
Chapter 1

"One day, I'll become a god in the web novel world. One title will sell for tens of millions. I'll live in a mansion, drive a luxury car, marry a rich and beautiful woman, and reach the peak of my life!"

In the dim basement, the lights were mottled. Bai Xiaowen sat in front of the computer, typing furiously as he shouted his dream to the empty basement. In the basement, only the shadow and Bai Xiaowen high-fived each other.

After finishing another chapter, Bai Xiaowen skillfully logged into the website and opened the author's platform. Copy! Paste! Upload successful! "I wonder how much my subscription has increased?" Bai Xiaowen clicked on the subscription button with anticipation. "It's increased by three subscriptions; it's already over a hundred. Ahem, no matter what, I'm one step closer to becoming a god." Bai Xiaowen comforted himself as he twisted his fat butt. The old wooden chair groaned in protest.

Glancing at the time at the bottom right corner of the monitor, Bai Xiaowen rubbed his three layers of fat on his stomach and felt a wave of hunger. "It's already 11:30; let's go to the night market and have some supper." Bai Xiaowen pushed open the basement door and walked out of his kennel along the stairs.

Bai Xiaowen was definitely the best teaching material for the theory of the uselessness of studying. When he was in school, he was always first in class. Every time the results were released, his classmates would not ask who was first; they would ask who was second. In the three years of high school, the second place was taken by turns, but without exception, they all trembled under the shadow of Bai Xiaowen, the demon king.

However, after graduating from university, Bai Xiaowen, who had a diploma from a top university, kept running into a wall when he looked for a job. In the end, he accidentally started a web novel business and became a writer. Long nights and gluttony caused Bai Xiaowen's body to grow rapidly. As the saying goes, a fat man destroys everything. It was difficult for others to discover the essence of his handsome looks from his fat body.

Bai Xiaowen wandered the streets like a grizzly bear looking for food. He did not notice that there was a speck of starlight in the sky that was rapidly flying toward him, faster and faster. What was the probability of a person being hit by a meteor? One in a billion. The starlight accurately hit Bai Xiaowen's head as if it was equipped with a navigation system. In that instant, Bai Xiaowen only had time to raise his head.

An eyeball-like object crashed into Bai Xiaowen's left eye socket. Bai Xiaowen felt like the world was spinning. In the endless darkness, there was only a bloody eyeball that filled the world! …

When Bai Xiaowen woke up again, his nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant. When he opened his eyes, he only saw a pure white ceiling. "This is a hospital? I didn't die after being hit by a meteor?" Bai Xiaowen was a little puzzled. He touched his left eye. "The meteor clearly pierced through my left eye, but my eye is still there. Am I dreaming?"

"Brother, you're awake!" In front of the bed, a girl rubbed her reddened eyes and looked at Bai Xiaowen. Her face was filled with joy and disbelief. She pounced forward and grabbed Bai Xiaowen's arm.

The girl was about thirteen or fourteen years old. She was wearing a blue school uniform that had been washed until it was white. Her small face was delicate and pretty, like a Xiao Bai poplar. "You…" Bai Xiaowen was a little confused. He didn't expect a beautiful girl to call him brother as soon as he woke up. He didn't remember having such a sister. With Old Bai's genes, even if he had a younger sister, it was impossible for her to be so beautiful.

Xiao Bai Yang was crying and laughing at the same time. She helped Bai Xiaowen sit up slowly. "That's great, brother. I knew you wouldn't leave me alone. Dad is missing, and so is my sister. You can't abandon me, sob sob sob…"

Bai Xiaowen sat up straight and suddenly saw a small round mirror on the bedside table. He saw his own face in the mirror. "Oh my god, this is me? This… this is too handsome, right?"

The Bai Xiaowen in the mirror had dark eyes, a straight nose, fair skin, and a perfect jawline. He was definitely a handsome young man. Bai Xiaowen was still confused. He subconsciously wanted to pinch himself, but both his hands were tightly held by Xiao Bai Yang. He couldn't break free at all. In his panic, countless images seemed to surge in his mind. He immediately rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Xiao Bai Yang screamed and rushed out of the ward. Her cries for "doctor" echoed in the corridor. In the empty ward, Bai Xiaowen slowly woke up. But this time, he had figured out the situation and was no longer at a loss.

"I've transmigrated… This body is called Bai Xiaowen. It has the same pronunciation as my original name." This was Earth in the "Psionic Era"!

In 2021 AD, a special energy called "Psionic Particles" poured into Earth through the gaps in the "Spirit Realm." The entire Earth became digitized under the influence of the Psionic Particles, and countless species mutated. At the same time, groups of creatures from the "Spirit Realm" invaded Earth.

