
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Wait, you call that destructive! Are you seriously out of your mind?

Intrigued by the cryptic message from the Versatile System, I couldn't resist the temptation to uncover this potentially game-changing spell.

I quickly responded to the system's enigmatic statement.

**Alex:** "Show me the spell. I want to see it."

In response, the System revealed the mysterious spell on the virtual screen.

It was a command spell with an ordinary name and it had a common rank. The cost of this spell was surprisingly affordable, priced at 1000 Exp points.

**Versatile System:** "Here is the spell I mentioned, Host. The 'Appraisal Spell.' While it may be of common rank and not immediately destructive, it offers the unique ability to appraise objects, creatures, and even hidden information. Its long-term benefits can be invaluable for strategic battles."

"Wait, you call that destructive! Are you seriously out of your mind? " (Alex)

Fascinated by the 'Appraisal Spell' and its potential, I sought further clarification from the Versatile System.

**Alex:** "Anyway, tell me, How can this 'Appraisal Spell' benefit me in the long-term and strategic battles?"

The system's response was concise, providing me with three compelling examples:

**Versatile System:** "Certainly, Host. The 'Appraisal Spell' can prove invaluable in the following ways:

1. **Tactical Insights:** During battles, you can use the spell to appraise your opponents, gaining knowledge of their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. This information can help you formulate effective strategies and exploit vulnerabilities.

"Common. " (Alex)

2. **Item Evaluation:** The spell allows you to assess the value and properties of items you come across, whether they are weapons, artifacts, or consumables. This knowledge can guide you in making the best use of resources and enhancing your equipment.

"Expected! " (Alex)

3. **Hidden Knowledge:** In the Demon world, there may be concealed clues, secrets, or hidden pathways. The 'Appraisal Spell' can help reveal these hidden elements, providing you with an advantage in uncovering mysteries and accessing hidden treasures."

"Good! " (Alex)

The system explained that the spell could be used in many ways and could help in battles and exploration.

It was clear that this easy spell could find hidden information, making it a useful tool for me.

I contemplated the spell's description and the potential applications of an appraisal skill.

The cost was within my reach, and the promise of long-term benefits was alluring.

My curiosity and determination to acquire a powerful ability swung me.

**Alex:** "I'll take it. Purchase the 'Appraisal Spell.'"

**System:** "Purchase Successful, The spell has been added to the status window. "

The system promptly responded, confirming the successful purchase. I watched as the spell became a part of my character's status screen.

Now that I had the 'Appraisal Spell,' I felt a new sense of purpose and curiosity. This seemingly simple ability had the power to uncover hidden knowledge and give me advantages.

As I thought about the possibilities, I wondered what secrets and opportunities the Versatile System had for me and how the 'Appraisal Spell' would shape my journey in the demon realm.

While thinking about the newly acquired 'Appraisal Spell' and its uses, I noticed the middle-aged goblin who had been quietly watching everything.

He had seen the old book disappear and my leg getting better with magic.

The goblin's eyes got big maybe due to seeing unbelievable things occurring in front of him.

His wrinkled face showed surprise and interest.

With a curious look, the goblin watched as I used the special healing potion to fix my leg. The relief on my face matched his.

Curious about the goblin's strong interest, I decided it was best to keep what happened a secret.

"System! Activate the "Mind control" spell. " (Alex)

I have an influential skill: the 'Mind Control' skill. With a serious look and a small wave of my hand, I used the skill on the goblin.

**Alex:** "You will forget everything you saw here in the past few minutes. These events will be erased from your memory."

As I spoke, a faint, glowing light surrounded me and covered the goblin. His eyes went dull, and his face changed from amazement to blank.

It was like the memories of the old book, the healing potion, and my interaction with the Versatile System were erased from his mind.

Once I was sure the goblin's memory had changed, I turned off the 'Mind Control' skill. He blinked, and his gaze went back to normal.

The goblin stayed nearby, but it seemed like he had forgotten what just happened. I stopped thinking about him and went back to the virtual store.

Now, I was focused on getting a new skill that could help me during my journey in the demon realm.

**Alex:** "System, search for compass-related skills within my budget."

The Versatile System swiftly responded to my request, and three compass-related skills appeared before me, each with its rank and corresponding Exp point cost.

**Versatile System:** "Here are three compass-related skills, Host:

1. **Pathfinder's Guidance (Rank: Common)** - Exp Points: 110

2. **True North Sense (Rank: Common)** - Exp Points: 100

3. **Cartographer's Insight (Rank: Common)** - Exp Points: 90"

With the list of compass-related skills displayed before me, I considered my options.

These skills could potentially be vital for navigation and exploration within the demon realm. After a brief moment of thinking, I made my choice.

**Alex:** "System, choose any 1 of them for me.'"

The Versatile System promptly responded to my request, and the 'True North Sense' skill was added to my character's repertoire.

**System:** "Skill selection complete. 'True North Sense' added to your abilities."

Curious about the system's choice, I couldn't help but ask:

**Alex:** "System, why did you select the 'True North Sense skill instead of the first or third skill? Is there a specific reason?"

The system's response was as mysterious as ever, leaving me with more questions than answers:

**Versatile System:** "Host, there are secrets hidden within the choices I make. Sometimes, the path less travelled holds unexpected rewards. Trust that the 'True North Sense' will guide you in ways you may not yet comprehend."

With this mysterious message, the system made me think about what might happen because of my choice and what could come as a result.

What would happen on this surprising path, and how would the 'True North Sense' affect my journey through the demon realm?


Hope you liked the chapters.

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2 more chapters to go for (R-18) chapter so, be ready and add this book to your library. See you next time.

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