

Chapter 506 Exploring the Temple

After quietly staring at these increasingly twisted and crazy puppets for a moment, Renekton discovered that the light he had created with the purifying power of the Sun Realm had no effect on them at all.

Immune purification? Or immune to the power of the solar realm?

While thinking, Renekton rubbed his fingers again, creating slowly floating stars, spreading out pieces of bright starlight, covering all the prostrate dolls on the floor.

Starlight fell on these dolls, and the oil paint on them continued to flow and drip down as if it was melted. More and more, and gradually turned into a dark and viscous liquid, and the expressions of the dolls became more and more ferocious. .

In the thick black liquid, the dolls slowly stood up and stood at the front closest to the inverted statue. The doll wearing a faded bishop's robe looked at Renekton with its dark eyes.

Its voice was extremely hoarse, as harsh and unpleasant as a cat's claws scratching glass:

"Conservative people? What are you doing here? You are not welcome in the Temple of the Lord."

"You are not welcome in the temple of the Lord."

"You are not welcome"

The surrounding dolls echoed the words of the doll wearing the bishop's robe word for word, and drops of dark liquid gurgled out from their open and closed mouths, eye sockets and ears.

Renekton took two steps back slowly, looked at the doll whose eyes were staring at him, and said in a calm voice:

"Who is the Lord of your mouth?"

The puppet in front of him opened and closed its mouth at the same time to answer Renekton's questions. It was noisy, weird, and

"Of course it is the Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God."

"No, we believe in the Lord who destroys everything, the incarnation of all endless disasters and doomsday."

"It is the Lord who created everything. No, it is the Lord who destroys everything."

The voices of the dolls became more and more confusing, and even their own words before and after were different. One moment they believed in the "Lord who created everything", and the other moment they believed in the "Lord who destroyed everything".


The body of a doll suddenly exploded, and parts covered in dark, sticky stains were scattered all over the floor.


The dolls began to explode one after another, and broken pieces of wood, iron pieces, and gears were scattered on the ground.

Um. After turning into a doll, your brain is not enough, and it explodes after thinking for a moment?

While complaining in his heart, Renekton reached out and took out an illusory hat from the void and put it on his head.

His figure then disappeared, disappearing all traces.

The moment his figure disappeared, the parts and dark liquid scattered throughout the prayer hall began to squirm, and dolls with twisted and weird postures crawled out from the dark ground.

Some of them grew white feathers, some grew fish scales, and their bodies secreted greasy liquid. Some grew eyes, and some grew flesh and blood organs.

Their gazes looked at the side and back of the prayer hall at the same time, with clear malice.


With a low sigh, Renekton's figure was revealed in the gaze of many strange dolls. Did the changes caused by the extraordinary materials used to make the dolls appear? The types of extraordinary people here are somewhat complete!

He lowered his head slightly and chanted in a low voice in ancient Hermes:

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

"A fool who does not belong to this era."

After reciting it twice in succession, a ray of silver-white lightning suddenly fell, passing straight through Renekton's body and hitting the wall with colorful murals behind him, leaving a scorched black mark.

Then there were thin and sharp wind blades, and blazing white and red flame spears cut through the air, shooting in the direction of Renekton.

All the attacks went straight through Renekton as if they didn't exist.

Before the next attack came, his figure suddenly distorted, disappeared instantly, and then reappeared in the direction of the door of the prayer hall.


As the mantra was recited, misty starlight emerged among the group of weird and twisted dolls, and quickly collapsed inward, tearing out a blue crack that led to an unknown place with strong pulling force.

Dragging all the surrounding puppets and the attacks they unleashed, they exiled them to an unknown area.

After doing all this, Renekton's figure instantly became transparent, turning into bright starlight and surging towards the back of the temple.

In the garden, which was filled with artificial flowers and trees made of paper and iron sheets, light blue starlight quickly poured in, and the starlight reunited inside, revealing Renekton's figure.

At the same time that he appeared, the puppet holding the scissors for pruning branches quickly moved over. Its speed was so fast that it almost achieved the effect of teleportation.


While reciting the incantation in a low voice, Renekton raised his hand to create dots of starlight, which quickly gathered into bright starlight and flew away, landing on the puppet that appeared in front of him.

The starlight condensed instantly, creating a huge transparent amber, wrapping it all in and confining it in place. The next moment, the doll wrapped in transparent amber suddenly disappeared, leaving only a dried flower made of colored paper in its original position, and it itself appeared behind Renekton.

You can swap places with plants in the garden. What is this ability? As the thoughts in his mind dispersed, his body instantly became transparent and turned into a statue made of countless bright stars.

The statue was cut into several sections in an instant, disintegrating into countless bright stars, and Renekton's figure regrouped behind the scissors puppet.

The moment the figure emerged, Renekton condensed a black jade-like chess piece and threw it forward. The chess piece blended into the scissor puppet the moment it touched it, slowing down the time on it and almost suspending it.

Renekton took a step back and opened his hands. Stars appeared one after another around him, densely packed and dazzling.

These stars quickly gathered together, condensing into one spear after another that shone with starlight. There were many strange runes on the spears that were connected to each other, making them appear extremely heavy and powerful.

Under his control, these spears shot out in no particular order, instantly piercing the puppet holding the scissors and pinning it to the ground.

Renekton's figure flickered and appeared beside it instantly.

The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes continued to flow and outline one mysterious symbol after another. Silks of light flashed between these mysterious symbols, as if lightning came from the depths of his consciousness.

His eyes flashed for a moment, and a strong mental attack instantly hit the scissor puppet's mental body.

The bird skull mask on its head made a clicking sound, with several cracks opening from the eye sockets and forehead.

The strong spiritual attack reduced the madness in it a lot, and Renekton felt as if he could see some reason and struggle in the blue flames dancing in the eye sockets of the bird skull mask.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and the glow flowing in Renekton's eyes became deeper, outlining gray-white three-dimensional symbols that had the effect of affecting and modifying consciousness.

He made his eyes meet the puppet that was firmly nailed to the ground, and said in a very bewitching voice:

"Who are you? Or rather, what is your identity?"

The puppet nailed to the ground looked a little dazed. It was stunned for a while before speaking hoarsely. The voice was a little intermittent, as if it had been silent for a long time and had forgotten how to speak.

