
Story Of Him

A woman was sitting on her chair in her office. She looked to be in her mid-30s. She had short blue hair with emerald green eyes. She was in her thoughts.

Then, she received a message on her phone. She looked at her phone for a second and then, got up, left her office.

She descended the floors in the building. After a short while, she reached the lowest underground floor of the building.

Reaching the floor, she walked out of the elevator and walked towards the only door that right in front of her, a few meters away.

She approached the door. The door was a metal door with a small circle on the top of the door.

A light emitted from the circle and scanned the woman. After that, the door opened.

The woman entered the room behind the door.

The room was in rectangle shape. There was a transparent glass through which a room could be seen but the first could not be seen from the second room. In the second room, a green-haired woman was tied.

The blue-haired woman looked at the people in front of her and then, entered the second room.

There was another woman besides the tied woman. That woman had long black hair with golden eyes. She wore a rectangular glasses, white shirt and a business skirt. She looked to be in her mid-20s.

The blue-haired woman sat in front of the tied woman on a chair. There was one table between them.

The green-haired woman raised her head. Her long hair were untidy and same was case for her whole appearance. She looked to be in her early- 20s. She wore circular glasses.

Her dark green eyes stared at the emerald green eyes.

"Aqua Walker. Nice to meet you." She spoke with a small smile.

The blue-haired woman, Aqua Walker, returned the same smile.

"I received the message that you have agreed to tell us about him, Miss Jane Lewis." Aqua asked the green-haired woman, Jane Lewis.

"Him, who?" Jane tilted her head as if confused.

"Oh? Are we playing mind games here?"

"No, we are not!"


"Do you think you are worthy?" Jane asked in a serious voice.


"Hey, you know that I was the one who intentionally got herself captured, right?"

Aqua nodded.

"Now tell me, why do you think I allowed you to capture and torture me?" Jane spoke as she calmly untied all the ropes.

"Haahh, fine tell me why did you do all that?" Aqua asked as she leaned in her chair and folded her arms, putting one leg over another.

Jane stretched her arms and shoulders.



Sound of something cracking was heard.

"My shoulders were really stiff." Jane spoke as she spinned each of her arm to relax her shoulders.

Jane also tilted her neck from left to right to relax her neck.

After that, Jane looked at the woman who was standing at one corner of the room.

"One cup of coffee, please!" Jane spoke.

The woman looked at Aqua to which Aqua sighed, "Do it, Anna!"

Anna nodded and went out to get coffee but not before hearing this from Jane, "Black coffee it should be."

Anna glanced at Jane and then, went out to get coffee.

Aqua then, looked at Jane and spoke, "Now, mind telling me the story?"

"I asked you a question earlier, Miss Walker."

Hearing this, Aqua frowned.

"I do think I am worthy!" Aqua spoke confidently.

"Are you sure?" Jane smiled and put her elbow on table and put her chin on the back of her hand.

"Yes, I am "



"No doubt?"


Hearing this, Jane was silent.

Anna entered the room with coffee in her hand. She could feel the tension in the air.

Anna placed coffee in front of Jane and then, went back to her previous position.

Jane sipped the coffee. Aqua was silent all this while.

"Miss Walker?"

Aqua looked at Jane with a questioning look.

"Have you ever seen a demon?"

Aqua narrowed her eyes as if wanting to know the purpose this silly question.

Finding nothing, Aqua shook her head.


After that there was silence for a bit, before Aqua asked, "What was the reason for that question?"

"Just sating my curiosity."




"Curiosity is the most destructive thing ever in this world. Curiosity can lead to one's destruction. Curiosity is like hunger that should be sated but the piece of meat that can sate this hunger can also be poisonous."

Jane spoke again after a bit:

"Miss Walker, you haven't seen a demon before, so let me tell you I have never seen demons before too. But I have seen a man in front of which demons kneeled, cowered in fear and ran for their life. He is a devil through and through."

Aqua just looked at Jane not knowing what to say, while Jane sipped the coffee.

"Jokes aside, lets start the story of him."

"I hope so."

Jane nodded and spoke, "The story of someone who cannot be described by the mere word "monster"."

A smirk formed on her face.

"If someone calls themselves monster, then he is the King of Monsters. If someone calls themselves the devil, then he is the King of Devils. If some fool calls themselves a God then, he is the King of Gods."

"Lucas Nosferatu."


New York, United States of America.

It was currently night time, so in this lively city many bars were filled with university students, office workers, labourers and many more.

In a certain bar, a boy who looked to be in his mid-20s sat on the sofa drinking wine. There was no one sitting opposite to him.

The man whose name was Lucas Martinez Junior kept drinking wine.

Seeing him, many women wanted to approach him but the aura he released was utterly terrifying.

Finishing the bottle of wine, Lucas slumped on his chair and contemplated on his life.

Lost all his family, got retired due to certain reasons and now he is here fucking drinking like there is no tomorrow.

'Haahh, the hell am I doing?'

As he was thinking this, a fight broke out in the bar.

Looking towards the fight, he saw two men fighting.

"Getting on my nerves...." A vein popped on her forehead.

He threw the bottle and the bottle broke.

Every got silent in the bar and looked at Lucas.

The black hair of Lucas was covering his blue eyes but the look in his eyes could scare anyone.

Lucas stood up and walked towards the men.

The two men looked at each other and nodded.

They did a temporary truce to deal with Lucas.

Even though, both had bulging muscles but they didn't know why they just felt fear from him.


They both gulped.

"I was just trying to forget all of the pains in this world..." Lucas stopped in front of them and as he stood his one dark blue eye was shown. Seeing his eye, both took a step back.

"...but some dogs have to make me remember my pain by barking."

First man this time took control of his fear and punched Lucas in the face or so he tried but before the punch could land.

A fist had landed on the first man face, sending him flying.




Many glass breaking sounds were heard as the first man landed on the wine bottles breaking them all. After this, the first man didn't get up.

Second man seeing this was sweating.

'He just sent him flying meters away.' Second man looked fearfully at Lucas.

Lucas eyes moved and looked at Second man.

"H-hey...." Before Second man could say anything, Lucas had moved and was in front of Second man and kicking him in the face.

Second man was crushed to the floor. His head was buried in the floor and his legs were dangling in the air.

"Hey, you!" Lucas looked behind him and saw men coming after him, wearing tuxedos.

Lucas waited for them and when they were close. Lucas did a front full and stepped on one man face, crushing his head into the ground.

Lucas then, did a round house kick, making the second man face turn side, breaking his neck.


A bone breaking sounds was heard which made all the people inside the bar almost pee their pants.

Lucas narrowed his eyes and looked at people coming to him.

There were only two men left.

Lucas took a taekwondo position.

When third man came, he kicked the man on the stomach and then, jumped, kicking him in the face making the man flying meters away, thus making him crash into the wall.


The last man didn't stop and kept running towards him.

Lucas did a front tuck and landed his shins on the last man's shoulders. After that, Lucas made the last man flying by finishing him with hurricanrana.


The man crashed into the wall and didn't get up.

No one spoke anything in the bar. Only the sound from the outside was coming.

Lucas looked at the bartender and spoke, "One bottle of 30 ye—"

Lucas suddenly felt a sharp in the back of his head. He looked behind him and saw no one.

"The fuck?" Lucas just spoke that and fell on the ground.

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