
EXOUSIA Latitude

Although it ain't complete, this is the tale of Drago Greenwood. The abandoned son of a rich family who unfortunately died a very weird death. But as they say 'the end is just the beginning". He was reborn quite connected to the original world and lets just say, he isn't alone. lets dive in and see what the threads of fate have for us.

DestroDEnd · Fantasy
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13 Chs

I become Spider-Man figuratively

The cage itself wasn't terrifying but what lay inside would've made me poo my pants if not for Brian standing beside the cage like it just had a few kittens but what it really had were black figures twisting and turning inside. They were rotting, wore normal human clothes but I knew for a fact that they weren't. "These are nightmare spawn, beings created by the god of dreams from Scandinavia, I heard he got himself a series about himself lately. Been gloating about it to every other god and now my own patron wants me to be in a series. Well, these nightmare spawns turn into the one thing that will make your bones tremble. It varies from person to person but of course its just a way to conquer your fear. Now I will release it and you will fight them but before that you can probably get yourself some armor and weapons if u need from the barracks over there."

I headed over to the tent which was much larger on the inside, again another courtesy of magic. Inside there was a large bunch of weapons laying around. Some hung while some in cases. I didn't know what to use so I picked up the standard sword but it didn't fit in with my hand so I kept it back. I tried the bow and arrow but I didn't feel like I'd be able to aim. I tried the morning star, too heavy. The great sword similar to what Ms. Bailey used but it was heavier than the morning star. Then something caught my eye, at the corner of the room lay a staff so sleek with a sharp point. It was a spear and it didn't look like anything special, it was fully black with just its blade point shining. When I took it into my hand, it seemed so long, so weightless and as I tried using the general thrusting that came along with the use of a spear it seemed so fluid like it was a part of my own body so I decided that using this would be better for me plus the long reach could be helpful.

As I stepped out, the sun blinded my eyes which felt weird but I saw that Brian wasn't here anymore which was weird and then a screaming zombie corpse thing ran after me, followed by more. I didn't know what to do so I did the first thing anyone would do after facing zombies, I ran. It didn't feel so good to run from them. When I looked back, they were still chasing me so I ran some more. Then suddenly something pulled the hand holding my weapon. I fell backward and I would've been eaten or bit by those little brainless zombies if not for my hand to actually move on its own. I didn't know what had gotten into me. My hands moved on their own, piercing one in the head and another in the gut and all of this happened while their dirty blood fell on me and my mouth which tasted like damn sand. Then I started running again because my hands felt like rubber after stabbing them. As I ran, I got cornered at the edge of a hill. It rose on all 3 sides with the only free side being blocked by zombie creatures. I had no choice but to fight.

I thrusted and slashed while doing damage next to none. The skin on my hands had ripped and it hurt but I had to survive. The zombies were overwhelming me, suddenly something caught the corner of my eye. A thin glint of a wire caught my eye. i tried to follow it to the end while fighting the zombies. A zombie bit my hand but I shook it off and stabbed its head. The next thing I knew was pulling the string and as such a huge bunch of boulders swayed and fell in front of me. Crushing down the zombies one by one, but of course I too was in the way. As I kept running, I saw another string above my head which when I tugged pulled me up the cliff while dodging the boulders that fell.

I stood on the edge of the cliff as the sun was setting, the sight it made was beautiful. I had no other words to describe it. Then I heard foot steps behind me, and I thought it was zombies once again so I picked up my stance again in a slow manner but by the time I had picked it up, I huge sword was at my neck with Bailey holding it.