
Evil Reigns in Dark Age Paradise

Copsy_Neutral · Games
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Summer begins!

"Hey Alex, what's your plan for the summer vacation?" Luke asked, as they strolled down the road together.

"To be honest, Luke, I'm mostly focused on my career," Alex replied, his thoughts clearly elsewhere. "With graduation looming next year, I'm trying to figure out my next steps. And, to be frank, this summer is going to be our last chance to spend time together before we go our separate ways."

"Man, you're always so serious," Luke exclaimed, his anger boiling over. "Why can't you just relax and have fun like everyone else? And what's with that 'our last holidays together' thing? Are you trying to say you don't like hanging out with me anymore?"

"Whoa there, Luke, I was just messing with you," Alex chuckled, offering a conciliatory smile. "You know me, I'm always up for a good joke. I never expected you to take it seriously."

"Yeah, I should have known better," Luke grumbled, the tension in his voice dissipating. "I've known you since we were in first grade, after all."

Luke had known Alex since childhood, and he was well aware of his introverted personality. Despite attending university together, Alex hardly interacted with anyone except for Luke. But it wasn't always this way. Something changed when Alex turned ten and his parents passed away in a devastating car crash. Alex withdrew from the world, and Luke, as his closest friend, became his only source of support.

"Okay, enough with the chit-chat," Luke said eagerly, his eyes locked onto Alex's face. "What do you think of that link I sent you last night? I'm dying to know your thoughts!"

"Link? Oh, you mean that video link," Alex said, his tone suddenly shifting to confusion. "My internet was slow, so I only caught a glimpse of the thumbnail. What was the name of that game again?"

"Uh-uh, I'm not falling for that again," Luke retorted, a hint of suspicion creeping into his voice.

"I'm serious, Luke. I really don't remember the name of that game," Alex insisted, his eyes pleading for his friend to believe him.

"Come on, man!" Luke exploded, disbelief etched on his face. "You're telling me you don't know about the most famous multiplayer game in history? How can you not know about it? With social media and the internet, information is right at your fingertips. And even if you don't spend much time online, don't you remember discussing this game with me last year when it launched? We're talking about DARK AGE PARADISE here!" Luke took a deep breath, letting out a long sigh after his mini-lecture.

"Ah, yes, DARK AGE PARADISE," Alex exclaimed, snapping his fingers as the memory came back to him. "Now that you mention it, I do recall some of the kids in the back of our class talking about this game. But to be honest, I didn't pay much attention to them."

"Backbenchers?" Luke scoffed, shaking his head. "You live in such a small world, not paying attention to the things going on around you. I'll have you know that even our university's top student, and let's not forget our senior headmaster, play this game. And it's not just them, I've heard that government officials from multiple countries have invested both money and manpower into it. Within just one year, this game has gone from a simple pastime for teenagers to a political battlefield for nations."

DARK AGE PARADISE, a MMORPG that immerses players in a world of mecha and magic beyond their wildest dreams. With over 500 million registered players, this game continues to captivate and expand its player base. As players delve deeper into the vastness of the game, they encounter the crowning jewel of DARK AGE PARADISE - its NPCs. So advanced in their intelligence, it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish between a human player and an NPC. The only distinguishing factor is the limited respawn ability of human players, restricted only to beginners. But even that becomes a distant memory as players progress and face off against the unbeatable intelligence of advanced NPCs. This game is the epitome of a fantasy lover's paradise and a true testament to the power of virtual reality.

"Chessboard of the human politics," Alex muttered, rolling his eyes as he came to a halt in front of his house. "Interesting title, but does it really capture my attention?" He let out a nonchalant shrug, his tone conveying a clear disinterest. "You know me, Luke. I prefer to keep to myself, steer clear of socializing with others."

"I think it's time for us to go our separate ways," Luke sighed, desperation creeping into his voice. "With your seclusion in your room all day, I don't know when we'll see each other again. But please, just give this game a chance. You could earn money and I'm already a member of an advanced guild with some authority. We could rule the game together." He implored, trying to convince Alex to join him.


"Can't you at least watch some videos about the game?" Luke pleaded, sadness now palpable in his eyes. "It's just a small request, but it means so much to me. I want to have this game as our last memory of friendship. I know that we'll lose touch after graduation." He finished, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot," Alex sighed, reluctantly agreeing to watch the video at Luke's request.

"That's the spirit! I'm sure after watching just one video, you'll be hooked," Luke exclaimed with a wide, confident grin, his eyes shining with excitement.

"What was the name of that game again?" Alex asked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"Dude, come on," Luke replied. "If you think I'm going to convince you to play, you've got another thing coming. I'll see you next time, maybe in a virtual reality." With a shake of his head, Luke turned on his heel and strode away, heading towards his own home that lay a little distance from Alex's.

With a faraway gaze, Alex watched Luke disappear into the distance before he turned towards his own home. He pulled out a jingling keychain from his pocket and carefully selected one of the five keys. The lock clicked open with a satisfying turn of the key, and he stepped inside, quickly securing the door behind him.

As Alex stepped into the dimly lit foyer, a smirk played at his lips. "Dark Age Paradise...what a joke," he muttered, the sound of his husky laughter bouncing off the walls. He relished the quiet stillness of the house, as though it were a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world. Alex approached the door and locked it securely behind him, sinking into the comfortable solitude of his own private world.

With a determined step, Alex trudged up the staircase, the creaking of each step announcing his presence. Reaching the top of the landing, he pulled out his jingling keychain and inserted the key into the lock of the second room. The sound of the metal turning echoed through the silent house as he pushed open the door and stepped inside. The room was bigger than the ones downstairs, unencumbered by a kitchen, and it held an air of mystery, as if it were Alex's private sanctuary. With a shrug of his shoulders, he closed the door behind him, sealing himself inside his personal haven.

As Alex entered the room, he was struck by the stark contrast to the rest of the house. Instead of the mess and disarray, his room was a haven of order and modernity. Books lined the walls, filling shelves with an array of different genres. A high-tech computer setup sat in one corner, gleaming in the bright light.

But the centerpiece of the room was the virtual reality capsule, a brand new piece of technology that seemed untouched. If Luke were here, his jaw would have dropped in shock. The room was immaculate, everything in its place, and the LED lights only added to the brightness of the space.

As Alex settled into his chair, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He couldn't help but chuckle, "Dark Age Paradise...heh." The sound echoed through the quiet room, bouncing off the walls and books.

"Welcome to Dark Age Paradise. Your journey begins now."

With a sly grin, Alex settled into the VR capsule and fastened the nerve helmet. The hum of the computer and the sudden change in surroundings transported him to a different world. The smell of musty books and his messy house faded, replaced by the sterile scent of the virtual reality.

As the VR capsule came to life, Alex's pulse quickened. A smooth, female voice filled the capsule, welcoming him to Dark Age Paradise. His fingers twitched with excitement as he fully immersed himself in the game.

The journey has finally begun.