It does not speak the giant language of Silver City, but is somewhat similar to the ancient Fusac language, but there are many differences in details:

"I am, the gardener of the Zenith Church. No, I am not, I am the gardener."

Does this make any difference? Renekton muttered something speechless in his mind. After a pause, he continued to ask:

"What happened here? Why has everything in this temple remained the same after so long?"

As I gradually got used to speaking, the puppet's voice became clear and continuous:

"I don't know, my job is to plant plants in the garden."

"The Zenith Church is the most successful miraculous item of Cexitin. It can help us survive the long end of the world and wait for the Lord's salvation in the boundless darkness."

"Pruning. Plants?"

Renekton turned his head and glanced at the plants around him made of colored paper, iron sheets, and sawdust. He really couldn't imagine that there was any need for them to be built. Being a gardener here is simply every fisherman's dream.

Just as the thought came to mind, a thick gray mist suddenly emerged in front of Renekton's eyes. In the depths of the gray mist, crimson light surged like a tide. A man with twelve pairs of jet-black wings on his back, wearing black A tall angel covered in armor flew out of the crimson light.

It landed in front of Renekton and wrapped him in layers with twelve pairs of jet-black wings.

It only lasted a moment, and the gray fog, light, and angels in front of Renekton all disappeared. At the same time, he felt that he had established a wonderful and stable connection with a certain existence in an infinitely high place.

After receiving the blessing of the paper angel, Renekton felt that the decayed and sluggish feeling like an old machine in his body was instantly removed. Both his body and spirit felt relaxed at this moment.

Klein's voice echoed in his mind at the same time:

where are you? There's something strange here. It seems like there's a dark curtain surrounding it. I can't see it very clearly.

In a city that seems to be called Saixitine, the people here made themselves into dolls in order to avoid the apocalypse, but it seems that they were not completely successful. Their doll bodies are closer to monsters than normal creatures.

Flesh and flesh are weak and weak, but machines are soaring?

It's almost the same. It's just a super low-end mechanical ascension, involving the fields of life and soul. Humanity before the cataclysm had very limited research in this area. This cannot be completed by relying on mysticism.

I feel the excitement from you.

With the help of the Earth Church and the Spiritual Church, this idea is not entirely unfeasible.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 507 Until death do we part

"I have to work, I can't stop, I will be fired"

The puppet, which was nailed to the ground by several spears with twinkling stars, struggled hard. The expression painted with oil paint gradually became ferocious, and a gurgling black viscous liquid flowed out from the eye sockets of the mask.

Renekton squatted half-crouched, and spoke with a vague spirituality in his voice:

"What happens if you get fired?"

"I can't get fired, I can't."

"I want to stay in the church and cannot leave the Lord who will redeem me."

The puppet nailed to the ground almost screamed, and it began to struggle vigorously.

Click! Click!

The doll struggled violently and tore its body into pieces, and various parts scattered on the floor mixed with dark and sticky grease.

Suicide? What kind of fate is it to beat a worker, even if he hurts himself, he still has to go to work? Klein couldn't help but complain when he saw this scene through the connections he had established in the palace above the gray fog.

Maybe their factory setting is to keep working until they die. Renekton shrugged his shoulders and responded in his mind. At the same time, he stood up and took two steps back.

As he retreated, the parts scattered on the ground disappeared one after another, turning into dried flowers made of colored paper and sawdust.

Among the dried flowers on the other side, a reassembled doll holding a huge scissor stood out. It had green leaves made of paper under its feet, without a single dried flower.

It may not be the gardener here, but it must be the guard here. The so-called topiary, I feel more like killing the intruder.

While Renekton was chatting with Klein through "spiritual communication" in his mind, he turned to face the puppet holding the giant scissors.

The huge bird skull mask on the head of the puppet kept pouring out gurgling jet black liquid, covering up the face painted in oil paint on the skull.


The huge scissors held in the hands of the puppet opened and closed quickly, making a clicking sound. The sharp blade on the inside of the scissors burst out with a silvery light like mercury, crossing the space and directly attacking where Renekton was standing.

The moment silvery light flashed across Renekton's body, he suddenly became transparent, illusory, and turned into a pile of foam.

The scissors in the puppet's hand opened and closed rapidly, making constant clicking sounds. Silver-white light flashed rapidly in the air, creating a tiny storm of light that shattered the bubbles floating in the air one by one.

A weakened version of "Storm of Light", the scissors in this doll's hands seem to be a bit powerful. They are somewhat special and can explode with attack power close to that of a demigod.

you want? Isn't it strange that the cold and ruthless crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow uses scissors as a weapon?

Renekton complained in his mind, and his figure disappeared again.

Where he disappeared, two sharp silver-white rays of light met in mid-air, with a sharpness that seemed to tear apart space.

The next moment, Renekton's figure appeared directly behind the giant scissors puppet.

The giant scissors glowing silver drew a semicircle in the hands of the puppet. The speed was extremely fast, dragging a silvery afterimage in the air and passing through the waist of Renekton's body in an instant without causing any harm.

Renekton looked straight at the puppet wielding the scissors in front of him. The dark blue and almost purple light in his eyes continued to flow and outline one mysterious symbol after another. Silks of silvery white light moved between these mysterious symbols, as if coming from his consciousness. Lightning in the depths.

As his eyes flashed, a strong spiritual attack erupted. The action of the puppet holding the scissors paused in waving the scissors in his hand. The head wearing the bird skull mask was tilted back at 90 degrees, and the mask was stained with dark liquid. There was a clicking sound, and many small cracks opened on the surface again.

While the puppet was distracted, Renekton chanted in dragon language: "Frost!"

With him as the center, streams of crystal clear light rise in mid-air. When they touch the real thing, they turn into thick frost, freezing the entire garden inside. The figures, who look up in confusion, are made of colored paper, iron sheets, and wooden blocks. The trees are all covered with ice ridges one after another.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and the white breath exhaled from the mouth was clearly visible.

what you up to? Frost shouldn't be able to solve this puppet. Klein's doubts echoed in Renekton's mind through "spiritual communication".

As an experiment, I am a little curious about the capabilities of that pair of scissors.

While communicating with Klein in his mind, Renekton used his hands to create a ball of slowly rotating star sand.

Stars emerged one after another, densely packed and dazzling.

