

Chapter 476 Fish planted in the soil

On the deck of the Future, Renekton led Paz, who had been coaxed, towards the cabin, and happened to bump into Frank walking out of it.

Renekton glanced at the bucket of strange mushrooms held in the other man's hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said:

"Good evening, Frank, what are you going to do?"

A hearty smile appeared on Frank's face, he temporarily put the barrel aside, and then said:

"Hey, Al, you finally replied. I was just about to write to you asking for a new batch of monster corpses."

"These are mushrooms that have failed to be developed. Although they can achieve rapid reproduction through the flesh and blood of monsters, they will accumulate toxins and pollution inside. I am about to dump them into the sea."

Renekton glanced at the strange mushrooms that hit the barrel. Under the crimson moonlight, he could clearly see that there were some undulations on the surface of the mushrooms, as if they were breathing weakly.

Doesn't it need to be inactivated in advance? What if this thing floods the sea? Renekton sighed in his heart, and then said in a deep voice:

"To accumulate toxins and pollution, can the pollution be accumulated by producing fruits? In this case, the other parts besides the fruits can be used."

While speaking, he raised his right hand forward, and a ball of slowly rotating star sand quickly condensed in his palm. Stars emerged one after another, densely packed and dazzling.

These stars shed light one after another from the mid-air, and merged into a dazzling white, covering all the mushrooms in the barrel. Those weird mushrooms that were still breathing slightly were quickly dissolved by the starlight, collapsed and dissipated.

Frank's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he said with a somewhat excited tone:

"This ability is great for cleaning up the remnants of experiments! It's so convenient."

As expected of you, Renekton sighed in his heart, and then suggested with some doubts:

"You could try raising something like a piranha and feed it those discarded experimental products."

"It is too dangerous to keep this kind of thing on the ship, and the composition of my experimental product is too complex. If the accumulation of toxins and pollution causes it to mutate out of control, it will be troublesome."

Frank shook his head and rejected the proposal, then looked at Paz who was standing aside and said:

"I recently researched a plant that can produce fish. You just need to put the prepared seeds into the belly of a live fish and then bury it in the soil. The seeds will grow in less than a day. It grows into a strong vine and bears fresh fish."

"And we are free to choose the species of fish, but the fish grown from the vines all have the same taste, and the texture may be different from normal fish. Other than that, it has nothing to do with normal fish. the difference."

The black cat squatting on the deck beside him arched his back and stared at Frank as if he had seen a natural enemy:

"What kind of devil are you! Why do you do this to my little fish!"

"To be honest, those fish are not dried fish before they are dried, so I didn't do anything bad to your dried fish."

Frank corrected Paz with a serious expression, saying that he didn't have Huo Huo's beloved dried fish.

Plant a fish in the soil in the morning, and harvest a basket of fish in the evening. Is it time to plant Sister Moon next?

Renekton's thoughts were swirling in his mind for a while, and he couldn't help but look at Frank curiously and asked:

"Can we grow creatures other than fish? After all, this is the sea, and there is no shortage of all kinds of sea fish."

"It's not possible yet. The body structures of different species are different. At present, this kind of plant can only copy and grow the body of fish."

"What do you want to eat? Beef or mutton? Or poultry? I'll ask them to prepare more for the next resupply of the Future. By then, they should be able to develop plants that can grow cattle, sheep, or even chickens and ducks. "

Frank said with some enthusiasm, and the expression on his face was visibly excited.

"I'm just curious to ask. These meats are not difficult to buy. I don't think it is necessary to study this plant deliberately. Instead of studying these novel plants, it is better to improve some existing crops."

"For example, coffee, milk and sugar are combined together to directly produce finished brewed coffee."

"What a good idea. Why didn't I think of this before? Although most of the crew members on the ship don't like coffee, they can be turned into a production line and sell these products in exchange for research funds."

The more Frank talked, the more excited he became. He put his arm around Renekton's shoulders and said:

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria to have some late-night snacks and chat while eating. A lot of inspiration suddenly came to my mind."

The next morning, the "Future" advanced a long distance along the whaling route, and the number of ships in the surrounding waters decreased significantly.

Renekton sat on the side of the bow of the "Future", blowing the cold sea breeze in the morning and admiring the sunrise on the sea.

He casually dragged out a piece of pale yellow blank paper from the void, rubbed it gently with the fingers of his right hand, and used starlight to create a translucent pen, which he kept sketching on the paper. The pen made of starlight was magically drawn on the paper leaving behind brightly colored lines.

Paz curled up and leaned against the side of the boat, yawning sleepily and complaining dissatisfiedly:

"Meow. Why did you go to the bow of the boat to blow the wind without sleeping so early in the morning? And why did you drag me out of the nest too!"

"Do you want to eat the special dried fish that Frank prepared for you? The one that was planted last night and just picked from the vine this morning."

Renekton said in a calm voice while drawing colorful lines on the paper.

Paz stopped talking, hung his head and huddled up. He felt that eating the fish grown by Frank was the greatest insult to a cat.

Klein also appeared on the deck at some unknown time. He pressed the half-high silk top hat on his head with one hand to prevent it from being blown away by the howling sea wind. He said hesitantly:

"Grown fish?" Renekton nodded and said without raising his head:

"You should have met Frank, the first mate on this ship. He is a druid. His biggest hobby is studying all kinds of strange plants and animals."

"He recently achieved the achievement of burying fish in the soil at night and harvesting a grape rack of fish the next morning. He is currently trying his best to promote his products to others. If you go to the canteen now, you will see all the fish. He grew all the food last night."

"It's hard to evaluate, but there should be no shortage of fish in the sea, right?"

The corner of Klein's mouth twitched. Based on his limited knowledge from last night to now, he felt that there was something wrong with the crew of the "Future". This "Star Admiral" brought a boatload of problem children. Including the person and cat in front of me.

While the two were talking, two whaling ships appeared on the sea ahead. As soon as they noticed the flag flying on the "Future", they responded quickly.

The two whaling ships quickly adjusted their positions and pointed their sides towards this side. The cannons placed on both sides of the ship were ready to fire.

A deep blue, almost purple glow flashed across Renekton's eyes. His gaze spanned a long distance and clearly saw the situation on the two whalers.

The group of tall fishermen from the Gargas Islands with light blond hair were standing or squatting, holding steel forks and guns in their hands, looking in the direction of the "Future" with unusual vigilance.

