
Evolution system: Apocalypse of the gods

An apocalyptic event puts the world in a battle royal where only the strongest will survive the ten stages of the apocalypse. With the battle for survival and the schemes in the shadows humanity gains powers to defend themselves and grow stronger forever changing and altering the course of humanity forever and all this just to fight the gods? Abilities Evolution category Gain complete control over every sell in your body and evolve beyond a human ( limitations: can not evolve into an immortal or a god ) Magic category The 7 forms of magic are listed from the most powerful to the least powerful 1) Rune magic: letters than set laws of magic and are the source of magic in the universe 2) Chaos magic: the ability to control and create monsters, demons and even magical beings 3) Dark Magic: magical powers gotten from unholy realms or evil demonic beings, usually comes with a cost or sacrifice depending on the level of power borrowed 4) Mystic arts: the use of any form of magic through hand gestures or hand signs, also able to create magical structures 5) Alchemy: able to transmute or manipulate matter through magic 6) Nature magic: gain control over the laws of nature through magic 7) spell casting/ potion making: using magic through enchantments incantations or use of wands or potions ( limitations: can not become a complete magical being ) Power category Gain supernatural and super human abilities, this category has Five stages to choose five different powers while also increasing your stats ( limitations: can not have an overpowered ability putting you above or equal to a god ) Mutation category Choose one shape shift: change into any inanimate object or non living thing no matter how small or how big mutant cells: transform into any living creature no matter how small or how big ( limitations: can not transform into anything capable or defeating a god or equal to a god ) ______________________________________________ I hope you have fun reading my story I want my readers to choose they're category and make up they're own power set ash story progresses then list them out at the end o the story

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 63: the magic society 2


"Explosive fireball!"


A group of high school kids where attacking a harpy nest, they where 30 in number, each of them firing attacks at the harpies, the harpies tried attacking them but they're attacks couldn't reach, they where all covered by a force field that protected them. Upon getting to the battle field Adam and the others where blown away from what was in front of them.

The kids where killing the harpies left right and center, monsters that almost killed Adam and Bobby where being swatted away like flies.

"What am I seeing" Bobby said.

"A bunch of kids killing the monsters that almost killed us" Lilian replied.

"They most be really strong" Andy said.

While they where watching the spectacle in front of them a shadow rose up covering the entire battle ground. The harpies immediately flead to the sky and everyone's attention was drawn to the towering figure above them.

Harpy Queen: lvl 61

Oh, my, god

Guess the boss finally came out.

Coming out of her nest and standing 15 feet tall was the harpy Queen, stretching her wings made her look even larger, she had bright red wings with blackness at the tip of her feathers, the feathers on her body where yellow but unlike the others her face was liks that of a bird, with dark red eyes.

Spreading her wings wide she flapped it sending a gust of wind they're way, it was so strong it pulled the leaves amd branches off the trees but the kids where protected by an invisible force field. Adam and the others unfortunately didn't get this privilege as they where swept up and into the air.

The Harpy Queen took to the sky, went up high and screeched loudly before diving down and with her wings began slicing through the trees like they where butter, seeing this a multi layered barrier was made In front of the kids and the Harpy Queen crashed into it breaking all barriers, a girl with golden like blond hair and deep blue eyes coughed up blood when this happened but just as the Harpy Queen was about to crash into the kids a blurr dashed past them and stopped the Harpy Queen with a punch, few seconds later another blurr past them all and went straight for it's legs, wrapping his arms around the queens legs and lifting it up in the air bobby slammed it down, he didn't stop there as he swung it around before flinging it away.

Adam looked back at the girl with blond hair and for a few seconds they're eyes met and didn't break contact.

"It was you wasn't it" he said breaking the silence, "you where the one protecting all of them weren't you, well you can rest now, we'll take care of this".

The queen got up but Bobby rapped his hands around it's body, restricting it's movement, Adam dashed forward and jumped into the air, with all his strength he punched the Harpy Queen down and a huge shockwave blew as the grownd beneth them shattered, the kids where amazed and in shock.

Who are these guys?

I don't know but they just saved our asses

I don't think that's magic

Yh your right, must be power types yh?

Adam and Bobby started walking back to the crowd of people, the job was done, or so they thought.


