
Evolution: A Survivor's Story

After living alone for how many years after a tragic incident that killed everyone that you loved. What would you do if you found yourself back in the past where you could live again with your family and friends? Zach was one who had suffered in his entire life. A tragic upbringing that had forced his life into loneliness but miraculously found himself back in the past. It should have been a good opportunity to change the tragic story of his life and yet fate seems still against him as the world seems different from what he knew of. [Ding!!!] [Super Survival System has been integrated.] [Super Survival System Description: It is one among the countless systems in the cosmos. It was a system solely created to help/guide the host to survive no matter how dangerous the situation will become.] Under the danger of living in the new world, Zach found his key to survive and change the fate of his loved ones but is it really that simple? _______________________________________ Upload: Due to some reason, this novel will only update once a week.) _______________________________________ Disclaimer: [1] I don't own the cover. So, if you are the creator, let me know and I will delete and remove it immediately.

Alter_Fanfic · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 26 - Got Caught R 18

Still on the branches of the tree, Zach found that the water level had started to get lower. It was good news not just for him but for everyone but looking at the time, the sun was about to set soon, and their situation would only get worse when night came. 

Looking at the water level, Zach felt like it should be on the level of their roofs back to the base. He then just looked at his mother and his family before looking at Jenny and the rest. He was contemplating whether to swim back to the base and see the situation of the area. 

'No. I should not get away from them for the time being. I should wait until the water level gets much lower first.' Zach thought before summoning out some sealed canned goods and giving them to his family. He then also got some and threw them to Jenny and the others as they hadn't eaten anything until now.

"The water will probably get lower tonight! Until then, hold on and keep waiting!" Zach shouted to everyone before opening the canned goods with his bare hands and started eating what was inside. Truthfully speaking, their food intake was getting bigger and bigger the more they got stronger. It looked bad when you just looked at it, however, such a change also allowed them not to starve for so long which was pretty good at times like this. 

"Zach. Do you think everyone was alright?" Zoey suddenly asked while looking at Zach. She knew that not everyone was lucky enough to get a hold of something and was pushed by the water current and they have no idea where they are now. 

"Do not worry. The changes that happened to our bodies were not only for show. I'm sure everyone will pass this calamity safely." Zach replied with certainty. In fact, they could just swim given the increasing of their strength but it will only make them tired so they probably just allow themselves to get carried by the water current. 

"I just didn't expect that the water would rise this high. After this, I think the heat will probably become our big problem for the next weeks." Zach followed since even while they were in the water, he could still feel hot despite the sun being about to set down. 

Following that, Zach and everybody waited and waited for the right moment to move and that was when the time pointed at exactly 9 o'clock in the evening when the water was now only on the level of the shoulders of an average adult. It was still a surprise for them to see just how fast it got lower but they didn't dwell deeply about it since it was also for their own good. 

Under the order of Zach, everyone gathered together and they specially protected the kids and helped look after the two huskies seeing them on the inside together with the women as the men were surrounding them on the outside. With only three flashlights everyone didn't ask where they came from, they faced the water current as they headed back to the base.

Along the way, Zach and the others didn't face any dangerous situations and were only cautious of the water current as they were carried out for quite a distance, it took them almost two hours to finally reach the base as they would stop from time to time to take a rest. 

During that time, the water level became much lower than the time they started heading back as it was now only on the level of an average adult's waist. From the almost ninety people, only thirty-forty people have come back together with Zach while the rest were probably somewhere far from the base. 

Now that they had taken a look at the base, Zach and the others were quite surprised as the houses were still standing and didn't even budge which was to be expected since those logs were properly buried quite a depth onto the ground. There are, however, some who were not lucky to remain intact upon seeing cars and other things collide with them and destroy a part of them. 

Zach ordered everyone to check their own houses first and see if there was a problem with it before gathering everyone to the canteen as they waited for the water to really go down while at the same time assigning some people to keep using the flashlights outside so the people who might be coming back will know that they were there. 

