
Evolutionary CASE

Ahem... aren't you tired of system novels!! (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ In a world surrounded by plot twisting mysteries, it was Javier's turn to rise!

Twix_Future · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Unknown Vestigials

{...Very well}. An invisible hand had written on the wall. {All participants are required to prepare... Loading..}.

Without turning his back, Javier announced. "You guys, get ready! Something is coming our way". The ugly smile on his face grew wider. "And it most definitely isn't pleasant".


A tumultuous ear-piercing shriek resounded throughout the dungeon and everyone had to cover their ears as if rebuking the chances of a tympanic membrane perforation.

"My ear drums are ganna burst!". Nathan said through gritted teeth.

"Judas priest, I should be resistant to this shit since I use wind!". Kelvin swore

As soon as it came, the disturbing cacophony subsided.

"That's weird...".

One couldn't point out the strange causes of their confusion. It was all too bizzare

Unprecedented silence fell upon the group as they listened for any form of attack that may come by surprise.

"This is all too strange". Grace was a bit tired, and a little frustrated. "This is unlike any dungeon I've ever been to".

"That's if it's even a dungeon". Javier said,"It just might be a space of illusions. Damn what mankind fears".

"And it's about time the illuminations by the wall had returned. This purple torch is a bit dull". Kelvin felt chills

Scribble, scribble

Somethings wrong. Javier thought to himself. It's not like the 'master' of this dungeon is setting up a grand enemy for us. So what's taking so long? Not to mention that weird noise earlier... Wait!

He looked back at the wall and read what continued after.

{When you notice your enemies, do they notice you, all you need to know is theyre all around you}.

All the cups ignited fire from nothing, each having their previously dull rainbow colours.

Javier was the first to notice it, and so he called the others attention. "All of you, look at me and only me!". He said furiously "If you're not ready to fight, don't look at the ceiling, and neither should you look at the walls, nor the floors".

They all understood their situation and nodded in apprehension.

Slowly, they inspired and expired as they pondered on which of the enemies to take on. Obviously looking at the ceiling would trigger an enemy that flies, the grounds are.. well, as one would know, but the walls... It's better to take on what you know.

"Eh?". Kelvin gasped in surprise

This distracted the others but they really couldn't look, only slightly showing apprehension on their faces.

"L-lord Javier?". Kelvin called out in a hint of panic

"Is something the matter! Kelvin!?". Javier asked in a bit of alarm.

"S-something is under my feet! It's like a puddle".

"Don't look down yet!". Javier nearly clicked his tongue. "It might trigger an underwater creature". Although I did ask for them to be fleshy so they will be easy to take down. You just can't be too careful

"Lord Javier! I-its pulling me in!". Kelvin shut her eyes closed.

I have no choice! "Everyone, now! Look at wheresover, and remember what you got was your choice".

The rest of the group looked up or down at wherever they have silently chosen while Javier dashed at Kelvin who already had his right leg inside a muddy black puddle.

As if having a change of heart, the force that had been slowly holding on to Kevin's leg pulled harder, and in fear, she looked up at the ceiling while Javier looked down at the ugly puddle pulling her in.

"Argh!". Javier rushed in and delicately pulled her outside.

"Ugh" Kelvin fell down flat and groaned.

"Stand up Kelvin". Javier who had an ugly viscous black liquid splattered on his dark cloak squinted his eyes in disgust as he rubbed off the smudge on his Jet-black hair.

"You looked up at the ceiling didn't you?". He took out his sword and looked down at what began to emerge from the pool.

"Yes". Kelvin nodded and held back a few sniffles.

"Then face it". Javier stabbed at whatever was poking it's ginormous head outside. "What's coming for you, I mean". He flinged his sword, splattering the purple liquid on the ground.

Kelvin nodded aggressively and stood up, his eyes showing unyielding resolution. He looked up at the creatures hovering in the air and just knew... They were coming for him.