The leader among them is a tall woman who is almost a small giant. Her body gives people a particularly heavy feeling, and she is particularly capable of beating at a glance.

protector? With this kind of strength, he should be the leader among the natives of the Gargas Islands. Renekton pondered a few words in his heart and stopped thinking about this issue.

The "Future" didn't care about the reactions of the two whaling ships, and passed directly by, heading deeper into the whaling route.

After sailing for nearly half an hour, several pirate ships appeared in the sea ahead. They were flying different flags and did not seem to belong to the same pirate group.

After the "Future" approached, these pirate ships quickly fled here like frightened birds.

"What are they doing?" Klein looked sideways at Renekton who was sitting on the side of the ship with some confusion.

A dark blue-to-purple glow quickly appeared in the latter's eyes. After collecting the surrounding information through his voyeuristic eyes, the glow flowing in his eyes gradually faded, and he looked at the sea not far away and whispered:

"Someone discovered a relic that is said to be from the Quaternary Age on the seabed here. Those pirates should have been preparing to send people down to investigate."

Klein remembered that the news he heard in Nath's bar had already spread. No wonder the pirates spread the news carelessly.

Thinking of this, Klein looked at Renekton curiously and asked, "Then the ruins of the Fourth Age really exist?"

Renekton thought about his situation, chuckled and said:

"It's not really a relic. It's just a deep-sea drilling well. Because it's too deep, it connects to things deep underground."

Drilling? Can the technology of this era be able to drill wells in the deep sea? Rely on extraordinary power? Could it be that it was left behind by Russell when he was searching for oil?

Thoughts passed through Klein's mind quickly. He vaguely grasped something, but it was fleeting and he could not really understand it.

Renekton glanced at Klein calmly, and then looked past him to the crew members of the Future who came out of the cabin.

Before he could take the initiative to say hello, Frank and Nina had already moved over.

"Good morning, Al, and Hermann. You all got up very early. I didn't even see you in the restaurant."

"Paz, you little heartless one, you abandoned me as soon as Al returned to the ship, right? Do you know that last night I lay in bed alone and couldn't fall asleep?"

Nina half-crouched down with exaggerated expressions and movements. Before Paz could react, she hugged him in her arms and kneaded her somewhat oversized chest. The sea breeze blew over her body, bringing up a wave of Some pungent smell of alcohol.

"Uh-huh. Help meow~"

"I can't breathe."

Paz struggled in Nina's arms for a long time, and finally managed to get his head out. He looked at Renekton with a weak and helpless look.

Renekton turned his gaze slightly, pretending not to see Paz's pleading look.

"Hey, Al, good morning. Where's that rabbit in a suit and tie that you raised? Where is he? Tell him to come out and play with me."

While squeezing Paz in her arms, Nina briefly said hello to Renekton, and then began to ask where Bugs Bunny was. While speaking, she did not forget to look around for Bugs Bunny.

"I left it in the Southern Continent. The place I'm going to is more dangerous, so I can't take good care of it."

"Besides, you can't eat what's in the bowl and think about what's in the pot."

While speaking, Renekton pointed at Paz, who was held in Nina's arms.

Nina pushed back Paz who stuck out his head with one hand, and said in a disdainful tone:

"Isn't this normal? Isn't it the same for you men? Who is not coaxing you at home and thinking about the Red Theater at the same time?"

This is a bit of a mistake. Although I live at sea, I don't have a family, and I won't go to a place like the Red Theater. Even if I go, it's just to complete the mission. Klein defended himself in his mind. recalled the other party's information.

"Undersea Killer" Nina, the boatswain of the Star Pirates, has a bounty of 3600 pounds. She has seen too many bounties, and sometimes people who see the bounties cannot recall the other party's information for a while.

While Klein was recalling the other party's identity, Nina had already introduced herself aloud:

"Good morning, Mr. Sparrow, I am the bosun on the Future and the navigator's mate, Nina."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 477 Subsea Drilling

While everyone was talking, Cattleya walked out of the captain's room. She crossed the people on the deck and came to Nina's side and asked:

"Are you ready?"

"Captain, we need to wait a while, the bottle of Nipos I just opened is not finished yet."

While talking, Nina held Paz and walked to the cabin on the other side.

Cattleya nodded towards Nina, then her eyes fell on Klein, and she carefully considered her words and explained to him:

"Someone discovered a relic that is said to be from the Quaternary Period on the seabed here. We plan to take a look at it along the way."

Frank pulled out a basket of fresh sea fish from the cabin. He looked at the people gathered on the deck with excitement and shouted loudly:

"Hey, ladies and gentlemen, does any of you need a drink? Here we have red wine, milk, coffee, and renzi."

The crew members of the "Future" who were still gathered together quickly dispersed as if they were frightened. They loudly discussed embarrassing topics in twos and threes and stayed away from Frank.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Frank had no choice but to turn his attention to Renekton and the others who were still on the side of the boat. He dragged the basket of fresh fish over and walked over.

"Captain, do you need coffee? It's pure coffee, it will be a little bitter, but I also have milk here, you can mix it with it and drink it."

Frank enthusiastically promoted the drink he made to Cattleya.

Cattleya pushed up her glasses on the bridge of her nose without any expression and said in a calm tone:

"No, it's still morning, no need for coffee to wake you up."

Frank took out two silver phosphorus fish that were still twisting from behind, handed them to Cattleya and said, "There is milk and red wine here too!"

Did he do it on purpose, or did he really not see that everyone on this ship was resisting what he created?

Klein looked at the silver phosphorus fish held tightly in Frank's hand, and suddenly thought of what Renekton said before, fish that can grow when planted in the soil. Could these be fish planted in the soil, right? It looks no different from the fish in the sea. Does "cultivator" mean that anything can be grown from the soil?

Frank glanced at Klein, who had been staring at the fish in his hand. As if he understood something, he smiled suddenly, put two more fish in front of Klein and said:

"Gehrman, do you want to give it a try?"

Looking at the fish being handed to him, Klein pursed his lips stiffly and said, "No, thank you."

"Is this also the fish you planted last night?"

Renekton reached out curiously and took a fish from Frank's hand. His right index finger floated with stars, and he lightly scratched the belly of the fish.

Dark red liquid instantly flowed out of the fish's body, with a faint smell of wine and fish.

