

Emphasizes mainly on the horrible acts of humans.

Kelvin_Chris · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

chapter 1

I stood inside a three storey building observing the activities going on,the sun set to rise while the hustle and bustle of everyone continued, street hawkers running after moving vehicles,bus conductors making a hell of noise under the cover of announcing thier direction.

And then a Mercedes Benz swerved into the streets speeding as if in a Chase,and I knew who it was,I knew he who was sitted in the car,The wicked chief!

Everyone hated him because of what he has done, because of how he lived a careless life,I heard how wicked he has been, how stingy and greedy he was.

That his wealth was a stinking one , which a decent person won't envy, how blood thirsty he got to acquire riches,how he oppressed the poor ones with his riches.