These stars connected with each other and moved slowly, drawing mysterious runes in the mid-air. The misty starlight almost condensed into substance around him, turning into an extremely thick and extremely strong barrier.

At the same time, dim yellow light spots continued to appear in the area covered by frost. In the center of these light spots, the doll wrapped in thick frost turned golden, just like the sunset at dusk, bright but not dazzling. The dim yellow light gradually became stronger, refracted by the frost, like pieces of broken light fragments.

They were densely packed and countless, forming a shimmering and violent sharp hurricane, sweeping towards the surroundings, a terrifying blow full of destruction.

This is similar to the "Light Storm" of "Dawn Knight", but more dangerous and destructive. Anything contaminated with that dim light will decay, rot, wither, die, and lose its vitality. The feeling of being torn to pieces by a violent and sharp storm.

".Sure enough." Within the thick starlight barrier, Renekton looked at this scene without being too surprised.

What extraordinary ability is this? An advanced version of "Storm of Light"? Above the gray fog, Klein saw clearly the scene that just happened through Renekton's vision, and immediately raised his question.

Renekton stood calmly behind the starlight barrier, watching the "Twilight Storm" raging in the garden and whispered to himself:

"To be precise, it should be a mutated version, which can be called 'Twilight Storm'. The scissors in its hand should be made with the characteristics of 'Gatekeeper' and 'Guardian', combined with some residual aura of the God's Abandoned Land. Magical item."

No wonder the scissors in the hands of that strange doll are the real body. Klein sighed in his heart.

The "Twilight Storm" lasted for about ten seconds before gradually dissipating. As the dim light faded, the garden became bare, and even the floor and surrounding walls showed traces of decay to varying degrees.

The thick barrier constructed of bright starlight instantly disintegrated into a hazy starlight that enveloped the entire garden.

An ancient style spear, with lumps and dots of blood burning from the tip to the handle, suddenly passed by like a dark red meteor, directly penetrating the puppet holding the scissors in front of it. The powerful attack force pinned it to the ground, shattering it bit by bit from the inside out.

After Renekton approached, the puppet nailed to the ground had completely disappeared, leaving no trace except for the huge scissors stuck diagonally on the ground.

Perhaps the "Twilight Storm" that swept through just now caused the surrounding area to be stained with a strong sense of "decay" and "death", or perhaps the doll's body was too completely shattered and it failed to resurrect this time.

Dots of green and black light, mixed with fine pieces of dim yellow and silvery white, emerged from where the doll's body was just now, and quickly gathered into the scissors stuck diagonally on the ground.

"The doll's body has been marinated in the scissors for a long time, so the characteristics precipitated after death have also been aggregated by the scissors."

Renekton whispered to himself as if explaining to Klein above the gray fog, then reached out to hold the handle of the scissors and pulled it out from the ground.

The scissors are very large, as long as an adult's entire arm. They are gray-black in color, with a silvery edge in the middle. The entire body is covered with patterns painted with strange oil paints, half dark green and half yellow, like countless intersecting one-eyed, giant scissors. Snakes and feathers.

The huge scissors were placed across Renekton's chest. The deep blue light in his eyes flashed for a moment and became extremely deep. Under such circumstances, his eyes obviously lost focus and looked confused.

After a brief absence, his eyes quickly became clear again. At this time, he also noticed that the skin on the palm of his left hand holding the scissors was dry and cracked, and there were not very obvious age spots.

The negative effects are quite strong. With your demigod body, you can react after only holding it for a while.

Renekton nodded slightly and said at the same time:

"It is a powerful weapon in itself. As long as you hold it, you can hide your malice and certain behaviors. Each attack will have random effects of penetration, decay, decay, demon destruction and purification, within 50 meters It can launch attacks across space, and can also set off a terrifying 'Twilight Storm'."

"Of course, the most important thing is that its attack has a certain chance of delivering a fatal blow. This is real, absolute death. No creature without divinity can resist this attack. Even if it has divinity, it will suffer Severe damage means that the probability of triggering is not very high."

"At the same time, the person holding it cannot defend, and defensive spell abilities cannot take effect on the person, but accordingly, the attack ability will be greatly improved."

"Its negative effects are equally powerful. As long as you hold it, your ears will be filled with screams and roars that seem to come from the depths of the underworld. This is a mental attack that can make people crazy and lose their mind. Once it exceeds Once you reach a certain limit, you will become its slave irreversibly."

"Any living creature that touches it will inevitably die. Inanimate objects will also become decayed and dilapidated after long-term contact."

"Because the material used to build it is contaminated with the aura and dying madness of some great beings, even if it has never been used, the people around it will die and go crazy suddenly for no reason."

"Well, let's call it 'Until Death Do Us Do Part'. It can barely be used after sealing it. You just need to purify yourself after each use."

Till death do us part? Is there any poignant love story in it?

Renekton raised his lips and gave his own explanation: "It has fatal properties. As long as you insist on using it, it will definitely be triggered."

I don't understand, just be happy. Above the gray fog, Klein sat back on a high-backed chair and replied in his heart, somewhat speechless.

After a pause, he added in his mind that today's Tarot session was about to begin.

I understood. Renekton nodded slightly and muttered to himself.

His figure then became transparent, turning into a statue made of countless bright stars, shattering into sand, and the bright stars surged away from the temple.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 508 Tarot Club

Above the gray mist, in the magnificent ancient palace, deep red rays of light rose from both sides of the long mottled ancient bronze table at the same time. This light drowned everything, and then quickly shrank, condensing into blurred figures.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

"Justice" Audrey's brisk and joyful voice soon echoed in the magnificent palace supported by ancient stone pillars.

Following her actions, the other members of the Tarot Club also stood up and saluted the "Fool" at the top of the mottled long table. Then everyone nodded to each other to complete their greetings.

During this process, members of the Tarot Club also discovered a new member of the Tarot Club. He was sitting in an empty seat to the left of "Moon" Emlyn.

There are new members joining, and Mr. "Death" also participated in today's Tarot Club. Our Tarot Club is getting stronger and stronger. His sitting posture is as straight as a student in the classroom, which makes people feel a little cramped, but He looked around curiously and proactively. His character should be loose and unconstrained, but he had received a more serious classroom education. While Audrey observed this new member, she felt sincerely in her heart. The more powerful Tarot will be happy.

new member? He looks familiar. Is he someone I know, or someone I've met recently? "The Hermit" Cattleya looked at the figure on her right with some confusion. The more she looked at him, the more familiar she felt.