Renekton took a little bit of the dark red liquid with his fingers, then put it on his lips to taste it. The taste of red wine was very strong, with a fishy smell unique to fish.

He smacked his lips twice, as if tasting them carefully, and then said:

"Is it Sunya blood wine?"

"Yes! This is my treasure."

"The red wine in the restaurant this morning was the Sunya blood wine I specially provided. Those guys were very happy to drink it."

Frank smiled and nodded proudly, as if he had done something extraordinary.

Renekton saw that the expression on Klein's face suddenly froze. He looked at the fish in Renekton's hand that was still dripping with wine with some complicated eyes, as if he wanted to crush it with his eyes.

Renekton turned his head and glanced at Klein, who was staring at the fish in his hand. A lilac color flashed in his eyes, directly reflecting the message he wanted to convey into his mind:

Frank has always been in charge of the restaurant on the "Future", which is also where he holds food tasting events. Well, there usually won't be any problems. Even if there is, Frank himself is the best doctor on the "Future".

Klein raised his head sharply and stared directly into Renekton's eyes, as if to say: Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier?

Renekton shrugged, threw the fish in his hand into the sea, then turned to look at Frank, and said in a calm voice:

"It has a faint fishy smell, which really affects the taste."

Frank nodded with a serious face, wrote down the feedback given by Renekton, and then said:

"There is no way around it. I replaced the blood in the blood vessels of these fish. This will improve their nutrition, but it will also inevitably be contaminated with some fishy smell."

"I don't have time to solve this problem right now. I will solve this problem after I master the technology of crossing cows, sugar and coffee."

"I think your suggestion is very meaningful. Squeeze a cup of brewed hot coffee directly from the cow. This will save a lot of unnecessary steps."

No, I think these steps are necessary. I feel that by the time I step off the "Future", I may no longer be able to look directly at things like cows and coffee.

Klein sighed in his heart and glared at Renekton cryptically. "The Future" is really lucky to have a crew like you, Cattleya.

The corner of Renekton's mouth twitched. He could already feel Cattleya's complicated gaze on him. If this continues, Frank and I would be at risk of being thrown off the boat at any time.

Sighing in his heart, Renekton looked at Frank, who was still describing his thoughts, and interrupted:

"Frank, don't you find it inconvenient to use a cow?"

"You can completely modify the coffee tree so that it no longer produces fruit, but sap wrapped in a thick shell, which is a mixture of coffee, milk and sugar. And growing trees is much easier than raising cows."

Frank thought seriously for a moment and nodded: "This is a good suggestion. I have studied mushrooms that can produce milk before. I only need to make some changes to graft this feature onto trees."

Nina, wearing a tight-fitting black garment made of fish skin, smelled of alcohol, walked over from the cabin and said to Cattleya:

"Captain, do you want to start now?"

The somewhat foul size of her chest made the pirates on the surrounding decks completely unable to take their eyes away and wanted to put their eyes on her chest.

After taking a deep look at Frank and Renekton, Cattleya turned her head to Nina and nodded gently:


As soon as she landed, Nina had strode to the side of the ship. With a strong push of her right hand on the side of the ship, her body went directly over the side of the ship and fell into the sea. Like a flexible fish, she quickly jumped into the deep sea.

Renekton turned his head and looked deep into the cabin of the "Future" as if he felt something. He quickly looked back and said to Cattleya and Klein:

"I got up too early today. I'm going to my room to catch up on my sleep. If you find anything, remember to wake me up."

After saying that, he walked straight to the cabin, but did not return to his room. Instead, he followed his intuition and walked deeper into the cabin.

After walking down several levels of the cabin, suddenly there were thick green vines hanging down from the surrounding area. They covered the surrounding area like a heavy rain, entwining and intertwining into a green forest, with layers upon layers, with no end in sight.

Bernadette, who had long chestnut hair and a tall figure, suddenly appeared in front of Renekton.

She was wearing an Intis-style shirt with large lace flowers at the neckline, an indigo patterned captain's suit, off-white trousers and boots that were close to her knees, and a tricorn hat with a feather on her head. Like the leader of a pirate ship.

This was probably the outfit that best suited her image of the "Queen of Mysteries". Sighing in his heart, Renekton slightly bent his back and saluted the other party and said hello:

"Good morning, Ms. Bernadette."

Bernadette nodded politely and distantly, and asked in a flat voice:

"When you return to the Future at this time, do you want to go to the ruins of the God War? Or do you want to go to other places through there?"

"Maybe a little bit of both."

Renekton didn't wonder how the other party knew that the ruins of the God War might be connected to a certain place, and simply responded.

Bernadette didn't seem to care much about Renekton's answer. She looked deeply at the ground woven with emerald green vines. Her sight seemed to penetrate through layers of barriers and see the deep and dark seabed.

After a brief moment of silence, she spoke in a deep voice:

"The ruins on the seabed are very unusual. The higher the sequence, the greater the danger."

"The ruins have obvious traces of human activities, or other civilizations similar to human beings, but its history is so ancient that I can't see through it. A long time ago, there may have been a civilization here, one that was good at smelting steel. A civilization that makes machines."

"I noticed the complex and strong emotions in your eyes when you looked at the seabed before. I can't decipher that emotion, but that state is somewhat similar to when my father was in a daze."

After Bernadette finished speaking to herself, she fell silent. She didn't ask any questions and made no unnecessary movements. Her eyes looked deeply at her feet, as if she was watching the strange and dangerous deep-sea ruins from a distance.

After remaining silent for a while, Renekton suddenly spoke:

"Is it because you haven't been looking for the last tomb left by your father because George III of Loen is about to be promoted to Black Emperor?"

"This is part of the reason, but the main reason is that I made some prophecies when I was promoted to sage. Among them, Cattleya will go to the ruins of the God War now. Your prophecies are not included in my prophecies. Appear."

"She was too confident and ignored the impact of that sea area on Heath Doyle on her ship. This would have irreversible consequences for them. Except for your friend who has many secrets, it would be difficult for the others to survive. Come down."

Bernadette spoke in a calm voice about her prophecy and some kind of future that the "Future" might encounter.

It turned out to be the worry of the old mother. Renekton cursed in his heart, and then changed the subject:

"The drilling well on the seabed goes straight to the depths of the earth's core, and to a certain extent connects to the 'Sea of ​​Chaos' deep in the earth's core."

