

Chapter 206 Undead Chef


Chapter 206 Undead Chef

  Klein was silent for a moment, and then said in an unusually heavy tone:

  "So, the resolution of the curse on the Abraham family means that Mr. Men has completely fallen?"

"Do you want to try to fish for Him? Get an angel under your command."

Renekton smiled slightly and kept looking at Klein.

Klein smiled bitterly and said:

"A being like Mr. Men who is only one step away from becoming a god, what can I do to get him?

  "Besides, as an angel from an adjacent path, there should be an enemy relationship between me and Him, right?"

"I really want to give it a try. I got the inspiration from the True Creator last time."

Renekton raised his left hand and said seriously.

Klein raised his eyebrows and glanced at Renekton, lowered his head and took a sip of black tea, organizing his words in his mind:

"You seem to have a good impression of this Mr. Men?"

"It should be said that it is difficult not to admire Mr. Men. Moreover, the end is coming soon, and any high-end combat power is precious."

Renekton said with a sigh.

Klein lowered his head slightly and put the black tea to his mouth. His curiosity made him want to ask questions about the doomsday, so he could only relieve his curiosity by lowering his head and drinking tea.

"Want to stay for dinner?"

Renekton raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

The kitchen utensils and ingredients there are dangling in mid-air, cutting vegetables, lighting the fire, and cooking the pot. Everything is done smoothly and naturally step by step.

Klein restrained his twitching mouth and, driven by curiosity, quietly turned on his spiritual vision.

Then he saw a pot-bellied undead and several natural spirits working skillfully together in the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath, Klein said half-complainingly:

"Have you made the transition from squeezing small animals to squeezing undead?"

Renekton proudly praised his new chef:

  "I found this with great difficulty. An undead who has not forgotten his professional skills in life. His cooking skills are not bad. It is definitely worth a try."

"He has become an undead and still remembers how to cook?" Klein felt that an undead who could cook was somewhat outrageous.

Renekton smiled and pointed at his eyes and said:

  "As long as the instinct of being a chef is still there, as for the rest, just instill knowledge."

"The undead chef is indeed somewhat attractive." Klein was also curious about the cooking made by an undead. He nodded lightly and accepted the dinner invitation.

Sitting at the dining table, Renekton started chatting with Klein.

Renekton wanted to get to know Leppard, the inventor who invented the bicycle, through Klein, so he took the initiative to raise the topic:

  "Do you know anyone who is particularly good or talented in mechanics?"

Klein was stunned for a moment. The first person in his mind was his sister Melissa Moretti. She had always liked studying machinery and she had repaired his previous pocket watch.

Klein asked tentatively: "What do you want to do?"

Renekton raised his eyebrows in confusion. He's just an inventor, so why doesn't Klein's expression look right?

  After pondering for a moment, he chuckled and said:

  "I want to train some extraordinary people on the general path, mainly to let them become inventors, promote social progress, and also give me a part-time job as craftsmen."

"Promoting social progress?"

Klein repeated, saying that an Extraordinary who mingled among the evil gods and had a bounty on his head at sea always made him feel a little disobedient.

Renekton explained the fundamental reason why he wanted to cultivate generalists and extraordinary people:

"Promoting civilization and spreading knowledge is my mission and what I want to do."

"Russell's industrial revolution is only halfway through, and the rest is limited by energy. I want the industrial revolution to continue."

"I see, so you have a solution to the energy problem?"

Klein asked very curiously that if the industrial revolution could be further promoted, it would be beneficial to the vast majority of people in this era.

Renekton leaned lazily on the back of the chair and said helplessly:

"No, even if I wanted to, the Church of Storms and the Church of Eternal Sun would not agree."

"But who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Maybe when will the power of the sun and the storm be reclaimed by the true Creator."

"That's a good idea," Klein said comfortingly, and then brought the topic back to people with mechanical talents:

  "I know an inventor named Leppard who is trying to invent a bicycle, and I have invested a sum of money in his research."

"If you are interested, I can introduce you to them."

"Really? Then I can inject him with capital. This is a business that is sure to make a profit, and I can also give him a bottle of generalist potion in the future. As an inventor, I can't resist the temptation of becoming a generalist. ."

Renekton showed a bright expression very naturally and said in a pleasant tone.

Klein didn't have much reaction to this, but was very curious about what Renekton said next:

"Is there anything special about being a generalist? Why can't inventors resist the temptation to become a generalist?"

Renekton straightened his posture, raised his hand slightly, and said as if he was preparing to give a lecture:

  "The inspiration for improvement in this way is quite limited. They are less likely to hear sounds they shouldn't hear and see pictures they shouldn't see. So as long as they don't seek death, the chance of losing control is very small."

"What the generalist's potion brings is only the extraordinary ability of memory, understanding, learning and practice, a rough understanding of the occult, and a better proficiency in aqua regia, nitroglycerin and complex gear devices."       "The core ability is awakening Memory, you can remember all the knowledge you have read, and you will never forget whatever you have read."

Klein nodded slightly. This was not much different from what he learned through Russell's diary, and it was more detailed.

"So, do you want your sister, Melissa Moretti, to become an extraordinary person?"

Renekton looked at Klein and asked the question he wanted to ask just now.

The scene was silent for a moment. Klein looked at Renekton with some confusion and said:

  "Is this why you suddenly brought up this topic?"

"That's really not the case." Renekton waved his hands and explained:

"You were stunned for so long just now that I thought of your sister who is very talented in mechanics."