There are new members joining. They don't look like people from Loen, but more like adventurers who are active at sea? "Magician" Forsi is also observing this new member.

His clothes are very common at sea. I can't confirm whether he is a pirate or an adventurer. It doesn't seem to me like he has a fixed team. Is he an adventurer with strong strength?

Another active member at sea, my advantages will become less and less if this goes on. Alger, the "Hanged Man", also observed the newly joined Anderson, and felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

"Moon" Emlyn and "Sun" Derrick just observed Anderson a little, and didn't pay too much attention to it. One was the arrogance of the vampires, and the other was not too concerned about things outside the land abandoned by the gods.

Azik, the "God of Death", had been sitting in a high-backed chair in deep contemplation from the beginning, without taking the initiative to observe anyone around him.

Anderson? Klein actually pulled this guy into the Tarot Club. Renekton looked at the new member for a while, and soon the image of Anderson in his mind overlapped with the other person.

"Justice" Audrey took on the task of leading the new members to get familiar with the Tarot Society very responsibly. She looked around, stood up and saluted the leader "The Fool" Klein, then turned to look at Anderson and said:

"Hello, I'm 'Justice'."

"This is Mr. Hanged Man, this is Mr. Sun, and this is Mr. White Tower."

She introduced everyone's codenames in the order in which they joined the Tarot Society. Finally, her eyes rested on Azik, and she paused before continuing:

"This is Mr. Death, a real angel. He does not participate in Tarot Club for a long time. He only comes when he has time."

A true angel! I didn't expect that the first time I saw an angel would be under such circumstances. I haven't been involved in Tarot Club for a long time, so I'm pretty lucky.

Anderson dispersed some thoughts in his mind, quickly collected his emotions and coughed twice. After adjusting his voice, he spoke with some restraint:

"I am 'Chariot', a treasure hunter active on the sea."

"Treasure. Hunter?" "Justice" Audrey answered with some confusion. She couldn't figure out how the treasure and the hunter were connected.

"They were a group of adventurers whose purpose was to explore the treasures hidden in the sea. Different from the plunder of pirates, they focused on those legendary treasures and worked hard for them."

"The Hermit" Cattleya said before Anderson could explain. While speaking, her eyes stayed on Anderson. She could probably determine who this new member was.

Anderson? Did he really pray to Mr. Fool? Why did Mr. Fool let him join the Tarot Society? Apart from the fact that he is stained with the bad luck left by the "Angel of Destiny" on the mural, what else is special about him? Is it to establish contact with the Church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom"? But there is already

"Discover the treasure hidden in the sea, it's just like those adventure stories!"

Audrey's eyes shone slightly and she spoke in amazement.

Her reaction made Anderson, who was still calm, feel proud. He moved his body slightly and straightened his back.

Klein, who was at the top, had a panoramic view of all this. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was indeed an "audience" who was good at observing people's hearts. Even without using extraordinary abilities, he could still provide people with high emotional value and enliven the atmosphere. To narrow the distance between each other. Miss Justice, who is both rich and sensible, is the real mainstay of the Tarot Society.

Seeing that no one was talking around, Anderson said anxiously:

"I heard Mr. Fool said that some tasks can be released here?"

"Justice" Audrey made a gesture of silence, and after looking at Mr. "Fool" at the top, she replied:

"Now is Mr. Fool's reading time, and then it will be time for us to communicate with each other and issue tasks and needs."

Klein was still sitting leisurely on the high-backed chair, waiting for Miss Justice and the others to submit this week's Roselle diary to him.

Today, only "Hermit" Cattleya and "Moon" Emlyn provided two pages and one page of their diaries respectively, and one page was repeated.

After reading the embodied diaries, Klein waved his hand to make them disappear. Then he leaned back slightly, leaned against the back of the chair, and said with a smile:

"You can start."

After receiving Mr. Fool's prompt, everyone in the Tarot Society looked at "Chariot" Anderson in unison.

Under the gaze of everyone in the Tarot Club, Anderson sat up straight in embarrassment, cleared his throat and said:

"I want to know if any of you have a way to remove the bad luck from your body. Well, it comes from the bad luck left by the 'Angel of Destiny' Ouroleus on the mural."

"'Angel of Destiny'. Ourolius? Who is contaminated by the bad luck from this king of angels?"

"Justice" Audrey whispered in surprise. She had already learned about the King of Angels in the Tarot Club, and it was precisely because of this that she acted so surprised.

Sure enough, "Hermit" Cattleya sighed in her heart, completely confirming her guess just now.

When everyone in the Tarot Society turned their attention to the leader, "The Fool" Klein, he controlled his trumpet "World" and spoke with a high voice:

"I know the location of a demigod who is on the path of 'destiny'. He is currently staying at sea." "Chariot" Anderson raised his head unexpectedly. He had originally placed his hope on Mr. Death, who was an angel. Unexpectedly, the most gloomy and restrained "world" would finally respond.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the "world" at the bottom of the mottled long table. It was very gloomy and indifferent, comparable to that guy Gehrman Sparrow.

Suppressing his divergent thoughts, he spoke eagerly:

"What price do I have to pay for this?"

"A magical item with powerful attack power, the fifth level of the sequence will suffice."

While speaking, "The World" also glanced at Renekton. Except for its appearance, the scissors perfectly matched his expectations for a powerful magical item.

"Okay." Anderson nodded in agreement without thinking.

"I'll go find you after it's over." "The World" nodded, said something in a hoarse voice, and then fell silent.

After what? Party today? How to find me? Does he know me? Questions ran through Anderson's mind one after another. Seeing that "The World" had no intention of explaining, he had no choice but to remain silent for the time being and wait until today's Tarot session was over before asking again.

Does Mr. World know this new member in reality? But judging from the other party's reaction, he did not recognize Mr. "The World", which shows that "The World" did a good job of disguising himself in the Tarot Club. He may not be as gloomy and introverted as "Justice" Ao Dai appears. Li looked at the two of them with interest and made some analysis in her mind.