"Drilling? Is that your direct transliteration of the word? What does it mean?"

Bernadette nodded slightly. Instead of asking about the Sea of ​​Chaos, she asked about drilling.

Because there is no oil at all underground in this world, and there is naturally no drilling. When communicating with Bernadette, Renekton simply pieced together an Intis word according to its pronunciation.

After thinking about his words for a moment, he simply explained:

"It's probably a very, very deep well used to mine something buried deep underground."

Bernadette nodded slightly and did not continue to ask questions about drilling. She looked down at her feet with a solemn gaze. After a moment, she reached forward with her right hand and grabbed a bright and indifferent eye made of starlight from the void. .

This eye was cast casually by her, and like an illusory thing, it easily passed through the forest woven with green vines, passed through the cabin of the "Future" and the cold water, and landed on Ni who was exploring the bottom of the sea. On Na.

At the bottom of the sea, Nina, who was wrapped in the cold water, felt that her thoughts suddenly became much clearer. She hesitated for a while looking at the wellhead in front of her that even children could not pass. There seemed to be something slowly calling in the dark well. She, but this feeling was not strong and she resisted it easily.

Then she randomly found a few rocks from around and threw them down. After confirming that there was no response, she picked up a metal bar that had no original appearance and a piece of black hard soil covered with honeycombs nearby, and headed back to the sea. Swim away.

At the invisible back of her head, a blue, cold and indifferent eye without eyelashes blinked twice, and then turned into little stars and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 478 Clues to the Soul Dragon

On the deck of the "Future", Nina handed the two things she brought out from the ruins on the seabed to Cattleya, and was rewarded with a bottle of Sonia blood wine today.

"Long live the captain!" Nina excitedly picked up Paz and cheered on the deck. Regardless of Paz's resistance, she took him into the cabin.

Cattleya glanced sideways at Klein, who was leaning on the side of the ship, and quickly looked away and walked towards her captain's cabin.

In the cabin of the "Future", the layers of emerald green vines suddenly retracted, throwing Renekton out of that strange space.

He looked deeply at the room in front of him that had completely returned to normal. His figure quickly became transparent and turned into bright stars, surging up to his room on the upper floor.


Klein stood in the room next to his, stretched out his hand and knocked lightly on the door. There was no response from the room. When he was about to go back to his room first, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

On the other side of the door, the stars reunited inside, revealing Renekton.

Did he just leave the "Future"? Is it related to that feeling of being watched I just felt? Are there any secrets hidden on the "Future"?

As his thoughts floated around, Klein heard a creaking sound, and the door in front of him was opened by Renekton from the inside.

Renekton looked at Klein for a moment, then chuckled and said:

"Have you finished exploring the ruins on the seabed?"

Klein nodded, repeated Nina's description of the seabed, and finally added:

"The rusty piece of iron with no original appearance and the seabed mud are with Cattleya. If you are interested, you can go find her."

Renekton nodded slightly, his eyes lingered on Klein's chest for a moment and said:

"If you are sick, you can go to Frank and ask for some healing fruits. Although he behaves a bit outrageously sometimes, as the best doctor on the Future, he is still very reliable."

"Healing fruit?"

Klein was stunned for a moment. It was difficult for him to connect medicine and fruit. Can these two unrelated things be hybridized? In that Frank's eyes, everything can be matched.

"The effect is quite good." Renekton shrugged and responded.

Klein nodded, turned and walked towards the restaurant of the Future. It was already close to noon. At this time, Frank would usually be busy in the restaurant, replacing some of the ingredients on the ship with his experimental products.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Hall family's luxurious villa in Queen Backlund.

Audrey sat at the desk with great interest, flipping through a notebook that looked very historical. This was a note she received today from a Loen soldier during the Twenty Years' War. The mission of Psychological Alchemy.

"Except for the grammar being similar to dragon language, there are no major problems, and there are no traces of hidden clues. What are the people from the Psychological Alchemy Society looking for?"

".If there is no problem with the content of the note, then what the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' pursues is itself?"

"I remember that Mr. White Tower seems to have a lot of research on dragons. Ordinary Beyonders like to use ancient Hermes language, but he is accustomed to using dragon language. This should be a habit he retained from his low-sequence time. He must have been exposed to more information related to dragons at that time."

"You can ask him to help me study this notebook. If there is still no gain, it means that the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' needs the notebook itself."

After muttering to herself in a low voice for a moment, Audrey's eyes sparkled and a joyful smile filled her face. She couldn't help but look sideways at the big golden retriever dog squatting aside.

"What's wrong, Audrey?" Susie responded with a confused look and barked.

Audrey blinked, suppressed her emotions, turned her head and said to the golden retriever dog beside her:

"Susie, I plan to use occult methods to study this notebook. Please help me guard the door and don't let anyone disturb me."

"The method of occultism? Didn't you use it just now?"

Susie mastered more knowledge, and it became harder and harder to deceive her. Audrey sighed in her heart, and then said:

"It's a new method. If it still doesn't work, I plan to try it using the 'mirror divination' method."

"Don't worry, I have a safe person to pray to."

"Okay." Susie looked at Audrey hesitantly for a few seconds, and then nodded after confirming that what she said was true, got up and walked out of the room.

After Susie left the room, Audrey began to pray to "The Fool" and spoke out her thoughts.

On the "Future", with layers of illusory prayers ringing in his ears, Klein walked into the bathroom skillfully and used Mr. Azik's copper whistle and Will Asceptin's origami crane to make occult exercises. After shielding, he walked four steps backward and entered above the gray mist.

Renekton, who was playing with the cat next door, paused for a moment. He looked up at the wall on the left as if he was aware of it. His gaze easily penetrated it and saw a mist intertwined with pale white and mercury. The mist was not thick. He also Klein's figure can be vaguely seen.

He quickly withdrew his gaze and returned the gravity in the room to normal, allowing Paz to successfully get the dried fish floating in the air.

Paz meowed, landed lightly, and asked curiously while licking the dried fish:

"Meow~, what is your ability? I have never seen this extraordinary ability that can make things weightless." "This is an ability beyond the twenty-two sequence pathways. Obtaining power from the stars is extremely dangerous. That kind of thing."

Renekton explained simply, and quickly grabbed Paz's tail. The black cat's tail was a little fluffy when he first touched it, and after tightening his grip, he could feel the tight muscles.

