
Evolving into a Great Dragon From a Koi Fish

Spiritual energy ecovery brought about fundamental changes throughout the entire world, and posed an imminent threat to it. Chen Yang died in an accident and reincarnated to become a tiny koi fish inside the fish tank in his own home. Just as Chen Yang complained about the unfairness of destiny, he awakened the Evolution System. Thus, with his sister’s feeding, Chen Yang started his insane evolution. As the whole world sank deep into apocalypse, Chen Yang descended from the skies to crush everything. He had evolved from a tiny koi fish to a gargantuan dragon. “This world shall be ruled by me!” When the fish playing in the waters was frightened by the net, it jumped over the Dragon’s Gate to become a real dragon. This is a story of how a loli raised a giant dragon, and dominated everything.

Eternal Dream · Fantasy
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383 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Chu Ying heard that they were going to take Chu Ze away, she was instantly unwilling.

"If my brother leaves, I won't be able to see him anymore."

Although Li Manman didn't say anything, her expression also showed that she didn't want Chu Ze to leave, but she was somewhat conflicted.

In Lake Mweru, Chu Ze couldn't get enough evolution resources, and sometimes, he would even be harassed by some Evolvers.

He hadn't met any powerful Evolvers yet, but she didn't know if there would be any powerful Evolvers coming to capture Chu Ze.

The materials from an Evolver were very attractive to Evolvers from ordinary organizations.

Currently, the best option for Chu Ze was to go to the National Pioneer Department with the two of them. It was safe enough there, and he would have enough materials.

The mission of the Pioneer was to clean up all the mutated and evolved creatures that hurt people, so they wouldn't lack any materials.