After a moment of silence, and seeing no one speaking, Klein once again controlled the "world" and laughed softly:

"Do any of you have the magic potion formula or clues for the Sequence 4 of the 'Soothsayer' path? Or the corresponding Sequence 4 potion formulas for the 'Apprentice' and 'The Thief'?"

Sequence 4. Is Mr. "World" moving towards the demigod level?

"Justice" Audrey was surprised for a while. She originally thought that her sequence had improved quickly enough, and she was a little proud of it, but she didn't expect that she was already so far behind the "world".

Mr. "World" suddenly became the fourth high-end "apprentice" pathway. Mr. Lawrence should know why Mr. "World" needs the potion formulas of these three pathways. Are they interchangeable pathways? "Magician" Forsi was surprised while thinking about whether he could get the formula for the fourth magic potion of the "Apprentice" pathway.

Renekton sat lazily on the high-backed chair, his right thumb gently rubbing the armrest, hesitating for a moment before chuckling:

"I do, but I would like to remind you that these paths cannot be interchanged until Sequence Three, and the other two paths are blocked by Amon and Mr. Men. The most suitable one for you is the 'divineer'."

After a pause, he continued:

"The Sequence 4 of the 'Soothsayer' path is called 'Cunning Mage', the Sequence 4 of the 'Apprentice' path is called 'Mystic Mage', and the Sequence 4 of the 'Stealer' path is called 'Parasite'. Which ones do you need? Or, you need them all. ?"

all? Do you want to catch me plundering wool? Klein complained in his mind, then controlled the "world" and said:

"'Cunning Mage' is enough. Do you know where to get the corresponding materials?"

Renekton nodded lightly, and after asking Klein the Fool for help, he presented a piece of tawny parchment with the recipe for the "Magic Mage" potion written on it, and handed it to the bottom of the long mottled table. world".

Under the control of Klein, "The World" unfolded the parchment in front of him and read it carefully:

Main materials: The main eye of the trickster monster + the true soul of the spiritual world predator.

Auxiliary materials: 200 ml of trickster's blood + 30 grams of spiritual predator dust + 10 grams of red birch bark + a section of golden grapevine + a finger-sized homemade rubber mask.

Ritual: Mainly relying on one's own strength and planning, directing a grand drama in front of a large audience, in order to murder a demigod or equivalent supernatural creature, and then, at the end of the drama, take a magic potion.

At the end of the parchment, there is an explanation left by Renekton on the promotion ceremony of the "Cunning Mage":

"The essence of this ritual is to leave an imprint, which is an anchor point.

Compared with other ways, the 'Cunning Mage' whose spiritual body is split needs an anchor point earlier.

However, this does not require faith to support it. On the contrary, faith is too complicated, too confusing, and has too many personal emotions. For the time being, those who are promoted to Sequence 5 cannot bear it, and their humanity will be directly erased.

A gorgeous and profound drama, with the attention of many audiences, is enough to become an anchor point. "

In the space above this gray fog, even without divination, his intuitive hunch can work well. With just a simple glance, he was able to confirm the authenticity of this formula.

Under Klein's control, "The World" slowly nodded and said:

"Okay, what do I need to pay?"

"I will ask you for some help when necessary."

Renekton simply replied, not explaining much, but it was enough for Klein to understand.

Klein nodded solemnly, raised the parchment rolled up in his hand and said:

"Okay, do you know where I can find the corresponding potion ingredients?"

"You can ask Arrods, as long as it doesn't involve those entities, it can basically achieve omniscience."

Regarding the clues about the material, Renekton felt that Dog Licking Mirror knew more. Finally, he added:

"It can even map out what to do for you."

it? Is this a magical item, a living one? Sounding impressive, "Justice" Audrey, who had been sitting quietly listening, couldn't help but spread her thoughts.

"The Hermit" Cattleya turned her head in a wide arc and glanced at the "World" at the bottom of the mottled long table. She was not ignorant of the name Arrodes. This name she had never known a long time ago. Heard it from the "Queen of Mysteries".

Arrodes? This seems to be a Level 1 sealed object of the Church of Steam. The Queen only knows about it and has never touched it. Is there a way for the "world" to borrow that "magic mirror"? What is his identity?

The rest of the people's attention was still on the fourth-level potion formula in the hands of "The World", and they did not notice the relatively large movements of "Hermit" Cattleya.

 The author has been busy moving these two days, so the update is a bit unstable. I will make up for it little by little later~~~



   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 509 Discussion

Renekton leaned against the back of the chair with his hands folded. Seeing that no one opened the next topic, he continued:

"I have a relatively powerful magical item that can be used. It can be regarded as the strongest among the batch below the demigod. If you are lucky enough, it can even be stronger than many level 1 sealed items."

"What magical item?" "Justice" Audrey, who is the Tarot Club's largest source of cash flow, asked curiously.

The other members of the Tarot Club also cast curious glances, and even Azik, the "God of Death" who had always been silent, cast curious glances.

Renekton chuckled lightly, put his hands on the edge of the table, and explained the effects of the pair of scissors he named "Until Death". At the end, he added:

"It's best used in conjunction with magical items with purifying and healing abilities, which can effectively counteract its negative effects."

"If you want to buy it, I will seal it to a certain extent. This can effectively reduce its negative effects, and at least ensure that it does not affect its use."

Klein, who had already known about this magical item, immediately controlled the "world" and said:

"Can you remake it? At least, in a different shape."

He was a little greedy for this magical item, and he had also seen the battle between Renekton and the puppet above the gray mist. Whether it was the "Twilight Storm" or the fatal effect of gambling on probability, it was very powerful.

If it can be paired with some luck-enhancing items, I can definitely achieve critical strikes with a knife, and the "divineer" path itself has no defensive means, so it doesn't affect my fighting style at all, but the shape of the scissors really affects my image and feeling. Like a pervert.

"The God of Death" Azik, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke:

"Is there a certain probability of turning the attack into a fatal blow?"

Renekton nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, this seems to be due to the special nature of the casting material. It is full of the aura left by the former God of Death. It is with the help of this aura that a fatal attack can be launched with a probability."

"That's why I can't recast it, at least not by me, unless the real 'master' takes action."

Azik nodded slightly, as if he was caught in some memories. He was silent for a while before speaking:

"Can you lend it to me for a while? I want to get in touch with the aura left by the 'God of Death'."

"Okay." Renekton nodded without surprise.

