
chapter six

Josephine's POV

Alas....! Its school time. As I read in some book, expectations are the reason for pain.so,my plan is don't expect anything so I can be less miserable later.Momma is too supporting. Annie told me too,never have too unrealistic expectations like I will be making lots of friends in my first day itself. All I plan is not to be a wierdo.With my current conversational skills I know its a tough job to wish.but I plan to keep a really low profile in the new school.

see ,I'm the one who have been keeping a low profile for my entire life, so that can be easy for me now.Besides, I've been practicing my introduction about thousand time yesterday night.okay,now I can do it. Remember, you can look to their eyes for about two seconds ,so that's your strength. ( Annie told me to focus on my strengths. I'm trying to strictly abide her advice).you look at everyone for about two seconds,try to look at the wall in between ,not at a time.keep your words short.so,they won't be understanding what you are trying to do.And never stammer.

you will be good,girl.Remember, you are a fighter.You have been fighting greater fights, so,this must be a piece of cake for you.Man,I dont know when I began to talk to myself. Maybe, as there wasn't anyone I became my own friend. But I must be the greatest motivational speaker by now.

so,I must get going. I found my teared blue jeans.its formal yet friendly. I put on my white tank top with a single blue butterfly in the middle. That should be girly,right! I just curled my brown hairs ends, tucked it in a short ponytail. I'm not at all versed with makeup.so,I just applied my body lotion which smells apple.I don't know why I love apple so much.Mom,went for strobbery on our first shopping trip in summerviles.( my shampoo smells apple too)God,I hope nobody find that strange.I just put on a nude lipstick.it just glows my light orange lips.so,for the thousandth time I assured myself that I look presentable enough.so,now let's go to summerviles highschool....