

preety face zhang yixing nicknamed lay by his friends just turned 18 and he wakes up to witness the most terrifying moment of his life. He thinks he is from a demon blood line, he has magical powers he cant control which tends to get him in trouble. He finds it difficult to cope due to an incident that occured and ended up leaving America to china in order to know more about himself and to control his power. There he meets 11 new Friends and a familiar face. how would he cope with his current situation, will he be able to tell his friends about his other self and what will be their reaction?... Spoiler:The RED Force

AdeIsQueer · Celebrities
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21 Chs


"... wh...wher... where am I "

yixing whispered in a low and soft tone

he saw his cat staring at him while his eye was closed he opened and closed his eye faintly then finally opened it just to discover he was at home then he wondered

"what am I?

what kind of demon am i?

what else do i have to know? what haven't i seen yet?

how many super powers do i have? "

Tons of questions ran through his head then it suddenly clicked to him that he has to phone his mom she might have an answer to his numerous questions.

He picked up his phone and dialed his mom number it rang for 10 seconds before she finally picked up then he rushed her with questions

"mom who am I? Am i really your son? Are you also a... a demon or a mystical being? JUST WHAT AM I !!! ".

Yixing screamed emphasising the "what am i part"

His mom terrified replied crying

"I'm... i'm.. i'm really very very sorry it's all my fault I'm sorry yixing"


She paused sniffing and cleaning her tears

Noticing yixing was still quiet she continued

"I wouldn't be able to tell you over the phone just calm down and take it easy, you have to be careful dont let your identity be revealed and you have to control your self I also don't know how to control the changes or else your cover will be blown, drink tea every morning it has a cooling effect and Come to china in the upcoming holiday I'll explain everything to you in details and make sure you drink tea every morning to calm down and exercise to learn to control your superpowers you'll soon discover many more powers maybe..."

she paused for a while and continued

"i'm very sorry my baby..."

Yixing felt so Shocked,he fell on his knees crying.

"how would i continue to live as a demon..."

He recalled what happened in the train, he knew kasper would be so shocked and scared of him, he didn't know how to face him so he just decided to call him.

He picked up his phone from the floor and called kasper while he's still on his knees, he found it uncomfortable so he sat down comfortably on the floor. He dialed kasper's number several times but He didn't pick...

Then yixing decided to leave kasper to fully digest all he had seen he himself could relate to how shocked he was when he saw his "demon- like side."

Now he is more worried about the people that saw him in the train, what if they recognize him later? he wondered...

do you think yixing would last till the next vacation holiday? share your views on the comment section

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