The aura left by the "God of Death", this magical item is a bit strong. Unfortunately, I am still in debt, and the shape of the scissors is too ungraceful. "Moon" Emlyn evaluated it in his heart, although he was a little moved. But still gave up on this magical item.

It's too expensive. I just scraped together money to buy the magic potion formula for "Ocean Singer". Otherwise, I could have bought "The Hanged Man" who was also in financial crisis. Alger didn't say anything either.

I already have the ability to purify myself, and I don't need additional magical items to use it. However, with my current sequence, it should be very difficult to use, and the Hurricane Ax is also very suitable for me. I should wait until I advance to the next sequence. Look again. "Sun" Derrick thought for a moment, and finally gave up on purchasing this magical item.

Everyone in the Tarot meeting fell silent for a moment. Everyone was excited about the powerful magical items. The only problem was that they were either already in financial crisis, or they would be in financial crisis after purchasing them.

"Justice" Audrey, the only one at the Tarot meeting who had enough cash to buy this magical item, was also in distress. I had already ordered the spinal fluid of the Black Hunter lizard from Mr. Lawrence, and then purchased the magical item from Mr. "White Tower" It's a bit difficult to get items unless I go to borrow money from Alfred and he has returned to Backlund. No, he will definitely ask a lot of questions.

Audrey struggled on the edge of the table for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of ​​purchasing this magical item.

It seems that it can't be sold today, so it can only become my collection for the time being. The Tarot Club still needs many "just" ladies. Sighing in his heart, Renekton turned his head and looked at the top one. Klein then sat lazily in his seat and stopped talking.

Klein looked around and waited for a while. Seeing that no one made any further demands, he leaned against the back of the chair and chuckled:

"You can communicate freely."

With a quick glance, "Justice" Audrey, "The Hanged Man" Alger, "Magician" Forsi, "Moon" Emlyn and others all set their sights on the new member "Chariot" Anderson.

Cattleya the Hermit, World, Sun, and Renekton slowly turned their heads and looked at Chariot Anderson.

Suddenly being stared at by so many eyes, Anderson moved his body awkwardly and said:

"What do you guys think I do?"

"How did you come into contact with the murals left by the 'Angel of Destiny' Ouroleus and be given bad luck?"

"The Hanged Man" Alger directly asked the question that everyone was curious about.

Anderson twitched the corners of his mouth, straightened his back and said:

"I am a treasure hunter, so naturally I encountered these while searching for treasures."

After a pause, he observed the speechless expressions on everyone's faces, coughed twice and said:

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding."

Then he no longer concealed anything, and simply described his experience in the ruins of the God War. He was very talented in telling stories, even Alger and the Moon, who were not newcomers to the mysterious world. Emlyn listened with great interest.

"Justice" Audrey sat very upright, as if she was listening carefully, and thoughts flashed through her mind one after another:

The ocean alternates between noon and night, dangers that may appear at any time, and various monsters. This is more exciting than any story or picture book I have ever read. If it were me in the past, I would only lament Mr. "Chariot" The adventure was exciting, but for me now, it was a glimpse into the danger and chaos of a mysterious world.

To be able to take risks in such dangerous sea areas and find treasures, Mr. "Chariot" must be a very powerful adventurer himself. There is a high probability that he is Sequence Five, but I don't know which way.

"Magician" Forsi's eyes lit up slightly. It's really a wonderful adventure. It only needs to be modified in some details, and it can become a best-selling novel. I just need to change it a little more, and I can't let the members of the Tarot Club discover me. pen name.

In the ruins of the God War, "Hell Admiral" Ludwell often appears in that sea area. Recently, there are rumors at sea that the "Star Admiral" and the "Immortal King" are also haunting the area near that sea area. This "Chariot" "Could it be someone from their ship?" "The Hanged Man" Alger looked vaguely at the "Hermit" Cattleya across from him, trying to discern something.

After a moment of silence, Derrick the Sun, who had been silent, raised his hand and said impatiently:

"During this period, I followed the exploration team led by the 'Chief' to the Afternoon Town. This is the only way to the 'Giant King's Court' and the door that separates myth and reality." "We met 'Bai' in the Afternoon Town. Mr. Ta', and Amon!"

The people in the Tarot Society who were originally listening quietly became excited instantly. Their probing and vigilant eyes wandered between "Sun" Derrick and "White Tower" Renekton, and then they all looked at the top of the mottled long table in unison. The leader of "The Fool" Klein.

Klein, who had already learned what happened from Derrick the Sun's prayer, looked around calmly at everyone, chuckled and said:


"The Hanged Man" Alger and "The Hermit" Cattleya were the first to react and looked at Renekton who was lazily sitting on the high-backed chair with a somewhat thoughtful look. It's okay, that means the problem has been solved. They Did Mr. Fool ask for help, or did the White Tower solve a clone of the King of Angels by itself?

"What happened next?" "Justice" Audrey asked.

She didn't think too deeply about it. Since Mr. Fool had already said it was okay, it must be okay. She was even more curious about what the "Sun" and "White Tower" encountered in the Land Abandoned by God. Also, " How did Mr. "White Tower" get to the land abandoned by the gods?

"Sun" Derrick organized his language slightly, omitting the less important experiences along the way, and started directly from the illusion he saw when he arrived at Afternoon Town, to the appearance of "White Tower" Renekton, the exchange between the two parties, and what follows. Meng's clone was captured by Renekton, and the changes that happened in the afternoon town.

At the end, Derrick the Sun turned sideways and looked at Klein the Fool at the top of the mottled long table, and asked piously:

"Mr. Fool, who is the god who represents 'secret'? Why can't I say the name of the King of Angels later?"

Sure enough, these are the questions. Fortunately, I consulted them in advance. Klein sighed in his heart, leaned back on the chair slightly, and said leisurely:

"What can represent 'secret' must be the 'Mother of Secrets'."

"Of course, there are some beings whose names themselves have power."

After answering a few words, Klein stopped talking and sat there quietly, as if he was falling asleep.

"The Mother of Secrets"! The extremely dangerous darkness in the Land Abandoned by God can also prove this from the side. The huge disaster mentioned by the cleric refers to the "catastrophe" that ended the Third Age, and the "Night Goddess" was also involved in this matter!