With unimaginable speed, the first insect darted at him and just manageably he avoided it with all of his might. With clenched teeth, he took up his short brown staff and at its acme, shot a powerful wind at the next one.

The ugly insects came in consecutive twos and threes, Kelvin mostly shot at them with his gale but inorder to avoid using up his stamina, he supported his ability using by getting physical. Shooting at the first, kicking at the second, and with his staff, stabbing at the third.

The gale Kelvin uses is one of a much powerful force. It's attack power is of the difference between a gentle breeze and a mighty hurricane. With her enhanced strength and noticeable speed, something of this level should be of no effort. Except...

Javier once again clicked his tongue as he watched Kelvin fight. His opponent was taking it's time in the world for it's Villainary Manifestation so why not? He furrowed his brows and walked back to the wall where he had read those shitty messages.

"You ordered a request from your guest, and my request was for our enemy to have a fleshy integument. Why am I seeing half it's opposite!? ".

After a few purple glows, an invisible force scribbles on the wall.

{All animals and most often, creatures of unknown origins have the right to have at least one or two defensive mechanisms for self protection.}

Javier squinted his eyes. He couldn't argue with that.

And most of all, he could have sworn he heard something laughing at him. He looked about in perplex before fixing his eyes on what Grace and his Vassals were fighting.

Sebas as always had a smug look on his face as he landed loads upon loads of devastating blows on the pitiful mutated beast. On the other hand, Felix was...

Javier had known Felix since their childhood back in HQ, but what this person does never ceased to amaze him.

Felix was fighting against dozens of ferocious silver haired wolves. For some reason, they kept baring their thirteen inches long fangs at him. But one could understand.

He was playingwith, or rather taunting them.

The question was, why would he do that?

The answer is, he's Felix

He made quick, decisive glides as he swept through the packs like water. Offering annoying wheelcarts and summersaults in sequence.

"Watcha doing Felix?". Javier asked raising his eyebrows

"No way in hell these guys're ganna beat me! Might as well have fun while at it". Felix smirked

Javier folded his arms and smiled like a proud father. I've experimented on dogs like those, nothing new about their internal structures. "Now, how is Mathias doing".

It took quite a bit of effort to find him.

"What the heck?". Even Javier was surprised

Mathias was fighting an ugly looking brown reptile. It was slimy and slithering and ugly...

"He must have looked at the wall". And then got a lizard. He sighed "If you need help with that Mathias".

"Oh, no need". Mathias assured. He had his strings wrapped around two of the lizards but the slime on their bodies were somewhat slippery. "If I could have a dagger or something though".

His eleventh hour decision.

" Uhh". Javier slipped his hand into his portal and pulled out sword which he tossed to Mathias

A sword should be good enough. "No thanks, now face your problems!". Mathias accused

Javier looked back at the bubbling black portal in which an unknown creature was still slowly emerging from its surface . He turned back to Mathias and raised his middle finger.

Mathias laughed.

Nathaniel had looked up at the ceiling and was currently fighting a strange bird with different odd features.

"I've also seen such a bird on the outside." Javier had his hand on his chin. Well, Nathan seemed to be gaining the upper hand so Javier didn't think too much about it.

"Doing good Nathan". Javier praised

The Nathan who was making good use of his hell fire laughed at the flying 'eye displeasures' writhing in pain.

"Shit, I thought I just heard a hedious idiot calling out my name, I should be more careful".

Javier's eye twitched

"Ah, what about Kelvin ". He looked back at the silver blue haired girl and the interesting creature she was fighting.

It looked like a bee given it's distinct modified ovipositor and it's oval shaped wings. And what does it need with such sharp fangs and claws was what Javier doesn't have the time to think about.

Its sharp, blade-like microsetae was... One of a kind? And bloody hell, are those pincers and? When it already has a whole set of teeth!? .

