

Cha Joon, a twenty-five-year-old college drop spends his life playing a mobile game called Mystical creature master, where he hunts virtual mystical creatures by going to the mapped location on his phone. on one of his hunts, he meets a real mystical creature "Fenrir" and gets killed, but when he opened his eyes he found himself in a world of sword and magic. what unexpected and extraordinary journey awaits Cha Joon in this new world.

SAMJOE · Fantasy
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98 Chs



As the post-celebration of the prince's naming persisted within the grand halls of the imperial palace, a scene unfolded outside its monumental gates. Assembled was a segment of the imperial army, specifically the Silver Dragon Knight squad. Comprising of five hundred knights, each meticulously chosen by the emperor himself, the squad boasted a spectrum of prowess ranging from a fourth-class Grandmaster as the least powerful, to an eighth-class Grandmaster as the most formidable. The knights stood in disciplined formation outside the palace gate, organized into five distinct lines, with each group encompassing a hundred knights.


A loud creaking sound of metal filled the air as the palace gates opens, revealing Emperor Maximus. He walks out with the air of a conqueror exuding from his body. With each stride he took, the surrounding air became heavy, affected by his Aura. Causing the knights guarding the palace gates, to fall to their knees gasping for air. But the silver dragon knights could endure, as they were used to the Emperor's Aura pressure.


As the emperor halts before the formation of the silver dragon knight squad, a synchronized thud resonates through the air as all the knights stamp their right feet in unison.



This action caused the ground to quiver. Then they unsheathed their swords and elevated them skyward. As their blades ascended, the sword's edges reflected the silvery light coming from the moon and a glint of purple light.


Then, Sir Kane, Vice-Captain of the imperial knights and leader of the silver Dragon knight squad, walks forward before stabbing his sword on the ground and falling on one knee. And in perfect unison, the rest of the squad followed suit. As well as Sir Izaak and Lord Chamberlain, who stand behind the emperor.



"Hail the radiant sun! Emperor of the Mighty Giggadon Empire and Conqueror of the Northern Realms! We, your valiant Knights, humbly pledge our unyielding loyalty and devote our lives to serve your majestic reign. With unshakeable resolve, we shall forge a world where all shall bow before your boundless power and wisdom, forever basking in the brilliance of your light."

All the knights declared with unwavering determination in their eyes, as they rose to their feet, and sheath their swords.



Following their proclamation, Emperor Maximus gazed beyond the knights, his expression cold and unyielding. His gaze extended into the distance, where he observed the fading of the purple light.

"The energy is fading..."

Emperor Maximus said in his mind as he gathered his Aura, enshrouding his entire body, launching into the air with astounding velocity toward the vanishing purple energy, with a sense of urgency.




A collective shock swept across the expressions of all the knights at the sudden and unexpected actions of the emperor.

"What are you waiting for?! With his majesty!"

Chamberlain Eadulf commanded, swiftly restoring order among the ranks.





The air crackled in pressure as Emperor Maximus flew through it at a speed of 300 mph, heading toward the location of the purple energy.

"I can't let this opportunity slip through my grasp...!!?"

Emperor Maximus thought in his mind, before detecting a mana frequency that abruptly materialized near the vicinity of the fading purple energy. Drawing from his experience in confrontations with Mages, he could discern what spell was being cast.

"…Teleportation. Even that 'old man' got attracted by the power of the purple energy… But if he tries to compete with me for what's rightfully mine. I don't mind appointing a new tower master!"

Emperor Maximus uttered with a menacing expression, channeling more Aura to propel his velocity, nearing the speed of sound. And, in under a minute, he arrived above the Silverwood Manor simultaneously with Tower Master Zurrick.





*ZZZRRRRP*(Teleportation sound)


After Emperor Maximus arrives, he sees that the purple energy has completely disappeared, but due to his unique ability, he can sense a faint vestige of the energy lingering within the Manor.