The king of angels was tempted, and the city-state was corrupted bit by bit. That "catastrophe" not only buried an era, but also created a land abandoned by the gods. Some gods fell because of it, but there were also kings of angels who ascended to the throne because of it. , so their names cannot be spoken.

"Hermit" Cattleya suddenly figured out many problems, and at the same time she had more doubts. For the first time, she felt the weight of history so clearly.

"I understand. Thank you for your answer." Derrick "The Sun" nodded with understanding, and then sincerely thanked Mr. "The Fool".

Azik, who had been sitting silently in his seat, reached out and rubbed his forehead. After calming down for a moment, he said:

"The great cataclysm that occurred at the end of the Third Age. The remaining breath and divine power of the gods affected a continent. It was no longer suitable for human survival. After the gods left, it became a place abandoned by the gods."

"The 'God of Death' was also involved in this matter. There were many beings invited by the night, and they also founded an organization."

Founded an organization? Redeem the rose! This is actually related to the goddess. Those who can be invited by the goddess must be gods like the "God of Death" or the king of angels who are close to gods. What are they planning? Assassinate the ancient sun god believed in by Silver City?

I always feel like I have come into contact with a grand conspiracy that ended the Third Age and affected the Fourth and Fifth Ages. Shrouded in a thick gray fog, Klein looked at Azik with an inquiring gaze, but in order to maintain his reputation as the "Fool" Image, after all, he did not ask out his curiosity.

"Justice" Audrey, "Magician" Forsi, and "Moon" Emlyn listened very carefully while sighing in their hearts at the high level of the Tarot Club who discussed similar things.

"Chariot" Anderson straightened his back in his seat. Although he didn't quite understand the high-end information, it was easy to pretend that he was listening carefully and thinking. He often did this when he was in school at the Church of Knowledge.

Although he was just pretending, he still carefully wrote down every word everyone said, preparing to look up the information after leaving here.

I can't find the pastor of the Church of Knowledge, otherwise they will definitely give me some test papers and check the exam, and ask about the location of the "Golden Dream". Edwina must have collected a lot of books.

Everyone was still thinking about the information contained in the conversation. Derrick of the Sun seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned sideways to Klein the Fool, and said with some restraint:

"Dear Mr. Fool, how long will it take for your envoy to arrive at the Land Abandoned by God?"

My messenger? However, Mr. Fool's messenger and believer are all him alone, and now, I am just a "Secret Puppet Master" who has just been promoted to Sequence Five.

To be able to resist the pollution entrenched in the Giant King's Court, and to defeat the evil spirits of the "Dark Angel", I need at least Sequence Three or even Sequence Two. To be able to stop the pollution of Amon and the True Creator, unless I can completely control the "source" "Fort", otherwise he would go over and give someone his head.

I really want to give this guy the title of "Messenger" and throw him into the King's Court of Giants. At the top of the mottled long table, Klein glared at Renekton, who was lazily leaning on a high-backed chair.

After restraining his divergent thoughts, Klein changed to a more leisurely posture and sat on the high-backed chair. He chuckled in a leisurely voice:

"Still need to wait, some fate, an opportunity."

Some destiny, an opportunity. Derrick "The Sun" murmured silently, and then bowed and thanked him very devoutly:

"I understand, respected Mr. Fool."

Afterwards, everyone exchanged some information. Renekton focused on describing the abandoned city where he was currently staying, and told about the various attempts made by the people here to survive in the darkness.

After exchanging their respective experiences, everyone taught "The Sun" some ancient Hermetic language and exchanged some knowledge in the field of mysticism with each other.

Time passed quickly. After everyone tacitly agreed to stop talking, Klein the Fool calmly said:

"That's it."

"Follow your will." "Justice" Audrey immediately stood up and raised her skirt to salute.

The other members stood up and saluted in order, and then a stream of crimson light surged like a tide, leaving the space with the blurry figures on both sides of the mottled long table.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 510 Amon's Visit

In a room on the second floor of a hotel on Toscat Island, Anderson, who was lying on an easy chair with his eyes closed, suddenly straightened his back and stood up.

He looked around the room, then walked to the full-length mirror and looked at himself carefully. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he felt relieved.

After pouring himself a glass of hot water, Anderson sat back on the easy chair and began to review the party just now:

"This party is different from what I thought. Although there are a few guys that I can't see clearly, most of the members are not very high-ranked, and their pathways don't seem to be uniform. This shows that they themselves They are in different forces, or the 'Fool' has mastered many sequence pathways."

"In addition to normal transactions, the knowledge they discussed about the King of Angels and the Land Abandoned by Gods was a bit high-end. It was not at all like the issues that their group should discuss. Even I couldn't understand many of the words."

"When I said 'Angel of Destiny' Ouroleus, the surprise and curiosity they showed seemed to be more about how I came into contact with this, rather than the information itself."

"Also, how does that 'world' plan to contact me? I hope he didn't lie to me."


There was a sudden knock on the door of the room. Anderson looked sideways in confusion and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Me." Gehrman Sparrow's cold voice came from outside the door.

Anderson reached out and rubbed the side of his face, feeling a little unreal. What does Gehrman Sparrow want from me?

Although he was confused, he still opened the door and saw Gehrman Sparrow standing in front of his door wearing a white shirt and black vest.

Anderson looked Klein up and down and said, "What can I do for you?"

Klein's voice was calm and he said without any fluctuation in tone: "The transaction just now."

"Trade? What was the deal just now?" Anderson asked doubtfully.

Klein maintained his character and did not give an explanation. He just gave a calm order:

"You go buy two tickets to Oravi Island, and I will take you to the demigod of the 'destiny' path and ask him to cleanse you of the bad luck."

Anderson's eyes suddenly widened and he stared at Klein with disbelief:

"You, you are 'the world'?"

"do not forget."

Klein didn't explain much, just gave a simple warning, turned around and left.

Anderson looked at Klein's back and was stunned for a while before reacting. He immediately chased after him and shouted:

"Oh no, wait a minute, how do you know my identity?"

Without looking back, Klein pushed open the door to his room on the other side of the corridor, and then closed the door with a clang.

Outside the door, Anderson's mouth twitched, he raised his hand, and then took it back. He did not choose to knock on the door of Klein's room, but turned and returned to his room.

Gehrman Sparrow turned out to be the "world" in the Tarot Club. It was outrageous.

