
Letter One

Opening my eyes I sat up, looking around my empty, dull cell. It was the same everyday and I hated it more with every passing hour. Though this morning there was something different about my cell. There was a white envelope under the door. So out of sheer curiosity, I picked it up. Inside was a letter written in black ink. The writing was beautiful and artistic. I swallowed then started reading the letter.

Dear Baekhyun,

Hey friend! It's been a while since we've talked hasn't it? Honestly, I don't even know if you're getting the letters I'm sending but I'm going to continue writing to you anyways. I mean, were like best friends. I have to write you! Anyways, I really just wanted to say hi. I miss you!


From PCY

PCY? Who is PCY? And why did he send me this letter? I don't remember having a best friend...

The very first letter for Byun Baekhyun is up, more to go. Let’s all read with him and find out who this PCY guy is. Enjoy reading everyone! I’m just knew here in Webnovel so bare with my writings. I also posted my stories in other online reading app. ^^

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