
EXOUSIA Latitude

Although it ain't complete, this is the tale of Drago Greenwood. The abandoned son of a rich family who unfortunately died a very weird death. But as they say 'the end is just the beginning". He was reborn quite connected to the original world and lets just say, he isn't alone. lets dive in and see what the threads of fate have for us.

DestroDEnd · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Making friends with a supposed escape artist

I was thrown in a cell, and I was quite shocked considering the fact that I had just died, been revived now I was gonna die again. The cell in itself had nothing special, it had a small bathroom, a bed made of rock and a single bucket of water. The cells that enclosed the entirety of the building weren't separated by walls but instead by bars so I could see the guy next door. The roof was a single glass pane spanning the entire jail and the jail sported a single entry/exit at the southmost end. I tried striking up a conversation with him "hey man you know why I'm here?" the guy said "you know for a guy who just proclaimed he worships the goddess of fate you are quite brazen huh. The name's Wilbert. You must be new here. You see in this world, the humans that worship the gods are known as incarnates. Being a incarnates of a god is like a great gift. Of course, it isn't easy to be one. Usually you'd have to receive the blessings of the god you worship and only then will you be turned into a soldier, then after multiple battles is when you get promoted into an incarnate." I replied "one I don't worship Creshiel and two I'm no incarnate. I literally just came here after dying." He asks "wait what did you say, you died in the mortalis?" yes, I replied. "Wait this doesn't make any sense." I could see the confusion on his face.

He was thinking of every possibility then he said "brother tonight we escape, some of my brothers will plant an escape route for us so we need to be quick so come with us." Compared to being killed, running away didn't seem like a bad choice and so we waited for the sun to settle. At night the soldier that guarded each cell fell right on their face and a moment later a girl broke through the glass pane of a roof. In the moonlight, the girl's Auburn hair color glinted like a gem in the sea and her eyes seemed so deep as though she was seeing past me at something else. She fashioned light clothes like an assassin, a full black cover up with a Kevlar armor and a broadsword the size of a human yet she carried it weightlessly and moved with precision. As she jumped her way down, I noticed that it was not just the soldiers but also the prisoners in the other cells that had fell asleep or knocked out I guess, I wasn't too sure about that. Then as the guy next cell escaped, he whispered something in her ear and she moved towards my cell as she then took out her lockpicks again and fiddled with the cell locks. Then she said "get out you idiot, why do you keep staring like you have lasers for eyes". I hadn't noticed that I was staring so I tried to concentrate on escaping. Seemingly we didn't have much time since the alarm had started blaring and the soldiers had slowly started to rise up. We ran up the stairs and ziplined our way to the terrace where a chopper was waiting for us. Inside a man who wore clothes similar to the girl with the same auburn hair but his eyes were green like an emerald with a smile that contrasted the girl's.

We boarded the chopper as we flew away but 2 other fight jets were actually on our tail. They shot out multiple bullets like a gatling gun (insert sound ratatatatatatata) but our pilot swerved and dodged like a boss even on a helicopter and for a change even though he did some front flips and back flips on a helicopter but the other two didn't seem to mind it. I would've actually fell of the rotating rototiller which tilled the air instead but my hosts held me tight to the helicopter.

Then the girl walked wobblily to the back side of the helicopter and unfurled a machine gun that I actually though she was gonna fire at me but she pulled it to the edge of the helicopter and she released a barrage of ammunition which could've decimated a bunch of cars and she burst both the jets following us and strangely we weren't hit by a single bullet from the jets. The next thing I knew was me looking at the top of the helicopter and falling down.