
Chapter 2

____________in heaven _____________

(Key words:- hk = heaven king, e=everyone, Oliver =o, chief =c)

.....a meeting is going on in heaven.....

Hk : everyone it's not good, attacks are having on earth everyday by the demons. It is being impossible to control. We need to do something asap.

E: yes lord you are right....

C: your majesty even our agents have failed to stop it, day by day all the humans are walking on the path of evil and one day will come that there will be no goodness left on the earth

E : *making a chaos * no this cant happen no!!

Hk : stop everyone! Stop!! We still have one hope left with us...

E : who your majesty, who???

Hk :oliver.....

E : what!!! The greatest warrior and heir of our kingdom !!Prince Oliver!!

C: but your majesty he is your son..... and we can't make him die or in trouble

Hk : he is my son the greatest warrior!! I have believe in him he will not come in trouble

C : OK, your majesty!!

Hk: bring him to the game zone for a trial to show that he is worthy enough to go!!!!

C: yes your highness!!

______In the game zone _______

E : Prince Oliver!!! Prince Oliver!!!!

O: (smiles)

C : let it begin

Hk : show them how capable you are son

O : in the name of the lord change **!!

Oliver is changed, he looks like a real God he has white hair with a crown 👑 made of crystal fitted on it and blue and white like crystal clear eyes and a mole near his left eye

And it wearing a suit with high neck and it with mixed with blue in color which has small   rectangle of black in the middle in a row and of same size and has a white mixed with golden, earing on his left ear.....

O : hey lord, God and goddess please give me the heaven sword the cut these evil into pieces.......

The is a thunder bolt in the sky and a ⚡ thunder splashes on Oliver!!!!!!!

And when the light dims.... Oliver comes out with holding a beautiful silver sword, which has a heaven sign exactly above the holding place...

And in a second there are many monster like creatures running towards Oliver.... And then... *slash*crack*splash *slash*slash everything is finished no one is left on the gaming zone except Oliver and his sword filled with black blood dropping *tip*tip*tip*tip

E = Yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ! Lord Oliver!!! Lord Oliver!!!!! Long live lord Oliver!!!!! Long live lord Oliver!!!!

   O=  Father done!! Anything else???!!!

Father turning his head left to right.....    

E = yaaaaa!!!!! Prince Oliver is so strong and handsome

Hk = now I announce that Oliver will go to the earth as our special agent!! But we will have to change his appearance....

E = yaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

_____________in hell ______________

Dk : chief, gather everyone in the game zone. We will see the charms of evil Christina!!!

DC : yes my lord

____________in game zone___________

Dk : let the show begin Christina change!!!

C : demon give me the power!!!!


*Splash *thunder *thunder

She is no more that Christina, she changed, her eyes are like a cat '' golden'' and a small black dot in the middle, her hair is brown and blonde which is flying because of the wind she has two hair clip which is black and has red cloth at some places of it to make a demon sign... She is wearing a red top and a beautiful red colour skirt plated with golden strip at the top and is like a short skirt from front but long from behind and the back portion is flying because of the wind .... And demon shoes which are black and red which has small silver wings on it and has socks till the thigh with a black strip on the end... And has black, big and devil like wings on her back.....

There are yellow and golden flames coming to her as a light..... And it's going to sneer through her..... But she dodges it....

There are beetle like creatures but are very big ..... And are coming towards her very fast...

C :  Demons, give me the demon sword..... Crack crack crack her hand has a powerful silver plated with gold a beautiful sword which has a demon sign above the holding part...


  C: yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! *cut*cut*

 C :you are fast but i am super fast!!!!!   

  C = Yaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Done

Dk : not yet finished

C = oh!!! Demon Fire arrows!!!! Oh no they are hurting.....

*splash she cuts the human monster into two parts by her demon sword

C = finished!!! *cold voice * long live demon king!!!!

Dk = I am so happy from your performance Christina


C = yes!!! My creator

Hk = now I announce that she 'Christina ' is going to the earth as a spy of the demons

E = long live demon king, long live demon king, long live demon king, long live demon Christina

Hk = but before going i will have to change her appearance..... So that no one can recognize her!!!!