waited for the old man inside him to continue talking.

"Hmph~" Pales hummed softly, and said in a deep voice:

"About the description of the Dragon of Fantasy, almost all books will have this sentence: The objects he imagined will surely materialize, the kingdom he imagined will definitely come to the material world, and the future he claims will definitely come to life. It will be staged and become a reality."

"The kingdom he imagined will surely come to the material world."

Leonard pondered, and then suddenly exclaimed:

  "That world in the book is a world imagined by the Dragon of Fantasy?"

"The authority of the Dragon of Imagination was once reclaimed by the ancient Sun God, and later given to one of his children. It is possible for any of them to do this." "Ancient Sun God?"

Leonard was confused, because he had never heard of this god, and there was no relevant record in the church.

"you do not need to know."

"Write him a reply. I can give him the Dream Thief's potion formula. The condition of the deal is that he needs to help me deal with the demigod in the Thief's path."

"As for the world in the book, ask him if he has more information."

Pales's voice echoed in Leonard's mind for a while, and then fell silent.

On the Golden Dream, Renekton's figure suddenly appeared on the deck.

He took steps towards the side of the ship, a light blue ripple rose behind him, and a "door" opened.

Edwina then walked out from the other side of the "door". She approached Renekton and said:

  "I have observed your use of the 'door' and made some analysis and changes to it. With some arrangements on the Golden Dream, I can appear anywhere on the Golden Dream anytime, anywhere."

"It's a good idea. Maybe you can also try to use the 'door' to lock the enemy and launch an attack. This will have unexpected effects."

Renekton praised him in a low voice and made some suggestions about the use of "doors".

Edwina thought for a moment, then nodded in response:

"This is a good idea. I will try to develop a new secret technique."

While they were talking, the two of them had already walked to the side of the ship and looked at the sea to the side with solemn expressions.

There was a huge five-masted sailboat with bright lights on it, and figures of people swaying from time to time. It was approaching in the direction of the Golden Dream.

"There is not much breath of living people on the ghost ship, but it is brightly lit like a passenger ship."

Renekton whispered softly, and the purple halo in his eyes shrank, covering it with a layer of grayish white.

After a moment, his eyes became clear again, but his brows furrowed slightly.

"That ship has anti-divination and anti-prophecy properties. I can't see any useful information."

He turned to look at Edwina aside. As the Iceberg Vice Admiral who had been at sea for a long time, she might know something.

Edwina frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty:

"There are many ghost ships on the sea, but not many have this level of anti-divination and anti-prophecy properties."

"The most famous among them is the 'Ghost Empire', which is one of the treasures of the Five Seas Civilizations and originated from the Trosoest Empire in the Fourth Age."

"Well, it's an unknown ghost ship. It's called the 'Casino of Destiny'."

"It is said that as long as you board this ship, you will enter a never-ending gambling game. But if anyone can escape from the gambling game, he will definitely get all the wealth deposited on the ship. However, this ghost ship has always been considered by some Pirate fantasy."

"Casino of Destiny"

Renekton groaned, remembering what Destiny had said to him. Could this ghost ship be attracted by the aggregation effect of the previous Wheel of Fortune cards?

  His eyes had been fixed on the huge ghost ship approaching from the side. He had just had a momentary impulse to get the prophetic characteristics that appeared in front of him.

As a prophet, his intuition reminded him that doing so would be dangerous!

  Time passed little by little, and the huge ghost ship did not try to get close to the Golden Dream. As the Golden Dream accelerated, the ghost ship passed them by.

At some point, a layer of mist covered the sea, blocking most of the crimson moonlight. The sea surface was no longer clear, and only a dark shadow remained in the direction in which the ghost ship was moving away.

Edwina looked around the surrounding sea and whispered:

"Legend has it that if you encounter the 'Casino of Destiny' and don't choose to board the ship, you will encounter certain misfortune."


Renekton frowned slightly, he didn't feel anything unusual just now.

Immediately, his eyes were covered with a layer of gray white again, and the sea shrouded in mist changed its appearance in his field of vision, with strands of silver and white threads intersecting and entangled like a mighty river.

He looked towards the future. The fate around him was a little distorted, but there was no abnormal trace. It was more like a wave in the long river of fate.

Similar to the Disaster Priest, he will constantly encounter various disasters passively. However, this disaster is not reflected in himself, but in the things that have come into contact with it.

After pondering in his heart for a moment, Renekton looked up at the crimson moon that had disappeared and said softly:

  "There may be a storm in the sea tonight."

Edwina nodded slightly:

"If it's just wind and waves, it's not a big problem for the Golden Dream."

(End of this chapter)