"This approach suits her preferences very well, and there is not much risk of losing control. The only problem is probably that they are really weak in the early stage."

Klein stared at Renekton closely, wanting to confirm whether what he just said was true.

After struggling for a while, Klein planned to go back and do a divination above the gray mist before giving an answer.

Zheng! With a bang, a gold coin bounced in front of Klein, and he subconsciously reached out to catch it.

"Well, usually at times like this, fortune tellers will choose to have a fortune telling!"

After Renekton threw a gold coin, he said something in a very neutral tone.

Klein felt the black lines on his head. He resisted the urge to throw gold coins at the opponent's face and nodded gently:

"I will think about it."

"If the topic hadn't mentioned the end of the world, I would have hoped that they could live their lives happily as ordinary people."

"In fact, on the sequential path, as long as you don't go to high places, you can definitely become an elite in a certain industry and live your life with a better standard of living."

Renekton gave his own different understanding.

Klein turned his head slightly, looked out the window, and said in a calm and helpless voice:

  "Once you become an Extraordinary, under the influence of your characteristics, the probability of encountering various extraordinary events, either actively or passively, will increase significantly."

"Isn't this still you?"

"And don't forget, when encountering extraordinary events, what is the mortality rate of ordinary people, and what is the mortality rate of extraordinary people?"

Renekton retorted.

The two fell silent again until the undead chef in the kitchen brought out the prepared meals and fragrant dishes one by one.

Silver City.

Derrick had just handed over the Worm of Time that Amon had used to parasitize himself, and reminded him that the members of the exploration team had probably been contaminated by the true Creator.

Back at his home, Derrick sat at the old wooden table, thinking about whether he should do something to let the members of the exploration team there who were contaminated by the true Creator take the initiative to expose their specialness.

Only when I prove that what I say is true will the Chief Sir believe in me to a greater extent.

Derrick, who hadn't figured out what he should do, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" he asked with some confusion and confusion.

A smiling voice came from outside the door:

"I, Dak, the exploration team has been released from isolation. Don't you really want to know our experience this time?"

Duck? The past image of the other person appeared in Derrick's mind, and he thought of how he looked when he last saw him.

Derrick suddenly shivered, and a chill rushed to his scalp.

Why did he come to me? We have just been released from quarantine, shouldn't we go home first?

  In an instant, Derrick had many doubts in his heart.

call! Derrick turned and looked out the window, trying to relieve his nervousness.

At this time, the frequency of lightning outside had dropped to a minimum. It took a minute or two for a bolt of lightning to pierce the sky and illuminate the sky. The rest of the time, Silver City was in deep darkness.

However, as a light prayer, Derrick has certain light attributes. Inside Silver City, even if he is in darkness from time to time, he will not be in much danger.

So when he was alone, he didn't have the habit of lighting candles.

Derrick took out a candle from the wooden box, rubbed his fingers together to create a golden flame, and lit the candle.

The room was instantly filled with dim light, accompanied by a hint of pungent fragrance.

Boom, boom, boom! The door was knocked by Duck again.

He was not like this before, he was very polite. Derrick suddenly felt a strong feeling of sadness in his heart.

Putting the lit candle in the center of the table, Derrick took a deep breath and opened the door with deep caution.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 207 The Contaminated


Chapter 207 The Contaminated

"Why are you so slow?" Dak said while maintaining an extremely standard polite smile on his face.

"It took me some time to look for candles." Derrick responded calmly.

He and Duck walked side by side, walked back to the table with each other, and sat down each.

Duck took out a small cloth bag from his waist and asked with a smile: "Would you like some freshly dried dome nuts?"

"No, no need."

Derrick shook his head cautiously, because his nerves were too tight, causing his voice to be hoarse and stuttering.


Dak took out a black fruit from the small bag and stuffed it into his mouth, making a clicking sound when he bit it.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of Duck chewing the black fruit echoed.

After Derrick hesitated for a moment, he took the initiative to talk:

  "Did you encounter any monsters while exploring the half-ruined temple?"

"There were quite a few, but they were not very powerful. We eliminated them easily."

Dak paused for a second, then a smile formed on the corner of his mouth and said:

"We found some strange plants in the temple. They are like the mushrooms we talked about in the general course. They grow very brightly and make people full of appetite at the first sight."

"Eating it can bring spiritual improvement and physical strength. If paired with grilled monsters, it will emit an unimaginable fragrance."

While he was talking, he took out a palm-sized mushroom from the small cloth bag on the other side. It was bright and crystal-clear and dotted with dark golden spots.

Just by seeing it, Derrick's mouth was already secreting saliva, and his appetite was aroused, making it difficult to control.

"Here you go." Dak smiled enthusiastically and handed over the mushroom in his hand.

"Okay" Derrick resisted the urge to stuff the mushroom into his mouth immediately, and reluctantly opened his mouth and said:

  "I'll try it tomorrow."

Dak didn't say anything. After pushing the mushroom in front of Derrick, he continued eating the black doom fruit.

Derrick took his eyes away from the mushrooms with difficulty and continued to chat with Dak about other topics:

"Did you discover anything during this exploration?"

Duck stopped eating, his expression became very serious and he replied:

"We found many murals, coherent murals. Do you still remember the statue in the temple?"

"The newly discovered murals record relevant content. The builders of the temple believed that the statue represented the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God. When the great disaster came, the Lord bore most of our sins. , so His image changed from upright to upside down, from walking freely to being nailed to the cross!"