"Ho-hoho… is Your Majesty also here to star gaze like this Oldman?"

Tower Master Zurrick asked, Emperor Maximus in a jesting tone, his hand gently stroking his beard as he spotted the emperor's presence.


But Emperor Maximus remained silent, ignoring Master Zurrick's words.

"This power tempted even the emperor… It seems getting this purple energy would be difficult. Ho-hoho."

Tower Master Zurrick said in his mind, with a sinister smirk.




A gust of wind swept by as Lord Chamberlain arrived. Flying above the Silverwood Manor. After he got there, his attention was drawn to Tower Master Zurrick, who floated at a noticeable distance from the emperor. And immediately, his expression shifted to a state of caution.

"Tower master Zurrick… the empire's strongest and only 9th mana circle wizard. It is said that once a wizard forms a 9th mana circle around his heart, he can live for up to two hundred years, and when he forms the 10th circle, he is rejuvenated, regaining his youthful appearance until he dies. But those are just rumors since no one other than Master Zurrick has reached the 9th circle... Though he might seem like a weak old man, He is the only one in the Empire that can give His Majesty some trouble in a fight."

Chamberlain Eadulf thought in his mind as he stared at Tower Master Zurrick.

[Your Majesty, the silver dragon knights have arrived and surrounded the Manor. We Await your command.]

Sir. Izaak re-laid telepathically to the emperor through the mana sound transmission technique. [Mana sound transmission technique: A technique acquired after becoming a 6th class Grandmaster. Which gives the user the ability to send messages through mana-infused sound vibrations. Without the aid of 'COMM-SCROLL'.]

[Make sure, nothing goes in or out.]

Emperor Maximus said in a commanding tone.

[Yes, you Majesty.]

Sir Izaak replied in a respectful tone, after receiving Emperor Maximus's command.


Suddenly Tower Master Zurrick exclaimed with a shocked and devastated expression after he sensed the presence of the unknown purple energy vanish.


In response to Master Zurrick's outburst, Emperor Maximus and Chamberlain Eadulf swiftly shifted their attention towards him, their gazes locking onto his expression.

"For this old man to have this expression… Don't tell me something happened!?"

Emperor Maximus pondered inwardly, his focus narrowing as he stared at the manor, attempting to sense the purple energy through his unique ability.

"It's gone… I can't sense the purple energy anymore, is that his doing?!!"

Emperor Maximus thought in his mind, with an angry expression after not being able to sense the purple energy, but instead, he sensed an unknown figure standing where the purple energy was. He raised a hand into the air, his fingers mimicking a blade.

"?!... your majesty, I can still sense a mana signature coming from the badge of a knight from within the Manor."

Chamberlain Eadulf said, trying to stop the emperor from doing what he was about to do.



Hearing Chamberlain Eadulf's words, Emperor Maximus paused for a second before swiping his hand diagonally through the air in a quick motion.



Without any physical contact with the Manor, an invincible force caused by his action hurtled towards the manor, striking it with an impact that decimated the entire manor, causing a massive cloud of dust.





A powerful gust of wind blew by, clearing the dust clouds and revealing what remained of the Manor.


Emperor Maximus, Chamberlin Eadulf, and Master Zurrick all had shocked expressions as they saw the entire Manor's entrance Hall remained intact, and within it stood a Hooded figure.

"Hee-Hee, it seems you are more eager than I am to start this fight. Isn't that, right? The three strongest men in the Giggadon Empire!"

Helena, who had changed into an adult form and concealed her appearance beneath a hood, said in an excited tone.

"What is his identity? To face two Aura masters and a 9th circle wizard, without any fear. He must either possess a formidable power bolstering his courage or his just a suicidal fool."

Chamberlain Eadulf said in his mind after hearing the hooded figure's words.

"7th Circle Magic-Aetherlock Enshroudment."

Master Zurrick declared, his hands raised high, a magic circle forming above them. casting a magic spell that creates a translucent dome that gracefully envelops the entire Manor Estate.

