
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 8: A teacher

Damn your one lucky guy Adam

yh, enough about that, when's the next match

are you crazy your wounds aren't healing super fast, your just a regular human so it'll take some time

I know but I'm so excited, just a few more levels and I'll reach level ten and see what this evolution system can do

huh? evolution system? that's what your calling the system?

yh I chose the evolution category so yh it's an evolution system

oh ok nice so I have a power system right?

not really, you designed your ability so it's a bit different from others, hmmm how about irregular

huh? why that

because your powers are different from others so yh yours is an irregular system

ok then so there's evolution system, power system, magic system and mutant system

then finally your super rear irregular system

Adam and Romeo hadn't left the underground yet, they were just at the infirmary were they were waiting for a healer, when the healer came she had a caramel long hair and dressed in a nurses attire

wow I didn't expect you to win kid but I'll admit your never die attitude was really admirable but I would suggest you learn how to fight next time, everybody knows that was just beginners luck

but we don't know anybody who could teach me how

I know one, aldo she isn't cheap

that's not a problem, when can we meat her, let me just finish with him first

ok I'll be going to the washroom, behave Adam

what? stop treating me like a kid

as Romeo left the nurse approached Adam and put her hand on his head and slowly he could feel is jaw, eye, nose and lips healing up

wow you have healing touch? that's so cool what? h..how did you know my skill was healing touch the nurse asked a bit surprised

a lucky guess, but why did you choose healing power instead of the others

oh well you see before the message I wanted to be a doctored to save lives, so when I saw I could heal people without the use of drugs or a machine I took it

wow, that's awesome

you really think so? no body has complemented me except my sister she said with a smile, umm hey I know this is a little inappropriate but your friend, how old is he

oh you mean Romeo? he's 16

oh I see she said a little disappointed

wait you thought he was an adult?

well he's quiet tall for his age ok and he looks like he's at least 19 or 20

hahahaha Adam couldn't help but laugh, what, where you interested in him or something, because Adam was laughing he failed to notice the nurses blushing face.

when Romeo came back Adam was all healed up

alright then let's go meet your new trainer

the nurse took them upstairs then told them to wait by the stairway, a few minutes later she came down with a woman with black and red hair in a jacket and jeans with gloves on

so these are the two


I'm Adam


let's talk somewhere else

they went outside the underground fight club a few buildings away

alright here will do, so Sarah tells me you guys want to learn how to fight is that it

well me

yh I'm good

alright then, let me see what you got

huh? but you haven't even agreed to train us or not

it's ok Adam, I expected this Romeo said opening the bag he had been carrying, will this do

the nurse and the woman's mouths dropped as the bag was filled with snacks and some food wrapped up in plastic plates, even two shawarma where wrapped up among them

wwwww.....where did you get all this

agree to train him and you'll be getting this on a steady bases

The bag full of food looked so delicious the stomachs of the two ladies growled in hunger

uhh umm anyway the woman said regaining her posture, ok then we have a deal

ok then so where do we practice

wait what? you want to start now?

yh the apocalypse will be happening in the next few weeks so nows a good time as ever

but you just finished a fight, aren't you tired, don't worry about that I just need you to show me the basics

ok, meet me at stream road 8 o'clock tonight

alright then

wait I never got your name

I'm Nikita

wow a bad ass name and a badass look I like it

sorry kid but I'm way older than you

I didn't mean it like that

she knows Adam she's just teasing you

oh ok then tonight

That night Adam and Romeo after eating ran off to the meeting spot

why can't we eat real food other than hamburger and fries or shawarma

well there isn't enough space in my phone for more than 50 games, five of them are for food alone so cut me some slack

when they got there they saw Nikita in a hoody waiting for them

your late

sorry lost track of time

it doesn't matter, did you make sure you weren't followed

yh no one followed us

alright then common

Nikita took them to what looked like a compound, a house with a dojo within it

wow this place seems luxurious

well when your undefeated with 10 matches won you kind of get some privileges

hearing this only strengthened Adam's notion that only the strong can survive the state of the world as it is right now

ok follow me to the dojo and as for your friend he can stay and watch, but first show me your status window

what? why?

I need to know your progress thus far

Adam looked at Romeo, he nodded his head, he was confident he could take out Nikita if she became a problem in the future

status window

LVL 6: 5/30 till next level

Name: Adam Yeager

Gender: male

Age: 15

Strength: 21

Speed: 19

Endurance: 16

Perception: 15

Intellect: 6

Evolution: 0%

stat points: 4


1) get to level ten to start the evolution process

2) exercise every day to get 1 stat boost and a free stat point


well what do you think

I think it's a miracle you survived your first cage match, with these stats it's just pure luck you won that fight

jeez I already know I'm week you don't need to rub it in Adam said feeling disheartened

you have free stat points, put three in speed then strength

ok then

strength: 22

speed: 22

you now have the speed of an athlete

ok so what's next

now I'll teach you how to defend yourself and turn your enemies power and momentum against them

cool, let's go he said

while Nikita was showing Adam the basics like taking a boxing stance Sarah came over to stand next to Romeo as they watched Adam practice blocking a punch and throwing someone on they're back

thanks for healing Adam

it's nothing, it's my job to heal the fighters, it also helps me level up my ability, so uhh are you and Adam brothers?

no just close friends

oh I see, that makes sense

let me guess because his fat and I'm buff

well hehe yh, so how did you two survive the chaos and end up in the cage match, don't you have families?

I could ask you the same thing, his foster family kicked him out and mine are dead

oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you recall that she said feeling sorry for them both

it's alright, we've moved past that, Aldo Romeo said this with an expressionless face his heart was aching a bit, he still had panic attacks at night and would have nightmares of the day his parents where killed

so how did you and Nikita meat, you two sisters right?

what? no no no, we've been best friends for as long as I can remember, she's always protected me and I've tried my best to help her in anyway I can, when the message happened the next morning she was at my apartment and we where talking about what we both chose, she chose strength while I chose healing, so she could protect me and I could heal her she narrated they're story together while looking at the night sky as they where outside the dojo and Romeo patiently listened

two hours later, Adam fell to the floor drenched in sweat

I think that's enough for tonight, go relax we'll continue tomorrow

no I can keep going he said as he slowly got up

kid you don't have to rush this it's just your first lesson so take it easy, don't over do it

no I can't, how will I win tomorrows match

what? both Nikita and Romeo yelled