Paz, who was licking the small fish, stiffened for a moment, and then his tail suddenly burst out with force, pulling himself out of Renekton's hand.


Paz glared at Renekton with dissatisfaction, then ran out of his room quickly with a small dried fish in his mouth.

Renekton chuckled, called an invisible hand to close the door, and then lay directly on the bed.

Just as he closed his eyes and prepared to take a nap, a thick gray fog suddenly emerged from his field of vision. There was a deep red light flowing in the gray fog, and it instantly condensed into a somewhat blurry figure, belonging to "Justice" Audrey. The voice echoed in his ears.

After listening calmly to "Justice" Audrey's narration, Renekton pondered and turned his gaze to the figure sitting leisurely on the high-backed chair, obscured by the thick gray fog and saying:

"Can you bring that notebook from the Twenty Years' War to me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange fluctuation accompanied the flow of red water. Renekton instantly felt that he had established a wonderful and unique connection with a certain great will at infinite heights.

"Psychic Communication" from the War Bishop!

With the establishment of "spiritual communication", some memories that did not belong to him emerged in Renekton's mind. These were memories of that notebook that Klein recalled.

The ability of "spiritual communication" is really convenient, so that you don't have to be dragged into this gray fog, and it can also help me pay attention to the main body on the "Future".

"." After a moment of doubt, Renekton settled down and recalled bit by bit the notebook that Klein presented in his mind.

It turns out that this is how Sonia blood wine is brewed, so let Frank try it another day.

Let Frank try it? Didn't he already breed fish that can produce wine? Do you want him to replace the fish with cows or mushrooms?

Don't think along Frank's train of thought, or you will be led astray. There is a coconut-like fruit in the Southern Continent. Wouldn't it be great to ask Frank to cultivate a plant that can replace the juice inside with red wine? Pick and drink now, guaranteed fresh.

If Frank had your kind of thinking, he would already be an Archbishop in the Church of the Earth, instead of being a pirate on the "Future".

I have finished reading it, and there is nothing wrong with the content of this notebook. The person who wrote this notebook at that time should have had direct contact with a spiritual dragon of a high order, and even stayed in his mind and dreams, so some were left behind. Influence, you can try divination. Most dragons are not good at the field of destiny, and they cannot cover their own traces very well.

Divination? This is still the next thing to try.

The era of giant dragons has passed for too long, and those who can survive to this day must be some old guys. It will not be easy to find that giant dragon.

I knew that Klein's voice in my mind pondered for a moment, and then the "spiritual communication" was disconnected, and the thick gray fog in front of me quickly dissipated.

Renekton, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and taking a nap, suddenly opened his eyes. With the crimson moonlight coming in from the window, he looked around the room and complained speechlessly:

"You really just throw it away after use."

Above the gray fog, Klein sat on the high-backed chair belonging to "The Fool" and explored the past of the notebook through dream divination.

In the dream, he saw a village with dragon worship customs, and a cemetery behind the Church of the Night.

The scene in the dream finally settled on a tombstone in a corner, and the words originally engraved on it had become blurry.

"In a village where dragon worship is customary, is the last tombstone where the owner of the note is buried?"

"During the Twenty Years' War, that soldier encountered a spiritual dragon for some reason, and the spiritual dragon hid deep in his heart. He followed him to Loen and his hometown. And under the influence of this spiritual dragon, the custom of dragon worship gradually developed here."

Klein pondered and sorted out the context of the story, and quickly guessed the purpose of letting Miss Justice get this notebook. The people in the Psychological Alchemy Society wanted to use this notebook to find the place with the custom of dragon worship. .

The image obtained by Klein through dream divination followed the ritual connection of "Justice" Audrey's "magic mirror divination" and appeared in the mirror in front of Audrey.

After watching the revelation given to her by Mr. Fool, Audrey suppressed her excitement, greeted "The Fool" politely, and ended the ceremony.

Looking at the mirror that had returned to normal, Audrey couldn't help but spread her thoughts.

The picture that appeared in the "Magic Mirror Divination" just now is that place where there is a custom of dragon worship. There is indeed a spiritual dragon there, but it has been found by Mr. "White Tower" first, and he seems to have left there. Psychologically After the people from the Alchemy Society went there, they could only come to the conclusion that a giant dragon once lived there.

However, my mission has been completed. As long as I hand this notebook over to the Psychological Alchemy Society, I will receive no less of the reward that belongs to me.

Audrey curled her lips in a good mood and began to clean up the remnants of the ceremony.

On the dark cloud-covered sea, streaks of silvery lightning continued to fall, and fine heavy rain swayed in the air with the strong wind. It was heavy and oppressive, as if in the atmosphere of doomsday, a huge black object was hidden in the storm under the silvery white light. Now.

As the lightning falling from the sky became more and more intensive, the black behemoth gradually emerged in the silvery white electric light. It was still a huge sailboat, with its front and rear tilted high, like a crescent moon.

The surface of this huge sailing ship is painted in dark black. There are three rows of artillery in order on the side of the ship. The very huge ship only has one sail with a black tombstone painted on it. It seems that this sail is not raised for sailing, but for sailing. To promote one's identity.

"Death No."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 479 The Death Number

In the cabin of the "Future", Renekton, who was lying quietly on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. Before various thoughts floated in his mind, he reached forward and dragged out a peaceful and quiet night in mid-air.

The crimson moonlight in the room instantly dimmed, and the sound of the waves and the howling of the wind that had been echoing in the ears quickly faded, and tranquility became the main theme of the room.

After doing all this, Renekton climbed out of bed slowly, took his coat from the coat rack nearby and put it on, and changed into shoes that were convenient for walking.

After doing all this, he got up from the bed and stood by the window looking at the blurry sea, looking like he was deep in thought.

Bernadette must have also noticed the approach of the "Suite". She was already an angel, so she should have a way to hide her malice. As long as the "Suite" approached a certain distance, it would have no chance to escape.

In the next room, Klein, who maintained the image of Gehrman Sparrow, had just laid down to rest when a feeling of uneasiness suddenly came from his spirituality.

He quickly got up from the bed, put on his coat again, stood at the window of the room and looked at the sea for a while, and soon he saw the huge figure emerging from the storm.


A low horn sound suddenly sounded, spreading throughout the "Future", followed by the sound of running around.

Klein took all the magical items and charms he had placed outside and followed the sailors on the ship out of the room.