/Kelvin was the most closest to Javier, so he could observe the specimen well enough than he could to the others'

It was at times like these that the biophilic personality in Javier starts to kick in.

"This great sample! It's presence of more than one organ which performs similar function is not something you see everyday! Is it possibly an evolution?, Vestigial? Covalent evolution? Not to mention both analogous biological structures are located so close to each other, I'm surprised there's no organ dysfunction-". Javier paused.

"Look at my sample, it's no where close to a healthy, mentally sane organism. Who knows where it thrives to have been able to outgrow different organs with the same functions". He almost shed a tear.

What a pitiful specie. "I should probably take one back for experi- wait, wait, our Kelvin is totally destroying them all!".

"Is something the matter, Lord Javier? ". A smiling Kelvin asked from the side.

"Ah. No, it's nothing ". Javier hesitated and turned his head

"That's great!". She smiled even brighter to the point where her cheeze would have emitted an angelic radiance if she didn't have sticky ooze on her face, and the fact that she was standing atop the enormous corpses of insects she had massacred with green fluid seeping out of them.

Even after she was done, she continued destroying the corpses of the insects chanting. "Master must not take these back home, master must not take these back home, we're going to be forced to listen to another three hour lecture on the gastrointestinal tract of an insect".

Author: The use of gastrointestinal tract for an insect is not entirely correct, nor is it entirely wrong, it just shows the fact that she doesn't have an extensive knowledge in Biology and her lack of interest in it.

"Hm? Kelvin did you just say something?". Javier asked

"Hm? Whatever do you think I said, Lord Javier?".

"Ah, don't worry". Why do I feel like she's intentionally doing this?

Rouge seemed to have no problem with the enormous pink Nematode he was fighting (In an attempt to look at the ground, must have accidentally taken in the sight of a marsh) while Grace also was doing... Exceptionally... (An Arachnid was her mashup)

"Wait that's overkill". At some point, Javier wanted to stop Grace. In that little battle, he wasn't too sure who the enemy was again.

Amidst the silence where the clashes of battle resounded, Javier heard the sounds of scribblings behind him and so whipped his head in that direction only to see that same wall renew itself with new words.

{The serpent's gaze is upon you}


{A surprise for the only one who had looked upon a glitch}

Javier almost broke a sweat. "You've got to be kidding me". A glitch...?, that freaking puddle was a glitch! No chance in hell was that just a coincidence

Suddenly, the air grew thick with an eerie and unsettling presence and Javier could feel the weight of being watched.

Javier spun around, his gaze meeting the unblinking glare of an enormous emerald green serpent, it's eyes blazing like embers in the fairly lit space. The air vibrates with tension as the looming body seemed to grow even larger and larger. It curved a mirthless smile revealing razor sharp teeth stained with the whispers of its victim's final screams.

The other groups made momentary pauses from what they were doing as they looked up at the looming creature above them that seemed to take up one third of the entire space in the large hall with mouth wide agape and widened eyes.

As if that wasn't enough, the serpent glided elegantly towards Javier and hissed out a song.

"One more human, one more food, all that's new, for the greater good". It sung in quiet excitement clearly shown in it's eyes.

It's cold mechanical tone almost sent shivers down Javier's spine.

"W-what this?". Javier couldn't hide the half fear and half excitement on his face. He took a step back

Nevertheless, the serpent continues to slither closer, it's body undulating like a living shadow. It's song grew louder and more enticing, as it repeated the haunting refrain:

"One more human, one more soul, all that's new, brings forth...". It fixed it's dead eyes at Javier. "The ultimate goal".

"Oi oi". Javier smirked, taking off his long black cloak and throwing it in the air. His purple black portal opened mid air and absorbed the clothing. "I knew it would be one hell of a monster given the hell of a time you took to manifest.". He took off his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves.

"Let me grace you with my presence". Javier readied his sword, revealing his front white teeth and crazy eyes.

"I'll be the end of you". He cracked a smile

You'll sniff spices...

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