A deafening screen was heard and Adam and Bobby dropped to the floor in pain, they're ear drums popped and blood flowing out, the Harpy Queen was still alive Aldo hurt, it screeched loudly and within seconds a dark cloud formed, over 5 hundred harpies where flying towards the group.

Adam was the first to get up as his healing skill kicked in, he looked up and saw the in coming swarm of harpies, they where heading straight for him as he was a few feet away from the queen, the queen was about to screech again when he sent an uppercut striaght to its beak, shutting it up and knocking it out.

The harpies swooped down at Adam but he readied himself, they where fast but he was slightly faster, not holding anything back and activating his skill charging heart, he through a series of punches at all the harpies coming his way, each one was killed instantly but it seemed like it was never going to end, that is until Bobby stood up in anger. With his ruptured eardrums, pain and ringing in his head he stood up and grew as large as possible, stretching his hands as wide as possible he clapped his hands together, adam had killed about 300 of them but bobby in a single attack had killed 550 harpies in one go.

Once again the crowd of people where stunned.

W..w..wait, he could do that?

Oi I thought all he could do was stretch

Bloody hell, that dude is way to powerful

It rained purple blood as the harpies blood fell everywhere, the few harpies that where left alive fled for they're lives.

"That just leaves you" Bobby said looking at the Harpy Queen, it had woken up a few minutes ago but all it saw was the slaughter of it's children in one fale swoop, it wanted to get up but someone was faster, running up Bobby's body and jumping off the top of his head, punching the air to gain more momentum and plunging down Adam stomped the harpies head with all his strength, it's head splattered everywhere and it was finally dead.

Oi..d..d.d..did they just whips out an entire harpies nest?

These power types are of the charts

They're so powerful

The crowd of people where amazed and praising the duo, all except one, the blond girl didn't say a word but rather her gaze was fixated on one person, Adam. Not long after the battle Andy and Lilian caught up to the two.

"What the hell? Adam how strong did you get?" Andy said as he saw the lvl 219 on Adam's system, me? Didn't you see what Bobby did?, "he's the real monster here" adam replied, bobby tapped adam signaling him to put away his system as they where approached by the crowd, the one who spoke to adam and the crew was the girl with blond hair

Hello, I take it your not from around here are you?

The boys didn't answer, from they're experience with chester and the others they learned not to trust people, but for Lilian they where just kids plus they wore matching outfits.

"Hi umm yes we watched assure while being chased by those harpies, luckily your battle drew them away so we decided to join the battle as a thank you" Lilian said.

Ok but honestly it's we who are in your dept the girl said, my name is Eve and my freinds and I where looking to level up but we bit way more than we could chew she said as shs looked at adam and he stared right back.

"If you don't mind you could accompany us back to the settlement?"

"Settlement? You mean the big dome over there" Bobby said pointing in the direction, " you can see it? Wow that's impressive", "yes we would love to go with you" Lilian said.

"Ok guys, we're taking them back with us" Eve said, we're taking them back? Why not, they would be great help to us, yh but do you think the government would be ok with that? It means more mouths to feed, don't worry about it, Eve's the one who invited them so it won't be a problem. While walking Adam crossed his hands over Bobby's shoulders, " stay alert, I have a bad feeling about this and no matter what don't trust anyone, once there's any sign of trouble we bolt out of there", Bobby nodded and they continued to follow them.

On they're way Adam and Bobby could hear movement in the forest, they moved through what looked like an abandoned city covered with roots and trees. The roots sometimes moved and Andy noticed it.

"Uhh should we be worried about that?"

No it's cool, they don't attack large groups," what are they" Bobby asked, they're tree monsters, they're weaker than the harpies so you don't need to worry, they're not close, they just use they're roots to listen and watch one of the guys explained.

On getting to the dome it looked different from the one Adam had seen, it looked a bit yellow in colour, and unlike the other one this one had no walls around it, rather it was surrounded by trees and roots, one of the kids pointed her wond upwards and a flair shot out of it, few seconds later and explosion erupted from ghe dome and a path was made for them to walk through. The dome was still there but the explosion has cleared all the roots and trees surrounding the area.

Welcome to the magic society Eve said as they walked in.