He clearly knew the way to relieve my bad luck, why did he wait until I announced the mission at the Tarot Club before choosing to help me? Wasn't this guy thinking about waiting for me to die after my misfortune broke out before he could pick up my attributes and magical items?

Hey, this crazy adventurer has such a dirty heart. Anderson complained as he put on his coat and prepared to go out and buy the fastest boat ticket.

In the place abandoned by the gods, in a house whose walls and roof were relatively intact, the forces of gravity and electromagnetism disturbed it, creating a half-truth and half-false illusion inside the house.

The originally dilapidated and decaying house instantly turned into a library with simple and gorgeous decorations. The bright yellow light shines through the stained glass, which seems incompatible with the surrounding darkness.

After the Tarot Club ended, Renekton sent "Until Death Do Us Part" above the gray mist through a sacrificial ceremony, and then Klein handed it over to Mr. Azik.

After finishing his work, he walked to the bookshelf nearby, took a book from it and flipped it in his hands.

As he turned the pages, words quickly appeared on the originally blank pages, and dots of silvery words quickly filled the entire book.

"Unfortunately, I can only transform the books I have read."

With a sigh, he moved forward and sat on the sofa nearby.


There was a sudden knock on the door, and Renekton looked up in the direction of the door in shock, a deep blue glow flashing in his eyes.

Before he could respond, the door creaked and was pushed open from the outside. In the process, the sealing method he left on the door was not triggered at all.

A slender figure wearing a black classical robe and a pointed soft hat of the same color, with black curly hair, black eyes, a wide forehead and a thin face came into view.

He was playing with a crystal-carved monocle in his right hand. After a symbolic wave of greeting, he put the monocle on his right eye and looked at Renekton with a smile on his face:

"I found you again."

"Come in." After a moment of silence, Renekton said in a dry voice, "Come in."

Before Renekton spoke, Amon had already walked in with his legs raised. He said as he walked:

"You don't seem to welcome me very much. Unfortunately, I'm already here."

Renekton looked him up and down for a while. The deep blue and almost purple glow in his eyes flowed unabashedly, and one mysterious symbol after another was outlined in his eyes. His eyes quickly scanned every place in the environment. .

Amon chuckled twice, and then said: "I didn't send a clone to invade your illusion. I even knocked on the door before coming in. This is very polite, isn't it?"

"As for whether I am a clone or my true body, you might as well try it out boldly, maybe you will be surprised."

Renekton lowered his eyes and withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, not hiding his inner complaints at all. Reward? Is there a Time Worm as a reward?

"If you like, it's not impossible." Amon replied with the same smile.


There was another moment of silence. Renekton sorted out the thoughts in his mind and suddenly asked:

"Mr. Door has been exiled to the starry sky by the night and storm. What are you going to do? If he doesn't come back, you won't be able to get the uniqueness of the Door path and the properties of a Star Key."

Amon unceremoniously sat on the sofa next to Renekton and said leisurely:

"Hey, aren't there other people who can't get it?"

"Everyone needs a Master of Mysteries. Mr. Door is an indispensable material. They will be more anxious than me in the dark night. Even if they can't think about it and choose Mr. Door who has been contaminated, they still need to come back to complete the promotion ceremony. Isn't it?"

Renekton raised his eyebrows and asked with a very interested expression:

"What is the promotion ceremony of 'Gate'?"

"Guess?" Amon raised his hand and adjusted the monocle in his right eye socket, showing a nasty smile.

Renekton paused for a moment, then spoke speechlessly:

"The way you look now makes me want to smash that monocle with a punch."

"'Door's' becoming a god is related to the night and the storm that banished Mr. Gate? When he returns, his becoming a god will be unstoppable?"

"Why do you have such an idea?" Amon stared at Renekton's face curiously for a moment. Suddenly, he seemed to have seen something interesting and couldn't help but chuckle:

"So the night is like this in your eyes. I have to say that you are quite accurate in judging people. Based on my understanding of Him, if there is a God of conspiracy, it must be Him."

"As for conspiracy, are you looking down on yourself too much? And there is also the strongest conspirator who is not dead yet."

Renekton said as he closed the book he was flipping in his hand.

Amon chuckled disdainfully as if he had heard a funny joke:

"The strongest conspirator? If he was really that smart and powerful, he wouldn't have been given the Red Priest's potion by me and that paranoid along with Sauron and Einhorn."

Renekton nodded and followed Amon's words:

"How many people can escape with the cooperation of you and Adam?"

"It's their fate to be stewed into hot pot."

"Hot pot?" Amon asked, pinching the monocle he was wearing with his right hand, looking like he was thinking rationally.

Renekton nodded and extended an invitation to Amon:

"A kind of food, do you want to try it? I just have the ingredients prepared."

"Of course." Amon nodded happily.

"Wait for me for a moment, it will take some time to prepare."

With that said, Renekton casually threw the closed book in his hand back to the bookshelf, and an invisible hand supported the book and placed it firmly back in its place.


He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the crystal ball quietly embedded on the painted pillar suddenly burst out with a burst of bright light. After the light flashed, a square solid wood table and chairs appeared in the hall.

The shadows under his feet squirmed, as if they suddenly came to life, and surged up like water, quickly submerging the tables and chairs.

The shadow rose up and then quickly subsided, sinking into the ground, leaving only the ingredients neatly arranged on the table.

On the sofa nearby, Amon watched this scene with great interest. He grabbed it casually with his right hand in mid-air, and a bottle of Sunia blood wine appeared in his hand. In the other hand, he also held two bottles of blood wine. glass.

"Your collection isn't rich enough. Why don't you have Olmir red wine?"

"I see there is another broken painting, Things from the Starry Sky. Do you need me to help you repair it? Painting is also an area I am good at. I also painted a portrait of myself before, which was hung in Backlund's In the mausoleum, unfortunately, the mausoleum was vandalized not long ago, and the paintings were also taken away."

The movement of Renekton's hand paused for a moment, and then he said nonchalantly:

"Is this the instinct of you thieves?"

Amon had a smile on his lips and said in a leisurely and calm tone:

"It can be said that after all, thieves never steal. But I still don't like these things you just threw in the garbage pile. I can only blame you for putting them too conspicuously. I don't think I can even see them."

"...I have certain hidden attributes." Renekton defended himself.

(End of this chapter)