"I don't know or care who you are or what strength you possess, but I can assure you that, you have no chance of escaping. Now, where are you hiding it?"

Master Zurrick's voice held unwavering determination as he locked his gaze onto the hooded figure, simultaneously emanating an intense aura of mana pressure directed toward them.


"Hmm… so this is what a mana pressure from a 9th circle wizard feels like… It's passable, I guess."

Helena said in a disappointed tone after feeling Master Zurrick's mana pressure.


Chamberlin Eadulf and Master Zurrick exclaimed with shocked tones and expressions after hearing the hooded figure's words.

"Allow me to show you what real intimidation feels like!"

Helena's words were followed by the release of a powerful force of Qi, which pressed down everything within a three-kilometer radius. Emperor Maximus, Lord Chamberlain, and Master Zurrick were also forcibly driven to the ground.





"Keuk! … What the hell is this pressure?"

Chamberlain Eadulf said in his mind as he felt the overwhelming pressure holding him down to the ground.

"HA-hahaha… interesting…interesting. Did you think you can keep me down with just this amount of power!"

Emperor Maximus said in an excited tone as he released his Aura, and enveloped his entire body with it, resisting the pressure. Allowing him to get back on his feet.


"Oho… you are a lot stronger than I thought. Even my clone was easily overpowered."

Tower Master Zurrick said as he appeared out of thin air, unaffected by the cohesion. Encased within a magical barrier he created. Then his clone dissipated.


"Heh, I thought that amount of universal Qi could overpower them easily, but it seems I have underestimated their strength."

Helena said in her mind, with an excited grin forming on her face.


Helena noticed a sudden fast movement, tracking it with her eyes, and sees Chamberlain Eadulf circle behind her. His hand, on the hilt of his sword ready to attack.



"Aura Skill-Luminous sword technique- first slash- Thunderstrike Slash."

Chamberlain Eadulf declared, his voice resonating with resolve, as he channeled his Aura into his sword, igniting the air surrounding the blade with crackling energy. He surged forward with remarkable velocity, his form blurring into a streak of motion. Drawing near, he executed a swift barrage of slashes that left lightning-like trails in their wake. Each swing stirred a swirling storm of dust, wreaking havoc upon the remaining fragments of the Manor.






"Whew…Did that get him?"

Chamberlain Eadulf thought as he halted his attacks, waiting for the dust to clear, to see if his attacks took down the hooded figure.


Suddenly, a swift blur surged forth from the dissipating dust cloud. Hurtling toward Chamberlain Eadulf with lightning-like speed.


Taken aback by the sudden movement, Chamberlain Eadulf quickly raised his sword and counterattacked, launching a strike at the approaching enemy.

"Aura Skill-Luminous sword technique- second slash- Thunder Thrust!"

Chamberlain Eadulf proclaimed, his Aura transforming into electricity as he directed it into a thrusting motion toward his target. The attack surged forward with tremendous speed and force, generating a lightning bolt that obliterated everything in its path.





"Huff… that should slow him down."

Chamberlain Eadulf said, showing signs of exhaustion.


"That was a fast attack but, it's not fast enough. 'GUT PUNCH.'"

Helena said as she appeared in front of Chamberlain Eadulf in an instant, and with a swift motion, she delivered a powerful blow to his gut.




Chamberlain Eadulf grunts in pain, as he is sent flying into the Manor's compound and crashes into the dome. Then he falls to the ground motionless.



"Now… who's next?!"

Helena's words were accompanied by a shift of her gaze, directed toward Emperor Maximus and Master Zurrick


But they both remained silent, their expressions carrying an air of unconcern.

"Don't…Don't dare turn away from me. Cough!... I am just getting warmed up."

Chamberlain Eadulf said as he got back on his feet while coughing blood.


Hearing Chamberlain Eadulf's words, Helena turned her gaze back to him. A devious grin spread across her face.

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