

Destrominator · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Many men

As Lee drove home from the site, he began thinking of what he might do for the future. He was already relatively happy. He has a wife and friends which he loves. So he guessed that what came next was starting a family. Lee sighed and pulled into the driveway. He opened the door and entered the house. He hung his jacket up and sat down on the couch which sat in front of the TV. He turned it on and was surprised by what he was hearing.

"Multiple countries have engaged in war within the past week and there hasn't been any signs of it stopping. Could this be a threat to another world war? Well, what we do know is that the Silvestrian president has spoken out about this issue." A reporter said.

"The people of Silvestr will not be put down. We will never surrender. But we too will not fight unless it is necessary, for we do not wish to join a battle at this instance. We have just gotten out of a major war with the cultists overseas, so we cannot lose anymore men. But just know, and this is a message to every other president, leaders, dictators, rulers, everyone! If you attack Silvestr, then I guarantee that someone else will raise your sons and daughters." The president valiantly spoke. His words resonated within Lee and he sat back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Ahh fuck. Now this shit is happening? Who's even fighting?" Lee asked and then pulled out his phone. He looked up articles and such and began reading about it.

"Damn, it's mainly Girh, Sieder, and Juant who are causing bad? Well, is anyone really good at war?" Lee continued to read further into it and found out that they were all attacking Silvestr's neighboring countries and all of Silvestr's territories. "Goddamn, that quickly? Muthafuckers speedrunning this shit. Welp, not my problem. Well, would it? Ahh who gives a shit?" Lee walks into his room and sees that Diana is sound asleep. He begins to undress and goes to take a shower. He shampoos and immediately after washing it out, applies the conditioner and leaves it in for a few minutes. When he's done, he washed it out and finished. He puts on a white tank top and a pair of shorts. He goes to bed and falls asleep.

When he wakes, he is notified of an emergency meeting. He speeds to get ready and puts on a tight black turtleneck with his white trench coat over it. Then put black cargo pants on with white sneakers. He sprints to the car and heats the engine up. After a few minutes, he speeds out of the driveway and goes to the Headquarters as fast as he could. When he arrived, there were only a few cars there. When he entered, there was a guard to escort him up to the guardians meeting room. In there, there were all of the guardians. Carlos, Jerome, Keel, and Kalem were all there. But there were also guardians from the West Headquarters. But where was the president if it was so urgent?

From the west Headquarters there was Shawn Alabaster, he had short brown hair with a light colored beard and light skin. Shawn had gold plated armor and a heavy fur coat that acted like a cape and an insulator. His body was extremely muscular too. Guardian's hybrids are unknown. These Guardians have never exposed their animal side because they have never been in any real conflict. Since the Eastern Guardians were at war helping another nation, they were obligated to share this trait.

Then there's Yvonne Gauthier. She has sleek and long blond hair with brown accents near the bottom. Her eyes were as blue as the skies and her tone meaner than satan. She wore an oversized shirt with an oversized heavy coat that was only zipped up to her stomach. She had a spear which she could extend and stab people from greater distances than which a normal spear could do.

"Operators and commanders, I have here a video of the president from last night." A man in an all black suit said as he pointed a remote to the center of the circular table.

The sight horrified them. It was a video of the president eating dinner with his family after his speech but a cloaked man was behind him. His wife then looked up and started screaming. The man held a gun and pointed it at the president's head. The president tried to react but by then, his head was blown off. In front of his wife, children, butlers, and maids. Blood smeared all over the walls as the man disappeared in a vade of green viscous liquid. Lee turned his head to Jerome, his face was filled with fear. The liquid in which the man disappeared in was a thick liquid which bubbled and malted the surrounding area. Jerome's hydra poison acted with the same properties. Lee got hold of his gun and put it on the table. Everyone then stares at him with confusion.

"Jerome, can you use a little bit of your poison on the table?" Lee asked him.

"The use of abilities within the facility is prohibited." Jerome reminded Lee.

Everyone's eyes lit up as they realized what was happening.

"Do it." Kalem told Jerome. Jerome clicked his teeth and dropped a bit of poison onto the table. It bubbled as the table melted. The poison was green and viscous, just like the liquid in the video.

"I believe it is quite clear what is happening right now, Jerome." Lee tells him.

"Indeed. There is no point in lying. But what would happen if you did try to attack me? You don't seem to have a hybrid right now. Nor are any of you fast enough to get anyone out of the building in time. Plus, there is a dormitory filled with promising operators deep below us. My poison can easily make its way down there. So what will it be? Risk the lives of everyone and the next generation of heroes. Or let me leave without anyone else getting involved?" Jerome threats were true. The best choice would be to let him leave scott free.

"Very well, you may exit the building." Kalem told him. Jerome and Lee both got up and walked out. Jerome left the building as intended and Lee went into the dormitories. He sprinted to room 405 with the same big sneakers at the entrance. Lee then violently knocked on the door. This time it was Zach which opened the door.