"We are not abandoned people, we are the favored ones of the Lord!"

Derrick listened silently, without any rebuttal or doubt.

But Dark's attitude towards the statue almost showed that he had sincerely believed in the true Creator.

Dake and the others have been completely contaminated.

  "If what is recorded in that temple is true, we can regain the Lord's response by changing some of the symbols and corresponding honorific names during sacrifices."

Duck kept talking, becoming more and more excited as he talked, and even started to wave his hands.

Derrick's brows gradually furrowed. He no longer had the energy to listen to Duck's words. He found it increasingly difficult to resist the temptation of the mushroom. It seemed that his body would break through the shackles of reason at any time and swallow the mushroom into his belly. .

No, I can't eat, I have to hold it back. Derrick was panicked for a while, and he kept thinking about what he should do to deal with it.

"I'll go get you a glass of water."

Derrick tried his best to make his voice as calm as possible, without revealing any abnormalities.

Then he walked aside, deliberately slowed down his movements, and recited the honorable name of the Fool in a low voice:

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

Backlund, Minsk Street 15.

Just after having a sumptuous dinner prepared by the undead chef at Renekton's, and returning to his home, Klein heard an illusive and low prayer sound in his ears.

"The male voice, is it Little Sun? Or is it Mr. Hanged Man?"

Renekton was a little confused, but he quickly closed the door and window of the bedroom and walked four steps backwards into the gray mist.

Derrick took advantage of the action of pouring water and silently recited Mr. Fool's honorable name twice, but received no immediate feedback.

After a little hesitation, he bit the bullet and said in a deep voice:

"Sorry, the water at home is a little cold. Let me boil some hot water again."

"It doesn't matter, we are all extraordinary, it doesn't matter to us."

Dak ate the doom fruit and said in a nonchalant tone. Derrick didn't know how to answer for a moment, and his right hand was already quietly pressing on the hurricane ax at his waist. As long as Dark made the slightest movement, he would violently attack.

"I prefer hot water." Derrick answered in a dry voice.

If I summoned a holy light to illuminate the darkness now, would it attract the attention of those responsible for spying on me?

As long as there were other people here, Derrick felt that he wouldn't be so panicked.

Derrick hesitated for a moment, then saw Dak take two steps forward, looked over with some confusion and said:

  "What are you doing?"

Derrick opened his mouth to make up a random reason. Suddenly, thick gray mist surged in front of his eyes, and a crimson light rose. He saw the true appearance of his room at this moment:

  Duck's expression suddenly became gloomy, and there was a hint of bright red in his blue eyes!

  The doom fruit he had been eating also revealed its true appearance. It was a human finger, a bloody finger!

  Where the bright mushrooms were originally placed, a blood-stained scalp with short black hair appeared!

The next moment, a majestic golden figure carrying twelve pairs of jet black wings appeared in Derrick's eyes, and the other party wrapped him in layers of wings.

Derrick felt that the panic, fear, and other emotions in his heart were all suppressed, and reason took over again.

"What are you doing?" Dak's voice became even colder. His eyes were staring directly at Derrick, and the hidden malice seemed to surge out at any time.

Derrick did not answer, but clasped his hands in front of his chest in a prayer gesture.

A ray of light fell from the sky, and the sacred, clear, brilliant and pure warm light instantly illuminated the entire room.

The purification ability of the Holy Light seems to naturally restrain the abnormalities in Dak's body. The doom fruit in his hand, the bright mushrooms on his side, and even Dak himself all sizzled under the illumination of the Holy Light, and there were bursts of black smoke. rise.

Duck's clothes were suddenly pushed up into bulges.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The bloody flesh strips penetrated Dak's clothes and rushed towards Derrick in front.

Derrick quickly picked up the hurricane ax and slashed forward.

puff! Several bloody strips of meat were cut off and fell to the ground. There were even rough skin with body hair on these strips of meat.

Then more bloody flesh strips came in, directly wrapping the hurricane wind tightly around it.

Derrick very decisively let go of the right hand that was holding the hurricane ax and quickly retreated. At the same time, he held his hands in front of his mouth and nose, making a prayer gesture.

Silently, a clear beam of light burning with flames fell out of the air and hit the bloody flesh.

"Ah~" Dak, who had turned into a monster, let out a scream that was more like a roar, and many bloody flesh strips were burnt black, broken and fell.

All these changes happened almost in an instant. The next moment, the bloody flesh strips of Dak's incarnation seemed to be angered and launched a swift counterattack.

Derrick's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly made evasive movements to the side and back.

The expected attack did not fall on him. After Derrick steadied his body and looked around, he found that Dak, who was waving bloody flesh strips around him, was wrapped in a dark viscous liquid that came from nowhere. His entire figure looked like It's a cat in an opaque bag.

The surrounding shadows continued to spread and twist, and soon the monster that Dak had turned into was wrapped into a huge black chrysalis.

Derrick quietly watched the person who suddenly appeared, and understood that this was the person responsible for secretly monitoring him.

I didn't know what to say for a moment, so I could only stand silently, watching the other party quietly, wondering how the other party would deal with Dak who had turned into a monster.

The monitor glanced at the scene in the room and took a breath when he saw the pale fingers scattered on the floor and the blood-stained scalp with short black hair.

Then he used his extraordinary ability to manipulate the shadows outside to form tidal fluctuations, thereby notifying the chief in the round tower.

