
Executioner System: Faceless Man

Qin Hao, a young man who had been battling a terminal illness, found himself in the most unexpected of circumstances when he awakened a mysterious system. This system granted him an extraordinary gift – the ability to alter his appearance and disguise himself as anyone he chose. With this newfound power, he became more than a mere mortal; he became a shapeshifter, capable of transforming into any individual he desired. Driven by the injustice he had witnessed throughout his life, Qin Hao assumed a role he never dreamt of – he appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner. No longer confined by his physical limitations, he set out on a quest to deliver justice to the wicked souls that had managed to elude the law. His mission was clear – he would harvest the life and soul of those who had spread evil and chaos, ensuring they faced their well-deserved fate. With each wicked individual he encountered, Qin Hao's sense of purpose deepened. Yet, his actions came at a cost. Each collected soul that he absorbed into himself not only granted him renewed strength but also connected him to the darkness he sought to eradicate. He could feel the sinister weight of their sins and the torment of their past deeds seeping into his very being. Despite the heavy burden he carried, Qin Hao remained resolute, for he knew that the collected souls provided him with something invaluable – the chance to revive his failing body functions. The terminal illness that had once threatened to take him away from this world now faced an opponent as relentless as fate itself. As the wicked on the loose learned of their impending judgment, an eerie and palpable tension settled over the city. They whispered fearful tales of the shapeshifter, a vengeful force determined to cleanse their world of darkness. Each night, the air was thick with uncertainty, and the once-dreaded shadows now bore a haunting presence, as if they were sentient witnesses to the shapeshifter's relentless pursuit. One by one, the wicked would meet a strange death, their fates sealed by a force beyond comprehension. It was a chilling reminder that even in the face of adversity and impending mortality, justice could find its way through the most enigmatic of avenues. Qin Hao's transformation from a mere mortal to an enigmatic figure, guided by his unyielding sense of justice, was a tale that intrigued and bewildered the masses. And so, the legend of the shapeshifter began to spread, a tale of hope for the oppressed and a warning for the malevolent.

ieatjutsu · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 36

The realization hit them like a ton of bricks. The Thousand-Faced Human Skin had outsmarted them once again, slipping away from right under their noses. The police force was left dumbfounded and humbled by the cunning and intelligence of the elusive killer. They felt a mixture of fear, frustration, and admiration for his skill.

As the news of the Thousand-Faced Human Skin's latest escape spread, it sent shockwaves through the law enforcement community and the public alike. The criminal mastermind had once again proven his ability to evade capture and leave no trace behind. His name became synonymous with terror, and people lived in constant fear of his next move.

Despite their best efforts, the police force could not uncover any new leads. The Thousand-Faced Human Skin seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving the investigators to grapple with the mystery of his whereabouts. The case became one of the most perplexing and unsolvable in the history of criminal investigations.

As days turned into weeks and then months, the investigation gradually lost momentum. The police force remained vigilant, but the lack of progress took its toll on their morale. The Thousand-Faced Human Skin remained a ghostly presence, striking fear into the hearts of all who knew of his existence.

Meanwhile, Gao Yi and Hou Liang could not shake off the guilt and responsibility they felt for letting the killer slip through their fingers. They became obsessed with capturing the Thousand-Faced Human Skin and bringing him to justice. Their lives became consumed by the case, leaving little room for anything else.

Lu Suiliang, too, was deeply affected by the failure to apprehend the killer. He had believed that his skills and knowledge of the dark web would lead them to the murderer, but he was left feeling powerless and defeated. He continued to search for any information that could lead them to the killer, but the trail seemed to have gone cold.

The public's fear of the Thousand-Faced Human Skin reached a fever pitch. People locked their doors and windows at night, afraid that he might strike at any moment. The media continued to report on the case, fueling the fascination and terror surrounding the enigmatic killer.

Months turned into years, and the case of the Thousand-Faced Human Skin became a cold case. The police force continued to receive tips and leads from the public, but none of them led to a breakthrough. The killer remained elusive, leaving behind a trail of fear and mystery.

Over time, the public's memory of the case began to fade. Other crimes and cases took center stage, and the legend of the Thousand-Faced Human Skin became a distant memory. However, for those involved in the investigation, the case remained an unsolved puzzle, a constant reminder of their failure to bring a dangerous killer to justice.

Gao Yi, Hou Liang, and Lu Suiliang continued to work on the case in their own ways, driven by a deep sense of responsibility and justice. They knew that the Thousand-Faced Human Skin was still out there, biding his time, and they couldn't rest until he was captured.

But for now, the elusive killer remained hidden in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike again. And the dark web continued to churn with whispers of his name, a chilling reminder of the terror that lurked just out of sight. The legend of the Thousand-Faced Human Skin lived on, a haunting mystery that would forever be etched in the annals of criminal history.