"Oh it's you. I saw you on the TV. You tried to be a fucking hero but almost killed yourself and your friends." Lee stared at him blankly. Zach then felt something pressing up against his abdomen. He looked down and saw that Lee had a gun to his chest. Zach backed off and even fell backwards.

"Huh? Babe, what happened?" Diwa's voice came from the room. She walked out and got stopped in her tracks. Lee pointed the gun down at Zach.

"No! Stop!" She came running and blocked Lee's gun.

"Diwa. I need some of your DNA." Lee told her.

"What?" Diwa asked.

"What is this? Some sick fucking NTR!" Zach yelled.

"No you fucker!" Lee then shot right next to Zach's face. "I have no intention of interfering with your relationship with Diwa. Her and I are more than 5 years apart, so why would I have feelings towards her? Also, learn some fucking manners. If I was just some random dude, I'd just let it slide. But no, I am on the level of the guardians, you get me? If I have to, I will use my strength and authority to get my desires. And what I desire is not to fuck your girlfriend. It's disgusting. I'm a married man, motherfucker. You surely don't know what trust is because the first thing that came to your head was her cheating on you. Mother fucker, I am her boss. Maybe your head is so fucked up because of your childhood. Fatherless bitch!" Diwa watched in shock as Lee scolded him. Lee turned to Diwa and Diwa flinched a little.

"Gimme a strand of hair." Lee told her. Diwa plucked one strand of hair and Lee wrapped it around a shard of blue oroborn.

"What are you gonna do with it?" Diwa asked.

Lee chuckled and stabbed himself with it, "Justice."

Lee then walked off while laughing to himself but quickly stopped and started running back upstairs.

"He can switch up rather quickly." Diwa thought to herself.

Lee busted out of the glass pane doors and chased down Jerome. When Lee and Jerome left, Lee placed one of his earbuds into Jerome's pocket. Lee could track the earbud through his phone and had the real time location of it. Since it was still moving, Lee guessed that he hadn't found it yet. Jerome was in the center of the city and had parked on the curbside of a store. Lee jumped into his car and drove as fast as he could while still following road laws.

Lee pulled up behind Jerome's car and waited for him to exit the store. After a few minutes, Jerome left the store and stepped into his car. Lee got out and went up to Jerome's window. Before Jerome even saw him, Lee punched the window in and socked him right in the face. Lee swung the car door open and dragged him out. Jerome threw a straight right but Lee ducked down and tackled him to the ground. Lee locked Jerome's arms down with his legs and started to pound on his face. Punch after punch, more and more blood spewed from Jerome's face. Suddenly, Jerome released his right arm and grabbed Lee's leg. The poison began to sleep out but it only damaged Lee's pants. Lee could still feel his flesh burning and melting but the regenerative ability of the tardigrade was far superior to the poison.

Lee grips Jerome's collar and swings him up. Lee jumps back and suplexes Jerome, breaking his neck in the process. With Jerome now immobilized and possibly dead, they just need to find who he was conspiring with. Many black SUVs pull up around him and a swat team comes and detains Jerome's lifeless body.

Kalem started walking over to Lee and held out his hand. "Thank you. How could we ever reciprocate this? You have saved and helped us so much now it's crazy how you're not a Guardian."

"I am unable to become a guardian because I am not an operator, I am a commander." Lee tells him.

"But still, you should be given the title." Kalem insisted.

"No no, it's fine. I'm okay where I'm at." Lee rejected him.

A few weeks later, a funeral was held for the passing of the president. In place of him was the VP, Brian O'Connor. Brian got up on stage after everyone had delivered their flowers. A wall of white roses blocked the area behind him and the rain poured but no one cared. He was in an all black suit and red surrounded his eyes like he had been crying.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, the president and close friend of mine has passed. He was a great man. Some of you may not know his name, so let me give it to you. Hummel Cremona. That was his name, and he was my best friend. It's sad to see such a great man and an even greater friend pass in such a way. And now, a few words from others."

As the others gave their own tales of the president and how he was a great man. It was finally Kalem's turn. He walked up on stage with the same blacked out suit as everyone else and he began to speak.

"As one of the few dozen people with a mythical being in my genes, I have great praise for the president. But I am not here for that. Hummel saved my life. He took me from the poverty stricken streets of a small town and turned me into the man I am now. He saved my life and so many others. All of us guardians were saved by that man! And now one of us killed him! I will not stand for this! Either we can get better security or we disband the Guardians. Because if we can't protect the one man we are sworn to...how will we protect the citizens? How will we protect our comrades in battle? How!" Kalem's voice cried out as he stomped his foot down on the ground. He walked off and it was finally Lee's turn to speak.

"Ah hum, I have no personal relationship with Hummel, but I have respected him for years now. I wanna wish luck to our new president Brian O'Connor. Okay, now. The evil man envies the good in others. What this means is that hatred really comes from hatred itself and can only serve to aid in one's own destruction. This is the downfall of many men. That man was Jerome Penicillin. He started a war, a pawn to an opening that will create the mid-game. And if this continues, we will be checkmated. They have gone under our radar for too long, but now they are hanging their queen. Our main target, Heresy Vil."