"Dakta was quietly contaminated while exploring the temple. I think other members of the exploration team should have the same problem!"

Derrick hesitated for a moment before speaking out to remind him.

"Someone will deal with them." The monitor responded with a heavy and hoarse voice.

The two fell into silence again until the leader of the six-member council arrived.

At the top of the round tower, in the chief's room.

Colin Iliad, the gray-haired Chief of Silver City, quietly listened to Derrick's description of what had happened before, nodded gently and said:

"Why did Dak go to you in the first place? Instead of returning to his own home and waiting for an opportunity later."

Derrick lowered his head in confusion and said in a dull voice:

  "Perhaps it's because I went to see them when they were still in isolation at the training ground and had some interactions with him. Moreover, Dak and I were already relatively familiar people."

Thinking of Dak, who used to have a cheerful personality and always had a bright smile, Derrick's mood inevitably dropped a bit.

"How did you discover his abnormality?" Colin continued to ask expressionlessly.

"That mushroom was the bloody scalp. When Dak handed it to me, it looked like a mushroom to me."

"It has an abnormal attraction, attracting me to eat it all the time. I thought this was abnormal, so I quietly recited the name of a great being, and He allowed me to see the real scene in the room. "

"The monitor was also involved in what happened next."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 208 Divine Revelation

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 208 Divine Revelation

  After listening to Derrick's story, Silver City Chief Colin Iliad did not relax. Instead, he took Derrick to the place where Silver City's psychoanalyst Avro was.

Derrick looked at the delicate-looking lady sitting opposite, wearing a black skirt and her hair tied into long braids, and subconsciously shouted, "Ms. Avro."

Avro smiled and nodded. After Derrick sat down opposite her, he asked softly:

  "Do you have anything to say?"

Derrick looked up instinctively, and suddenly found that the other person's eyes had turned into pale golden vertical pupils at some point.

His thoughts were in a trance for a moment, and Derrick seemed to have entered a state of sleepwalking.

Avro's pale golden vertical pupils stared quietly at the young man in front of him, like an emotionless spectator.

The next moment, within those pale golden vertical pupils, there were circles of faint light, forming a vortex and constructing a maze.

Derrick was in a daze, feeling as if he was floating, in endless darkness and countless bright colors.

Derrick, who should have remained in this hazy state, suddenly woke up.

He saw the inexplicably swaying candlelight, and saw Ms. Avro sitting across from her with pale golden eyes.

Avro looked at the young man in front of him who was in a hypnotic state and asked in a soft voice:

"What did you do during this time?"

Derrick kept himself in the same state as before and replied in a calm voice:

"I saw Dak at the training ground. When I communicated with him, I found that something was wrong with him. He was different from what I remembered."

"At the last gathering I asked others for help and they told me that Dark was tainted by the True Creator and I told the Chief about it."

Avro glanced at the chief on the side and continued to ask: "Is this your own choice? Or is it their proposal?"

"They believe that problems of this magnitude can be solved by Silver City. Moreover, the goal of the true Creator is not Silver City, not the land abandoned by God, but the outside world."

"Compared to the true Creator, Amon's existence is more dangerous to Silver City."

Avro continued to ask in an unusually gentle voice: "What is the Land Abandoned by the Gods?"

"We are here in the Land Abandoned by God. In the world outside the Land Abandoned by God, there is sunshine, sea, and normal things. There are no monsters and dangers hidden in the darkness."

Derrick told all the news he knew. He even felt that it would be okay even if he didn't have Mr. Fool's blessing now. This was what he planned to tell the chief.

Avro's expression was not calm. She looked at the chief on the side with unconcealed worry and yearning in her eyes.

Colin just nodded slightly, indicating to continue asking.

Avro quickly collected his emotions and continued to ask: "How much do you know about the true creator, Amon, and the great existence you pray for?"

"The real creature was not an evil god a long time ago. In the world outside the Land Abandoned by the Gods, he was a god of orthodox belief. Later he became an evil god, and orthodox belief also turned into seven other gods. There was one at the party. Members have said that the state of the True Creator is not right and that is why it is dangerous."

"Amon is a cunning and dangerous being. He is a blasphemer and a god of deceit."

"There seems to be a conflict between Him and the one who convened the gathering. He discovered the clone of Amon parasitizing me and sent his angels to purify it."

"But during the last gathering, I felt that the great being didn't really care about Amon's appearance."

Derrick remained in a "confused" state and told all the information he knew about the true Creator and Amon. Except for the information involving Mr. Fool, he did not say it clearly, but only referred to it as a great being.

Finally, Avro asked:

  "Where did your ax and the sun pathway potion formula come from?"

"The ax was obtained by trading with other members of the party, and the potion formula of the Sun Path was also obtained by trading. I like the Sun Path, and I want to be the light that illuminates the darkness."

When talking about the latter part, Derrick couldn't control his emotions, and his voice was a little higher.

Avro did not become suspicious because of this. After listening carefully, he turned his head and said to Chief Colin:

  "He didn't lie. It's impossible to lie. I have the power of the crown of glory."

Colin nodded lightly and said:

  "In this state, he showed no signs of evil, depravity, or contamination."

After finishing speaking, Colin stood up and left the room, and said to the shadow in the corner outside:

  "Derrick can let him leave at any time and consider him safe for the time being. Always pay attention to his state when performing prayers or some rituals."

