
Evolution: A Survivor's Story

After living alone for how many years after a tragic incident that killed everyone that you loved. What would you do if you found yourself back in the past where you could live again with your family and friends? Zach was one who had suffered in his entire life. A tragic upbringing that had forced his life into loneliness but miraculously found himself back in the past. It should have been a good opportunity to change the tragic story of his life and yet fate seems still against him as the world seems different from what he knew of. [Ding!!!] [Super Survival System has been integrated.] [Super Survival System Description: It is one among the countless systems in the cosmos. It was a system solely created to help/guide the host to survive no matter how dangerous the situation will become.] Under the danger of living in the new world, Zach found his key to survive and change the fate of his loved ones but is it really that simple? _______________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this novel will only update once a week.) _______________________________________ Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the cover. So, if you are the creator, let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately.

Alter_Fanfic · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 28 - Sixth Calamity

Time passed like the wind, and it was now the second week of November which signifies the end of the fifth calamity but also the start of the new one. Everyone who was living in the base was already out of their houses waiting for the message to come while holding on to each other. 

During the past weeks, many things have happened in the base. One of them was the fact that Zach's base has now almost 250 survivors after the flood that happened and that Zach's names have really scattered throughout the city. Following that day, more and more people have come to seek refuge whether they have heard about it or by seeing it by chance. 

Zach accepted them all and of course through proper interviews together with Jenny and her companions. In fact, the number of survivors should have already passed the 300 mark if not for them expiring some after being found guilty of committing crimes. The four of them together with Max have already gone cold about ending life but it is Zach who has changed more than them. 

Among the new survivors, more and more professionals and talents have been recruited. There were doctors and nurses among them this time, and another group of police, firemen, engineers, teachers, and other talents that had come which only made the base more suitable to live in. 

As the number of people has increased, the whole structure of the base has also changed after Zach gathered all their minds and ideas to make the place more organized and neater to live in. There were many families, especially the old ones, who were forced to have their houses destroyed to implement the changes, but they did not complain. 

Zach's house has become bigger than before and now the core of the base with five large warehouses on its back and three canteens on its front to be used as meetings and other stuff, it was a place that was not surrounded by the other houses, and it became something like a forbidden area for many. Meanwhile, the simple and similar houses then have started lining up in front of it which accommodates all the survivors of the base. 

On the other hand, the project that Zach had planned before to build a tall building for them to stay when a flood happens stopped after he ordered everyone that it was no longer needed after he finally got his long wish boat from the system's random survival item reward, so they pushed all their focus on making the place livable. 

It was unbelievable to think that in just three weeks, everyone had their simple houses in the base. If it was before, it was impractically impossible to do it unless all the manpower, resources, and tools were present, but now that the people have turned into something like superhumans, they have made the impossible possible. 

Another thing to note is, that Zach has finally implemented a distribution system from which they would no longer eat together like before after he ordered every head or representative of each house to come every morning to the canteen for food and other supplies that they need throughout the day. 

Everyone has their fair share of jobs inside the base. One of them was the fact that Zach had given one of the canteens for the kids to learn with the help of the teachers around while their school building was still under construction. Under Anna and Carl's leadership, all the other police have started to look after the base which leaves other adult men to focus on constructing. 

On the other hand, there were specially assigned people either they were men or women their sole task was to leave the base and look for survivors and create signs for every place they would go to that there was a base not far from them. These people were under the provision of Max and Rose and their operation just started a week ago.

Lastly and probably one of the best things that happened during these past few weeks was that Jenny and Zach were now living in their new house together with Zoey, Hannah, Vanessa, Shiela, and the seven children since it was the whole purpose of making their house bigger and the fact the Jenny after such time have finally gotten pregnant. 

It was good news for everyone living in the house and they also weren't worried since Shiela herself was a nurse. All they needed to worry about was the calamity that would continue to happen, so Jenny was like a princess and was strictly taken care of by the women inside. 

Speaking of Sheila, her story was very sad after all the calamities that happened. She was sad most of the time after coming to the evacuation site that day when she came to know that her husband had already fallen. She continued to live on bearing the truth but after her child did not survive as he had gotten sick when the volcanic eruptions started, she finally lost the will to live and was moving mindlessly all the time. Only after living with them did she start healing again and was living as normally as she could.

Right now, everyone was very serious since despite the Extreme Heat and Drought, they were only attacked and affected by an uncomfortable feeling. After a week of such weather, they started getting used to it and finally, today would be the last time they suffer from it but they were still nervous thinking about what kind of calamity would come this time as they hoped that it wouldn't be as bad and destructive like the first and second one. 







[World Cleansing Procedure 5: Extreme Heat and Drought Calamity is over.] 

Everyone finally breathed in relief after seeing the message, but they still remained silent as they waited for the next message and after seeing what kind of calamity would come this time, their faces couldn't hide their smiles and joy as they started talking to the people beside them. 

