
Evolution begins with an ant colony

Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubting he has what it takes to save the world, asks the goddess to send him back. Little did he know that this request infuriated the goddess. "How dare a mere mortal go against my will," she thought to herself while maintaining her facade. She opens a portal for him to go back. Little did he know, the goddess had something else in store for him. As he passed through the portal, his soul was separated from his body, and he fell through the sky and earth until he landed in the body of an ant in the godforsaken forest. Left there to die by the hands of the goddess, Akun awakens the "Endless Evolution System." [Ding!! The Endless Evolution System has been activated!! Grind to gain evolution points and evolve yourself and your comrades!!] "Endless Evolution System? Evolution points?" "Does this mean there's more to my transformation? Can I evolve even as an ant?" [Ding!! Unique skill detected!! Skill: Super Gamer Shop!! Evolution points can also be used on this skill to buy items!!] Follow Akun on his new epic adventure, and find out exactly what awaits him, maybe some conquest and retribution. Tags: Evolution, Dragon, Magic, Action, Fantasy, System, Reincarnation, Weak To Strong, Demons, Supernatural

Zurbluris · Fantasy
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387 Chs

A Quest for Gunshin Flowers And Chains Of Silence

Deep within the heart of a dense forest, John, Chris, and Mina ventured forth on their quest to find the elusive Gunshin flowers. Their surroundings were cloaked in shadows as the thick canopy of trees blocked out most of the sunlight. The forest floor was layered with moss and fallen leaves, and the air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation.

Chris, ever the vocal one, couldn't help but voice his complaints as they trudged deeper into the woods. "This is boring," he grumbled, his voice dripping with frustration. "We should have taken that goblin quest. At least that would've been exciting."

John, leading the way with a determined stride, shot a sidelong glance at Chris. "Then why didn't you go for it yourself?" he retorted. "I certainly wouldn't have followed you into that mess."

Chris crossed his arms, sulking as he walked. "I'm just saying, this herb quest is a snoozefest."