"Although Derrick is safe, the one who has established contact with him may not be. The relationship between him and Amon, the true creator, is most likely hostile. That kind of battle between levels is very harmful to our Silver City. It's the same crisis!"

"Yes, Your Excellency." A respectful voice came from Shadow China.

After the hypnotic state ended, Ms. Avro gently reminded Derrick that he could leave.

Chief, they should have temporarily trusted Mr. Fool. Although there will still be monitors, this is only a necessary insurance measure.

Backlund East District, in a temple-like basement. Mr. A, wearing a hooded black robe, knelt quietly in front of the hanging giant statue.

He tilted his ears as if listening to something.

After a brief pause, Mr. A suddenly raised his hands, cut off his right index finger, put the bloody finger into his mouth and chewed it.

Click! Amidst the sound, Mr. A's throat squirmed twice, and the finger was swallowed into his stomach.

His body suddenly trembled, and then he stretched out his bleeding right hand and wrote words on the ground with blood.

Upstairs in the basement, Renekton and Yulian Jin were chatting about the workers' mutual aid organization.

Suddenly, Renekton looked down at the floor in front of the car as if he felt something. A faint purple fluorescence flowed in his eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

Restraining his curiosity to peek, Renekton turned his gaze and said with a chuckle:

"It seems like an oracle has arrived."

"Oracle!" Yulian's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the surprise and excitement in his eyes were obvious.

Renekton nodded slightly, then ignored the topic and said:

"Do you have any plans to merge the various scattered workers' mutual aid groups to form an organization similar to a workers' association, a workers' association that truly belongs to workers!"

Yulian's eyes flashed with emotion, then he shook his head and said:

"Although the Workers' Association is coerced by the nobles and rich people, it is also recognized by the kingdom and the church."

"Other similar organizations cannot be officially recognized."

"The foundation of the workers' association is workers, and the main body is also workers. As long as the workers recognize you, it is enough."

Renekton shook his head slightly and gave a different view.

"Your Majesty the Divine Envoy is right, and the Loen royal family will be happy to see this kind of conflict between the working class and the rich and nobles as long as it is within the range they can bear."

"This is one of the reasons why they acquiesce in our preaching among the lower class people in Backlund."

Mr. A left the basement at some point and came upstairs. While pushing the door open and entering, he was still busy adding to what Renekton had just said.

"Mr. A!" Yulian immediately turned around and saluted Mr. A who came in.

It seems that through the cooperation between Loen's royal family, the Aurora Society and the Witch Sect, only they themselves will be hurt in the end. Both the Aurora Society and the Witch Sect will eventually achieve their respective goals.

"Your Excellency, Messenger of God, what do you think a new workers' association that belongs entirely to the workers themselves should be called?"

Mr. A's eyes stayed on Renekton, and after a slight pause, he asked.

"Yeah." Renekton rubbed his chin with his right hand and thought for a moment before saying:

"Red Cross Mutual Aid Society! How about using a blood-stained red cross as the logo?"

Mr. A's pale face revealed a smile, he nodded gently and said:

  "The blood-stained cross is a close approximation of the Lord's image without revealing it."

"Perhaps, in the near future, you will be able to see news about the Red Cross Mutual Aid Society in the newspapers."

The conversation changed and Mr. A took the initiative to mention the divine revelation he had just received:

  "The Lord gave me some revelations."

Yulian had already started to clasp his hands in front of his mouth and nose, listening carefully to Mr. A's next words in a praying posture.

Feeling the enthusiastic attitude of Mr. A and Yulian, Renekton felt that he was somewhat out of place here.

Mr. A didn't care about Renekton's attitude and continued to talk about the divine revelation:

  "Lord, we have found the Fool's favored ones and believers, right here in Backlund."

"The honorable name of the Fool is:"

"The fool who is not of this age;

  The mysterious ruler above the gray mist;

  The king of yellow and black who rules good luck. "

Mr. A spoke the most ordinary Rune script, and intermittently said the Fool's honorable name.

Renekton listened in silence and glanced at his left forearm unconsciously.

Is there no communication of information between Him and the true Creator? .Or is He now a completely independent individual?

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 209 The Cemetery

Fitness Fun in the Park

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Chapter 209 The Cemetery

  At night, when he returned to his rented house, Renekton lay on the bed in the bedroom and quickly fell asleep through meditation.

In a deep dream, Renekton suddenly woke up.

It was still the Twilight Temple, and Sasriel still looked the same, but Renekton noticed that the shadow under him was much lighter.

It seems that during this time, His digestion of part of the true Creator's will was very effective.

"You want to see me?" Saslier asked directly without too much reservation.

Renekton nodded slightly and said with some doubts in his tone:

"The True Creator has given an oracle to the people of the Aurora Society to look for the Fool's favored ones and believers in Backlund."

"Is there no information shared between you and Him?"

Saslier replied in a calm voice:

"My current state of contact with Him will only make me tainted with His madness."

Renekton nodded slightly and then asked about other topics:

  "Are there any high-level characteristics of the Perfection Path that exist in the Land Abandoned by God?"

Saslier was silent for a while, seemingly lost in memories. After a while, he spoke again:

"The mysterious demon at the saint level exists, but I can't be sure about the characteristics of the angel-level master. It may exist somewhere in the form of magical items."

"The True Creator is in a state of madness all the time and doesn't have that much energy to pay attention to this."

"I understand, then. How many city-states still have survivors in the land abandoned by God?"

After gently nodding and confirming the existence of the mysterious demon in the land abandoned by the gods, Reike suddenly felt that he had turned the topic to other aspects.