[Commencing World Cleansing Procedure 6: Forest Fire Calamity.] 

Even Zach was happy with such a message since it would not affect them much and so they could focus more on doing their projects in the base since it has given them another three weeks to do almost everything. 

"Everyone. Spread my words that there will be a party tonight. Let us enjoy the fact that we have survived another calamity again." Zach announced with a smile on his face as he looked at the people around him. He has already made every end of the calamity to be a day to do a party to celebrate that they were still alive and living. 

Following such an announcement, the new survivors felt happy but they weren't as happy as the old ones after they inquired what the party was all about, they couldn't help but have excited smiles on their faces, especially the men after hearing that there would be alcohol tonight. They had already accepted the fact that inquiring where they came from was taboo in this place and so they couldn't be bothered where Zach got it so long as they could have a taste of it since that was all that mattered to them. 

After that, the base started bustling with noise again and after night came, the party immediately started with laughs and smiles all over the faces of the survivors and it made them closer to everyone else. Zach himself was with them before he headed back inside their house to enjoy the night with Jenny and his family.

"I still remember three weeks ago that it was that time that we got to more of each other." Jenny suddenly said while holding onto Zach's hand and caressing her stomach seeing them lying on the bed together. 

"Yeah. That was when you ran wild and said that you only wanted a one-night stand. Hahaha." Zach replied with a laugh after remembering what happened that day from which they almost had sex with each other if not for his intention to stop. It was, however, also the day that their lives changed which resulted in how they are right now. 

"Hmph. If not driven by the alcohol. I would not do such a thing like that, especially after knowing that Hannah and Zoey were also your women. Scumbag." Jenny said with a pouting face as she pinched Zach's waist while blushing a little after recalling how she was acting that night. 

"Hahaha. But you still chose to love me, right? And right now, our love has created something precious." Zach replied with a smile before reaching her stomach and caressing them tenderly. Though it was his first time taking care of his own kid, his nervousness was overdrive with excitement and he promised to spoil him/her when he/she was born. 

Hearing Zach, Jenny smiled lovingly before they stayed quiet and just looked at her stomach. Though it still hasn't gotten bigger, they knew for sure that he/she was there and that was enough for them to be happy. 

"Hannah. Are you there?" Suddenly, Jenny took out her radio and called Hannah who was probably in her room. After that, she then just looked at Zach seriously before she got up a little and kissed him. 

"I felt like we should stop having sex for a while, so I'll have Hannah satisfy you instead," Jenny said before she reached out her hand and grabbed Zach's hard cock which have started getting bigger from her stroking. She knew what kind of beast she was on the bed that she finally understood why he still reached out despite having Hannah and Zoey already. 

"Though I really want it right now, I was strictly told by your mother not to do it for a while." Jenny said. She really felt sad when there was a time that Zach took her, Hannah, and Zoey together in one bed but after doing it from time to time, the three have become much closer to each other as they felt like they were sisters. Though there was still a little jealousy, it was no longer that bad after they finally accepted the fact that they really loved Zach and they didn't want to be away from him. 

Zach was surprised after hearing Jenny's words but before he could say anything, Jenny finally took out his cock and was now standing mightily. He then grunted from pleasure after she started stroking it with her soft hands while giving him kisses from time to time. 

Not long after that, the door of the room then opened and Hannah wearing a nightgown came inside looking surprised and excited. She then just smiled as he closed and locked the door before she slowly and seductively took off her nightgown. She understood what was happening just by seeing his cock with Jenny stroking it and so she wouldn't let the opportunity pass.

"Hannah. I leave Zach's relief to you for the following months." Jenny said with a smile as she let go of her hand and rested them on Zach's chest. 

"Don't worry, Jenny. Just leave him to me." Hannah smiled seductively before she got on top of Zach with her already naked body. She then reached for his cock and then guided it towards her pussy which was already dripping with excitement. 

"It's my safe day today. You can let it all out inside." Hannah lastly said before moving her body down which made her shiver after her pussy was torn apart from Zach's big, long, and hard cock. She endured the pain for a while before she started moving on her own while letting out moans. 

Meanwhile, Zach was completely surprised by how fast things had happened but he wasn't complaining about anything and was very excited instead upon seeing Hannah's breasts jiggling which was making him hypnotized and wanted to reach them out but stopped after Jenny took his lips. 

"Just stay there and enjoy." Jenny said before kissing him passionately again. Though she could engage in sex, it does not mean that she could not do anything. She wanted to feel good too and so she wanted to take Zach's lips to accompany her while leaving his cock to Hannah.

That night, Zach experienced how it felt to be passive after being held down by the two tigresses and was taken advantage of to their heart's content but after an hour, his pride as a man could no longer endure such humiliation and so he started ravaging Hannah and even Jenny wasn't off the hook as he took her first anal that night. After that, the liveliness of the room lasted until midnight before it slowly died down and three sweating bodies could be found embracing while sleeping on the bed.