
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

What's that?

"Come on, Alex," I muttered, trying to raise my spirits. "You can't fuck up now."

My voice shook as I released a cry filled with anger, fear, and pain. The darkness surrounding me felt like it was tightening, and I understood that I needed to figure out how to survive in this dangerous place, even with a leg that was broken.

With sheer determination, I forced myself to sit up, gritting my teeth against the pain. "I can't stay here. I need to find a way out."

A virtual screen appeared out of nowhere, offering a glimmer of hope in the dark labyrinth.

**Quest:- Escape from the Destruction** Completed

**Reward:- 100 Exp** Delivered

When my eyes fell upon my reward, an idea struck me as I desperately called upon the system, "Open the Ancient Store!" My voice, despite the pain, held a sense of urgency.

The screen responded with a flash, revealing a variety of healing potions, each with their respective grades.

**Uncommon Grade Healing Potion** 1000 Exp points

**Uncommon Grade Body Recovery potion** 1400 Exp points

**Common Grade Skill Boast potion** 150 Exp points

**Common Grade Healing Potion** 100 Exp points

My eyes scanned the options, landing on a common grade healing potion, priced at 100 Exp points. I had the required points, and it seemed like a reasonable choice.

But just as my hand reached out to select it, the system interjected with a cold, calculated tone, "Hold on, Host. The common-grade healing potion will only stop your pain temporarily. I suggest considering the rare-grade healing potion for a complete recovery."

My frustration flared, and I snapped, "Rare grade? How much does that cost?"

The system's response sent a shock through me, and my soul nearly departed my body. "The rare-grade healing potion is priced at 6,000 Exp points."

My voice trembled with disbelief and frustration as I engaged in an angry conversation with the system. "6,000 Exp points? Are you out of your virtual mind? I don't have that kind of Exp, and you're asking me to spend it all on a single potion?"

The system remained relentless, its tone unchanging. "Host, the rare-grade healing potion is your best chance at a full recovery. It's a costly but necessary investment in your well-being."

My emotions roiled, caught between the necessity of a full recovery and the staggering cost.

The pain in my broken leg served as a constant reminder of my difficult situation.

Reluctantly, I heeded the system's advice.

With a deep breath, I decided not to purchase the common-grade healing potion and instead accepted the system's recommendation, understanding that the rare-grade healing potion was my best hope for a full recovery.

Then, I tried to make sense of my surroundings. The dimly lit chamber, once my sole focus, began to reveal more of its details.

"Where the hell am I?" (Alex)

The realization struck me like a revelation; I was not in another part of the labyrinth but in what appeared to be a vast underground cave.

The rough, uneven walls, adorned with clusters of glistening minerals, extended high above me.

Pointy rocks hung like very old hanging lights, and the sounds of water drops echoed through the big cave.

This place was very different from the confusing paths of the maze, a world hidden under the ground.

As I glanced around the cave, my gaze fell upon a rough, wooden stick protruding from a crevice on the rocky floor.

With a painful effort, I reached out and grabbed it, gritting my teeth against the pain in my broken leg.

With the sturdy stick in hand, I slowly pulled myself up, using it as a makeshift staff.

Every movement was painful, and I felt like an old man with each careful step. But the determination to explore this new world urged me on.

With each painful step using the wooden stick as a support, I followed the direction of the echoing water sounds.

It was a suffering journey, a gruelling kilometre that seemed to stretch on forever. My determination fueled my slow progress.

Finally, I reached the source of the sound and stopped in my tracks, stunned.

Before me lay a breathtaking sight: a massive waterfall, unlike anything I had ever seen in the world I came from.

The water tumbled down from immense heights, producing a roar that was both like thunder and captivating.

"My fuck! What's that? " (Alex)

However, what truly sent shockwaves through me was not just the waterfall itself. Alongside this natural wonder, a small village stretched out at its base.

The village was a stark contrast to the labyrinth and the cave.

It bustled with activity, and its architecture looked primitive yet intriguing.

A hundred small creatures, resembling goblins, stood guard around the entrance to a massive stone door.

Their presence was no less astonishing than the waterfall itself. The door had to be the entrance to something significant, something that held answers to my predicament.

I muttered to myself, caught between awe and trepidation, "What is this place? Who are these creatures?"

My emotions swirled, and I couldn't help but engage in a conversation with myself. "This world is full of surprises. But those creatures... they can't be goblins, right? They seem organized, guarding that door with purpose."

As I pondered the situation, my aching leg reminded me of my vulnerability.

But curiosity, and perhaps a touch of recklessness, drove me forward.

I had to know more. I couldn't just turn and walk away, not after all I'd been through.

So, I steeled myself, leaning on my makeshift crutch, and inched closer, ready to face the goblins guarding the enigmatic entrance.

My heart pounded, and many questions filled my mind as I neared the village and the entrance, about to uncover more mysteries in this complex world.

Standing at the edge of discovery, I prepared to take the next step into the unknown.

The world seemed ready to share its secrets, but danger lurked, and I wasn't sure if these creatures would welcome a stranger or see me as a threat.



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