"Including the gathering places around me, there are only seven city-states in total."

Saslier's voice was inevitably filled with helplessness and depression:

"Among them, four city-states are outside my protection: Silver City, Moon City, Valentine City, and Bedan City."

"For their own reasons, these cities have retained enough characteristics and powerful magical items to survive in the darkness for thousands of years. However, this is almost their limit."

"Valentine, Bedan City" Renekton repeated softly. This is a city that has not appeared in the original work.

Amon and Klein also mentioned in the conversation in the God's Abandoned Land that there are no more than ten city-states that have survivors in the God's Abandoned Land. Amon will not cheat in this regard. This is unnecessary.

If you have the chance, it is still necessary to go to the Land Abandoned by God!

  "Are you collecting the characteristics of the Perfectionist Path and preparing to find an opportunity to peel off the Sage's characteristics and jump to the Path?"

Sasriel interrupted Renekton's inner thoughts.

Renekton shook his head and said:

  "I don't have this plan. If I switch to the path of the perfect person, wouldn't I give that perfect person his head?"

"I just want to cultivate some professional talents and promote the industrial revolution that Russell has not completed!"

"The progress of civilization will make steam more powerful."

Saslier said something admonishing.

Before Renekton could explain, he proposed a new deal:

  "If you help me reclaim the power of the sun and storms, I can share the corresponding power with you to promote the industrial revolution."

"Don't be surprised. I was just crazy at the time, but the memory and judgment I should have are still there."

"The biggest obstacle to Russell's promotion of the industrial revolution is that there is no barrier left over from the beginning of energy. While it protects us, it also limits the earth's external development."

"Promoting civilization is what one must do to become the Demon of Knowledge. God, who possesses omniscience, omnipotence and the authority of the Creator, is a better partner than the Lord of Mysteries."

Just relying on those memories of Zhenzao, he was able to analyze the industrial revolution brought about by Russell so thoroughly.

  This guy is quite powerful in terms of knowledge, layout and planning. Well, you can see from Adam that he has a somewhat shameful heartbeat.

Renekton frowned and was confused. From his own point of view, the other party's proposal was too tempting.

Unfortunately, Amon's existence is the biggest obstacle to cooperation.

"It takes a long time. You can wait until the situation becomes clear before giving an answer."

Saslier said in a calm tone.

The next morning, Renekton just woke up from bed, and the conversation he had with Sasriel in his dream last night clearly appeared in his mind.

"Huh~ These are still too far away from me. Let's wait until I become a saint or even an angel to think about it."

With a long sigh, Renekton quickly jumped out of bed and put on his clothes.

After a brief wash, he immediately went to the dining room downstairs, rubbed his fingers by the fireplace, and created a red flame through the rubbing spirit, and lit the fireplace.

As the flames in the fireplace burned, the temperature in the house began to gradually rise.

"I'll go find Klein later and ask him to take me to the inventor Leppard. Well, I have to hurry up and collect the magic potion materials for the generalists."

Sitting at the dining table, Renekton thought about what he was going to do today.

It didn't take long for the undead chef to prepare today's breakfast, a simple sandwich, biscuits and hot milk.

After quickly finishing his breakfast, Renekton walked to the house across the street and knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom!

  Klein quickly opened the door, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face. "Fortunately, you knocked on the door today." Klein said half-jokingly, and at the same time turned sideways to make way for an aisle.

"I still have the habit of knocking on the door when I walk through the main entrance." Renekton chuckled.

After Klein turned sideways, he saw Dr. Allen in the living room.

Dr. Allen also looked over with curious eyes. When he saw that it was someone he had met at the Kragg Club before, Dr. Allen smiled and said hello.

After returning the gift with a smile, Renekton looked away and then directly explained his purpose:

  "I came to you about Leppard. I want to invest in his invention."

Klein nodded slightly, raised his finger and pointed at Dr. Allen beside him and said:

  "Okay, but you have to wait a moment, I have another commission."

"No problem, I'm not short of time. Remember to come to me when you're done."

Renekton waved his hand, turned around and left.

Klein was stunned for a moment, and just as he raised his hand to try to persuade him to stay, he asked about Will Auceptin, but Renekton had already walked some distance away, so he had no choice but to give up.

Back in the living room, Dr. Allen asked very curiously:

  "Sherlock, are you still involved in investment? What kind of project is it? A great detective like you can take a fancy to it and invest in it."

"A new type of transportation tool." Klein responded with a smile.

"I'm going to change clothes first, and then we can set off."

After saying that, Klein went up to the second floor, found a thick coat and put it on. He also went above the gray fog to do a divination. He concluded that the risk of this commission was almost non-existent, and he was completely relieved.

A small and delicate paper man fluttered in the cold wind, and finally fell onto a moving carriage.

The moment the little paper man fell, he seemed to have come alive, firmly fixing himself on the roof of the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Klein raised his head and glanced at the roof of the carriage in confusion. He found nothing and looked away again.

The carriage drove all the way to the West District of Backlund, the outskirts of Green Cemetery.

Klein and Dr. Allen got off the carriage and wandered around in the nearby woods as if looking for something.

The small paper figures were blown by the wind, floating between trees one after another.

"There, there!" Dr. Allen suddenly stopped and pointed to a birch tree with a strip of bark around its waist about ten meters ahead.

After getting closer, Dr. Allen stared at the birch tree closely and said:

"It's exactly like in my dream."

