
Executioner System: Faceless Man

Qin Hao, a young man who had been battling a terminal illness, found himself in the most unexpected of circumstances when he awakened a mysterious system. This system granted him an extraordinary gift – the ability to alter his appearance and disguise himself as anyone he chose. With this newfound power, he became more than a mere mortal; he became a shapeshifter, capable of transforming into any individual he desired. Driven by the injustice he had witnessed throughout his life, Qin Hao assumed a role he never dreamt of – he appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. No longer confined by his physical limitations, he set out on a quest to deliver justice to the wicked souls that had managed to elude the law. His mission was clear – he would harvest the life and soul of those who had spread evil and chaos, ensuring they faced their well-deserved fate. With each wicked individual he encountered, Qin Hao's sense of purpose deepened. Yet, his actions came at a cost. Each collected soul that he absorbed into himself not only granted him renewed strength but also connected him to the darkness he sought to eradicate. He could feel the sinister weight of their sins and the torment of their past deeds seeping into his very being. Despite the heavy burden he carried, Qin Hao remained resolute, for he knew that the collected souls provided him with something invaluable – the chance to revive his failing body functions. The terminal illness that had once threatened to take him away from this world now faced an opponent as relentless as fate itself. As the wicked on the loose learned of their impending judgment, an eerie and palpable tension settled over the city. They whispered fearful tales of the shapeshifter, a vengeful force determined to cleanse their world of darkness. Each night, the air was thick with uncertainty, and the once-dreaded shadows now bore a haunting presence, as if they were sentient witnesses to the shapeshifter's relentless pursuit. One by one, the wicked would meet a strange death, their fates sealed by a force beyond comprehension. It was a chilling reminder that even in the face of adversity and impending mortality, justice could find its way through the most enigmatic of avenues. Qin Hao's transformation from a mere mortal to an enigmatic figure, guided by his unyielding sense of justice, was a tale that intrigued and bewildered the masses. And so, the legend of the shapeshifter began to spread, a tale of hope for the oppressed and a warning for the malevolent.

ieatjutsu · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 4: Unveiling Deceit

Dingsheng Group Building - Top Floor

Wang Rende's heart raced as he eagerly waited at the elevator door. When it finally opened, his eyes lit up at the sight of Sheffield standing before him.

"Sheffield, how did you come to see me today?" he asked, trying to hide his excitement.

"I've been invited many times before. Aren't you glad to see me?" Sheffield's human skin had a sharp face, long and straight eyebrows, and she asked with a slight frown.

"Of course, you're always welcome," Wang Rende replied, but inside, his emotions were a whirlwind. He couldn't help but stare at her captivating beauty – her exquisite features, the alluring crimson corners of her eyes, and her graceful presence.

Surprise, excitement, and adoration all crossed his face, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He had made countless attempts to arrange meetings with Sheffield before, but she never granted him the opportunity. Yet, today she had come willingly to the top floor of the group building. It was exhilarating.

Wang Rende's gaze never left Sheffield as he admired her.

"Sheffield, you seem even more beautiful than before."

Sheffield's charm was irresistible, and her presence was more captivating than ever. Qin Hao had made a few adjustments to her form, giving her a slightly fuller figure, following his mother's advice that women shouldn't be too thin.

"You've changed," Wang Rende continued, "but you look even more attractive now."

As they walked together, he led her towards the dining area, where he had prepared a dinner party with dim lights to set the mood.

During their conversation, he tried to impress her with gifts, but Sheffield was cautious and declined to accept them, knowing that valuable possessions could be burdensome in her line of work.

"I heard you built a huge swimming pool hundreds of meters high," Sheffield inquired with a smirk.

"Yes, it's right over there," Wang Rende replied, getting lost in her mesmerizing gaze.

Sheffield approached the edge of the pool, looking at it thoughtfully.

The dinner was served, but she declined to eat, claiming fatigue from filming and wanting to relax by swimming.

Hearing this, Wang Rende's eyes lit up. "Sure, swimming is very relaxing."

As Wang Rende's security team monitored the pool area, Qin Hao, using Sheffield's human skin, hacked into the building's monitoring system, searching for clues about the system and its rewards.

As he browsed through the files, he discovered something horrifying – disturbing videos of young girls in an orphanage. Wang Rende was involved in this depravity.

Blinded by anger, Qin Hao's control over Sheffield's human skin wavered, and Sheffield's disguise started to blur. Emotions surged within him.

Maintaining the guise, Sheffield stood up slowly, her body twisting unnaturally.

Wang Rende waited for her to get into the water, but as time passed, he grew suspicious and looked underwater, only to see Sheffield drilling holes in the pool's glass.

Suddenly, his blood ran cold as he realized the truth.

The pool was now a death trap, and his end was imminent.