
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Cathlinn turned a bit in the bed, stopping at the arm around her waist. She turned her head and stared tiredly at Mei. The woman had cried so hard the night before after Cathlinn and the knights got into a fight with the man in charge, Cathlinn doubted Mei knew where she was. A maid silently opened the door and stopped short, her face turning red as Cathlinn sat up. "Pardon me, your highness-"

"Get clothes that'll fit her and start the baths," Cathlinn mumbled. She let Mei's head gently and rubbed her own. "Do we have pickle juice?"

"Pickle juice," the maid frowned as she came closer, producing a tape measure. Cathlinn quickly held up a hand and waved it at the maid.

"Don't do that. Ask her permission first," Cathlinn whispered. "It's for the hang over. I had too much last night."

"I'll," the maid stared at Mei for a second before nodding, "I'll see if I can get any, your highness." The maid left and Cathlinn laid back, Mei latching on quickly. Who knew she'd ever use that training. There were far less signs to go off of here for it and while it made it harder, the people here made it easier than ever. Mei stirred a bit, her head nuzzling into Cathlinn's side before halting.

The grip tightened a bit before Mei sat up quickly and stared at Cathlinn below her with wide eyes. Her black abyss were swollen from all the crying but they seemed to take everything in as Mei's head turned to see her surroundings.

"Where are we," she asked quietly. Cathlinn slowly sat up, her face turning a bit red as she closed the too-small robes around the woman's larger chest.

"The castle," Cathlinn replied. She cleared her throat a bit and got out of the bed. Mei giggles nervously as Cathlinn started grabbing clothes.

"What a perfect joke," Mei's voice was filled with venom as the doors opened to the maid again.

"Your highness, the kitchens were confused but we have some," Cathlinn glanced over and looked to Mei to see her expression. She turned away from the terrified look and took the glass off the tray the maid held, nodding to her.

"They wanted to get your measurements but I told them to wait for you to be awake," Cathlinn wrinkled her nose at the sweetness from the vinegar when she took a sip. "And there's a bath if you want to clean up. Just tell them if you want-"

"Princess Monique," Mei gasped. "The princess? The joy and light of Cavidiar? The beauty of the western lands?"

Cathlinn stared and rubbed her head, looking to the maid as her heart started racing, "I-I guess."

"Your highness, stop being so humble," the maid glanced with a slight sneer at Mei. "The whore should be-"

"Call her a whore again," Cathlinn snipped. The two went quiet, both of them paling as Cathlinn rubbed her face. "Sorry. It wasn't her choice. It's rude to call someone something when they didn't want to do it in the first place."

"You're too kind, your highness," Cathlinn could hear the bitterness in the maid's voice before she glanced to Cathlinn's clothes. "Again, your highness? We got new dresses in just yesterday and you're wearing this?" Cathlinn held the trousers and shirt close to her, pouting a bit as the maid went off about the fabric and style.

"Princess Monique," Mei started.

"Come take a bath with me," Cathlinn quickly looked to Mei, motioning for the door with a forced smile. "It'll probably help you calm down a little from everything."

"Your highness, bathing with-"

"Everyone is equal," Cathlinn glanced at the maid and the maid quickly shut her mouth, her eyes wide. "You earn what you get and sometimes, being treated nice isn't a bad schtick to give into." Mei was close to Cathlinn quickly, her fingers playing with each other.

"You don't have to be so kind, your highness," she gave a curtsey and Cathlinn rubbed her head.

"I need to ask you questions anyways. The fucking limp dicked prick is getting tried today," Cathlinn muttered.

"Your highness, what has your mother said," the maid cried out.

"Watch your language," Cathlinn stated bluntly as she began walking. Mei stared and quickly followed after her, bowing her head to the maid.

"You are acting a disgrace," the queen snapped. Cathlinn stood straight, Mei behind her shifting nervously. The trial was supposed to be going on and she expected even the tiniest bit of compassion from the queen but there didn't seem to be any. "What kind of farse is this? You go out without saying anything to me and you bring back a whore and her employer?"

"I brought back a human trafficker and his victim," Cathlinn snapped. "So sure, I'll act a fucking disgrace but I'm still living up to my moral code." The queen flinched as her brow twitched, fury evident on her face as she glared at Cathlinn. The other nobles in the room began to whisper to each other and Cathlinn felt her knees go weak. "Human trafficking is one of the oldest, most despicable businesses in society.

"Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people fall victim to it in a short span of six months. It's disgusting, exploitative, and one of the dirtiest business in the books," Cathlinn stated. "So tell me, is this really a farse? Because it seems like I'm the only one bringing attention to it."

"This sort of thing is normal," one of the nobles spoke up, standing and leaning on the table. "It's only the fault of the person who fell-"

"Finish that sentence and I will rip out your fucking tongue," Cathlinn snapped. He paled and Cathlinn could see the cold sweat start on his skin. "If it was one of your children forced into it, what the hell would you do, huh?"

"I'd- I would go after them," the man replied slowly. He blinked as he sat back and Cathlinn turned back to the queen.

"So what do you think her family would feel? What her friends would feel? I'm not trying to push things onto you, by all means," Cathlinn glanced at Mei who was close to crying again, "but no ones at fault other than the people that force others to work."

"How moving," the queen sniffed. "You've spent so much time with the knights you've gained their tongue and you suddenly have a soft spot for whores." Cathlinn jerked as her fists clenched and unclenched. This woman was nothing like her mother and it was becoming obvious. Maybe it was the difference in upbringing that changed her personality so much.

"No one's influenced my fucking opinion," Cathlinn snapped.

"It's a wealthy profession. Who's to say she won't go back to it when she leaves here a free woman," the queen hummed. Cathlinn grit her teeth and opened her mouth, stopping when Mei gently pulled her shirt between her fingers.

"Your grace, I-"

"Who gave you permission to speak," a noble snapped.

"I did," Cathlinn growled back.

Mei took a deep breath and tightened her grip on Cathlinn's shirt, "Your grace, I was training to be a warrior in the east when I was taken. I will willingly submit my skill under the royal families charge."

"So you're from an enemy nation trying to-"

"She'll be my charge," Cathlinn interrupted and a few people gasped.

"You are making light of this court," the queen stood up and pointed to Cathlinn, Mei flinching begins her.

"She's bringing you light something we all have turned a blind eye to," everyone turned as the king began walking through the doors, "And she's done research it sounds like. So let the trials start."