
Exchange: Cathlinn the Joyous

Cathlinn was a normal military member with a big imagination. She stressed about a lot but only opened up when it became too much, leading her to suffer from her own lack of coping skills. She needed a system, a set of guidelines and habits to keep herself calm for the most part. It was just any other day for her when her life got flipped on it’s head. Now she can’t even move without making the wrong people angry with her. Follow Cathlinn as she’s thrust into her own dream world, forced to adjust without any buff or set skill necessary to survive. Winding roads, benevolent winds, and twisted minds aren’t the only obstacle she’ll face. They’ll just turn out to be the easiest.

Windheim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Istvan stood over Cathlinn, barely out of breath as she struggled to catch her own from being winded. He had agreed to teach her but he said he'd do it his way. That way had turned into less words and slow motions and more fast paced bouts of sparring. When she'd catch onto something, he'd change it up and make her restart her process. Mei was watching and winced every time Cathlinn was thrown to the ground. It didn't seem like she was going to get up this time though as her head pushed back into the dirt.

Istvan knelt over her, looking down and raising an eyebrow, "You lasted longer than I thought you would."

"Have to keep up somehow," she wheezed and grimaced. Her back and shoulder aches with a dull pain from the arrow wounds and it felt like they were bleeding again. "I need to clean up."

"You bathed this morning," he commented and moved off of her.

"And there's more blood," she retorted. "If it gets infected I could die."

"I doubt your men would let that happen," Istvan snorted. "What do you have to be cleaned of anyways?"

"Germs, dead skin cells, sweat," Cathlinn started listing things off, the man raising an eyebrow.

"All superficial," he hummed. She glared and threw dirt at him, the man coughing as Mei broke out into laughter.

"See, now you need one too," she snickered a bit. She squealed when she was lifted off the ground by the bear of a man, her body stiffening as she reached to grab onto something.

"Infuriating city wench," he snapped. She covered her mouth before she could laugh at him. "The fuck was that for? Huh? Bathing gets rid of any blessing whatever your gods gave you."

"Is that why you smell like a piece of dog shit," she asked. She started laughing, the man halting his actions as he looked up at her. The two didn't notice how Mei was motioning time Carmichael and Simon off to the side as Istvan joined into Cathlinn's laughter.

"You're actively joking about the way a chieftain smells," he asked.

"You said it was ridiculous I took baths everyday," she hummed. "Maybe you should try it before you knock down the idea. It's good for your immune system and it doesn't actually get rid of 'blessings'."

"So, it's healthy to bathe," he set her down and she dusted herself off a bit, patting down her back gently.

"Very healthy," she nodded. "One of those little things that helps you live longer right there next to a sewer system."

"A sewer system? How would those-"

"There's a lot of disease in shit," Cathlinn sighed. "And people just build and build those piles on the streets." Istvan crosses his arms and scowled.

"That puts a new meaning in calling me a dog shit," he fumed. Cathlinn laughed again, covering her mouth as she reached to pat his shoulders.

"You're fine," she hummed. She turned, walking towards the tents to gather her things when she noticed the three staring at her. "What?"

"Your highness, you haven't laughed almost this whole trip," Carmichael smirked.

"If berating royalty makes her laugh I don't want to know the rest of her humor," Simon sighed. Cathlinn rolled her eyes a bit and moved into the tent, digging through her things. She rubbed at her shoulder as she came out, turning and walking for the stream ahead. Getting in wasn't hard and she was thankful the water wasn't too cold as she stood in it. She rubbed her face, glaring at the water as her mind wandered.

"You're joking. That's it," Cathlinn glared at Simon as he delivered his news.

"I'm sorry. The king wasn't comfortable letting you meet the countries we didn't have a close network with," he rubbed his head and stared to Carmichael for help. Cathlinn grit her teeth as Carmichael held his hands up in surrender.

"I have no control over the travel plans," he responded. Cathlinn rubbed her head and leaned back, rubbing the hound's head. She expected as much but for there only to be two they were tightly connected with? What happened to all those treaties Simon was teaching her about? What about those kings and their kingdoms?

"If it's any consolation, there is one that is on the way back to the capital," Simon rubbed his head and shivered a bit. "But it's along the coast."

"So there are beaches," Cathlinn asked. She worked up slightly and Simon groaned at the sudden interest.

"Your highness, there's no reason to visit them. They're purely there as a merchant country," he insisted.

"Then their economy is booming and we should try harder to make an alliance with them, shouldn't we," she asked. He went to counter her, stopping as his eyes spoke the math his mind was working at. "Look, even if things turn out as they had with the last douche, it's worth a shot. At least I showed face."

"She has a point," Mei hummed. "Sometimes just doing that sends a message of support. It was a common thing in the dancing gigs, you know?"

"This isn't what that 'pimp' was doing," Carmichael seemed to get offended and Mei held her hands up.

"Economy works much the same though," Simon nodded slowly. "It might be worth it then, but getting there is difficult."

"Then we take the challenge," Cathlinn nodded. "What's a better way than that? I don't see the problem."

"This is where I have to part, if that's the case," Istvan stated. The four looked at him and he straightened from the tree he was settled against. "That nation despises my people and won't spare a moments notice when attacking."

"Let us send an convoy with you then, as a means to get you back safely," Simon nodded.

"Not necessary. My people would attack them thinking they were using me as an example or for ransom," Istvan nodded and grabbed the small bag he traveled with. "It was enjoyable with you all."

"At least a kiss goodbye," Mei teased and batted her eyes at him. Istvan smirked and walked to Cathlinn, leaning down and taking her hand. She blinked as he kissed her knuckles, his lips hovering for a moment as he glanced up at her.

"I hope to spar with you when you're better, little princess," he hummed. Cathlinn turned a bit red as he stood and looked around. His gaze stopped on the horse and he looked to the hound, a larger smirk coming to his face, "I will consider an alliance with your country if this princess is to rule."

"Take it as a gift then," Cathlinn quickly spoke up. "In-in good faith?" He walked to the horse and patted its nose as he nodded.

"I won't take your belongings. You've earned a much smarter mount," he motioned to the hound and carefully undid the saddle. "This should fit it a bit snuggly but not to the point of discomfort."

"Right," Cathlinn stretches slightly, wincing at her back. "Stay safe, your-"

"Just Istvan is fine," Istvan set the saddle down carefully, mounting the horse and bowing his head. "Safe travels, my friends. If you choose to visit the north, know you'll be safe within our borders." Cathlinn stated at Simon and Carmichael, their faces in shock as Mei giggled next to Cathlinn. Istvan took off after that, leaving the four in their stunned silence.

Mei was the first to make a sound, a shrill squeal escaping her lips as she grabbed Cathlinn's hands and bounced, "So much chemistry! So many sparks! What did it feel like?"

"What are you talking about," Cathlinn asked slowly.

"That man was infatuated and yet still so respectful," she gushed.

"Highly inappropriate, Mei. You're not a maid," Simon groaned.

"Oh hush," Mei scolded. "How can you guys not see it? He made her smile and laugh. That is hard for even us to do."

"He was honest and respectful, Mei," Cathlinn shifted and sat down, rubbing her head. "How are we getting there?"

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