Klein smiled slightly warily: "But there is no Will Auceptin here."

Doctor Allen frowned and looked for a while, then suddenly pointed to the root of the tree and said:

"Will Asceptin was sitting right here with his hand pointing down at the dirt!"

"You want to dig it up?" Klein stood aside and looked down at the area with almost no dead grass, then looked up at Dr. Allen's serious, frowning expression.

Dr. Allen nodded:

"We've already found this place. It's important to confirm what's there."

After a while, Dr. Allen used money in exchange for three shovels and the help of a tombkeeper.

The three began to try to dig. Without digging too deep, they revealed what was underneath the soil. It was the highly decomposed body of a child!

when! The shovel in Dr. Allen's hand fell, and he pointed at the legs of the corpse. He muttered for a long time before speaking in a high-pitched voice:

  "Will Asceptin! He's Will Asceptin!"

Will Asceptin is dead? Moreover, it seems that he has been dead for a while. Could this be false?

  Klein looked at the child's body on the ground in surprise, with many thoughts popping up in his mind.

Klein quickly came to his senses and said to the tombkeeper and Dr. Allen, who were almost stunned by fright:

"Call the police!"

It didn't take long for the sheriff to arrive and take both Klein and Dr. Allen to a nearby police station.

After everyone left, a small paper man fell lightly from a tree. After a while, Renekton's figure appeared.

This figure is just an illusion. In essence, it is still the little paper man.

Renekton looked at the child's body revealed in the dug soil in front of him. The body was highly decomposed, and his skin and flesh seemed to be melting. There were many bugs crawling in and out of the body.

"You didn't even remove the body. Is it really okay to put it in front of me so carelessly?"

Renekton whispered a few words to himself.

Except for the wind blowing from time to time, there was no response.

After staying for a while, Renekton noticed that someone was coming this way, and then turned around and left.

Probably tomorrow, maybe even tonight, Will will move the body.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 210 Winning over Lawrence


Chapter 210 Winning over Lawrence

Leaving the place where Will Asceptin's body was buried, Renekton met Forsi in the cemetery who came to pay homage with a bouquet of flowers.

Forsi was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps closer and said hello:

  "Good morning, Mr. Tynes, what a coincidence, are you also here to pay homage to your relatives and friends?"

Renekton shook his head slightly, chuckled and said:

  "Good morning, Miss Magician."

"It's not a coincidence. I knew you would come here, so I came here in advance to meet you by chance."

"Magician? Are you talking about the kind from the circus?"

Forsi suppressed the slightly agitated emotions in his heart and said with a puzzled look on his face,

Renekton chuckled and said, "The kind you would get from a Tarot class."

"伱?.How do you know?"

Forsi's voice stuttered when he spoke, and he quickly screened all the people at the Tarot Conference in his mind.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not the only one who has guessed your identity."

"I want to meet someone. I have a hunch that if I follow you, I might be able to see him in a while, so I'm here waiting to meet you by chance."

Renekton explained why he appeared here directly and revealed his identity.

"Ah?" Forsi looked at Renekton with some confusion.

In my heart, after some guessing, I have locked Renekton's identity between the White Tower and the World. The probability of Mr. White Tower is higher, while Mr. World is too gloomy and completely unlike him.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and agreed to Renekton's request:

"sure no problem!"

After obtaining Forsi's consent, Renekton followed her and came to Mrs. Anlisa's tombstone.

The two of them walked in silence. Perhaps they couldn't bear the awkward atmosphere, or perhaps they still wanted to find someone to talk to. Forsi began to tell the reason why she came to the cemetery to pay homage:

"Ever since I learned about her extraordinary characteristics last time, I have always wanted to come and take a look at her."

"The main material for me to become an apprentice is the legacy from Mrs. Anlisa. I inherited her power. Therefore, during this period, I always have an uncontrollable desire to come here once and put a bouquet of flowers in front of her tombstone. I want to say A thank you."

"For that Mrs. Anlisa, you are a qualified successor, otherwise she would not have handed over the extraordinary characteristics of the apprentice to you who know nothing."

Renekton comforted him softly.

When Fors went to place flowers in front of Mrs. Anlisa's tombstone, Renekton did not approach, but waited not far away.

Forsi stood in front of the black tombstone, took a deep look at the photo belonging to Mrs. Anlisa, bent down and put down the flowers, and said softly:

  "Thank you!"

He immediately stood up straight and quietly recalled the past.

During this time, Renekton saw an old man holding a bouquet of elegant flowers, wearing a heavy woolen coat, and a half-high black hat approaching.

Renekton and the other party looked at each other, then both looked away.

Lawrence? There was a strong aura of death covering his body. He lost his belief in living under such a severe blow, and had his body reached a certain limit?

Looking at each other, Renekton had already seen the condition of this Abraham family member. He frowned slightly and thought about how to save him.

Lawrence walked to Forsi's side, stared at her quietly for a while, and then said:

"You are such a kind and well-meaning lady."

Forsi opened his eyes and turned his head, and saw that Mr. Lawrence from the Abraham family had appeared here at some point, also holding a bouquet of elegant flowers in his hand.

"No, this is not kindness or kindness. Mrs. Anlisa once brought me an unforgettable and warm time when I lost my mother."

Forsi said sincerely, her eyes suddenly became moist.

Lawrence put down the flowers in his hand and sighed:

"It shows that you value friendship."

