

The guild leader summoned Fan Jianren, the head of the logistics department.

"You must be the newly signed A-level member of our guild. Nice to meet you." Fan Jianren's face was full of smiles. "You're not even 18 years old and you're already a hero. Compared to you, I've lived for more than 30 years in vain …"

Fan Jianren had a chubby figure and a friendly smile.

"Manager Fan, you flatter me," Bai Xiaowen said. He felt that Fan Jianren looked familiar, but he did not think too much about it.

"No, no, I've always been honest and never exaggerated. Well, according to the guild leader's request, I'll introduce the use of the guild warehouse and the GCP system. "

After the greetings, Fan Jianren went straight to the point. He opened his laptop and selected a website.

Bai Xiaowen took a look. The webpage said, "Welcome to the Super Gods Warehouse. Please log in. "

"Just use your online account and password to log in. After signing the contract, we've already opened up the permissions for your identity," Fan Jianren said.

After Bai Xiaowen logged in, he refreshed the webpage.

Whoosh! A list of items appeared on the webpage.

Fan Jianren introduced, "Most of the items in the guild warehouse are strengthening potions and combat potions. They're all made by the Super Gods' potion shop. They usually have to be pre-ordered 12 hours in advance. In emergency situations, they're also available. Next is psionic equipment, but there aren't many of them. Next is psionic equipment. They're all 'bound' items, so there aren't many of them. Of course, the thing we lack the most is skill books. "

Bai Xiaowen glanced at the list of items on the webpage and understood.

"Every item requires GCP points to purchase?" Bai Xiaowen asked. "This is the GCP system that Manager Fan just mentioned."

Fan Jianren nodded and explained, "GCP stands for Guild.


Short for Guild Points, which translates to 'Guild Contribution Points'. The guild warehouse only allows Super Gods internal members to spend contribution points to purchase items. It's circulated internally, and other currencies are not accepted. "

"How do I get GCP?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"First of all, you are a Grade A long-term contract member. You will automatically receive 150 GCP points every month, effective after signing the contract. Look at your account balance. You already have 150 points. "Fan Jianren pointed to Bai Xiaowen's account on the left side of the webpage and raised two fingers." Second, you can get 10 points for every mission you perform in the wilderness or participate in the league. If you perform meritorious deeds, you'll get an additional GCP reward. "

After a pause, Fan Jianren raised his third finger. "Sell the spoils of war that you don't need to the guild warehouse. According to the value, you'll get a certain amount of GCP. This is also the main way for strong members to get GCP."

"Finally, there's one more method, the rank of the virtual battle platform!" Fan Jianren said, "Compared to your best results in history, the guild will reward you with GCP every time you advance by a small rank. The higher the rank, the more points you will be rewarded."

"Virtual combat platform? Rank? " Bai Xiaowen felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. "Wait, the rank of the virtual combat platform, doesn't it start from Bronze and go up to King?"

Bai Xiaowen was a little dumbfounded. In the other space-time, the popular League of Legends game also had this kind of system. Many nouns had new meanings because of this game, such as shills, elementary school monks, child robbers, and so on.

Fan Jianren said strangely, "Of course not."

Before Bai Xiaowen could catch his breath, Fan Jianren added, "Below the Bronze rank, there's also the Black Iron rank. Every Awakened, after registering on the virtual combat platform, is Black Iron Rank 5. They have to go through a series of consecutive victories and then go through a cruel promotion competition before they can rise to Bronze Rank 5. "

What else could Bai Xiaowen say … My strong Bronze!

In the other space-time, Bai Xiaowen was a weakling in the game. He wandered in the Bronze Group all year round, and his highest record in history was Silver Rank 4.

Seeing that Bai Xiaowen didn't understand the virtual combat platform, Fan Jianren explained it to him.

There were two versions of the virtual combat platform: the Awakened platform and the Player platform. On the Player platform, everyone could register. But on the Awakened platform, only Awakened were eligible to register!

Both platforms required a "virtual helmet" to access. The Player platform corresponded to a "Player Helmet", while the Awakened platform required an "Awakened Helmet".

The Player's virtual helmet didn't contain psionic particles and was produced by a robotic assembly line. A helmet could be bought for only a few thousand yuan.

After logging on to the Player platform, one could randomly select an existing Awakened character to engage in virtual combat. It was mainly for entertainment. The Player's rank was a reflection of the strength of the game's skills. They could brag in the virtual community, but it had nothing to do with their combat strength in reality.

The lowest price of the Awakened's virtual helmet was over a million yuan! The biggest difference was that the Awakened's helmet contained an expensive psionic camera that could scan the Awakened's attributes, skills, equipment, and so on to generate exclusive character data.

After logging on to the Awakened's platform, one could only use their own exclusive character data to engage in virtual combat. It was mainly to hone their combat skills. The Awakened's rank was a reflection of their individual combat strength. A Diamond-ranked Awakened could definitely beat up a bunch of Bronze and Silver kids in reality.

What interested Bai Xiaowen was that the characters that could be selected on the Player platform were all Awakened who had been famous in reality for a long time! Of course, the virtual combat platform would pay a copyright fee to the Awakened.

In fact, the Awakened didn't care about the copyright fee. However, letting their character's image enter the Player platform and let tens of thousands of ordinary players use it to gain points was an excellent way to increase their reputation in the world, so basically no Awakened would refuse.

Fan Jianren concluded, "Simply put, the Player platform is for ordinary people to play, while the Awakened's platform is for Awakened to simulate actual combat. The rank reward I'm talking about is, of course, the Awakened's platform. Don't misunderstand. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded and continued to check the Guild's warehouse.

For internal purchases, in addition to the GCP, one also needed authorization. Without enough authorization, there was no way to inspect high-grade psionic items.

For example, with C-level authorization, one could only purchase hemostatic potions, "Silver Light Potions" that slowly restored health points, and some low-level white equipment.

With B-level authorization, one could purchase strengthening potions and combat potions, as well as some practical psionic items. The "Rancid Blood" item that Bai Xiaowen used in the Aaron World last time was on the list of B-level authorization purchases.

Although the item had a limit on the number of uses, it would have a miraculous effect if used well. If Bai Xiaowen hadn't relied on the "Rancid Blood" to reduce the combat ability of a powerful opponent last time, he might not have been able to return safely.

With A-level authorization, one could buy Excellent-grade equipment! One had to know how low the drop rate of Excellent-grade equipment that was "bound after equipping" was. Most equipment was "bound after picking up".

More importantly, A-level authorization allowed one to purchase the most scarce skill books!