Soon, midnight came and everyone started getting back to their houses after the water had gone much lower and was now leveled to their knees. During this time, there were other survivors who found themselves back and felt grateful to see that no one had gotten hurt. 

Cleaning and organizing the wet things they have inside like beds and sofas, they prioritize to clean and dry something higher than the water so they can rest for the night after a day of not having any sleep. However, some of them set aside the situation of their house first as they climb to the roof and immediately sleep. 

Meanwhile, Zach and his family prioritize the kids before Vanessa, Zoey, and Hannah finally have a place to stay and rest. Zach looked after them for a while before heading out to see if there was still something he had missed. 

Putting solar lamps in each house was the last thing Zach did before finally heading to Jenny's house and there he saw her still awake organizing the things she had inside like her clothes. 

Seeing her so focused on it that she even didn't notice his presence, Zach moved slowly before embracing her behind. He holds him tight before moving her to face him as they stare at each other's eyes. Not long after that, he didn't wait any longer and kissed her while holding her face. 

The two kissed for about three minutes before they stopped and just caressed each other without even saying anything. The two were still wet up until now and so Zach finally made a move and showed Jenny the secret that he was hiding all this time as he summoned out clothes out of nowhere. 

"Z-Zach.W-What? How?" Jenny's mind was in turmoil after witnessing such a thing as she thought it was some kind of magic. She then just looked at Zach with a bewildered expression on her face as she didn't know what was happening.

"This is my secret." Zach replied with a smile. After that, he then guided her to her table as he slowly told her some of his abilities. Looking at their relationship, Jenny was something that he already marked as his woman and so it was normal for her to know this so that the questions in her mind would also find peace. 

After some time, Jenny processed everything that she just heard and her expression was full of surprise and shock. It was only then did she understood everything after all her questions had finally found the answers that they were waiting for. 

"Z-Zach. That was amazing but just how many more supplies were still left in that what you call inventory?" Jenny said while looking at Zach as his ability really was really amazing. With that power, he could amass supplies all he wanted but thinking that he had been feeding quite a number of people, she thought that it must be nearing its limit now. 

"Enough for everyone to live for a long time." Zach replied with a smile since he hadn't told her yet about the unlimited duplication of the system. He then just looked at her clothes and he couldn't help but feel attracted seeing the outline of her body, especially to the mountains that she was hiding under them. 

Noticing Zach's gaze, Jenny couldn't help but blush before she retracted her gaze and there she saw his chiseled body which her one hand subconsciously touched them. She then just looked at Zach but before she could properly look at his eyes, her lips had already been blocked so she closed her eyes and reciprocated his advances. 

After three minutes, Zach could no longer hold himself back as he grabbed Jenny's shirt before tearing them off leaving her with nothing but her sexy black bra. He looked at them with great lust as it was his first time seeing such huge breasts even in his past life. He then just looked at Jenny first before seeing her taking them off by herself. 

Even though the place was dark, Zach could properly see her pinkish and erect nipples and he couldn't help but gulp hard. He slowly moved his hand and grabbed her breast tenderly before he started kneading them both to his heart's content. Following that, he then moved his face and then put one of them in his mouth. 

"aahh.." Jenny moaned softly as she looked at Zach playing with her breasts. Throughout her whole life, it was only now did she allowed someone to touch herself but she didn't seem to hate it and was more excited instead after feeling a pleasure that was completely foreign to her.

Three minutes, Zach stopped sucking her breast as he looked seriously at Jenny. The two stared at each other before they started taking all their clothes off leaving them both naked seeing Jenny lay down the table with her legs wide open while Zach faced her pussy which was dripping with her love juices. 

"Zach…this is so good…ahnng." Jenny could no longer stop her moans after Zach started eating her pussy. She could only grab the edge of the table before locking Zack's head with her hips as the pleasure kept on rising and it started making her lose her mind.

