
Chapter 3

Once we entered the school, we were welcomed by a beautiful garden, filled with daffodils, lavender, and roses. The entrance had a water fountain with small green lily pads. "Have a wonderful day sweetheart!" my dad said. "And remember, make a difference in the world today!" That is his most used quote of all time and has been saying it to me for as long as I can remember. But he doesn't understand. What difference can I make in the world? I can't even pass a subject for the sake of me. It has no meaning to me, its just a bunch of words conjumbled together to make an "inspiring" quote. Once I got out of the car, there was this woman who was welcoming people at the front door. She had a black suit, a white blouse, and a name tag titled Mrs. Cafaro.

"Name and grade please?" she said to me. I replied, " My name is Amory Pierre and I am in 9 nth grade." " Amory, welcome to St. Helen High School! As I see on my list you are this year's art scholarship winner! Congrats!" "Thank you!" I said. " You can come on in and wait in the cafeteria." I didn't know where the cafeteria was. Luckily, there were students who directed the students where to go. Once I got to the cafeteria, I had to make my first decision- where to sit. It may seem like a seat is just a seat, but its more than that. Where you sit initially is like choosing a biome to live in. There are so many types of people, especially in high school, you don't know who you will fit in with.

I decided to sit with where the least amount of people sat, which was the circle table on the left. They only had another girl sitting there. She had earphones on, not aware of me taking a seat and sitting there for a good 2 minutes. " I am so sorry!" she said. "I didn't know you came to sit down." "My name is Mia, what's yours?" " My name is Amory," I replied. "Amory, I never heard of that before." No one has ever heard of Amory before. It kind of sucks having an uncommon name. When my family and I got to the amusement park or a museum, in the shops there are usually those customized name magnets. My parents and I can never find our names, while Jamie finds her every time. That's why we have around 5 magnets with her name on the fridge. I usually get mispronunciation of my name, but Mia hit it on the spot, with no hesitation either.