
Chapter 17

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Wen asked curiously.

"When I first entered this basement, I felt that something was wrong. Don't you think that this basement is a little too spacious compared to other places in the Catacombs? "

Bai Xiaowen turned off the searchlight and said softly, "Because this basement was not dug out by the plague rats. Teacher Xiao, when we came here, you said that you've been to this rat cave before. Do you know about this basement? "

"My impression is a little vague. I came here a few years ago. There shouldn't be any at that time, "Xiao Jinsheng said as he recalled.

"Judging from the traces on the walls, this basement was excavated less than a year ago. If there are any 'abnormal areas' in the plague rats' cave, then this newly excavated basement is undoubtedly one of them! In order to find the item that caused the plague rats to mutate, the powerful hunter who sealed the cave entrance will find this place sooner or later! "Bai Xiaowen said in a deep voice.

"In other words, hiding here is the same as walking into the muzzle of a gun!" Xiao Jinsheng took a deep breath. "Bai Xiaowen, your analysis is very good. Let's step lightly and leave this place. "

The atmosphere became more tense.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaowen waved his hand and signaled everyone to stop.

"There's someone nearby. The footsteps are very light. "

Xiao Jinsheng looked at Bai Xiaowen with some surprise. He didn't know that Bai Xiaowen's Spirit was as high as 7.9, which had already surpassed some low-level hunters. Naturally, he had a strange perception ability.

Jiang Wen's little face was pale with fright. She whispered with a sobbing voice, "Is it that person?"

"Shh … Let's not make any noise for now. Let's hope that person is just passing by and won't come this way. "Bai Xiaowen patted Jiang Wen's shoulder.

The five of them quietly squatted down. Even Zhou Yi, who was the most unconvinced, didn't question Bai Xiaowen at this juncture. Along the way, Bai Xiaowen had won the right to speak in this team through his own analysis.

Bai Xiaowen leaned against the wall and carefully groped around on the ground.

Before turning off the lights, Bai Xiaowen caught a glimpse of something black on the ground. It looked like a ball of clothes. His memory was monstrous. Just a casual glance, but if he recalled carefully, he would be able to recall most of it.

In the current situation, the more information he had, the more confident he would be in escaping. Bai Xiaowen was certain that the black cloth-like object had something to do with the excavator of the basement.

"I feel it … but it doesn't feel right?"

Bai Xiaowen touched the clothes, but the feeling was very special. It felt like coarse linen.

This was very abnormal. Bai Xiaowen quickly analyzed the suspicious points.

Linen was not comfortable and was a product that had been obsolete for hundreds of years. No shop in the entire Jinghai Base City would sell this material.

Bai Xiaowen continued to search, and his expression became strange.

He felt a cold and withered palm along his sleeve.

The palm of a dead man.

This was not a pile of clothes, but a dead person wearing linen clothes!

Bai Xiaowen was so scared that he almost broke out in a sweat. He calmed himself down and continued to search while secretly guessing the origin of this person.

From the strange linen clothes, he could tell that this person was not a human from Earth.

He should be … a human from the Spiritual Realm!

The Spiritual Realm was vast and boundless, and included many "planes."

Humans existed in most of the planes. Of course, humans from the Spiritual Realm were very different from humans on Earth. According to Bai Xiaowen's understanding, they were NPCs in game dungeons.

After guessing the identity of this human, Bai Xiaowen could not help but fall into further contemplation.

"After this human from the Spiritual Realm entered Earth, why did he take the risk to pass through the blockade line of the wilderness and come to the buffer zone to hide in this dark and rotting rat hole?"

While he was thinking, Bai Xiaowen suddenly felt refreshed. In the other hand of the dead person, he felt a roll of sheepskin.

"Sheepskin, linen … the plane world this human is in should be similar to Europe in the Middle Ages!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by the clear sound of armor and leaves hitting each other. There was a sense of rhythm.