Meanwhile, Zach was so completely addicted to Jenny's love juices that he didn't stop for a second which resulted in her squirting making his face full of her love. He received them all and only after she calmed down did he get up and look at her gasping for air on the table.

Moving closer to her, Zach guided his cock towards her pussy entrance but he still didn't thrust it inside as he leaned closer to her first and gave her a kiss on the lips. He gave her a passionate one seeing that she started regaining her composure and that was when he stopped. 

"Jenny. I'll mark you as mine tonight." Zach said and without waiting for her reply, he thrust his cock slowly making Jenny freeze. He, however, didn't stop before finally feeling a thin wall blocking his way. He looked at her first and there he saw her nodding so he finally move and take her most precious treasure as a trace of blood came out of her pussy. 

Zach stopped not because he wanted Jenny to rest but because he was savoring the feeling of his cock being squeezed inside. He was familiar with such feelings since he have also taken Zoey and Hannah's virginity but somehow Jenny's vagina have its own difference and specialties. 

"Z-Zach. You can move now…J-Just be gentler." Jenny said and gave her permission. She looked scared after being penetrated for the first time as she could still feel the pain while feeling very full inside at the same time however, despite that, she felt an intense joy upon finally being together with Zach as she could feel her pussy craving for his hot, long, and hard cock. 

Hearing Jenny, Zach didn't waste any more time and started moving his hips slowly. Holding her waist with both hands, he also started moving her body to follow the movement of his hips. It was an otherworldly pleasure for him as he could feel his cock getting much bigger inside of her. 

Meanwhile, Jenny was already lost in pleasure as all she could do was let out moans while holding the edge of the table. The mixture of pain and pleasure was making her mind blank and it was making her body lose strength. 

"Jenny. I never thought you would be this good. Hggh..Haff." Zach grunted in pleasure as he was starting to move his thrust faster as he liked the sound of their flesh colliding and the pleasure of her wall tightening inside. 

As they were in their own worlds of pleasure, Zach and Jenny never would have thought that the door of the house to open, and then Anna could be found standing with her eyes full of surprise and embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I promise I wouldn't say anything." Anna immediately said before she closed the door and ran away. Truthfully speaking, she just wanted to see Jenny's situation but never in her wildest dreams did she witness something in the middle of the night. 

Meanwhile, Zach and Jenny were both dumbfounded by what just happened from which they could be found looking at the closed door before staring at each other and that was when Zach suddenly felt great pleasure from the sudden tightness of Jenny so he started thrusting his cock again as he could feel his semen started rising. 

"aahhh..Zach…aahh…aahh…aahh." Jenny, after being caught by Anna, was very embarrassed and nervous that her walls subconsciously tighten and after feeling Zach's cock started attacking her again, the pleasure suddenly reached its peak that she could not stop herself from moaning. 

"I-I'm cumming." After a minute of unstoppable thrusting, Zach hold Jenny's waist tight as he pushed his cock for the last time and then shot his load inside. It took ten whole seconds before he calmed down as he started loosening his embrace before he looked at Jenny who was looking at him with a weird expression on her face. 

"I-It's not my safe day today." Jenny nervously said as she looked at Zach. Though she also had climaxed and felt great pleasure for the first time in her whole life, her mind suddenly went clear upon feeling Zach's semen inside. 

Feeling the volume Zach had released inside, Jenny felt that there was a high possibility of her getting pregnant. She was not afraid of raising a child, she was more afraid that their child would be born in this period of time when they didn't know what danger would come. 

Meanwhile, Zach was also surprised upon realizing what he just thought that he really forgot to use a condom at a time like this but he just couldn't really blame himself as it was really just too good so he then just leaned forward to Jenny and gave her a kiss. 

"Don't worry. I'll take full responsibility." Zach said before helping her to get up and before Jenny could say anything, he started fucking her again as he thought that now that he already did it, he might as well enjoy it to his heart's content. With that, the house was completely full of sounds and only stopped after two hours which finally made the surroundings quiet.