In the captain's room of the "Future", Cattleya blew a brown horn.

The sailors who were still resting in the cabin suddenly woke up. They didn't even bother to put on their clothes. They picked up their personal weapons and rushed to the deck, gun ports and sides of the ship, instantly entering a fighting state.

Cattleya was still wearing the black classical wizard robe. At this time, she was not wearing the heavy glasses. Her dark, almost purple eyes looked deep and mysterious. She stood by the window of the captain's room, staring at the "admonishment" "Death" direction.

The "Future" and the "Death" sailing out of the storm were getting closer and closer, so close that Klein felt as if he could smell some pungent sulfur.

At the moment when the "Future" was about to make contact with the "Suicide", a somewhat crisp sound, like the sound of a chess piece falling to the ground, sounded.

The next moment, the undulating sea surface suddenly became still, and the water splashes that were thrown into the air could not fall for a long time. The roaring sea wind also calmed down. The "Suite" and the surrounding sea surface became a Still picture.

The bright starlight suddenly burst out, densely packed and layered, and the bright starlight reflected on the sea surface, and two huge sailing ships seemed to be sailing on the galaxy.



The shrill, hoarse, messy laughter broke out instantly on the "Suicide", like gibbering from the abyss, full of filth and depravity. Just hearing it made the sailors on the "Future" laugh one after another Falling down, wailing in pain on the deck, all kinds of negative emotions grew in their hearts, and they wanted to tear themselves apart immediately.

The hull of the "Future" suddenly became transparent, became illusory, and turned into a pile of foam.

Under the bright starlight, these bubbles reflected dreamy colors, quickly spread and flew in the air, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, the "Future" directly passed the "Suicide" and appeared thousands of meters ahead.

The skin of the sailors on the deck of the "Future" was a little bit black, and it quickly dissipated in the air, leaving only a pungent smell of sulfur.

"Queen?" Cattleya's figure suddenly appeared outside the captain's room. Her eyes quickly scanned the entire "Future" with some eagerness, but she did not find the figure that made her miss her.

On the deck of the Future, Klein, Frank, and Heath stood together, looking at the sudden changes in the sea around them. They hadn't even reacted yet.

Frank whispered in disbelief:

"The upgraded 'Future' is so powerful? Can the entire ship teleport thousands of meters away?"

"There are high-sequence Extraordinaries on board. Just now, one of them took action to contain the 'Sad Death', and the other took action to take away the 'Future'."

Klein shook his head slightly and gave a more reasonable explanation.

He looked at the sea surface behind the "Future" with a steady gaze. The area where the "Calling Death" was located seemed to have entered some kind of weightless environment. The "Calling Death" and the surrounding seawater floated into the sky.

Relying on his strong inspiration, Klein could vaguely see that the space in that sea area seemed to be in chaos. It seemed to be shrouded by something invisible. It had been isolated from the outside world and turned into a static painting.

On the "Jiu Sui" floating in mid-air, the crew could not effectively control the ship and artillery in the weightless environment. They tried their best to prevent themselves from drifting out of the "Qiu Sui" and being sucked into the cold water outside.

The dark paint on the surface of the "Suite" suddenly dripped like melted wax, and the illusory, viscous black liquid condensed from various emotions and desires quickly spread out.

Renekton was just about to use the power of the Sun Realm to purify the entire Death Ship when he suddenly heard Bernadette's calm voice:

"Don't open your eyes."

Renekton was stunned for a moment, and then thought of what the other party was going to do. He closed his eyes simply, and the bright stars around him condensed into substance, wrapping his body tightly. The next moment, a ray of light that was invisible to the naked eye poured into the Death Ship. The complex knowledge did not reorganize Bernadette's body, but turned into a black mass with countless eyes.

A crazy, cold, sacred, and evil atmosphere instantly filled the surrounding waters. The eyes of the crew members on the "Suicide" were instantly bloodshot and bulged violently. Their heads exploded one after another, like exploding watermelons, red. , filled with white all around, floating quietly in a weightless environment.

The broken flesh and blood was still squirming, and cold and indifferent eyes sprouted one after another. Even the hull of the "Suicide" had large and small cracks, revealing the deep black inside. Eyes came out of it one by one.

Black smoke with the pungent smell of sulfur emitted from every crack on the "Suicide Ship", and the surrounding emotions and desires expanded rapidly, echoing around with strange and unspeakable murmurs.

Those eyes that grew out of the squirming flesh and blood in the cracked cracks of the "Suicide Number" were cold and indifferent, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, and were completely unaffected by the "Suicide Number". spreading on.

On the "Suite", the black mass with countless eyes continued to shrink, and soon solidified into Bernadette's figure.

She looked around calmly, and grasped it slightly forward with her right hand, condensing a dark ancient horn with an extremely heavy and powerful connotation.

This is the "Horn of Destruction". After it is blown, it makes a low-pitched sound. When the sound waves are superimposed, it can crush enemies and space.

Bernadette put the horn to her mouth and blew it hard. The "Death Horn", which had fallen into madness and chaos, could not make any effective resistance.

Under the sound waves full of destructive meaning, the decks of the Death were shattered layer by layer, and the high-raised parts of the bow and stern were constantly shattered. The sail with a black tombstone floating on the mast also quickly turned into a piece. Black dust dispersed into the air.

The "Death Ship" could not survive this extremely destructive sound wave for half a minute, and only some broken boards and pieces of wood were left floating around.

Spots of light that were a mixture of rusty red and deep black separated from the surrounding debris of the Death Ship, and soon filled up into a slowly gathering dark red ocean.

Renekton, who was surrounded by layers of starlight, opened his eyes and looked around briefly. After confirming that the "Sorrow" and all the crew members on it had been dealt with by Bernadette, he stretched out his hand and pulled it in mid-air. , the bright starlight around it flickered for a few times, and then quickly twisted and collapsed inward, turning into a richly colored oil painting.

The translucent crystal ball held in his right hand quickly became hazy and dim, as if it was stained with a layer of water mist from within.

The surrounding weightless environment instantly became normal, and the sea water carried the remains of the "Death" and tilted into the sea like a waterfall, leaving only rust-red and dark black light spots that continued to gather in mid-air.

On the "Future", Klein saw that the sea area where the "Death" was located was like a painting whose canvas had been torn apart, revealing the real scene hidden behind it.