The five of them held their breaths.

Bai Xiaowen sighed in his heart. He could hear that the footsteps were getting closer and closer. It was obvious that the person was coming towards them. From the sound of the armor's leaves, Bai Xiaowen's mind immediately outlined the image of a tall and mighty knight in heavy armor.

The other party walked over without any hesitation. It was obvious that he did not care about the five of them in the basement.

"He found us! Run! "Zhou Yi shouted in despair as he took to his heels and rushed out.

The others also dashed out of the basement. If they were trapped in the basement, they would really be like turtles in a jar.

Bai Xiaowen held the sheepskin scroll and ran as fast as he could.

The sound of footsteps also became hurried. It was obvious that the enemy had sped up and was chasing after them.


Accompanied by a dignified female voice, a stream of light shot out. With a thud, a thin sword shot into the rock wall in front of the five of them and went straight into the hilt! Just this attack alone made Bai Xiaowen's pupils contract.

This was many times stronger than what their homeroom teacher, Xiao Jinsheng, called a max level Basic Throw! If it had hit a person, it would probably have run through several people like a stick of candied haws.

In the next second, a tall female knight wearing dark blue armor and a light purple cloak appeared from behind the corner. She was surrounded by light and quickly closed the distance between her and the five people in front of her.

The female knight had no intention of hiding her tracks. Her armor, the sword at her waist, and the cloak on her back were all emitting colorful halos. With so many pieces of spiritual equipment, just in terms of appearance, it was eight times better than Xiao Jinsheng's shabby iron sword.

"She's not from China?"

"Was she speaking English just now?"

"I don't understand!"

The students were all dumbfounded.

"Don't worry so much. Scatter and run!" Xiao Jinsheng roared at the top of his lungs.

Even though the female knight shouted "stop" and gave them a threat, the five of them still ran for their lives. They were like five rabbits with arrows in their butts. They ran for their lives along different forks.

The female knight shouted a series of words. Compared to English, it was somewhat cryptic and difficult to understand. It felt like something was wrong.

"This female knight … is not a human from Earth! She's speaking Ancient Latin, a common language in medieval Europe! "

Bai Xiaowen ran as fast as he could, but his heart was filled with shock. Combined with the linen and goatskin scrolls on the deceased, Bai Xiaowen was almost certain that the female knight and the deceased both came from the Spirit Realm. Furthermore, they came from the same "plane of existence!"

According to Bai Xiaowen's understanding, the plane of existence was like a "dungeon" in a game. The Spirit Realm was a huge game world made up of countless "dungeons."

The most incredible thing was that the plane of existence that the Awakened had explored was inextricably linked to the civilizations of certain eras on Earth.

The background of almost every plane of existence could be found in a certain period of Earth's history!

Some planes of existence were the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, where witchcraft and mummies danced together.

Some planes of existence were medieval European continents, where swords and magic intertwined.

Some planes of existence were the streets of modern cities, where fighting and violence were everywhere.

These planes of existence were considered relatively normal.

Then what were the "abnormal" planes of existence like? For example:

In the prehistoric era of ancient Earth, dinosaurs dominated the earth, sky, and sea in the "Cretaceous Period World."

In the mythological era of ancient Greece, gods' descendants broke the sky with their fists and crushed the earth with their feet.

In the Cultivation Era of ancient China, swordsmen rode on flying swords and traveled across the Nine States, slaying demons and devils.

So far, none of the planes of existence that had been discovered were completely foreign to Earth's humans. They could more or less be found in the long history of Earth.

Some of the languages used in these plane worlds were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, some were classical Chinese, some were Latin, and some were ancient Hebrew. Most of the languages used were ancient languages that had once been widely spread on Earth.

Many experts and beasts tried to explain this. However, their explanations lacked evidence and were purely conjectures. The only people who had the ability to find the "answer" were the Awakened who did not fear danger and explored the planes of existence!

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