
Evolution of the Last Nyre

This is the story of a 30 year old dead beat who unexpectedly dies. He's given a new shot at life but something doesn't feel right...wait HE'S A MONSTER! Our mc is one who seeks power but he wasn't always like that. Sphar (correct pronunciation is s-far) is an ancient forgotten monster called a Nyre, which is quite similar to a bat. He's gifted a system and completely abuses its power like all mc's do. This story is very slowly paced as I don't want to rush it. Time skips won't happen too often and if they do it won't be for long. His greatest desire is to explore the world, or at least it was..., but escaping his home will be a bit more tricky than he thought. Luckily his species is perfect for covert operations. Let the adventure begin! Authors note- I'm an inexperienced writer and I'm only doing this for fun. The story has a very slow start and the chapters are only 1.3k to 1.5k words long. I don't plan on locking chapters ever but if you want to support me, gifts are greatly appreciated. My release time will be a complete mess as this is only a hobby but I hope you enjoy the story. Btw the cover art is not mine, if you own it and want me to change it please don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me on Insta, my user is Bandit_Candit

Unfortunate_Bandit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

- Idiocy

'Can you tell me more about my [Morph] skill?'

[Morph is a unique skill that only Nyre possess. You can change your shape to whatever you want. However, your stats and skills will stay the same. It's best used when trying to blend in or bluff your way out of a situation.]

'So it isn't as strong as the king thought it was. Or maybe he knew this and was more concerned with something else. What else can you tell me about Nyre?'

[Nyre is one of the few monsters to have an unknown limit of evolution. Common monsters usually stop at 3 or 4 and more intelligent and unique monsters have been recorded to have 5 or even 6.]

'That is probably what the king was worried about the most. Not knowing much about your enemy's potential is always a scary thing. What monsters could I pass for being beside a Nyre? I plan on living in a human civilization and people will be curious about what I am.'

[A list of Monsters you could be mistaken for as a Demi in your next evolution are Slythriken, a bat type monster with similar features to that of a Nyre, an Ancient Devil, known as the enemies of the human race, and a Winged Wolf, which is a wolf with a mix of features of bats and humans, known for their physical prowess.]

'Ancient devil will cause more trouble than it's worth. I'm not exactly strong so the Winged Wolf is also out of the question, which only leaves me with Slythriken. Can you tell me the trait skills of a Slythriken?'

[Their only trait skill is extreme speed which boosts their speed by 150% for 10 seconds. They are also one of the rare monsters to be born with magic as a first evolution.]

'With my high agility, I should be able to fake that ability. I'm more worried about my claws.'

[Trait skills are often learned, forgotten, and transformed with each stage of evolution. Based on your previous thoughts on becoming a Half-Life Nyre, your poison claws trait skill will be changed to mana infused claws.]

'What exactly does that ability do?'

[Mana infused claws is a skill that makes your claws extremely sharp and durable. It also increases your proficiency with controlling magic]

'That's amazing!' My thoughts were interrupted as I had finally caught up to the wagon that had been traversing this dirt road. 'There doesn't seem to be any guards. Maybe I should attack him? No, that's too risky. He could be a seasoned warrior. That would explain the lack of guards. I'd rather not take the risk.' I continued to silently follow the wagon.

I kept having a bad feeling the closer I got to the wagon so I stayed at least 100 feet away and walked within the woodline to further decrease my presence. 'Maybe I should bail, I already got all the information I need just from the fresh tracks and their direction. I still need to hit level 15 before making any big decisions.'

I stopped tailing the wagon and sat down for a moment. I didn't realize it earlier but I was sweating and shaking. 'The aura that man was emitting was scary. Someone with his level of strength surely couldn't be tailed so easily. He must not have cared. He probably thought he could handle me easily, and he wouldn't be wrong.' I was getting close to the area of the [Wolves Den] Dungeon with the E+ rating I had passed before. 'Time for some more training.'

I darted off into the woods not too far from the path as the familiar blue panel greeted me, telling of my entrance to the dungeon. I ventured in with confidence. The trees seemed to only get closer and closer until it was hard to maneuver between them. The ground is full of crushed flowers and dug up grass. There were splatters of blood on trees and the ground here and there. 'Why haven't I ran into a single wolf? Is there something I'm missing?'


Survive. Rewards: 1,000 exp, cloak of deception E+, 1 skill point.


Suddenly there were glowing eyes between each tree fully circling me. Their numbers were quite high. I couldn't get an accurate reading as they were constantly switching positions and running around. 'How could I forget such basic information. I got too cocky. I would cast [Electric Field] but they're too far away. The skills range isn't that good yet.'

I flew into the air as fast as I could but three wolves jumped in the air from different directions to stop me. I dodged the first two but the third one got a hold of my leg and slung me back down to the ground with a thud. A cloud of smoke blooming all around me.

[Hp -28]

'I'm gonna have to get innovative. It doesn't say I need to kill all these wolves, I just need to escape. I would be lucky if I could even kill 5 of them before the rest mauled me to death with their overwhelming numbers. Their speed is almost on par with mine as well. Morph!'

I instantly started transforming into a giant dragon. My scales were Smokey grey with black tips as were the spikes on my spine that followed down my tail, ending in a pure black star shape. My wings had an abstract mix of black and grey and my giant claws were protruding from my limbs. I felt extremely powerful even though I knew it was only a bluff.

A cloud of black smoke seemed to constantly swirl around me as if it were going to sweep me away at any moment. I resisted the urge to roar as loud as I could as I knew it would alert that traveler that wasn't too far down the road. I flew in the air, not too high above the trees. The wolves were too scared to move as they felt the ominous aura that emitted from my very being.

'Idiots. If only one of them worked up the courage to attack me they would still do a considerable amount of damage, but I don't expect them to know that.' I flapped my wings once and soared through the sky at an unexpected speed that was at least twice as fast as my normal flying was. I canceled my morph mid-air so I wouldn't draw any unwanted attention, which was a huge mistake as I couldn't slow down fast enough.

I crashed into the earth, rolling and sliding my way tens of feet, smashing and cracking a lot of things that weren't meant to be smashed and cracked. I finally slid into a tree which knocked the wind out of my lungs for way too long.

[Hp- 132]

"GAH!" I took in a deep breath as I was finally allowed to breathe. My entire body was shaking as I was examining myself. I had severely twisted my right leg as it was facing the wrong way. My right arm had several rocks crammed within as the skin was shredded off only to reveal the muscle underneath.

Varying rashes and broken bones were scattered all across my body. 'I am barely alive. Everything hurts damnit.' It took everything I had just to stay awake. There was no way I would be able to move in this state. I was mangled and broken, much like an abused doll. 'How long will it take to...recover?' My vision was beginning to blur as my thoughts became inconsistent and fuzzy.

[You have suffered severe injuries that will lower your Hp regeneration until they are healed. The process should take around 4 days until you are able to move, then another 4 or 5 days until you have fully recovered.]

'Great, all because... I got cocky.' I finally gave in to the incredible urge to sleep.

I could only hope nothing finds me while I'm recovering.