Zombies that could withstand bullets, Hooked Horrors that could leap over roofs and vault over walls without being able to aim accurately, Mountain Giants that could treat tanks as toys, and Specters that could tear souls apart with a single glance… In front of these powerful monsters, the technological civilization that humans were so proud of was nothing.

Fortunately, the Psionic Particles also changed the bodies of Earth's humans, opening a new path of evolution. Humans who successfully evolved were called the Awakened! The Awakened had the strength to fight the monsters head-on. Coupled with the deterrence of humanity's killer move, nuclear weapons, there was finally a fragile balance between Earth's humans and monsters.

The Psionic Era had begun, and 2021 AD was known as the First Year of Lingyuan. This year was the 96th year of Lingyuan. Bai Xiaowen had transmigrated to a high school student named Bai Xiaowen a hundred years in the future. The memories of the two lives overlapped, and it was like a dream. However, it was unknown whether it was Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou.

"From now on, I am Bai Xiaowen." It had to be said that the life of a web novelist made Bai Xiaowen very thick-skinned. Coupled with the influence of the soul fusion, he accepted this identity without any psychological barriers. Moreover, he had become a handsome guy. What was there to be dissatisfied about?

In a person

's life, 30% was hard work, 70% was talent, and 90% was good looks. Bai Xiaowen got out of bed and walked to a dressing mirror on the wall cabinet.

"Tsk tsk, broad shoulders, a slim waist, long legs, a model's body, and a celebrity's face. It's hard not to be famous in the entertainment industry." Bai Xiaowen secretly pulled open the pants of his hospital gown to take a look. Wow, he had the real deal. Bonus points!

Just as Bai Xiaowen was staring at himself in the mirror, a string of information flowed into his mind.

Bai Xiaowen Race: Humanoid/Human Talent: Insight Attributes: Strength 1.8, Agility 2.1, Physique 1.7, Spirit 4.9 Specialty: Basic Combat Level 1, Basic Machinery (One-handed Sword Series) Level 2, Basic Meditation Level 1

"These are my personal stats. Eh, what's up with 'talent'? In my memory, I don't have any talent! Also, how did my 'Spirit' increase so much all of a sudden? My Spirit was only 1.9 before."

"Yes, the new insight talent and the skyrocketing Spirit attribute… I'm afraid it's all related to that huge blood-red eyeball!" As soon as Bai Xiaowen had a question in his mind, the answer immediately popped up. His mind was spinning so fast that even he was surprised. He felt that his brain had evolved! Compared to his previous brain, the difference was like the difference between a supercar and a hand-guided tractor. To put it simply, Bai Xiaowen now had a super brain!

With just a glance, the tables, chairs, and bedside cabinets in the ward were clearly engraved in his mind like photos. Even the slight wear and tear on them were clearly visible! What was even more terrifying was that all of this was memorized by Bai Xiaowen when he was calculating the square of a five-digit number in his mind.

This kind of observation, this kind of memory, this kind of calculating ability… Not only was he much better than the third-year high school student in this space-time, but he was also a hundred times smarter than the web novelist Bai Xiaowen in the other space-time. He was definitely a super brain!

A super brain should also be a benefit brought about by the blood-red eyeball.

Bai Xiaowen carefully observed his left eye in the mirror. In the depths of his pupil, there was a faint red light flowing. He silently canceled the insight, and the red light disappeared.

"Open the personal attribute panel." The personal attribute panel was an external display of the human body's data under the influence of the psionic particles.

The transparent panel opened in front of Bai Xiaowen's eyes like the pages of a book. The race, attribute, talent, and specialty information on the panel were exactly the same as the data Bai Xiaowen had just obtained through the insight ability. This meant that the insight ability had no errors and was very accurate!

"Haha, good, very good!" Bai Xiaowen was very excited. In the psionic era, only a small number of people had talent abilities. No matter how trashy the talent was, once it was confirmed, it would be highly valued.

Bai Xiaowen acted as if he had obtained a favorite toy. He looked everywhere for items to test his talent. Cabinets, beds, mirrors… He did not let go of a single item. However, all he received was: "The target contains negligible psionic energy. It is not a psionic item."

In the end, Bai Xiaowen finally found a box of used bandages that emitted a dim light. The insight ability gave him the results.

Cotton Gauze Hemostatic Bandage (used) Level: 0 Quality: Rough Composition: Life energy 0.71%, disinfectant 0.28%, blood 12%. Cotton Gauze Effect: Can make wounds heal quickly and form scabs, shortening the duration of bleeding.

"My insight ability can be used on items that contain psionic energy! Not only can I identify the effects, but I can also see the composition! This feeling… It's much stronger than the average detection ability!" Bai Xiaowen was secretly delighted. He threw the blood-soaked bandage back into the trash can.

However, the moment he threw the bandage away, Bai Xiaowen suddenly remembered something.