
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Wait, what?

As the goblin villagers crowded together in whispered discussions, I found myself lost in thought, contemplating the fate of this goblin village.

The weight of the decision hung heavily in the air, and I wondered if they would accept my offer to break the curse and lead them into a brighter future.

Suddenly, a virtual screen materialized before me, its translucent glow casting an eerie light in the cavern. My attention was immediately drawn to the message that appeared on the screen: "You have gained 2 Exp."

Surprised by this unexpected message, I furrowed my brow and instinctively asked the Versatile System, "What did I get Exp for?"

The virtual screen responded with a text message: "Host, the Exp is given to you for killing Grizzlethorn."

A rush of conflicting emotions washed over me. Grizzlethorn, the goblin chieftain who had staged the dark rituals and manipulated his own people, was now gone.

His reign of manipulation had come to an end, but it had been a necessary act for my purpose.

As I pondered the implications of Grizzlethorn's demise, The middle-aged goblin approached me with a worried expression on his face. His presence broke my daze, and I turned to face him, curious about what he had to say.

"Sorry, master," he began, "but we can't reproduce a thousand children."

'Wait, what? ' (Alex)

I was taken aback by his statement. In my previous world, I had learned that goblins were known for their remarkable reproductive abilities. The sheer impossibility of this situation left me in a state of shock.

The dream of commanding an army of goblins shattered into pieces.

I couldn't help but inquire further, my voice filled with disbelief. "Why not? I thought goblins were masters of reproduction."

The middle-aged goblin lowered his head slightly, his tone apologetic as he responded, "Master, we don't have enough youth in our village to reproduce a thousand children. Our numbers are not as plentiful as they once were."

My surprise deepened as I absorbed this revelation. It was a stark reminder of the grim situation the goblin village faced. "How many children can you all reproduce then?" I asked, curious to know the extent of their capabilities.

The goblin met my gaze, his eyes reflecting the challenges they were up against. "We can reproduce around 500 children, Master. It's the best we can do given our current circumstances."

Accepting the goblin's explanation, I nodded and assured him, "That's okay. We'll work with what we have. Now, take me to the place where Chief Grizzlethorn found the tomb."

The middle-aged goblin's eyes brightened with a renewed sense of purpose, and he eagerly replied, "Yes, Master. Follow me."

We walked through the dark cave, going deeper into the goblin village chief's underground residence. The cave walls were bumpy and sharp, and strange moss that glowed in the dark gave everything an otherworldly light.

As we walked, the middle-aged goblin began to explain, "It was a secret chamber deep within this cave where Grizzlethorn discovered the tomb. He believed it held the key to his power and the village's prosperity."

The cave's atmosphere grew increasingly foreboding, and the air was thick with ancient secrets. I couldn't help but ask, "Do you know what kind of tomb this is? What was Grizzlethorn searching for?"

The goblin hesitated, clearly uneasy, before responding, "I've heard rumours, Master, that the tomb may hold a powerful artifact or ancient knowledge that Grizzlethorn wanted to harness for his own gain. But none of us dared to enter that chamber."

We finally arrived at a hidden entrance in the cave's wall. The goblin activated a hidden mechanism, and a massive stone door slowly creaked open, revealing a pitch-black chamber beyond.

I turned to the goblin, our eyes meeting in the dim light. "Lead the way," I instructed, and he entered the chamber, holding a torch to dispel the darkness.

Together, we entered the mysterious tomb, its walls decorated with old writings and carvings. The air felt heavy with the stories of the past, and we were eager to see what we might discover.

The goblin, always careful, led the way, and I walked close behind. The walls had pictures and symbols, each telling a story from a long time ago, but their meanings were still a mystery.

As we moved forward, the room got bigger, revealing a large underground space full of old things from a long time ago.

The walls turned into tall columns, and in the middle of the room, there was a fancy altar, lit softly. On it, there was an old book, covered in leather so old it was almost like dust.

The middle-aged goblin approached the altar, his hands trembling as he gingerly lifted the tome. His voice quivered as he said, "This, Master, is the Tome of Luminastra. It is said to hold the secrets of our ancestors."

My eyes widened with realization. The importance of our discovery was profound, and I took the tome from him, delicately brushing away the centuries-old dust that clung to its pages.

"Fuck! I can't even understand a single word written inside. " (Alex)

The tome's pages were filled with intricate illustrations and text in a script I couldn't interpret. It was a language of a time long forgotten.

As I held the ancient Tome of Luminastra, a daring idea popped into my head. I turned to the Versatile System and asked, "System, can I sell this book to your store in exchange for an artifact?"

The virtual screen flickered to life, and the system's response appeared: "Yes, host, it's possible, but you will not get any artifact or portion in exchange for this tome."

My hopes momentarily sank at the thought of not receiving a valuable artifact in return. However, the system continued, "You will get Exp points in exchange for the tome you give."

With mixed feelings, I made the decision and offer the Tome of Luminastra to the system. It promptly replied, "Host, you will get 7000 Exp points for this tome as it's a rare item."

I was taken aback by the unexpectedly high reward, and my eyes figuratively popped out in surprise. The importance of this decision was thrilling.

"System, immediately sell this tome." (Alex)

"Selling the book:- Successfully! " (System)

"7000 Exp points obtained! " (System)



Hope you liked the chapters.

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Hey guys, 4 more chapters to go for (R-18) chapter so, keep supporting me with power stones, golden tickets, comments and reviews.

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