The huge, extremely oppressive "Death Ship" has disappeared, leaving only a dark red slowly creeping light, and two figures that are too far away to see clearly.

Sure enough, what we saw just now was just an illusion. Was the real battlefield pulled into a different space? Having mastered enough occult knowledge, a high-sequence voyeur is not only powerful but also versatile enough.

Sighing in his heart, Klein turned his head to look at Cattleya, who was standing in front of the captain's room. He saw the complicated emotions in the eyes of this "Admiral of the Stars".

Cattleya felt Klein's gaze, glanced sideways, and then said:

"Take a rest, we'll wait there for a while."

The ritual magic arranged on the "Future" conveyed her voice to the ears of everyone on board.

In the dark red light, Bernadette walked lightly in the air. Every time she took a step, a thick green vine appeared under her feet.

As she approached, green vines hung down in layers, covering the surrounding area like a heavy rain, quickly forming a forest.

Bernadette's eyes lingered on the blurry crystal ball and the oil painting in Renekton's hand for a while, and then she spoke admonishingly:

"They all contain secret and extremely high levels of pollution, especially the crystal ball, which seems to have been trying to establish contact with the stars."

Renekton nodded slightly, looking calmly at the dark red light spots that were gathering at a sudden speed, and said with some sigh:

"It's a pity that the wealth plundered by the 'Immortal King' disappeared with the 'Sad Death'. Otherwise, this trip to sea would have been quite fruitful."

"Pirates who like to indulge and indulge are not as wealthy as you think. There is no concept of saving money in their lives."

Bernadette replied casually, then stopped talking and quietly waited for the gathering of extraordinary characteristics left over from the "Suicide".

This process did not last long. The light spots floating in the air gathered faster and faster, and soon formed a dark-colored mask that looked like a goat skull. The pair of large curved horns on the mask were covered with Countless weird and twisted patterns, just looking at them, make people feel uncomfortable and emotional.

Renekton's eyes were filled with deep blue and almost purple light, and he looked straight at the skeletal mask. The originally dark mask instantly turned into a pool of deep black in his eyes, full of depravity and filth. , filled with all kinds of desires and emotions that are almost condensed into substance.

The demonic words originating from the abyss, full of filth and depravity, echoed in Renekton's mind incoherently, carrying the aura of filth, depravity and curse.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 480 Lawrence's Commission

The glow flowing in Renekton's eyes instantly became stronger, suppressing the emotions and desires brought up in his heart. He looked deeply at the illusory thin line extending from the deep black, and followed it. Look into the distance along this thin line.

This is not a thin line that actually exists, but a mystical connection. Through the eyes of voyeurs, Renekton followed the mystical connection left on this magical item and saw the materialization of all filth and depravity— -abyss!

This place is full of the atmosphere of filth, corrosion, depravity and curse. It is filled with all kinds of emotions and desires. It is illusory and filled with rich black mist. Near the ground, the black mist is so thick that it condenses into a sticky substance. black liquid.

Through the occult connection on the skeletal mask, Renekton saw a scarlet lake with no boundaries.

With just an unreal glance, fear quickly grew in Renekton's heart, and he even forgot to look back.

A hoarse and shrill voice suddenly exploded in Renekton's mind, with an indescribable feeling that briefly put his spirit into a psychedelic state.

The next moment, the emotions and desires in my heart expanded rapidly and uncontrollably, and were instantly detonated.

"Cough! Cough!"

Renekton's vision dimmed and he coughed twice uncontrollably. His nose was filled with the smell of rust and pungent sulfur.

His body instantly exploded and shattered into dim stars, with a sense of tranquility and tranquility. They floated around for a while before they began to shine brightly, reuniting Renekton's figure.

Revealing his figure again, Renekton was already wearing a black robe, the "Sage's Robe", painted with a cold and indifferent eye and many symbolic symbols.

He has always carried this magical item from the Hidden Sage, but it usually uses the "Sage's Robe" feature that can be used as a magic scroll, adding a hidden effect on the robe itself.


Renekton reached out to cover his lips and coughed again, but this time the smell of rust and sulfur wings no longer filled his nose.

Bernadette held the skeleton mask in her hand, glanced at Renekton calmly, and then said in a calm voice:

"Controlling one's curiosity is the first rule for voyeurs to survive in the mysterious world."

"You, Cattleya and your friend all have the same shortcomings. At certain times, you are too confident in yourself, or in other words, you believe and rely too much on certain things."

"At some point, this self-confidence may bring a fatal blow to you."

Renekton nodded with a serious expression and listened to Bernadette's warning.

Then his eyes fell on the skeleton mask in Bernadette's hand, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"I seemed to have seen an abyss just now, and a strange scarlet lake that looked like it was made of countless blood, and then the sound of murmuring echoed in my mind."

Bernadette looked deeply at the skeleton mask in her hand, and after a moment of silence she said:

"Sequence 2 of the Abyss Path is called 'Blood Archduke'. The lake you see may be the manifestation of a certain Abyss Archduke."

"The Death Ship is most likely his tentacle to penetrate into the real world. Agaritu often goes to the ruins of the God War, and there may be some secrets there that even the Grand Duke of the Abyss wants to explore."

Renekton rubbed his chin with his right hand and whispered softly:

"Then his condition must not be very good. The madness there gives me a feeling of being almost out of control."

Bernadette didn't speak any more, and the green and thick pea vines surrounding her began to shrink, and soon the night sky was restored to a clear and clear sky. The crimson moonlight was scattered on the sea, which was extremely calm.

Bernadette's figure instantly turned into a light composed of complex knowledge, surging into the spiritual world.

Seeing Bernadette leaving so directly, Renekton took two steps in mid-air. His body became transparent and turned into little surging stars that rushed toward the "Future" that was not far away. ".

In front of the captain's cabin of the "Future", the stars reunited inside, re-consolidating Renekton's figure. He looked calmly at Cattleya, who seemed to have been waiting here, and said:

"There will no longer be a 'Sad Death' on the sea in the future."

Cattleya nodded slightly and asked with some expectation:

"She's on the Future?"

Looking at Cattleya's expectant eyes, Renekton nodded thoughtfully and said:

"Well, she said that she had foreseen that you would go to the ruins of the God War, and thought that you would not be able to deal with some of the dangers you would encounter."

"This is not the first time I have gone to that sea area." Cattleya lowered her eyes and said calmly, as if she was talking to herself or arguing with someone.

