
Executioner System: Faceless Man

Qin Hao, a young man who had been battling a terminal illness, found himself in the most unexpected of circumstances when he awakened a mysterious system. This system granted him an extraordinary gift – the ability to alter his appearance and disguise himself as anyone he chose. With this newfound power, he became more than a mere mortal; he became a shapeshifter, capable of transforming into any individual he desired. Driven by the injustice he had witnessed throughout his life, Qin Hao assumed a role he never dreamt of – he appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. No longer confined by his physical limitations, he set out on a quest to deliver justice to the wicked souls that had managed to elude the law. His mission was clear – he would harvest the life and soul of those who had spread evil and chaos, ensuring they faced their well-deserved fate. With each wicked individual he encountered, Qin Hao's sense of purpose deepened. Yet, his actions came at a cost. Each collected soul that he absorbed into himself not only granted him renewed strength but also connected him to the darkness he sought to eradicate. He could feel the sinister weight of their sins and the torment of their past deeds seeping into his very being. Despite the heavy burden he carried, Qin Hao remained resolute, for he knew that the collected souls provided him with something invaluable – the chance to revive his failing body functions. The terminal illness that had once threatened to take him away from this world now faced an opponent as relentless as fate itself. As the wicked on the loose learned of their impending judgment, an eerie and palpable tension settled over the city. They whispered fearful tales of the shapeshifter, a vengeful force determined to cleanse their world of darkness. Each night, the air was thick with uncertainty, and the once-dreaded shadows now bore a haunting presence, as if they were sentient witnesses to the shapeshifter's relentless pursuit. One by one, the wicked would meet a strange death, their fates sealed by a force beyond comprehension. It was a chilling reminder that even in the face of adversity and impending mortality, justice could find its way through the most enigmatic of avenues. Qin Hao's transformation from a mere mortal to an enigmatic figure, guided by his unyielding sense of justice, was a tale that intrigued and bewildered the masses. And so, the legend of the shapeshifter began to spread, a tale of hope for the oppressed and a warning for the malevolent.

ieatjutsu · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 9: Unexplained

On the way to see Xie Feifei, Gao Can carefully analyzed Hou Liang's words. As a professional, he never made the mistake of not verifying things before concluding. "Everything has to be verified by itself before a conclusion can be drawn," he reminded himself.

Moreover, what Hou Liang said was truly unbelievable...

When Gao Yi laid eyes on Sheffield, her gaze narrowed momentarily. She felt as though she had grasped something for a brief moment, but the feeling disappeared just as quickly.

At this moment, Sheffield's agent, a stout woman of about one hundred and eighty pounds, impatiently interrupted in a rooster-like voice, "What the hell is going on with you? We have a play scheduled for tomorrow, and we can't waste much time."

Sheffield remained indifferent, engrossed in using her mobile phone.

Observing Sheffield intently since entering the room, Gao Yi noticed her every move. When someone else entered, Sheffield put down her mobile phone and said calmly, "There's something urgent. I hope you can make it quick. I've already booked my afternoon flight, and I must rush back."

Hou Liang shook his head upon hearing this. "I'm afraid you can't go back today."

"How is that possible? I have to go back, no matter what," protested Sheffield's agent, raising her voice. "I'll sue you if necessary."

Even Xie Feifei frowned unhappily at this point, looking at Hou Liang with skepticism.

Hou Liang explained, "Rest assured, as a police officer, we won't detain you without reason. Maybe after seeing this, you'll understand why we've summoned you." He handed her a cell phone, showing a video taken yesterday.

Xie Feifei looked at the cell phone with doubt, but as she watched, her expression changed. Confusion and shock washed over her, and she became utterly still.

Her beautiful eyebrows shot up, and her mouth hung open in disbelief.

"How... How is this possible?" she stammered.

The agent, who was still talking earlier, now stood wide-eyed, unable to complete her sentences.

The video on the phone showed them at the lecture hall from the previous day. But it was a short video: Sheffield entering Dingsheng Building, riding the elevator upstairs, and briefly glancing at the camera.

Despite its brevity, the video left Sheffield and her agent pale.

"What on earth is happening?" Sheffield's agent stammered, attempting to absolve herself from the situation. "Fifi, is that you? But we were in Huacheng yesterday, and I arranged your schedule myself."

The agent pointed at the phone but couldn't find the right words.

The video was undeniable, and both Sheffield and her agent were frightened by its contents. They were at a loss.

"Ms. Xie, we have a few questions to ask," Gao Yi said softly.

Still in shock, Sheffield managed to reply, "I heard that Wang Rende used to pursue you, but you never agreed. Did you change your mind and come to Haicheng to meet him privately?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I can't stand that guy, just looking at him disgusts me. I would never meet him privately," retorted Xie Feifei, trying to regain her composure. "As for Haicheng, I haven't been here before."

Gao Yi carefully observed Sheffield's facial expressions and body language. After a moment, she nodded, choosing to believe her.

She knew the truth of the previous cases involving Wang Rende, though she could do nothing about them.

"Do you have a twin sister? Maybe you can call your parents to confirm..." Gao Yi inquired.

"No, I'm sure I don't."

After a few more questions, Sheffield answered without hesitation.

Gao Yi and Hou Liang stepped out of the room.

"The lie detector supported Sheffield's statement," Gao Yi said.


Through the one-sided visible glass, Gao Yi's eyes widened as she watched Sheffield move away from the room. "I know what's wrong. Let's review the previous video."

"Huh?" Hou Liang's eyes lit up suddenly. "Where's the issue?"

Gao Yi took the cell phone handed by Hou Liang and played the previous video again. Pointing to the person in the video, she said, "I noticed that there's a difference in the figure."


Seeing Hou Liang's confusion, Gao Yi demonstrated by lifting her hands.

"Sheffield herself only has a B-cup, but the person in the video has a B+ or C-cup. Understand now?"

"Oh! I see. That's why I felt Xie Feifei lacked her usual charm in the video. The problem lies here..." Hou Liang exclaimed, suddenly cheerful.

He patted his thigh enthusiastically. "You are an expert; you noticed such a subtle difference."

Blushing slightly, Gao Yi replied, "Let's put Sheffield aside for now. How's the scene?"

"The scene was secured immediately when the incident occurred."

"Good. Let's go and take a look, and have someone bring the video from the prison control room. We'll analyze it together with the scene."

Gao Yi's flamboyant personality revealed itself.