

"Something must have changed in that raid of his, that's not the timid boy I knew!" Percival folded his bulk in the carriage and for all his weight, the carriage didn't so much as shake. "And to think he acted as if he didn't just kill my men few days ago!"

Ken had always been amazed by the way the big man carried himself while walking and he had once seen him fight. His appearance was the most deceiving thing about him. "Maybe, or he has always been like that and only just has the power to act it out."

The carriage began moving, rocking gently as it passed the gate and into the dark streets.

"So what do you think?" Percival asked.

"What's there to think about? The boy walked himself into a corner. The possibility of a successful raid is low and he already uses Havenbrook as collateral. If they manage to harvest enough monsters to pay back, it will take more than three weeks before they get back. So." Ken shrugged.

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