
Evolution :Surviving The Apocalypse[BL]

Zian Hayes gets the chance to return past before the end of the world. To prevent the nightmares in the future from occurring he needs to become merciless ! He will not let anyone he loves die! COME JOIN HIM in kicking zombie butt and on his journey of REVENGE,LOVE and SURVIVAL! A year back in time before everything goes to hell. It was the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse... Zian who was lied to, used and betrayed is no longer the young man he used to be. So when he gets the chance to go back and prevent his life from falling apart will he emerge victorious? What about when he finds out about that his life, lives is just a game of evolution being played by Gods? Will he survive, thrive or just break down?

Lily_of_Incas · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Ch 8-Phone Calls and Voice notes

' Clear blue skies'

It was almost a foreign site instead of the dusty , smoke darkened skies during the apocalypse. The only clear days were something to fear as those were the days the mutant plants were the most active. So in other words days you stayed in .

It had been so long since Zian had seen a smoke free sky that looked vaguely normal yet it couldn't suppress his rising agitation.

Zian leaned against the table of the outdoor lunch area chewing gum trying to suppress his incessant need for nicotine.

Smoking was a nasty and expensive habit that he acquired during the end of the world.For a short while it was the the only thing that gave him comfort through the sh*t storm that had become his life then it became a dependable habit that he couldn't get rid off.

So right now even though his body hadn't became used to that poison; his mind in moments of stress triggered his urge for a cigarette.

' Shit! How am I going to convince dad to buy a bankrupted solar panel factory out of the blue? I still have to tell him about the apocalypse and convince him to let Ali and Daniel get married ! Do I even tell him about Ali's pregnancy and convince him not to be angry or wait for Al to tell him?'

Xian's thoughts were whirling around his head like an out of control kaleidoscope. Without much coherence or sense as his anxiety took over.

He had just come across an auction advertisement online that showed a bunch of properties and machinery for sale. Among these was a bankrupt solar panel factory which would be extremely useful during the apocalypse. It was fully equipped with machinery and still had stock .The asteroid not only caused the apocalypse but took out the power lines and fried most communication devices like a massive EMP.

The need for electricity was great but expensive. Common citizens on the base had to use a quarter of their points on the base . The government and the powerful had hoarded resources so ordinary citizens and to pay an arm and leg for basic services.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

' So finally the she- devil called.'

The name on the screen read ' Chelsea Smith' and Zian forced a fake yet vaguely terrifying smile. The murderous intent clearly visible in his eyes. Luckily there weren't many people around otherwise one look at him and they would definitely label him a psychopath. Heck if pre- apocalypse Zian saw himself he would check himself in a mental hospital.

" Hello" He manged to say keeping his temper in check but sounding a bit stiff.

" Heyyy , Zian. I didn't see you in class.I just left campus and still didn't see you ! Are you sick? " Chelsea 's sickly sweet and concerned voice came through making him nauseous.

' Such a fake b*tch!Sounding so worried about me even though she plotted to murder me countless times!'Zian was too busy cursing at Chelsea in his mind and marveling his own stupidity that it took a while for him to reply.

" Zian..." Chelsea queried .

" Urrh... I'm fine I just was a bit busy sorting something out." Zian just managed to grind out.

" Well... I'm sure Felix can give you today's class notes. If you need anything from me feel free to ask." Chelsea sensing something was off with Zian today was a bit irritated but still managed to sound cheerful and pleasant.

" Oh, thanks for your concern, Chelsea."Reigned in his own emotions before politely replying.

" You are still on next weeks party right at Grove's Hotel?"She asked eagerly longing for the day she could bag the oh-so- aloof and unapproachable Zian Hayes. Zian wasn't what one would say was cold. He was a friendly, popular, handsome and smart but he kept a firm and unshakable wall around himself. His few girlfriends always complained that he was emotionally shut off and would never really share his true self with them eventually leading to a quick break up.

" Yes" Zian smirked after all that was the beginning of the end for him. The day he supposedly got 'drunk' and 'slept' with Chelsea Smith and got her pregnant.A few weeks Xander's death that he went to confront his girlfriend about leaving him to die in a zombie raid.It was only when he was held down by her family's guards did she confess that their whole relationship was based on a lie .

Chelsea was never pregnant and there was no miscarriage. He hadn't even slept with her as he was too drugged to even move or get it up. That women had even been sleeping with Felix his good friend from university the whole time they were together. Betrayed by his girlfriend , lied to and forced to wear a green hat Zian's already high walls became impenetrable forces that deterred anyone from touching his heart.

Zian had already determined that on the day of the party would be the start of his revenge...


Burned buildings, car alarms going off and zombies tearing people apart...

" Run, Ali ! Run!" Zian shouted . He carried Bree against his chest as he full on sprinted . Ali narrowly avoided Mrs. Fletchers black claws as she got up from the ground from her last Est victim and tried to grab her.

Mrs. Fletcher was a kind, old lady who was the bakers wife.Now she was a mindless zombie and there was no trace of her warm smile and friendly demeanor.

Zombies looked rather strange . Their skin had a grayish tinge , they had purplish bruises under

their eyes and pupils were dilated .The scarier aspects were their sharpened teeth and black claws. But the worst thing of all were their injuries from zombies and state of decay. Just imagine missing limbs , mutilated bodies and the smell of rotting flesh.

Suddenly the scene changed and a zombie run towards Zian and bit into his neck while Chelsea Smith laughed...


Zian woke up from his nightmares sweating and clutching his neck .It took more than a minute to get his bearing but less than two. His mind had become resilient and responsive during the apocalypse so he put his nightmares behind him. It's not that he hadn't had nightmares before during the apocalypse but they were definatinely increasing in frequency and intensity since he had gotten back.It was like his mind was dealing with all his unprocessed trauma...

' F*CK! This is not the time to have PTSD!'

He couldn't go back to sleep straight away for he picked up his phone and went through his messages. One contact stood out. Zander has messaged him and sent him a voice note . He opened the message in anticipation.

[Zander: Hey. I will be back in the country next week some time. The training camp will soon be over. I'll Come and visit you in NYC .We have some time off. See you soon.

Take care ,Zee]

Zian smiled but his heart was bitter- sweet. He really was looking forward to see the person he had been missing for so long.