After Renekton said goodbye to Cattleya, he entered the cabin and went to his room to have a good sleep. If the "Future" sailed fast enough, it might be able to reach that sea area tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The next morning, in a rental house in Backlund's West End, Fors was sitting weakly in front of the fireplace, with an untouched manuscript in front of him.

Forsi muttered while flicking the pen in his hand:

"I don't know how Xio manages to be busy outside all year round. In this cold early spring, only sitting in front of the fireplace can give me some warmth."


Several short and powerful knocks on the door suddenly sounded. Forsi looked sideways at the door in surprise. Who would knock on the door at this time? Hugh carries the key himself, and our external communication is usually through letters, and we have no friends who come to visit us at all.

Although she was a little confused, Forsi still got up and walked towards the door. She did not open the door directly, but gently put her hand on the door handle, relying on the spiritual intuition brought by the astrologer to judge who was knocking outside. Whether it is malicious.

"It's me, Lawrence." An old but energetic voice came from outside the door at the right time.

".Mr. Lawrence!"

Forsi was a little surprised, but he quickly remembered that he had sent a letter to the other party after the last tarot meeting, not only to inform the other party of his digestion progress, but also to ask if there were any extra potion materials. The door creaked open as she opened it. Lawrence, wearing a heavy woolen coat and a half-high black hat, stood quietly at the door holding a dark brown suitcase.

Lawrence's blue eyes looked at Forsi calmly, then he chuckled and said:

"It seems that you have indeed digested the astrologer's potion. Although there is a bonus from the acting method, this is enough to prove your excellence."

"Let's go inside first, Mr. Lawrence."

Forsi was a little embarrassed by the praise. He lowered his head slightly and turned sideways to make way for a passage.

After Lawrence entered the room, she glanced outside casually, making sure there was no suspicious person before closing the door. Then she brewed a cup of hot coffee and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

After sitting down, she looked at Lawrence with curiosity and asked:

"Mr. Lawrence, how do you know I live here?"

"With the cooperation of 'travelers' who can freely roam the spiritual world and 'astrologers' who have strong divination abilities, travelers can easily go to most places they want to go, even if they don't know enough about it."

Lawrence explained with a smile, and then he put the suitcase he was carrying on the coffee table, opened it, and took out a metal box sealed by a spiritual wall.

In front of Forsi, he lifted the previous seal on his spirituality, opened the metal box, and revealed the fist-sized thing inside that looked like a human brain.

A complex emotion flashed through Lawrence's blue eyes, but he quickly hid it, and he said calmly:

"This is the complete Brain of Asman. Due to some changes, there are not many extraordinary materials left by the Abraham family. This is the last Brain of Asman. As for the cursed object of the ancient resentful spirit, you can only do it yourself. Look for."

Forsi nodded with a serious expression, and then asked with some embarrassment:

"I understand, Mr. Lawrence, how many gold pounds does this Brain of Asman cost?"

She didn't expect that Lawrence would come directly with the potion materials before she had time to prepare the funds. The main material for Sequence Six is ​​about 1500 pounds. If I want to come up with such a large amount of cash in a short time, I can only try Borrowed money from Miss Audrey or Viscount Stratford.

Lawrence glanced at Forsi deeply, seeming to have seen the other party's dilemma of lack of money, and said with a smile:

"1500 pounds."

"Or accept a commission, but this commission is relatively dangerous, and I don't recommend you do it."

"What commission?" Forsi asked curiously.

Lawrence sighed, and the aura on his body suddenly became old and sad. After a moment of silence, he slowly said:

"Help me hunt for the divine envoy of the Aurora Society, Mr. X. He is currently in Backlund."

"A divine envoy of the Aurora Society?" Forsi asked in disbelief.

She thought of the two Extraordinary gatherings she had participated in. The gatherings there were all suspected to be held by the Aurora Club. With her limited contact with the gathering convenor at the gathering, she could also feel the terror of the other party.

Lawrence nodded slightly, and then told Forsi as if he had opened his heart:

"The Abraham family once suffered a betrayal. In that disaster, the upper echelons of the Abraham family were almost wiped out, and more than half of the powerful seals were lost, including all my descendants."

"After that rebellion, most of those betrayers joined the Aurora Society, including the current Mr.

"He was already a Recorder at that time. After so many years, he may have been promoted to Traveler, but he probably has not yet become a Mystic Mage."

"How disgusting!" Foers thought, thinking about Mrs. Anlisa, who was very kind to him, and the friendly and kind Mr. Lawrence in front of him, and he felt a heartfelt disgust towards Mr. X, whom he had never really met.

She said without thinking: "I accept this commission."

"Um, can I invite some trustworthy partners to participate? In the form of issuing a commission, the teleportation ability of the 'Traveler' makes it difficult for them to be ambushed. Once the other party escapes, we are likely to face the Aurora Society's pursuit."

Lawrence leaned on the sofa, a little starlight flowing in his blue eyes, as if reflecting a bright starry sky.

After a moment, the starlight in his eyes faded, he nodded gently and said:

"Yes, but you cannot disclose information about the Abraham family. It is best to find a mid-sequence Beyonder. This matter is very dangerous."

Forsi nodded solemnly and said: "I understand, Mr. Lawrence, I will reply to you before next Tuesday. How should I contact you during this time?"

Lawrence said while closing the suitcase on the coffee table again:

"Just write to me through the messenger. The summoning spell of my messenger is: the spirit that travels in the upper world, the friendly creature that can be driven. It belongs exclusively to Lawrence Nord's messenger."

"My messenger loves music. Putting an instrument in the ritual of summoning the messenger will make it happy and it will be more willing to communicate with you."

"This Brain of Asman is my reward in advance. There is no need to refuse it in a hurry. Your character is worthy of my trust."

love music? Also include an instrument in the summoning ceremony? Mr. Lawrence's followers are so kind. Forsi sighed in his heart, then nodded and said:

"I will identify those who are interested in participating in this mission as soon as possible and then contact you."

Lawrence nodded slightly and stood up from the sofa. He held his left hand in mid-air in front of him, then gently turned his wrist, and a faint blue door with no substance suddenly appeared.

After saying goodbye to Forsi, Lawrence stepped forward directly. As the faint blue light passed by, Lawrence's figure instantly disappeared into the living room of the rental house.

(End of this chapter)