The two chatted for a while, and Forsi was about to leave when Lawrence suddenly coughed violently.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

  His legs became weak due to coughing, and he fell to the ground, as if he would suffocate to death at any time.

As a former doctor, Forsi squatted down and prepared first aid without hesitation.

A clear, brilliant and pure warm light suddenly shone over, and Forsi felt that her body became warm, and the discomfort caused by the cold dissipated instantly.

Looking up in surprise, he saw Renekton approaching slowly, his eyes glowing with light blue.

"Pa!" Renekton rubbed his fingers, condensing droplets of pale golden water in the air.

These water droplets were carried by a gentle wind, gathered towards Mr. Lawrence who fell to the ground, and merged into Mr. Lawrence's body drop by drop.

Forsi felt that the water droplets passing by him were full of vitality and purifying power.

cough! cough! Lawrence kept coughing, but he could clearly feel that the pain in his body was weakening.

Forsi maintained a half-crouched position and quickly carried out some first aid measures.

After a minute or two, Lawrence's condition was basically stable, but he had some old hidden injuries that could not be cured by simply simulating some extraordinary abilities.

It seems that we need to go find Emlyn. While Renekton was thinking in his mind, Lawrence had already stood up with the help of Forsi. His eyes looked at Renekton with inevitable vigilance, and some gratitude but sadness.

He coughed again, collected his emotions, and then said hoarsely:

"Thank you for your help. I thought my life might have come to an end."

"Your life is indeed coming to an end, but not so soon. It depends on you. I can hardly see the will to survive in you."

Renekton whispered a fact.

"This" Forsi looked at Lawrence who was being supported by him, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lawrence didn't pay attention to Renekton's words, he just smiled politely, turned to Forsi who was supporting him and said:

  "Ma'am, can you take me back to the hotel?"

"No problem." Forsi nodded quickly in response.

"I'll do it. Just tell me the detailed address." Renekton walked over and put his hand on Lawrence's wrist.

West End, in a room at the Hotel Carpensa.

Several figures were quickly outlined.

After coming out of the spirit world, Renekton gave Lawrence another simple healing spell to relieve the discomfort caused by his weak body and his inability to withstand the spirit world.

Forsi helped Lawrence lie down on the bed.

Then his eyes fell on Renekton, who had pulled a chair and sat down. After hesitating for a moment, he said:

  "Mr. Tynes, is Mr. Lawrence the person you said you wanted to see before?"

Lawrence, who was lying on the bed, also cast his eyes on Renekton, his eyes full of vigilance.

Seeing Lawrence's wariness towards him, Renekton sighed helplessly and said:

"Yes, I want to make contact with the Abraham family."

Lawrence continued to speak with a look in his eyes that was indeed true and more alert:

"I can provide them with some protection and help, whether it's recovering the characteristics and sealed objects of the Aurora Society, or providing some help when the full moon is whispering."

"Forsi, you are also affected by the full moon's gibbering. You should understand that gibbering during the full moon can be blocked."

"How do you know?" Forsi looked at Renekton in shock, his eyes a little complicated, and then he seemed to think of something, and his expression became relieved.

"Can the gibbering during the full moon be blocked?"

Lawrence's attention was completely attracted by this sentence, and he looked at Forsi for confirmation, even though he no longer knew whether he could trust this lady.

Forsi nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I once used one of Mrs. Anlisa's relics when I was in danger, which resulted in me being haunted by the full moon's whispers."

"Until last month, when I almost couldn't hold on anymore, I recited the honorable name of a great being. He pulled me into his divine kingdom and blocked the gibbering during the full moon."

"Great existence." Lawrence whispered, his expectations in his eyes were disappointed. He had automatically regarded the great existence mentioned by Forsi as an evil god like the real Creator.

Renekton sighed helplessly. The Abraham family was now too wary of the outside world, and it was difficult to gain their trust.

After pondering for a moment, Renekton spoke again:

"I am not an Extraordinary of the apprentice path, nor am I an adjacent path. You don't have to worry that I am here for the high-level characteristics that your Abraham family has mastered."

"I will choose to help you. It has nothing to do with you, but more for Mr. Men's face."

Lawrence finally had a different reaction on his face. Although he was still very distrustful, he at least had the idea of ​​communication:

"Mr. Men? Our ancestors have been missing for thousands of years, and although you are very strong, you are probably not even a saint yet."

"It's not yet, but it will be soon. If you are worried about this, you can stay in Backlund for a while. I will be promoted to sequence four before the end of next month."

Renekton said these words very confidently.

"Are you about to be promoted to demigod?"

Even Forsi couldn't help but be surprised.

She felt that Renekton only said these words to prop up the scene, but the aura on his body made people feel that everything he said was true.

Renekton looked at the silent Lawrence and continued:

"If you are worried, I can swear to any righteous god that during your stay in Backlund, I will not disclose your information to anyone outside the presence in any form, and I will not Anything to do anything against you."

"However, you must give me a definite answer before the end of this year. I will leave Backlund at the end of the year."

Lawrence was silent for a long time before speaking again:

"What do you want to gain by helping the Abraham family?"

"This has nothing to do with you. The price will be paid by Mr. Men."

Renekton responded in a deep voice, but when he saw Lawrence's firm eyes, he added:

  "Probably, Mr. Men needs to help me work for a period of time after he escapes from trouble, and he needs to provide me with the characteristics of a planeswalker."

"Of course, it would be better if He could directly train a Planeswalker."

(End of this chapter)